MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 44 figure

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Fang Li took a deep breath, collected himself, and followed everyone forward.

Because Xie Huai opened the river with a sword and directly destroyed the formation at the bottom of the river, everyone crossed the river smoothly.

Across the river, there is a rocky forest.

Those stone pillars are long and strangely shaped, standing there in a disorderly manner, exuding a strange and penetrating aura.

This level is more dangerous than the previous two levels, but it must be difficult for Xie Huai.

The most important thing is that after passing here is the treasure hall, there are no more traps ahead, now is the best chance to avoid others and act alone.

Fang Li lowered his eyes thoughtfully, and it would be too late if he didn't slip away.

Lu Hongdao was still following Yun Jianque closely. He had seen how powerful Xie Huai was, so he naturally wanted to hug this thigh tightly all the way. As long as he followed Xie Huai and did not run around, his life should not be in danger...

Everyone walked into the stone forest, but unexpectedly found that nothing had changed, and the surroundings were quiet, as if it was just an ordinary stone forest.

But Fang Li knew it was not that simple.

Suddenly someone was walking, shouted angrily and took a sword and stabbed at the person beside him, his eyes were reddened with ferocious expression, Xie Huai suddenly turned his head, his black eyes looked coldly at that person, the person's movements suddenly stopped , as if he wanted to move but couldn't move, he couldn't stop shaking, and after a few breaths, he fainted on the ground.

Fang Li looked at this scene indifferently, he had fallen into a hallucination, although Xie Huai forcibly stopped the man, but the man still passed out due to the damage to his soul.

Xie Huai realized Shi Lin's attack method, and pointed to Tao Lu with his eyes.

Tao Lu took out a jade-colored bell, shook it in his hand, and the crisp ringing sounded.

Lu Hongdao thought everything was normal at first, but for some reason, he suddenly felt strange around him. When he turned his head and saw Fang Li bleeding from his seven orifices and looking at him, he was so frightened that he almost sat down on the ground. Then the bell rang, and Fang Li in front of him was looking at him again. Back to normal, still smiling at him, only then did he realize that he had fallen into an illusion.

Fang Li looked at Lu Hongdao with a smile. Seeing that he was awake, he was finally relieved. The stone forest's attack was not only an illusion, but also accompanied by other attack methods, but the illusion was more unexpected, and other attacks Xie Huai could easily block. Next, since Yun Jianque brought the spirit treasure of pure heart and calm mind, then he doesn't have to worry about it himself.

Seeing that Shilin has gone almost half way...

Fang Li suddenly pointed to a stone pillar and said with a bright smile, "Bird, bird."

Lu Hongdao took a quick look and saw that the stone pillar looked a bit like a bird. He was about to coax Fang Li in desperation, but Fang Li suddenly broke away from his hand and ran towards the stone pillar!

Lu Hongdao was caught off guard by Fang Li, who broke free and was about to chase him, but in the blink of an eye, Fang Li's figure disappeared, and even the bird-like stone pillar just now was no longer in its original position.

Lu Hongdao broke out in cold sweat in an instant.

He, he lost Fang Li!

Fang Li dexterously disappeared into the stone forest, and successfully got rid of Lu Hongdao. He walked quickly all the way, perfectly avoided the mechanism, and quickly walked out of the stone forest from the other end.

In front of you is a narrow, dark corridor with many caves in the surrounding stone walls.

This is not the front of the Treasure Hall, but the side of the Treasure Hall. Let those people go through the main entrance, and sneak in from the back. When you get the things, Xie Huai and the others will leave... Then go out of the valley to find a chance to meet Lu Hongdao That is.

As for how to explain?

Why does a fool need to explain, it's all luck.

The corners of Fang Li's lips twitched, and his footsteps were light. At this moment, there was a faint voice coming from the front, Fang Li's expression froze, and his figure instantly disappeared into a cave.

Du Meng's deep and deep voice came, and he sneered: "Where are Xie Huai and the others?"

His subordinate Moxiu replied: "We will be at the gate of the palace soon."

Du Meng said bitterly: "Okay, everything is ready? Remember, wait until they enter the palace before acting. This time he will definitely go and never return."

The two of them seemed to walk away.

Fang Li slowly walked out of the cave, his eyes darkened.

Although there were only a few words, he quickly deduced the cause and effect.

Before, I was still a little surprised, the news about Qifeng Valley hadn't come out earlier or later, so why did it come out now.

It seems that everything is a conspiracy against Xie Huai.

It is said that Xie Huai has been chasing and killing Du Meng all these years. He killed Du Meng like a bereaved dog. For nine years, he dared not take the risk. What about the day? It must be waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

After his death, Dumeng recruited some of the demon cultivators of Fuqiu Mountain, learned of the treasure hall here, and now deliberately released the news, just to lure Xie Huai here and take the opportunity to ambush Xie Huai.

However, Fang Li was not very worried about Xie Huai. Xie Huaixu was already prepared for the birth of the Demon Lord's treasure, and the gathering of the immortals and demons... and Xie Huai was the "No. 1 person in the world" handpicked by the author of the original work. With his cultivation base, Du Meng shouldn't be able to kill him, most likely he's just asking for humiliation.

It's just that those ordinary monks who came to hunt for treasure may not be so lucky.

Dumeng's demon cultivators kill people, but no matter who you are, Chi Yu will inevitably be hurt, and Xie Huai may not be able to protect him.

Just others...

Lu Hongdao must not make any mistakes, he does not want his father to lose his friends in middle age.

Thinking of this, Fang Li sighed quietly.

What a hassle...


On the other side, when Lu Hongdao saw that Fang Li was lost, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He couldn't even care about his dignity, so he gritted his teeth and rushed forward to beg Xie Huai: "Mr. Yuyi, my eldest nephew is lost. He's a poor silly boy... can you save him, please!"

It is said that Mr. Yuyi is an example of the righteous way. He spends his life eliminating demons and guarding the way, saving lives and healing the wounded. He is like a living Bodhisattva. Lu Hongdao looked at him full of hope.

Mr. Yuyi will definitely not refuse to save him, right?

Now here, only Mr. Yuyi has the ability to save people!

Xie Huai lowered his eyes faintly, staring at the middle-aged man.

The man had an anxious look on his face, and the worry in his eyes was not fake, it seemed that he was just another fool who was deceived by that guy.

That guy clearly got rid of you on purpose and left secretly, so why should you worry?

It seems that this is his purpose, and now he has finally shown his feet...

A hint of sarcasm appeared in Xie Huai's eyes, he looked away as if nothing had happened, and walked straight past Lu Hongdao.

Lu Hongdao stood there in a daze.

Xie Huai's white clothes passed in front of him without stopping at all.

At that moment, the coldness in the other party's dark eyes made him almost freeze up, and he didn't dare to stop him...


Yuyi-jun seems to be different from the legend?

This person is as cold as the ice in the abyss, there is no pity in those eyes, no... not even the emotions of a living person.

He won't save people.

Lu Hongdao's hands and feet were cold all of a sudden, if Mr. Yuyi doesn't go, who will save Fang Li?

Thinking of his own carelessness, Fang Li was lost like this, how should he explain to Lao Fang after returning! It's all his fault, if only he could hold on tighter!

Tao Lu looked at Lu Hongdao with some pity, he could see that Lu Hongdao really loved that idiot, but in such a dangerous situation, it is impossible for senior brother to abandon so many people in front of him just to save a idiot?

There are priorities, that fool can only ask for blessings.

Seeing that Xie Huai was about to go far away, Lu Hongdao was still foolishly staying there, his apprentices were all in a hurry, they hurriedly dragged him away, and followed Xie Huai to continue walking.

Fang Li must be in danger, he can't let Lu Hongdao fall here too!

Waited until they walked out of the stone forest.

Lu Hongdao was still looking lost...

I regret it very much.

If he had known this, he would not have come to join in the fun, and he would have gone home directly at the gate of Qifeng Valley, which is better than it is now!

Xie Huai looked indifferent and closed his eyes slightly.

The guy pretending to be crazy and acting stupid has been very calm since entering the valley. No matter what mechanism he encounters, he seems to be in his expectation. He is calm and calm, and dares to enter the stone forest alone... It seems that he is very familiar with this place.

Who the **** is he?

Out of the stone forest.

There is a wide open space in front, and there are many dark holes on the surrounding mountain walls, which looks gloomy and chilling.

In front of the center of the open space is a huge black black iron gate.

This is the gate of the treasure hall.

The people from Jiuxiaoshan went forward to investigate, and there was no mechanism on the iron gate.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

The elder of Jiuxiao Mountain said loudly: "When the old man opens this door, everyone can enter in an orderly manner. Anyone who sees the treasure of the demon king here will have a share, and Jiuxiao Mountain will distribute it impartially..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a thin pale-skinned young man stumbled out from nowhere. He looked around in panic, and then ran towards Lu Hongdao, his eyes flushed and said: "I, I can't find him." To you, I'm afraid..."

Lu Hongdao was already in despair. In such a dangerous stone forest, Fang Li was lost all by himself, but he didn't expect Fang Li to rush out suddenly, and he was overwhelmed with surprise.

He took Fang Li's hand and looked up and down, seeing that he was not injured, he was finally relieved.

Stupid people have stupid blessings!

The elder of Jiuxiao Mountain didn't expect that he was suddenly interrupted, and his expression was very displeased, but how could he, an imposing elder of the Immortal Sect, argue with a fool? Therefore, he only coughed lightly and continued: "Our Jiuxiao Mountain..."

Unexpectedly, the fool interrupted him again.

Fang Li pointed to the hole on the stone wall, trembling, showing a frightened expression, "I, I saw people in those holes, he, they are so fierce..."

Xie Huai's eyes froze suddenly.

The moment Fang Li opened his mouth, a sharp arrow shot straight at Fang Li!

Xie Huai's attention was always on Fang Li, and he raised his sword without hesitation, and cut the sharp arrow in two with one sword. The broken arrow fell to the ground and made a hissing sound, obviously it was wiped with poison——

Xie Huai sneered, he already knew that Du Meng would not be so honest, so he was waiting here.

The Xueqing sword buzzed softly in his hand, Xie Huai slashed towards the cave on the wall with a cold light.

Du Meng and the others have been hiding in the cave, preparing to wait for Xie Huai and the others to enter the treasure hall, and then set up traps outside to encircle and suppress them, but a fool suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and exposed them by accident. He was about to kill that fool to silence him, but was stopped by Xie Huai.

Seeing that Xie Huai had already discovered them, he was taken for granted that even if the magic weapon shot out with all arrows, blocking Xie Huai for a while, he turned around and fled without hesitation, even ignoring the subordinates behind him!

He has also gained experience from being hunted down these years, and he must not be willing to fight against Xie Huai. If he hadn't developed the ability to escape, he would have died long ago!

Xie Huai frowned and drew out his sword, stopping countless poisonous arrows alive! But a few were missed, and there were a few screams from the side, and there was no sound in the blink of an eye.

Before Du Meng's subordinates could react, they saw the leader running away, and they were so frightened that they turned around and ran away, fearing that if they ran too slowly, they would become scapegoats!

In the blink of an eye, those demon cultivators scattered away.

The elder of Jiuxiaoshan stood there dumbfounded, staring blankly at Xie Huai.

This, is this Weihe, the number one person in the world...

By the way, where did the magic cultivator come from?

Could it be that he planned to wait for them to enter the palace before plotting against them?

No wonder, no wonder.

Since their Four Great Immortal Sects came here, they have fought against the harassing demon cultivators several times. Dare to come again... It turned out that it was just to relax their vigilance, but it was actually hiding here and waiting for them.

In this way, if it wasn't for this fool who discovered Moxiu by mistake, they would be in danger now, after all, there is only one Mr. Yuyi.

Fang Li seemed ignorant, he huddled beside Lu Hongdao, frowned, and said with puckered mouth, "I'm so scared..."

At this moment, Fang Li's wrist was suddenly grasped by a scorching hand, and Fang Li was suddenly lifted up.

He raised his eyes in astonishment, met Xie Huai's cold and sharp eyes, and his heart tightened suddenly.

what happened?

There should be no flaws in his performance, right? Although, he appeared a bit abruptly, but he is a fool... Do you know that fools are blessed with fools?

Xie Huai's eyes were filled with darkness, he lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Fang Li's sleeves.

Fang Li looked at his sleeve with some puzzlement.

Oh, just before Du Meng fired a wave of arrows before leaving, one of them accidentally brushed against his sleeve and cut a small hole in the sleeve, but it didn't touch his body at all, so it's fine...

He knew it well, even if Xie Huai didn't make a move, he was confident in avoiding the poisonous arrow.

But Xie Huai's eyes are really scary...

Did he find that he had a problem?

Just when Fang Li was uneasy and his scalp was numb, Xie Huai let go of his hand suddenly.

Xie Huai's fingers hanging under his sleeves were slightly bent...

The moment Fang Li said that Moxiu was hiding, he understood what Fang Li meant. Fang Li came back to remind them on purpose.

He had clearly left, but he came back for the sake of the people here.

Is it because of Lu Hongdao?

Xie Huai's eyes were complicated and dark. He thought he was a sinister and cunning liar who came for the treasure of the demon king, but he didn't want to have a sincere heart to protect people, which would not be in vain for Lu Hongdao's worries about him.

It's just that if you expose Du Meng's conspiracy like this, don't you know that Du Meng will attack you?

Why take such a risk.

Why, do not love yourself so much.

He knows he shouldn't.

This guy who is pretending to be crazy and foolish is obviously impossible to belong to that person, but it happens again and makes him think of that person uncontrollably.

Lu Hongdao finally came to his senses at this moment, and thanked Xie Huai very gratefully: "Thank you, Yuyi Jun, if it weren't for your child, he would have died. He is a child with a hard life. If he really died here, How can I explain to his father!"

I misunderstood Mr. Yuyi before, Mr. Yuyi just has a cold face and a warm heart, but he is actually a good person! Lu Hongdao was grateful and guilty in his heart, holding Fang Li's hand and was about to kneel...

Xie Huai flicked his sleeves, invisible resistance stopped Lu Hongdao's movements, leaving only indifference in his eyes.

Whether Fang Li needed to save his own life is debatable, but he saved your lives. If it wasn't for Fang Li, more people would have died there.

He originally thought that Fang Li had ulterior motives, that he might be a spy of the demon cultivator, but now it seems that Fang Li is unlikely to be with Du Meng, so what is the reason why he pretended to be crazy and came here?

There seems to be a lot of fog on this person.

Xie Huai took Fang Li a deep look, turned and left.

Fang Li's heart sank, it seemed that this time he was fooling around.

There should be no danger in the future, I should have taken the things early and left with Lu Hongdao, how can a high-ranking person like Xie Huai have time to entangle with him? You don't need to worry too much...

Fang Li lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and followed the crowd into the treasure hall.

Everyone was very cautious, but there was no accident after that, and there was indeed no danger.


Everyone's face is ugly.

The treasure hall is in a mess and empty, obviously it has been robbed long ago.

Fang Li still looked ignorant, smiling unconsciously.

From the moment he saw Du Meng appearing, he had expected such a result. Du Meng must have looted this place long ago, and then released news to attract people. How could he leave something for these righteous ways?

These people are destined to make a trip in vain.

But he was not very disappointed.

This hidden treasure hall was supervised by Wu Yimei at the beginning, even if the Fuqiu Mountain was scattered later, the news here accidentally fell into Dumeng's hands, but some hidden secret ways are impossible for Dumeng to know.

Seeing this scene, everyone was distraught, and they couldn't believe that they returned empty-handed after all their hard work. Although the treasure hall was in a mess, they still rummaged around unwillingly.

The scene was noisy and full of people.

I am really inconspicuous.

Fang Li saw that Xie Huai was in the distance in front of him, with his back turned to him, and slipped away quietly.

But he didn't realize that as soon as he left, Xie Huai turned around.

Xie Huai deliberately pretended not to pay attention to make Fang Li relax his vigilance, just to see what purpose Fang Li came here for.

He followed Fang Li from a distance into the side hall.

The thin young man in common clothes walked briskly and deftly in the corridor in front of him, and soon turned into an empty corner. He reached out his hand to caress the clean wall, and a secret door suddenly appeared on the wall.

Xie Huai's eyes darkened, and he followed Fang Li into the secret door. As soon as he entered, the secret door closed behind him.

The young man changed his ignorant and confused expression, with a careless smile on the corner of his mouth, Xian Ting Xin walked in the secret passage.

Xie Huaiding looked at the person in front of him...

Why do you know the secret path that even Du Meng doesn't know? You are by no means an ordinary person, let alone an ordinary demon cultivator.

Who are you?

Xie Huai's hands were slowly clenched, and his breathing couldn't help but slow down, his chest rose and fell slightly.

Over the years, he has been to any place with traces of that person, just to look for traces of that person again and again, hoping that that person just lied to himself again... Maybe he is still living in a certain corner of this world …

But deep down in his heart, he finally knew that all of this was just deceiving himself and others, and his hopes fell through again and again. In the end, it became more and more difficult to even deceive himself.

He knew he shouldn't expect it.

That person will never appear again, he has no nostalgia for this world, so he leaves resolutely.

I don't want to keep even a little thought to myself.

But at this moment, Xie Huai looked at the back of the man in front of him.

The pale young man knew where he was going without even looking, his steps were calm and casual...

It's as if he is the master here.

in a trance,

His back seemed to overlap that person.

Xie Huai didn't dare to look away, as if he was afraid that in a blink of an eye, this person would disappear again, and he would never see him again...

This moment.

An irrepressible absurd thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

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