MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 59 brother

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For the Ten Thousand Immortals League, since Wu Yimei was not responsible for that incident, now it is time to find out who is behind the scenes.

And who exactly tipped off Wu Yimei? There was a traitor between them, this is also a very important thing!

The Ten Thousand Immortals League is still busy.

But Xie Huai didn't intend to stay any longer, and took Fang Li and Qi Ding to leave.

Fang Li is also a little confused these days.

During this period of time, when I get along with Xie Huai day and night, it is inevitable that there will be times when I get close. Logically speaking, I should not like it, or even hate it, but thinking back for so long, I have never hated Xie Huai's approaching, but my reason keeps telling myself that he I don't like men, he and Xie Huai have no results, so I have a resistance...

What kind of feelings does he have for Xie Huai?

Like it?

There is liking for friends, there is liking for outstanding people, and there is also liking for brothers, but... the liking for lovers, he has never thought about it, and he does not want to develop into this.

Well, it's such a complicated thing.

I can't think clearly for a while, so let's think about it slowly.

Fang Li originally thought that Xie Huai was going to take him back to Fuqiu Mountain, but Xie Huai turned around and took him to Wangshan City, Helan Prefecture.

Coming here again, Fang Li looked around curiously, feeling emotional.

I think I made a big fuss here at the beginning...

Although Fang Li never responded to him during this period, Xie Huai still explained to him considerately that after the Danshan Sect was destroyed, the remaining disciples of the Danshan Sect scattered and fled in all directions until the Ten Thousand Immortals League attacked Fuqiu Mountain, and the demon head died. Those remaining disciples dared to come back and rebuilt the Danshan Gate in Wangshan City.

But because Chong Wanshan and all his subordinates are dead, the current Danshan Sect does not even have a monk in the distraction period, and has already been kicked out of the ranks of the five great immortal sects and completely declined.

Now it is just an ordinary fairy gate in the spirit fairy world.

Fang Li thought to himself, this is pretty much what he imagined.

However, Wangshan City has not changed much, it is still very prosperous, but there is no such strict law, and there is no ubiquitous law enforcement disciples. But there were no storms, but the people on the street seemed much more relaxed.

Xie Huai took Fang Li to live here for a few days, tasted some delicacies from Wangshan City, and finally brought Fang Li to the small town outside Luoshenchuan.

Only then did Fang Li feel a little moved, revealing a complex expression.

Xie Huai has done so much, is it just to bring him back to take a look?

This is the home that he misses so much, and this is the place he will return to until he dies.

At the beginning, I just wanted to follow the plot, and I also wanted to fulfill my tired wish, so I came here before I left, but I didn't explain a word to Xie Huai, but Xie Huai is so smart and sensitive, maybe he has noticed something? Otherwise, why take yourself this trip?

Although he didn't say anything, he was caring and gentle.

But he had to hide a lot from him, Fang Li felt even more guilty.

Xie Huai took Fang Li's hand and came to the bamboo building where they lived before. The guy at the door was still there. He recognized Xie Huai when he saw him. Good-looking people, it is really unforgettable!

The man said happily, "My lord, are you here again?"

He looked behind Xie Huai curiously, but he didn't see the young master who was with Xie Huai last time, but brought another person he hadn't seen before.

The man laughed and said, "Where's the young master who was with you last time?"

Xie Huai gave Fang Li a meaningful look, and said to the clerk, "He has something to do, so he can't come for the time being."

The man didn't ask any further questions, and said with a smile, "Should I prepare two rooms for the young master?"

Xie Huai said lightly: "One room is enough."

The buddy finally showed some surprise, and gave the two of them a weird look.

Fang Li: "..."

Xie Huai gave a piece of silver and smiled: "I will also eat here at night."

The man took the silver and left in a trance.

Fang Li's hand is still being held by Xie Huai, although he lived with Xie Huai before, but the meaning here is different... and how considerate I was last time, I omitted the original plot and didn't want to sleep with you, it's better for you , and insisted on bringing me back to fill in the plot?

Fang Li was in a complicated mood.

The dinner was prepared by the clerk, A Niang. It was a good and authentic farm food, but Fang Li ate it absent-mindedly.

Xie Huai lowered his eyes and ate his meal slowly. Seeing that Fang Li was distracted and the food was on his lips, he wiped it off for him naturally, and said lightly, "What are you thinking?"

Fang Li glanced at Xie Huai uncomfortably, but said nothing.

After dinner, he was taken upstairs by Xie Huai in a daze.

He lives in the same room he lived in last time.

That time he lived alone.

Fang Li thought this was not enough, and was about to run away, but Xie Huai grabbed him, wrapped him in his arms, and smiled softly in his ear: "What are you afraid of, what would I do to a fool? No?"

Fang Li: "..."

He was taken to bed by Xie Huai.

Xie Huai didn't say anything that night, just hugged him in his arms.

Xie Huai looked at the young man in his arms, the young man seemed very disturbed, he was sleeping with his eyes closed, but the trembling eyelashes revealed that he was not asleep...

Xie Huai sighed lightly.

This is the place you wanted to come back to no matter what, so I will bring you back.

Maybe your home is gone, your relatives are gone, but at least I'm here, I won't leave you alone...

Xie Huai closed her eyes.

Greedily sniffing the breath of the person in his arms.

Whether this person loves himself or not, at least he is by his side.

Xie Huai repeatedly told himself to be patient, and he could always wait until this person opened his heart, but he couldn't help but think of the green bamboo sword.

That sword was carefully treasured by Fang Li, and finally used it to kill Chong Wanshan with his own hands. What kind of person is the owner of that sword?

Is it your parents, siblings, or your fellow disciples?

But no matter who it is, it must be someone very, very important to you.

So important that you keep that sword until you die.

It is so important that you are willing to fall into the devil's way for him, and you will never recover. If that person is still there, you will definitely not escape, and you will definitely be eager to come back to see each other...

Xie Huai knew that he shouldn't be jealous, he couldn't compare with a dead person, and that person might even be Fang Li's relative.

But he couldn't help but hope that when Fang Li would take him to heart like this.

Xie Huai put his arms around the waist of the young man in his arms, and slightly closed his eyes. At the beginning, this person must have robbed him, kept him by his side, and done many misleading things. Even when he came back here, he had to take him with him .

He still remembered that it was raining lightly that day, the young man leaned against the railing to listen to the rain, and suddenly said thank you to him.

Thank you for accompanying him on this trip.

That was the gentle Fang Li he had never seen before. At that time, he wanted to ask why he thanked him, why he brought him here, why it was him... Unfortunately, he couldn't ask at that time.

But no matter what, if you want me to be with you, I will always be with you.

Fang Li was hugged tightly by Xie Huai.

The whole body is full of Xie Huai's breath.

But the heart is struggling.

Xie Huai is really a very gentle and nice person. Although he has lied to him so much, he still wants to bring him back here. If he is really tired, maybe he will be really moved. It's something that you can't desire... It's a pity that he is just an outsider.

It's a disappointment to Xie Huai's intentions.

Does he want to explain all this to Xie Huai?

But now the plot of the original book is over, and the system is gone. As a book wearer, he doesn't even have the only predictive ability, so how can he prove his words?

He must be considered a lunatic.

And with Xie Huai's pride, can he accept this fact, accept that everything is false, accept that he is just a character whose destiny has already been predetermined, in the book?

Forget it, let's talk about it later.

Maybe he and Xie Huai won't reach that day, maybe they will separate soon, and then become ordinary friends, or forget each other in the world, there is no need to talk about these things.


When Fang Li woke up the next day, Xie Huai was no longer by his side.

He came downstairs, Xie Huai was waiting for him below, breakfast was ready.

The two were eating in silence, and the voice of the buddy was heard next to them.

"Mother, the last time Uncle went hunting in the mountains, he said that there seems to be people living on the mountains, is that true?" asked the man.

"On the mountain... is it the ruins of the former Fufeng sect? There should be no one there long ago." The waiter A Niang asked doubtfully.

The buddy scratched his head: "I also find it very strange. There has been no one on this mountain for more than ten years. Could it be that Uncle is wrong?"


Fang Li was thoughtful, but he didn't think too much. It's not surprising that there are people living in such a big mountain after so many years.

Perhaps the hunters on the mountain are also possible.

Xie Huai frowned. After Li died nine years ago, he had been here several times, and he had also gone up the mountain to see it. There was no sign of anyone living here... Why, suddenly there are people here?

Is it a coincidence?

He swept his eyes away, landed on Fang Li's face, and said lightly: "Eat it, we'll find out later when we go up and have a look."

Fang Li was indeed a little curious, and it was Xie Huai's kindness, so he didn't refuse.

Now that you're here, let's take a look before leaving.

It's just a look for Yan Sui.

He and Xie Huai went to the mountains.

He remembered that there used to be a small path up the mountain, but no one had taken care of it for many years. The path had long been covered with weeds and could not be seen at all, so it was not easy to walk this way.

About halfway up the mountain, I finally saw a stone step, which was also covered with weeds.

Go up a hundred meters, and you will arrive at the site of Fufengpai.

As far as the eye can see is a bamboo forest, and there are some buildings between the bamboo forests, but they were burned and destroyed in the past, and now only ruins remain.

Fang Li looked a little emotional and sighed lightly.

Maybe the guy's uncle misread it, how could there be people here?

He has read and read, and has done everything that should be done. Since there is no one here, Fang Li didn't intend to delay too much, but when he turned around and was about to leave, his eyes froze suddenly.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, there seemed to be a black figure passing by.

There are really people.

Fang Li took a deep look, then smiled in relief, turned his head and walked back.

This is too obvious to seduce, so he won't chase after her. What does the miserable past have to do with him? Forget it, he doesn't have that much curiosity.

Fang Li walked down the stone steps.

But before, there were only more than a hundred meters of stone steps. After walking for a long time, he did not reach the end. Then he saw that there was nothing on the stone steps when he came. At this moment, a black iron sword was inserted obliquely. Fang Li looked I was in a trance for a moment.

This is... the sword of disgust.

No, it was the sword of the young man named Ah Yan who had not yet fallen into hell, and was broken in the sea of ​​corpses and blood on that night of fire...

The scene in front of him made him unable to distinguish between reality and illusion for a moment.

However, it is impossible for this sword to appear here intact.

Fang Li turned his head to look at Xie Huai, but Xie Huai did not know when he was gone, the forest was silent, he was the only one standing here.

not good.

He is hallucinating.

Fang Li's expression finally turned serious.

The technique of this illusion is really clever, neither I nor Xie Huai can see, when exactly did I enter? Is it in the bamboo forest? Is it still time to go up the mountain? Or earlier?

However, since the other party set up an illusion, but did not attack him directly, what is the purpose...

Fang Li frowned slightly.

He looked around vigilantly, waiting for the opponent to make a move.

But wait and wait, but nothing.

Fang Li avoided the sword in front of him, turned his head and walked back.

He walked and walked, walked to the depths of the mountain forest, and suddenly saw the black iron sword, which was inserted quietly in front of him.

Fang Li turned around and left.

I don't know how long he walked here, but no matter which direction he walked, in the end there was the sword in front of him, the black iron sword seemed to be calling him, let him pick him up...

This is your sword.

It was you who left it here...

Fang Li felt a dull pain on his forehead, and suddenly he couldn't remember why he kept leaving.

The subconscious is telling him to leave, not to touch the sword.

But it seems that there is another voice telling him that it is your thing.

Fang Li bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and turned around again.

But I don't know how many times...

When he saw the sword in front of him again, he was in a daze for a moment. Isn't that his own sword?

When did he lose his sword?

By the way, who is he?

Why is he here?

Fang Li pressed his temples, trying hard to think about what he forgot, but he couldn't remember anything...

He walked over to pick up the black iron sword, the long sword in his hand, conveyed the kind feeling, this is his natal spirit sword, how could he throw it on the ground at will? I must have lost my head.

Fang Li put the long sword on his back, turned and walked down the mountain.

As he walked, he saw a figure in white.

The man in white was standing in the mountains and forests. He was carrying a bamboo basket filled with freshly picked herbs. He raised his head and showed an elegant face. Fang Li smiled: "Ah Yan is running around again."

The moment he saw the man in white, he felt admiration and nostalgia in his heart. This is his senior brother, the person he likes the most and is closest to him. Today the senior brother came out to pick herbs. He relied on his senior brother because he was bored. I took him out together, but as soon as I went up the mountain, I chased rabbits everywhere, and I don't know how long the senior brother waited for me.

He happily called "senior brother" and ran over happily.

The senior brother rubbed his head, lowered his eyes and smiled slightly: "Go home."


Xie Huai also saw the flashing black shadow. He was about to persuade Fang Li not to be impulsive, but when he saw Fang Li turn around and walk back, he breathed a sigh of relief. Something is wrong here. It is best for Fang Li to calm down.

He took Fang Li's hand and walked back, but after walking a few steps, Fang Li didn't leave anyway.

The young man stood there in a daze, his eyes were empty and his expression was confused.

Xie Huai's expression changed.

not good.

Fang Li didn't know when he fell into the illusion, but he was clearly with him all the time, but he was fine, so why was Fang Li the only one caught in the trick.

Xie Huai frowned and recalled this journey. This is Fang Li's home, with his past and his memories. Everything here has a different meaning to him, but he is just an outsider, and he doesn't have any feelings for all of this...Maybe Because of this, Fang Li was the only one who fell into the illusion.

Even Xie Huai had never seen such a brilliant technique, after all, neither he nor Fang Li noticed anything unusual when they came.

There are records of similar spells in ancient books, but they have long been lost.

No sound and no breath, hard to guard against.

Xie Huai's eyes were serious. Who and why did he know how to create illusions? What's the purpose of controlling Fang Li?

The other party must have a plan for causing Fang Li to fall into memory, maybe they want to get information, Fang Li should not be in danger for the time being... If he is forcibly awakened, it may damage his soul, and now he can only wake him up in the illusion.

But if Fang Li was left alone like this, Xie Huai was really worried, he didn't know what was in the illusion, and he was afraid that Fang Li would be confused by the illusion.

If Fang Li couldn't wake up all the time, he might just fall into the illusion and couldn't get out.

Xie Huai looked around sharply. It was still quiet and uninhabited, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance. He immediately set up a barrier around his body. Once someone approached, he could wake up in time. Then he pointed at Fang Li's eyebrows, Separate a ray of spirit and force it into Fang Li's dream, to wake him up from the illusion!

Xie Huai's spirit penetrated layers of clouds and mist, and suddenly fell into a mountain forest.

At a glance, he saw the young man carrying a sword in the forest.

It was Fang Li who had fallen into an illusion.

But this illusion was created by Fang Li's memories, and there is no self in it. If he can't find the carrier in time, he will be rejected soon... Xie Huai's eyes fell on the young man's sword, and he attached his soul to it without hesitation. On the black iron sword, this sword is the boy's natal spirit sword, so I can find a chance to wake him up...

But Xie Huai had just entered the sword, and his soul was not yet stable, when he saw the young man happily running towards a man in white, he called out admiringly and happily: "Senior brother."

Read The Duke's Passion