MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 45 test

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Fang Li leisurely walked in the secret path.

When the treasure hall was built, Yan Sui didn't care whether there was such a secret passage, Wu Yimei insisted on building it just in case, now thinking about it, Wu Yimei was thoughtful.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will make a trip for nothing today.

From other people's chats, I learned that Xie Huai did not target Wu Yimei all these years, but only insisted on chasing and killing Du Meng. After leaving Fuqiu Mountain, Wu Yimei formed a school of her own. Meng made some troubles, and his little life was not bad.

Thinking back to the time when he tried his best to prevent Wu Yimei from going down the old path of vicious cannon fodder, Fang Li was very pleased.

Because the things in the outer hall had been looted long ago, Fang Li failed to get the few herbs, but he found dozens of bottles of Yangqi Pill, Yangshen Pill, Exercise Pill, etc. here, although not as good as that A few herbs are so symptomatic, but they can also be used to nourish the body, and there are many high-grade spirit stones, which are the hard currency of the fairy world.

Fang Li found a storage ring and put a part of each of the pill and the spirit stone, as long as it is enough, leave the rest here.

With these elixirs and spirit stones, he can recuperate his body as soon as possible, so that in the world of spirits and immortals, he has the capital to settle down.

After finishing these, Fang Li turned his head and went out through the secret passage.

The outside was still as noisy as a vegetable market. Those people dug three feet, but they couldn't find anything. Many people were distraught and began to curse.

Although the people in Jiuxiaoshan were still calm, their complexions were not very good-looking.

Xie Huai still had that indifferent look of not caring about anything, even the position he was standing in hadn't changed from before he left, so he must have not noticed himself.

Fang Li swept his gaze and saw Lu Hongdao.

Lu Hongdao stood there very Buddhistly, because he was here to pick up the leaks. Even if there were any great benefits, the possibility of their turn was very small... The so-called no expectation means no disappointment. Lu Hongdao, who is very self-aware, is very calm. I think, really is a waste of time.

It was strange and expected.

None of his disciples moved, some stood there in a daze, some sat and yawned.

Seeing that all the disciples around him were doing well, Lu Hongdao thought with relief, everyone went back alive unscathed.

But what about Fang Li's child? Where did you wander off again?

There is no danger now, and Lu Hongdao is not in a hurry. This child is auspicious and has a natural appearance. He was fine when he was so dangerous before, and he will be fine now.

When he was about to find Fang Li, he saw Fang Li back.

The young man looked curious and ignorant, looked left and right, and then smiled brightly at him.

Lu Hongdao immediately took Fang Li's hand and said with a smile, "We will be able to go home soon."

Fang Li didn't seem to understand, he just smiled blankly.

The few disciples of the Golden Sword Sect nearby were a little bored. Seeing Fang Li came back, they immediately got up and played around Fang Li. They squatted on the ground and threw stones, which was a joy. Lu Hongdao rubbed his cheeks Hu, looked at Fang Li with kindness and pity in his eyes, then sighed faintly, wondering how long this child will have...

Thinking of this, Lu Hongdao became depressed again.

When he was feeling melancholy, Lu Hongdao suddenly heard someone calling him. Looking back, it was that baby-faced Jianxiu Yun Jianque, the one who gave Fang Li the crystal cake before, who seemed to be called Tao Lu...

Tao Lu came here at Xie Huai's order, and his senior brother asked him to know about Fang Li's situation. When he first heard the senior brother's request, Tao Lu was very surprised.

Because in the past nine years, the senior brother has been indifferent to anything outside, and has never asked him to do anything, as if everything in this world has nothing to do with him... This is the first time in a long time that the senior brother asked him to do something, Although I don't know why, the senior brother finally took the initiative to speak, which is really rare for my wife! Tao Lu will naturally handle this matter well!

He asked Lu Hongdao, "Why is he like this?"

This is asking Fang Li, Lu Hongdao sighed: "This child had an accident when he was young, and then he became a fool, no matter how many doctors he saw, it didn't work!"

Tao Lu frowned: "What accident happened?"

Lu Hongdao scratched his head: "I heard from his father that it seems that when he went to play in the mountains, he fell into a cave and broke his head."

Tao Lu nodded: "I see."

When Lu Hongdao said this, he paused, glanced at Fang Li carefully, turned his face away and said softly to Tao Lu: "Besides, he has not been in good health since he suffered a serious illness. His father has found a lot of fortune-tellers. Said he won't live to be twenty years old, this kid... will be twenty this year."

Tao Lu was stunned, and looked at Fang Li with pity. No wonder Lu Hong said Fang Li was obedient, so it was so.

Fang Li was speechless.

Is it because I am a fool that I speak so bluntly? I can hear your whisper very clearly... But what the fortune teller said is not bad, this child really won't live to be twenty, so before the age of twenty, he was out of his wits and came here by himself.

In the distance, Xie Huai seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

But the fingers under the sleeves were clenched so hard that they almost crushed the finger bones.

Why, why is everything about this person so similar to that person.

Even life is not long.

all the same.

nine years...

More than three thousand days and nights.

It's not that I didn't try to recall that person's half-remnant soul with little extravagant hope, but even this couldn't be done...

There are no dead souls under Xue Qing's sword.

That person has long been out of his wits, not even leaving his body behind.

I have long been used to hope being broken again and again, and every time I am disappointed, I will fall into a deeper and darker abyss... Gradually, I have to recognize the reality.

But this time...

Could it really be you...


Because there was nothing left here, everyone dispersed after a while, and the way back was much smoother.

Elder Jiuxiaoshan said to Xie Huaigong, "Then we will bid farewell to Mr. Yuyi here."

The leading monks from Biyuan Palace and Xuanxing Building also came to say hello to Xie Huai, and then left with their own people.

As for the other little fairy sects, they didn't dare to approach Xie Huai at all.

Fang Li hid behind the crowd, inconspicuous.

Very good, I have successfully obtained useful things this time. As for Xie Huai, he is in a completely different world from him now, so we don't need to see each other again after we separate.

For him, it was enough to know that Xie Huai was still fine.

The situation in this world of spirits and immortals has nothing to do with him, he just wants to be an idler and a wild crane to dawdle.

Lu Hongdao took Fang Li home.

On the way back, Fang Li naturally didn't have to hide in the basket anymore. He sat comfortably in the carriage and enjoyed Lu Hongdao's meticulous service.

Lu Hong only brought some dry food with him on the road, but thinking that Fang Li was not used to eating them, he was afraid he would wrong the child, so as soon as he left Qifeng Valley, he went straight to the nearby villages to find something to eat. He ordered a roast chicken, and seeing Fang Li eating happily, he stroked his beard in relief.

After Fang Li finished eating, he wiped his hands on his clothes, rubbed his stomach contentedly, and then lazily turned over, as if he was about to go to sleep. When he was moving, he accidentally dropped a bag.

The bag was not tied, and a pile of crystal-clear high-grade spirit stones rolled down a carriage. It seemed that there were at least dozens of them. Lu Hongdao, who was about to go out to throw chicken bones, suddenly stared straight at him, dumbfounded. Sitting there in a daze, looking dazed.

Fang Li seemed to remember something, he grinned, and grabbed a handful of Lingshi: "Sparkling, beautiful, fun."

Lu Hongdao's beard was trembling, and he looked at Fang Li as if he had seen a ghost. Where did you find these high-grade spirit stones? !

Those people from Jiuxiao Mountain turned over the treasure hall, but they didn't find a single spirit stone, so you just took out a bag? Or are they all precious top-grade spirit stones? ! A high-grade spirit stone worth a hundred ordinary spirit stones?

He is just a monk in a small town. He has only seen such a precious high-grade spirit stone once before, and he has never touched it at all...

The bright light almost blinded his eyes.

Fang Li pushed the spirit stone towards Lu Hongdao.

Lu Hongdao tremblingly said: "Give it to me?"

After speaking, he wished to slap himself, what did Fang Li understand!

Fang Li raised the corners of his lips and smiled, "Golden Silk Pear Blossom Cake."

Lu Hong said: "..."

Could it be that the child meant to exchange a rock for a cake?

After Fang Li finished speaking, he didn't bother to care about it, and gave Lu Hongdao some time to digest it by himself. He yawned lazily, lay down on the soft bed and began to sleep.

Lu Hongdao was in a trance.

He looked at the Lingshi all over the floor.

So... the only person who gained something at the end of this trip was himself? And is it such a windfall?

He raised his hand and slapped himself, it hurt so bad, it wasn't a dream...

Lu Hongdao looked at Fang Li with a complicated expression.

This is not a fool, this is a lucky star!


Fang Li eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats.

Ten days later, I finally returned to Hualin Town.

As soon as Lu Hongdao sent him home, Fang Mingyuan's eyes turned red with excitement, Xin Ruiyan hugged him and wept uncontrollably, Fang Qiongyi stood silently by the side, wiping away tears.

None of the three were willing to vent their anger on the other party, after all, it would be nice if the silly son came back, they thought they would never find it again!

Thinking that Fang Li might have been abducted, sold, or killed...

They have been suffering for a month.

After a while, Fang Mingyuan remembered to ask Lu Hong, "How did Brother Lu find Xiao Li?"

Lu Hongdao was a little nervous, he swallowed his saliva, and said: "Xiao Li hid himself in my carriage, me, we found him only when we arrived in Qifeng Valley..."

Fang Mingyuan: "..."

If it weren't for the decades of friendship, they would have ended their friendship today!

Lu Hongdao was also very guilty. He blamed him for not discovering Fang Li earlier. Seeing that Fang Mingyuan was about to erupt, he quickly put oil on his feet and slipped away.

Because of Fang Li's missing incident.

The Fang family's nerves suddenly tensed up. Before letting Fang Li go out for a walk, they always felt that it would be fine if someone followed him. Moreover, everyone in the town knew Fang Li, and never thought that Fang Li could really be lost...

But after returning home this time, as soon as Fang Li went out of the room, the girl would follow him every step of the way. The door of Fang's house was closed every day, so he couldn't even get out.

Fang Li thought helplessly, the sequelae were quite serious.

Fortunately, he doesn't plan to go out anytime soon.

He used the defensive magic weapon he got in the Treasure Hall to set up an enchantment in Fang's house. It would not be a problem to block magic cultivation below the distraction period. He ensured that Fang's house was safe for the time being, and then stayed in his room every day.

Retreat and recuperate the body.

Seeing that he didn't go out all day, Fang's father and mother thought he was frightened outside, and they didn't bother him, so Fang Li was quite at ease.

It went on like this for about ten days.

Fang Li's health gradually improved, he thought, after a few more months, he could start to rebuild...

That day he just got up and yawned. When he was about to eat, the girl outside the door came over and coaxed him to go to the front hall, saying that the master was looking for him.

Fang Li was a little puzzled.

What can Fang Mingyuan do with him? I am a fool. In the past, even if I invited a doctor to see a doctor, I always brought him here. It was the first time that I was taken out so solemnly...

Fang Li followed the girl to the front hall, and at a glance, he saw that the cold man in white standing in the room froze slightly, his expression almost collapsed.

Why did Xie Huai appear here? !

Fang Li was in doubt.

Xie Huai is now the number one person in the spirit world, while the Fang family are just mortals in a small town, like the difference between gods and ants.

Whether Xie Huai is returning to Fuqiu Mountain or Yunjian Que, he should not be here...

Fang Li suddenly had a bad premonition, he was very careful at that time, did he still show his flaws? Where did it catch Xie Huai's attention?

Although there were many doubts in his heart, he didn't show it on his face, and stood aside with an ignorant and confused look, as if he didn't know who Xie Huai was at all...

Xie Huai glanced at Fang Li's face, and a look of inquiry appeared in the depths of his black eyes. He turned his head, his voice was dull, and Fang Mingyuan said: "This is your son?"

Fang Mingyuan rubbed his hands nervously, stuttering in a daze, "Ah, yes, Hui Yuyi-jun, it's the dog..."

Tao Lu stood aside with a smile, seeing Fang Mingyuan was too shocked and out of his mind, he comforted him in a gentle voice: "Mr. Fang, don't be nervous, Mr. Yuyi couldn't bear to hear about your son, that's why I asked to have a look. , maybe he can be cured.”

Fang Li: "..."

Hearing what Tao Lu said, Xie Huai was out of kindness to heal himself.

But these words - nothing more than coaxing Fang Mingyuan.

Fang Li didn't believe a word of it!

He squinted his eyes.

Although Xie Huai is indeed the light of the righteous way, he spends his life eliminating demons and guarding the way and guarding the common people, but this does not mean that Xie Huai is a living Lei Feng who every grandmother has to help when crossing the road. He is a noble and arrogant monk, and he is also a sword cultivator! Being nosy has never been Xie Huai's style.

Xie Huai is not so boring.

Besides, even if he is willing to take care of the sufferings of the world, there are many people in need of help in this world, can he take care of it?

As far as Fang Li knew, Xie Huai had been stationed at Fuqiu Mountain these years, and he rarely went down the mountain, not caring about worldly affairs.

Will he take the initiative to treat a fool?

Fang Li believed in ghosts.

The problem is, Fang Mingyuan believed in it so deeply that he almost fainted from excitement. What kind of luck is this!

Although he didn't show it during this period of time, when he thought that the child's time was running out and he would soon be twenty years old, he was very worried every night. immortal! True Bodhisattva!

You are indeed the Lord Yuyi who is praised by everyone!

Good man!

Fang Mingyuan took Fang Li's hand and pulled him over, his voice was trembling: "Yu, Yu Yi-jun just look at it casually, just, even if it can't be cured, it doesn't matter!"

It would be great if Mr. Yuyi could condescend to honor him, but he is a swordsman, and he has never heard that he is good at medicine. Although Fang Mingyuan was very happy, he didn't dare to have too much hope.

Seeing that Fang Li shrank a little, he didn't seem to want to step forward, grabbed Fang Li's hand, and stuffed it into Xie Huai's hand.

Fang Li's hand touched Xie Huai's scorching palm, and he was burned as if he wanted to escape... But before he could withdraw his hand, the other party grabbed his hand.

Fang Li: ...

Xie Huaiyou looked deeply at Fang Li with his dark eyes, not letting go of any expression on his face.

As soon as I entered the Fang family, I realized that the Fang family had arranged a secret formation. This defensive formation was so cleverly arranged that ordinary monks would not be able to detect it. of.

Now there is only one person in the Fang family who has this possibility, and that is Fang Li, and he just came back from Qifeng Valley and got a magic weapon for defense.

Although this person is pretending to be crazy, his identity is suspicious, and his purpose is unknown, he seems to care about his family...

It's really contradictory and strange.

It seems to be foggy.

Xie Huai couldn't help closing his eyes, remembering the first time he met that person, his eyes sank, and his spiritual power suddenly penetrated into the other person's body.

Fang Li felt the penetration of Xie Huai's spiritual power, his whole body tensed up, and he firmly suppressed the instinct of resistance!

Let the opponent's spiritual power drive straight in.

This taste is not painful, Xie Huai's spiritual power is warm and soft, like hot spring water, quickly flowing through his dry meridians, and the numbness spreads from the inside to the outside... Fang Li clenched his teeth tightly, if he is not a fool now, he, He would never allow Xie Huai to do this!

But he couldn't resist now.

Otherwise, it is tantamount to proclaiming that you are not a fool.

Fortunately, I was not in a hurry for success. Although I have been recuperating my body for a while, but I haven't officially started to practice. This body is only a little bit better than when he first came. Xie Huai checked for the first time. I shouldn't notice anything unusual, I need to hold my breath...

Xie Huai's eyes fell on Fang Li's face without blinking.

On the young man's pale and handsome face, there was a look of uneasiness, his long eyelashes trembled, his exquisite eyebrows were frowned, as if he was aggrieved because he couldn't break free from himself, his thin wrist trembled in his palm... But, he From the beginning to the end, he did not use his spiritual power to resist his own investigation.


Very well acted.

If I hadn't seen another side of him, I'm afraid I would have been deceived by him. This person is as deceitful as that person...

Xie Huai checked Fang Li mercilessly, and soon discovered the problem. Fang Li was actually a very rare body that hides the heavenly spirit, but because he couldn't absorb the huge spiritual power in his body, it was his illness. The sick look can be recovered by absorbing the spiritual power. If he is really a fool, there is no cure, and it is really troublesome... But since this person is just pretending to be stupid and can practice, everything is naturally not a problem.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing is that he didn't notice any traces of taking the house.

After all, monsters take away mortals, after all, they are not their own bodies, and their souls are not compatible enough, so there will be traces to follow...

But not only does this person not have any demonic aura, his soul is not at odds with his body at all, which is strange.

If it's not for seizing the house, why pretend to be stupid?


Sooner or later, he will figure out these things.

The corner of Xie Huai's lips hooked slightly, he let go of his hand, Fang Mingyuan said flatly: "I can cure his illness."

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