MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 48 Kaisan

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Fang Li's smile froze on his face. He had been acting like a fool for so long just to relax Xie Huai's vigilance. Why did Xie Huai find him so quickly?

Could it be that he has been waiting for him to run?

No time to think about it.

Let's deal with it first.

Fang Li blinked suddenly, his eyes turned red, he choked up and said: "Mom, I saw my mother, I want my mother..."

Do you have the heart to blame a fool who wants a mother?

He was just looking for his family!

Xie Huai had a sneer in the depths of his eyes, but there seemed to be a cold wave in his heart. Even if his meridians were broken that day, he was still helpless, and he never forgot for a moment...

That person is also like this, he usually looks gentle and harmless, even if he does such a hateful thing as a love gu, he can still act innocent, as if he will never hurt you, and will not do anything to make you sad things, but in fact, all this is just a means to relax your vigilance...

The real purpose is to give you a fatal blow.

so ruthless.

so hateful.

Even this is still the same.

She pretended to be good for so long, but for this moment.

To leave me.

But I will never be fooled by you again.

Xie Huai curled his fingers under his sleeves slightly, restraining the turbulent emotions in his chest, looked at the person in front of him with a half-smile, and spoke slowly, with a hoarse voice: "Your mother is waiting for you at home, I will take you back right away .”

Fang Li: "..."

You are lying to a fool!

Oh, but he's an idiot now...

Cocoon yourself!


Tao Lu sat alone in the carriage, which was filled with various snacks. He rested his chin and looked outside boredly. When will senior brother and Fang Li return? Is he bored by himself...

Tao Lu sighed quietly.

Just when he was about to fall asleep from boredom, senior brother finally came back with Fang Li.

Fang Li looked aggrieved and drooped his head with a depressed expression, while his brother still had that indifferent face, as if nothing had happened.

But there seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere...

Tao Lu's heart skipped a beat, did his brother bully Fang Li?

He's just a fool, what's wrong with letting him know? How can you bully a fool? He immediately looked at Xie Huai angrily, even if you are my respected brother, you can't do bullying!

Is it right to bully fools?

Tao Lu opened his mouth to speak, when Xie Huai suddenly raised his eyes and gave him a faint look.

Tao Lu only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and his whole body became stiff. After a while, he turned his head away embarrassingly, maybe he thought too much, how could the senior brother be a bully?

He is not afraid of senior brother, but he firmly believes in senior brother's character, and senior brother is definitely not that kind of person.

There must be something else hidden!

Xie Huai looked away as if nothing had happened, then sat in the car and closed his eyes to rest, and stopped talking.

Fang Li lay down weakly, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Since you can't slip away for a while, let's go with the situation.


Ten days later, the carriage stopped at the foot of Fuqiu Mountain.

Xie Huai got out of the car.

Fang Li also came down lazily.

Although both of them looked quite normal, Tao Lu somehow felt that the atmosphere was not right, and he didn't dare to speak these days, but when it came to parting, Tao Lu stopped talking for a long time, and said cautiously: "Senior brother, you Are you really not going back to the mountain with me? Master, junior and brother miss you very much..."

Nine years passed in the blink of an eye.

He really couldn't bear the heart of his senior brother to stay in Fuqiu Mountain alone, if there were all painful memories here, wouldn't staying here be a torture to him? Only by returning to Yunjian Que can I heal my heartache, but the actions of the senior brother... Sometimes even Tao Lu feels that the senior brother does not want to forget the pain at all, he is here to torture himself...

But why?

Why torture yourself for an unworthy demon, you should come out, we are all waiting for you...

Xie Huai's expression didn't change, he just said: "You should go back."

Tao Lu had already gotten used to his senior brother's indifference, but after seeing his senior brother's changes during this time, he felt hopeful again, and wanted to try harder, maybe he could help his senior brother get out?

He rolled his eyes, looked at Fang Li and said, "Who will take care of him after I leave? How about I stay too, there are so many things I can do!"

Xie Huai said lightly: "This is not something you should worry about."

Tao Lu: "..." Brother is still so indifferent TT

Fang Li looked at the child with some sympathy, he was really dedicated to Xie Huai, why did Xie Huai have to do this? In fact, he should go back to Yun Jian Que, where there are people who care about him.

Fang Li couldn't figure it out, but seeing that he was about to part with Tao Lu, he felt a little bit reluctant. This silly boy is really cute...

But Xie Huai didn't intend to bid farewell to Tao Lu Yiyi at the foot of the mountain, he grabbed Fang Li's hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Go home."

Fang Li trembled slightly, lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Xie Huai didn't have a sword, and he didn't use a flying magic weapon. He just took Fang Li's hand and walked up the stone steps on the steep mountain wall step by step.

The sea breeze blows over the mountain from time to time, bringing a hint of saltiness in the coolness.

Fang Li remembered that when he came here for the first time, all the demon cultivators were waiting for him at the foot of the mountain. There were many people building fortifications on the mountain, and people saluted him respectfully along the way.

The monstrous power, fierce and mighty.

Nine years have passed now.

Fuqiu Mountain is still the same Fuqiu Mountain, but there are no people. The once clean and spotless stone steps are covered with moss, and green buds emerge from the cracks in the rock walls, stubbornly growing in the strong wind. Desolate, but because the blue color spreads on the Black Rock Mountain, there is no longer an endless dark color in front of you... It is unexpected, and there is a little more vitality than the coldness before.

This mountain is really high.

It's a bit embarrassing for a mortal body.

Fang Li was a little tired after walking, so he simply let Xie Huai hold him, and all the strength fell into Xie Huai's hands.

The temperature of the man's palm is hot, calm and powerful.

At last they came to the top of the mountain.

The Demon Palace on the top of the mountain stands majestically, and the outer wall is slightly damaged, probably from the day when the Ten Thousand Immortals League attacked, but the whole is still intact, with the majesty of the past vaguely...

As Fang Li walked in, gradually, he revealed a complicated expression.

Here, nothing seems to have changed...

Except that there is no one, it is extremely deserted, everything is the same as before, except that the vines are climbing along the corner of the wall, and no one has pruned and taken care of them for so many years, but it is a bit arrogant.

Finally, Xie Huai's footsteps stopped in front of Fang Li's bedroom, he turned his head, Fang Li said: "You live here."

With great difficulty, Fang Li didn't let his expression collapse, and continued to maintain a ignorant appearance.

This is the dormitory of the Demon Lord!

There are so many rooms in the magic palace, where can't I live here, is it suitable for me to live here?

This is definitely a test, right?

As long as a normal person stands here and hears such a request, he will refuse in disbelief... But he is a fool now, even if the thing is so ridiculous, he still pretends not to know.

This is a bit of a test of acting skills.

Fang Li bit the bullet and said in a low voice: "This is not my home, I want my mother..."

Xie Huai took a deep look at him and said, "This will be your home from now on, stay at home obediently, and your mother will come to see you."

Fang Li still refused to step forward...

Xie Huai said lightly: "If you are not obedient, tell your father."

Fang Li: "..." Do you know that you are threatening a fool whose IQ is only three years old? Um? Yuyi Jun, the number one person in the world.

Xie Huai lowered his eyes slightly.

Looking at the young man's reddened and aggrieved eyes, the corners of his lips slightly raised a playful arc.

Well done.

He took Fang Li's hand and led him into the house.

Fang Li walked into the room, his body froze.

Today's fright, one after another, he can hardly sustain.

If he hadn't been convinced that he had died, that nine years had passed, he would have thought that he had never left this place...

There are still traces of time outside the temple.

But here, everything seems to have stopped nine years ago.

The furnishings in the room are exactly the same as nine years ago, the heavy black wooden bed is covered with dark brocade, on the table is my usual water cloud crystal tea set, and there are fist-sized luminous pearls at the four corners, making the night here as bright as day. And everything in the house is spotless, as if someone always takes care of it...

Why is this so?

Everyone knows that for the past nine years, Xie Huai has been the only one stationed at Fuqiu Mountain, so it is impossible for others to do all this.

Why did Xie Huai keep this room, why did he keep the original appearance.

Fang Li was confused for a moment, he couldn't figure it out.

They are clearly unending enemies, even if Xie Huai is merciful, because he released the water, he is unwilling to kill himself, the mortal, in the end, it is just pity.

Xie Huai looked sideways at the person beside him.

The darkness in his eyes surged, he pursed his lips, and finally said: "I live in a side hall, if you have anything, you can come to me."

After saying that, he left here, leaving Fang Li alone.

Fang Li's eyes were complicated.

No, Xie Huai couldn't possibly like him.

It would be the most ridiculous to say that Xie Huai left all of this just to miss himself.

If it wasn't because Xie Huai liked her, then why?

Fang Li's mind suddenly appeared, along the way, people talked about Xie Huai's words...

People said that Lord Yuyi was stationed alone in Fuqiu Mountain to suppress the resentful soul of the devil, so that the devil could live forever and never be reborn, and could no longer harm the world.

People say that Lord Yuyi lived alone in the Demon Palace, and she lived alone in order to remind herself not to forget the disasters that the Demon Lord brought to the Immortal Realm.

People say that Lord Yuyi hated the devil to death, and that his life was flawless, but the humiliation brought to him by the devil cannot be washed away by death...

Fang Li closed his eyes and reviewed what he did after he came to this world.

The day he passed through happened to besiege Yunjian Que for seventy-nine days, and there was blood everywhere outside Yunjian Que. Although he didn't do it, Xie Huai didn't know it.

Then he took Xie Huai's natal spirit sword in public, sealed his cultivation and brought him back to Fuqiu Mountain, and imprisoned him by his side, causing him to be slandered and slandered by the world.

I put a love gu on Xie Huai, but left him for seven days and seven nights, ignoring him.

Later, I insisted on destroying the Danshan Gate, and insisted on provoking a war between immortals and demons. Although it was not the intention, at least it seemed so on the surface...

When she finally left, she even manipulated him with love gu, forcing him to do things against his will, causing his meridians to be severed and life-or-death.

After a long time, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Fang Li's lips.

Maybe it's been a long time, maybe it's because the relationship during that time was actually not that bad... so much so that he almost forgot that he had done so many excessive things.

If there is only one person he owes, it is Xie Huai.

Even if it's just to do the mission, even if he has minimized the damage...but some things are done.

During this period of time, listening to people's comments everywhere, Fang Li once dismissed it, thinking that the world doesn't understand Xie Huai as well as he does, Xie Huai is not like this.

But now that I think about it, I am ridiculous.

He gave a life and thought it was over.

But victims may not feel so.

If he could really let go and see things openly, how could he be like this now.

This is the so-called obsession with the authorities, is it clear to the bystanders? I am not as clear as the world can see.

It is only right for Xie Huai to hate himself.

That's all.

No matter what Xie Huai thinks, whether he still can't let go of the past, until now, he can only take one step at a time. If he really can't hide it someday, he will just stretch his head and shrink his head, let Xie Huai draw In other words, just pay him back yourself.


Fang Li slept on the familiar big bed. He thought he would not be able to fall asleep, but he slept until dawn.

He lay on the bed for a while with his eyes open.

Suddenly he smiled in relief.

What do you think about so much?

Fang Li slowly opened the door and walked out. Food had been prepared outside, but there was no one there.

Did Xie Huai get these dishes?

Many of them are dishes that I used to like to eat.

If it was before last night, Fang Li might still be a little uneasy, but now he thinks about it, isn't it just a test, he can also pretend to be stupid, let's talk about it if he can't pretend, and talk openly and honestly when the time comes, it's just revenge and revenge. Resentment.

As long as Xie Huai didn't like him, everything would be fine.

Fang Li ate his meal contentedly.

Xie Huai came over again in the afternoon, and he asked Fang Li, "Do you still have the habit of living here?"

Fang Li pretended not to understand, and said eagerly: "Mother..."

Xie Huai said slowly: "I am not your mother."

Fang Li: ...?

I'm not calling you, I'm asking for my mother, do you understand?

Xie Huai gently raised his hand, his fingertips landed on Fang Li's shoulder, smoothed his clothes, and said lightly, "It's fine if you live well."

Fang Li: Huh? Where did you come to this conclusion?

Xie Huai just came and took a look before leaving.

Fang Li lived a leisurely life here.

Eat, sleep and eat every day.

Xie Huai is like a snail girl, although no one else shows up, but every day when she wakes up by herself, she can see the prepared meals.

Because he didn't have to face Xie Huai, he was quite at ease.

Eating well and sleeping well every day, as well as the Huntian stone to nourish the body and mind, after a few days, Fang Li felt that he seemed to be a little fatter...

That day he had dinner and went to bed early.

The luminous pearl in the house is covered with a layer of gauze, exuding a soft light. Because there is a temperature-controlling magic circle in the bedroom, the temperature here is like spring all year round, which is much more comfortable than Fang's house, and there are not so many trivial matters, let alone so many things. His subordinates came to bother him, if he hadn't needed to worry about Xie Huai, Fang Li would actually be happy to live here...

Maybe I ate too much tonight.

Fang Li didn't fall asleep for a long time.

Outside is the rustling of the wind.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, and sat up vigilantly. He hadn't seen Xie Huai these days, but Xie Huai couldn't just let it go. Could it be that Xie Huai was observing secretly?

Suddenly, a black shadow descended from the door.

Fang Li frowned, got up and went to the door, opened the door, and then was slightly startled.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a man in black clothes and red eyes. It was Wu Yimei whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Fang Li had surprise in his eyes. , the unexpected reunion is quite happy...

But before Fang Li could think of words, he saw Wu Yimei's expression was cold, his red eyes were like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, and he said in a cold voice, "Who are you, you deserve to live in your lord's palace."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the poison ivy whip came towards him!

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