MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 47 Run away

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Fang Li finished his meal in silence.

In fact, he has a slight obsession with cleanliness, but since he played a fool, his obsessive-compulsive disorder has been cured... Fang Li sighed sadly from the bottom of his heart, and habitually wiped his oily hands on his body. Burning hands grabbed his wrist.

Fang Li raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Xie Huai timidly.

After all, the idiot is his current character design, Xie Huai is such a big ice cube, it is normal for the idiot to be afraid of him.

Xie Huai just lowered his eyes, held Fang Li's wrist with his slender jade hand, took out a silk handkerchief, and wiped Fang Li's fingers clean one by one.

His movements are slow and focused, unresistable but gentle, the scorching temperature permeates through the skin...

Fang Li anxiously wanted to draw back, but he couldn't move, so he could only let Xie Huai wipe it, his fingertips trembled slightly...

After a while, Xie Huai finally let go of his hand, his eyes were still light, he got up and said, "Let's go."

Fang Li quickly withdrew his hand as if he had received an amnesty.

Tao Lu watched this scene but was very touched, the senior brother would wipe someone's hands so gently, woo woo woo, the senior brother finally started to know how to take care of others!

Although it's just a small detail, it's finally no longer that cold and impersonal look!

At that moment, Tao Lu felt that his former senior brother had returned.

Although I don't know why senior brother cares about this fool so much, but it's a good thing anyway! Tao Lu looked at Fang Li so gratefully, he didn't even feel the hard work of taking care of Fang Li during this time!

Fang Li returned to the carriage with his head down, avoiding Xie Huai's sight, and sat there obediently.

He felt that there was something wrong with Xie Huai...

But I can't tell where the problem is.

Could it be because Xie Huai wiped his hands?

His fingertips seemed to still have the temperature of the other party, scorching hot, scorching hot, not to be lava that was about to erupt under the iceberg.

Fang Li clenched his fingers tightly.

You are an idiot now. If someone shows mercy and wipes your hands for you, it is just caring for the disadvantaged. Why are you nervous!


time flies.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the distance has been gone, and it will not be long before we can reach Fuqiu Mountain. If we wait until Fuqiu Mountain, it will be difficult to run again...

Although he was pretending to be crazy these days, he didn't try to escape once, and he acted resigned to his fate, just to prevent Xie Huai from being too wary of himself.

Another two days passed.

When they came to Yangsuzhou, they remembered that not far away was Xining County. Back then, they passed by with Xie Huai, and they solved the Xingyue Palace matter...

At this moment, the city of Zhou is decorated with lights and festoons, and it is very lively. The streets are crowded with people, noisy and noisy, as if there is some festival.

Fang Li lay on the side of the car window and looked out, thoughtful, and soon remembered.

On the second day of March, the day when the saint fell four thousand years ago.

Although Xie Huai is the number one person in the fairy world today, unrivaled, people have speculated that he may have become a true immortal of Hedao, but in fact, Xie Huai's cultivation base has always been a mystery, and Xie Huai rarely takes action regardless of world affairs, so No one knows his current true cultivation.

But at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the saint was well known in the world of spirits and immortals. He was the only true immortal of the Tao for thousands of years. In the era where the saint lived, the way of magic was declining and the way of immortality was prosperous. The saint was loved and believed by the common people.

Now four thousand years have passed.

Many books compiled by His Holiness are still in circulation.

For example, the Spiritual Beast Volume that records the Cloud Swallowing Beast is one of the ten volumes of the Holy Lord. Others include the Spiritual Grass Scroll, the Medicine Stone Scroll, the Strange Object Scroll, etc...

But even such a peerless powerhouse still fell in the end. There are many versions in the fairy world, the most widely circulated one is that the Holy One wanted to go further and explore the realm of the void, but in the end he failed and fell.

On the day when the saint fell, the heavens wept bitterly, and the natural disasters and fires swept across thirty thousand miles, making life in the fairy world miserable, and it took hundreds of years to recover.

To commemorate what the Holy One has done for the common people, the world pays homage to the Holy One on the second day of March every year.

Today is exactly the second day of March.

So the state city is very lively.

Good fun, Fang Li's eyes moved slightly.

Only when there are many people is it suitable for slipping away.

He stayed honestly for so long just for this moment.

But now it's not time for dinner, and if you want to get out of the car, you need a suitable reason... Fang Li's eyes fell on Tao Lu.

This child is cute and kind, with a simple mind, not as rich as Xie Huai, and much easier to deal with than Xie Huai.

Fang Li and Tao Lu were already familiar, he tugged on Tao Lu's sleeve, pointed to the outside, and said, "Candy, candied haws, candied haws..."

Tao Lu immediately understood what Fang Li meant, that he wanted to eat candied haws.

Because of Fang Li, the senior brothers have gained some popularity, Tao Lu loves Fang Li more and more, wishing to satisfy all his demands, so he said with a smile: "You wait, I will buy it for you."

As he said, he was about to get out of the car.

Fang Li, on the other hand, tugged on Tao Lu's sleeve, refusing to let go, as if he was about to be with him, and refused to separate...

Tao Lu was a little helpless, and took a careful look at Xie Huai, Xie Huai is still in charge here.

Xie Huai's dark eyes glanced at Fang Li.

Are you getting close to Tao Lu because you can see that he is easier to coax?

He gently pulled the corner of his lower lip, and said lightly: "Go."

Fang Li was overjoyed.

As a result, as soon as he got out of the car with Tao Lu, he saw Xie Huai also get off.

The cold man in white clothes Shengxue, with an expression as indifferent as ice, stood quietly beside him.

Fang Li: ...

Forget it, follow if you want, there are so many people here today, sooner or later they will find a chance to slip away.

Tao Lu helped Fang Li buy candied haws.

But Fang Li didn't go back with the candied haws. He insisted on continuing to wander below. Sandwiches and other snacks...

Fang Li was still in high spirits, and had no intention of going back at all.

Xie Huai squinted at Tao Lu, seeing how he was in a hurry, and said calmly: "You go back first."

Tao Lu actually wanted to go back. Although he was kind-hearted, he was still a monk after all. He was not particularly good at taking care of people, but Xie Huai was even worse!

Although the senior brother seems to have changed a little bit, Fang Li has not started to be so indifferent and alienated, and occasionally takes care of Xia Li personally, but the old mother Tao Lu is really worried about leaving Fang Li alone to the senior brother...

He was about to say it's okay, I'm fine, but when he suddenly met Xie Huai's indifferent eyes, he shuddered.

Forget it, forget it, he'd better go back.

Brother, it's not like even a fool can't look down on it!

Fang Li still had a ignorant look on his face, but he couldn't help but feel a little beating in his heart, not knowing what Xie Huai meant.

Forget it, there is no Tao Lu around to help, it depends on how long he can deal with himself.

Xie Huai took two steps behind Fang Li and stared at the young man in front of him.

The young man looked ignorant and confused, as if he was curious about everything. Sometimes he looked at jugglers, sometimes he ate a mouthful of candied haws, and sometimes he smiled comfortably. He walked among the crowd and the world of mortals, as if this was his most comfortable place. when…

He likes the fireworks in the world.

So was that man.

Although that person has an identity that is feared by the world, and everyone says he is ruthless, but every time I get along with him, every time I get to know that person better, I know that he is hidden under his cold appearance. Gentle and gentle inside, his gentleness is like a spring breeze, quietly breathing into people's hearts.

He doesn't like being a Demon Lord, he likes to be like this now.

Be a carefree ordinary person...

In the past nine years, I have held ridiculous fantasies time and time again, imagining whether that person would have such a lazy and carefree appearance if he was no longer a demon king and could have an afterlife.

And can they, like tens of thousands of ordinary people, walk through the noisy streets together, never have to face such a choice, and never have to go to such an irreversible ending...

Now it seems like a dream come true.

But, will God really give me such an opportunity?

Xie Huai didn't dare to think deeply, and closed his eyes.

Fang Li pretended to be careless, and purposely went to crowded places. There seemed to be some excitement ahead, so Fang Li nimbly squeezed in.

When I came to the front, I saw that there was an altar on the high platform, and there were monks doing rituals on the altar to pay homage to the saint.

The monk was chanting scriptures loudly, Fang Li couldn't hear clearly, he didn't dare to look back, but the place is crowded with people, there is no gap, I don't know if Xie Huai has followed...

While thinking about it, there was a burst of noise all around, and everyone seemed very excited.

I saw a white figure passing by lightly, and a spirit beast landed on the altar. The spirit beast had snow-white hair, long antlers, and auspicious cloud-like hooves. When its slender neck turned, The arc is beautiful and smooth, it walks leisurely and leisurely on the altar, looking down with its dark and moist eyes...

People knelt down one after another.

"Auspicious beast, auspicious beast!"

"Auspicious beasts come, this year must be a good omen!"

"Auspicious beast bless you!"

Fang Li stood there alone, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Everyone kneeled, would it be too conspicuous to stand alone, but he was a fool, and no one asked him to kneel, so he knew it was appropriate?

Fang Li thought for a while, forget it, let's just stand.

He smiled and looked at the snow-white spirit beast on the altar. He didn't waste his life saving it. Life is going well now. During the holidays, he knows to show his face, get some delicious food and drink, and a group of people kneel down to worship it…

The Cloud Swallowing Beast was strolling on the altar, watching everyone kneel down, only a young man stood alone, smiling at it...

The cloud-swallowing beast looked at Fang Li with its dark eyes, and after a while, it suddenly rose into the clouds and landed lightly in front of Fang Li. It rubbed Fang Li's hand with its nose affectionately, and circled around him happily. Son.

Fang Li: ...

This guy probably didn't recognize him, just because he was the most independent one in the crowd, it must be like this, right?

The Cloud Swallowing Beast rubbed against Fang Li for a while, and found that Fang Li was only smiling at him, not speaking or moving, showing a very confused look. It opened its mouth and spit out a multicolored stone, arched its head, and pushed the multicolored stone into it. into Fang Li's arms, blinking and looking at him expectantly.

Fang Li had no choice but to accept the multicolored stone. The surface of this stone was full of brilliance, and it was extremely precious at first glance.

As soon as Fang Li pondered for a while, he recognized that the stone was the Huntian Stone. The Cloud Swallowing Beast swallowed the Huntian Stone into its belly, and nourished it day and night, so that the Huntian Stone had the effect of nourishing the spirit and accumulating the body. Spiritual Treasure of Cultivation...

Moreover, it happened to be what he needed right now.

With this cloudy sky stone, one's body can speed up its recovery and restore the damaged meridians as soon as possible.


Fang Li turned his head cautiously, and Xie Huai was still by his side.

Xie Huai's expression remained calm, he didn't even look at the Cloud Swallowing Beast, as if he didn't care about everything.

Fang Li felt inexplicably that the stone in his hand suddenly became hot, and accidentally fell to the ground...

Only then did Xie Huai's eyelashes move slightly, his eyes glanced at Fang Li's face, he bent down and picked up the stone, stuffed it into Fang Li's hands, and said slowly and word by word: "Since it was given to you, you can Accept it well, everything has a spirit, don't disappoint it's heart."

Fang Li: "..." For some reason, I always feel that Xie Huai seems to be making a pun...

This must be his illusion, right?

Fang Li tightly held the stone in his hand, took a deep breath, lifted it up to look at the sun, bent his eyes, and smiled: "It's pretty, pretty."

Then he took it into his arms like a treasure.

I put it away carefully, each of you can let me go!

Xie Huai showed no expression.

Seeing Fang Li collecting the stones, the Cloud Swallowing Beast hummed happily, and circled around Fang Li again, before reluctantly stepping on the auspicious clouds and leaving.

Only then did the people kneeling around stand up and looked at this silly boy enviously.

I didn't expect a fool to have a fool's blessing, because he stood up and didn't kneel, but accidentally got a gift from the cloud-swallowing beast. This is probably fate!

Only Fang Li felt bitter.

The appearance of the Cloud Swallowing Beast is really unfortunate...

However, this does not prove that he is disgusted! It could also be that because he was standing, the Cloud Swallowing Beast chose him by chance.

Everything is just a coincidence!

As long as he doesn't admit it, what can Xie Huai do? The Cloud Swallowing Beast can't speak.

Fang Li carried the Huntian Stone in his arms, he just came out for a stroll, and then took another spirit treasure, but this was really sleepy and gave him a pillow.

Now that I have this Huntian stone by my side, even if I don't have to do anything, I can always adjust my body and nourish my soul, saving myself a lot of time.

just thank you...

Fang Li sighed inwardly.

Thinking back then, Xie Huai was so pure and bright, he was the only friend on Fuqiu Mountain who shared his heart with him, but now Xie Huai's words and deeds are unfathomable, unpredictable, making people nervous just by looking at them...

If Xie Huai found out his identity and knew that he had lied to him like this, he would never let him go easily.

No, I still have to go.

Because the Cloud Swallowing Beast has already left, the sacrifice is gradually coming to an end, and the onlookers are about to disperse...

Fang Li suddenly looked at a man beside him. The man accidentally fell into Fang Li's eyes. There seemed to be a stream of light in the young man's black eyes. He suddenly felt dizzy in his head and bumped into Xie Huai who was beside him .

The man grabbed Xie Huai in a dazed state, shook his head, woke up after a while, and said embarrassingly: "Sorry, sorry, maybe it's too hot..."

It was noon at this time, and the sun was shining brightly. Many people stood there for a day, and it was normal for some of them to get dizzy.

Xie Huai shook off the man calmly, and when he raised his eyes, Fang Li had disappeared.

Fang Li used a small spell to make the man block Xie Huai, and then slipped away with the flow of people.

There are so many people here.

It's densely packed, it's too normal to lose a fool.

Fang Li drifted out with the tide, and after a while, he came out from the crowd, then his eyes moved slightly, and he walked towards the direction of the city.

Xie Huai found out that he was missing, so he must be looking for it. If he went outside the city at this time, wouldn't he be sure to catch one at a time?

He planned to find a place to hide in the city for a few days, and wait for Xie Huai to leave.

There are so many people here, I don't believe that Xie Huai can catch himself.

At that time, when I go home quietly, I will pretend to be Xie Huai and let him go. Presumably his father will not dare to confront Xie Huai...

The corner of Fang Li's lips curled up.

He deftly walked into an alley, but as soon as he turned a corner, he bumped into a person by surprise. He was about to apologize, but when he looked up to meet a pair of dark eyes, the words stuck in his throat.

The man in white looked at him deeply, his dark eyes were dark and unclear, his thin lips parted slightly, and he said slowly, "Where are you going?"