MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 38 order

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Fang Li had a terrible nightmare.

In his dream, his mission failed, the world disappeared, and all the people, Xie Huai, Wu Yimei... were all in front of his eyes, vanishing into thin air...

He reached out to grab it, but it was empty, and he woke up in a fright.

Fang Li opened his eyes, gasped for breath, and was dripping with cold sweat.

...the dream was terrible.

After a long while, Fang Li finally regained his composure, looked around, and found that he was in his bedroom.

Now that he has woken up, it means that Wu Yimei used the antidote to temporarily suppress the toxicity just like in the original book.

Although it cannot completely detoxify, it is enough to last until the end of the plot.

Because he used the black jade talisman not long ago, and after a lot of tossing, his body is still a little weak at the moment, Fang Li coughed lightly, sat up with his body propped up, and was about to pour himself a cup of tea...

The long-lost system's anxious voice rang in my ears.

[System: Host! Oh no! Xie Huai led the poison from you to him! ! 】

Fang Li shook his hand holding the teacup, his eyes became hollow, and after a while, he said word by word in a dull and slow voice: "Why, what, cited?"


[The system reacts: Don't worry, nothing happened! You look at your right hand. 】

Fang Li hastily raised his right hand, opened his palm and saw that the wound on his palm had scabbed over, so the poison was caused by cutting the palm open? Well, my body seems to be the same.

He let out a heavy breath immediately, his eyes were filled with the look of the rest of his life...

As expected of a gentleman with a pure heart and few desires, how does he know that there is such a way to induce poison?

Yes, this is normal operation, right?

I blame myself for being influenced by this outrageous little yellow mosquito, that method was the first thing that popped into my mind... It's too shameful!

Fang Li coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment. This is called panic. In fact, you don't need to think about it. It is impossible for Xie Huai to do that kind of thing to him...

However, Xie Huai led the poison to him, so what should he do?

I've worked so hard to help you block, isn't it just for you not to be poisoned!

Are you making me busy like this?

Thinking of this, Fang Li couldn't sit still immediately, with anxious and worried eyes, he got up and walked out without hesitation...

But just as he walked to the door, just as he was about to open the door, he stopped abruptly.

No, he can't go.

What can I do now? Before I die, come to a scene where you are for me and I am for you.

He didn't come here to brush up Xie Huai's favorability. This would not help the progress of the plot, but might cause changes.

So far, it can't be done.

Fang Li slowly tightened his hands, his eyes kept changing, took a deep breath, turned around and sat back on the bed.

[Fang Li: What kind of poison is in me? 】

[System: Shimengsan. 】

The poison in the original book is still used, so there is a solution. The difficulty of Shimeng San is that the medicine is full of strange things. He remembers that it was mentioned in the book that the medicine is the glow grass. Wu Yimei can make another antidote.

But just in case, you need to confirm again.

[Fang Li: As my system, you are my poison, can you analyze it. 】

Perhaps the safety of the protagonist Xie Huai was involved, but the system was clever this time.

[System: I have already analyzed you when you were poisoned. Just like in the original book, the medicine cited is Niguangcao. 】

[Fang Li sighs: You are finally a useful system. 】

[System: ...] I suddenly regretted telling you.

Fang Li breathed a sigh of relief, in this case, Xie Huai's life will be safe.

In fact, he was so cautious before that he was afraid that Xie Huai would be poisoned, because he was worried that there would be variables due to the change of the plot. Take risks by yourself, and never let Xie Huai be poisoned.

Thankfully this hasn't changed.

I was shocked and worried just now, and my mood can be described as ups and downs like a roller coaster...

At this moment, it was confirmed that Xie Huai was not in danger, Fang Li finally began to think about why Xie Huai did this.

First of all, of course, Xie Huai couldn't have fallen in love with him, so he risked his life to introduce poison to himself.

Fang Li was completely unable to have such absurd and terrifying fantasies in front of Xie Huai's indifferent and ascetic face.

After thinking about it, there is probably only one possibility - Xie Huai doesn't want to owe his kindness.

This is also very reasonable.

Now, in Xie Huai's view, he not only destroyed the Danshan Gate, but also set off a war between immortals and demons. Seeing that the world of spirits and immortals is going to die, he has to make a choice. , they are destined to stand on opposite sides.

World War I was inevitable.

With Xie Huai's aloofness and aloofness, how could he accept the enemy being poisoned to save him on the eve of the war? In this way, even if he wins, it will be invincible, something Xie Huai can't do.

I didn't treat him like Yan Sui, Xie Huai naturally wouldn't treat him like Yan Sui, there is only a dispute between good and evil, there is no personal grievance, it is reasonable for Xie Huai to make such a choice.

Clear the two first, and then the decisive battle.


After all, Xie Huai is such an upright gentleman!

Fang Li felt respect in his heart.

It's a pity that it's not convenient for me to see Xie Huai now.

Fang Li called the demon servant outside the door, and said, "When did Lord Yuyi go back?"

The demon servant said: "Two hours ago."

Fang Li asked in a nonchalant tone, "Did he go back by himself?"

The demon servant said: "Yes, Lord Yuyi went back on his own."

Fang Li was thoughtful, Xie Huaiyin was poisoned, but he did not fall into a coma, and he was even able to go back on his own, so that no one would see the strangeness... It seems that he was somewhat sure of doing this, but in case In case, the antidote needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

He didn't allow Xie Huai to make any mistakes.

Fang Li said again: "Let Wu Yimei come to see this deity."

The demon servant took the order and left.

Wu Yimei came soon after receiving the news. Seeing that Fang Li finally woke up, she was very excited, and said hoarsely: "My lord..."

Fang Li's eyes softened a bit, Wu Yimei must be worried about being poisoned, he said, "I'm fine."

But Wu Yimei was not relieved, her expression was heavy, the antidote he prepared could only be temporarily suppressed, if the correct medicine could not be found as soon as possible, His Majesty would have to...

At this moment, he heard Fang Li say: "You take the neon light grass and make another antidote."

Wu Yimei suddenly raised her eyes, staring at Fang Li in a daze.

Fang Li smiled slightly, as if everything was under control, and said lightly: "Even Shimengsan can be difficult for this deity, just do what the deity says."

A look of surprise appeared in Wu Yimei's eyes, although he didn't know how His Majesty knew about Yao Yin, but His Majesty had always planned strategies, Wu Yimei never asked too many questions, and quickly said: "Yes."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

An hour later, Wu Yimei came back with the antidote, he respectfully presented the antidote to Fang Li, Fang Li took it and put it aside casually, then turned to ask Wu Yimei about the outside world.

Fang Li said slowly: "During this period of coma, what happened to the outside world?"

Wu Yimei said in a deep voice: "Because of the Danshan Gate incident, people in the Immortal Realm are panicking. Many immortal sects have joined the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. Jiuxiao Mountain is in full swing and may attack Fuqiu Mountain at any time."

Fang Li was very pleased to hear that, everything was as he expected.

He didn't kill all of the Danshanmen like Yan Sui, only killed Chong Wanshan and his confidants, and let the other disciples of the Danshanmen go away, but those disciples of the Danshanmen who fled in all directions would not be grateful. Leave them alone.

Words are terrifying, tens of thousands of homeless dogs will quickly spread the despair and fear that I brought to them throughout the fairy world.

Although my own and Yan Sui's methods are different, the results are the same... even, the effect may be better than that of Yan Sui.

The Ten Thousand Immortals League is bound to succeed.

The plot is still on track.

Fang Li showed a look of ridicule, and said lazily: "A group of mobs, let them unite, so what."

It looked like he didn't take the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance seriously.

But Wu Yimei was not so relaxed, they were betrayed, and they might have joined hands with Jiuxiao Mountain. Now the hearts of the Ten Thousand Immortals League are in awe, while the people on Fuqiu Mountain are panicked. , I'm afraid it's unreliable at the critical moment, their situation is actually not good... If there is a real war, they may lose...

When Wu Yimei was hesitating whether to persuade his lord to avoid the sharp edge for a while, he heard Fang Li speak again.

Fang Li said indifferently: "Pass down the order of my deity, I want all the immortal sects in the spirit world to submit, and come to Fuqiu Mountain to pay my respects to this deity within ten days, and those who don't obey - Danshan gate will be their fate."

Wu Yimei looked at Fang Li in disbelief, the blood on her face faded.

Fang Li looked at him with gentle eyes, but his tone was uncompromising, and he said slowly, "What's your opinion?"

Wu Yimei clenched her hands tightly.

He finally understood what His Majesty meant...

Your Majesty did it on purpose.

He just wanted to force the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

He just wants to be the enemy of the world.

But why?

Wu Yimei looked puzzled and sad, he looked at the person in front of him in a daze.

ten years ago.

It was this person who picked him up from the pile of corpses. Time passed in a blink of an eye. From an ant that everyone could trample to death, he became a world-renowned great demon cultivator. This person gave him a dignified status as a human being. It also gave him the trust and love that he never expected, and made him feel like a human being for the first time from a walking dead...

Everything he has now is given by this person.

There is this moment, this life is enough.

So, if you want to die in Fuqiu Mountain, I will accompany you to die in Fuqiu Mountain.

Anyway, I have nowhere to go except by your side.

Wu Yimei knelt down respectfully and saluted, and said slowly in a hoarse voice: "I will definitely pass on the order of my lord."

Then turned around decisively and left here.

Fang Li looked at Wu Yimei's back.

Slightly fell silent.

Wu Yimei knew what consequences her order would bring, but she went there without hesitation... So, do you want to die here with me?

Just like in the original book.

Fang Li lowered his eyes and sighed softly, his expression complicated.

But, I won't let you die here too.


Xie Huai sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his face sometimes appeared gray-purple, and sometimes showed a faint blush, until a full three hours passed, Xie Huai suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, he slowly opened his eyes, and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

This poison was indeed a bit tricky, but luckily it was suppressed in the end.

I wonder if Fang Li woke up?

Xie Huai took a deep breath and stood up immediately. When he landed, his body shook slightly. At this moment, he heard the demon servant say: "Jun Yuyi, Your Majesty asked me to bring you clear tea soup."

Your Majesty?

Xie Huai's eyes moved, did Fang Li wake up?

He said hoarsely: "Come in."

The demon servant pushed the door open, served the tea soup with both hands, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty said, this is specially prepared for you, please enjoy it while it is hot."

While standing there, he had to see Xie Huaiyong with his own eyes.

Xie Huai looked indifferent, without asking or looking, he reached out to pick up the tea soup and drank it down.

The demon servant took the empty bowl and said with a smile, "You have a good rest."

Then he left.

Xie Huai lowered his eyes slightly.

Once this tea soup entered the body, it was like hot spring water, washing away every part of the body. The poison that he suppressed so hard without hesitating to consume his cultivation, melted like ice and snow in an instant...

is the antidote.

The real antidote.

Xie Huai frowned in confusion, how did Fang Li know the real Yaoyin? And he guessed so quickly that he had induced the poison?

That's right, he's so smart, it's like there's nothing he doesn't know...

It's just... what would he think?

Will he understand his own mind because of this?

Thinking of this, Xie Huai felt uneasy for the first time in his heart. It was the first time that he wanted to meet someone so urgently, but he hesitated because he didn't know how to face it...

After a long time, he took a deep breath and pushed the door out.

When he was about to leave the courtyard, his eyes suddenly swept away. In the empty courtyard, in an inconspicuous corner, there were two letters stuck in the branches.

It was sent in by Fengyin.

What's the hurry, send the letter now?

Xie Huai stopped in his tracks, frowning and opened the letter.

One is a letter from Master.

In the letter, the master stated that because of the destruction of the Danshan Gate, the spirit world was shaken. Yun Jianque had joined the League of Ten Thousand Immortals and was choosing a day to attack Fuqiu Mountain.

Xie Huai squeezed the letter, if it had been before, he would have agreed without hesitation, because this is the purpose of his coming here... But at this moment, I only feel ridiculous in my heart...

Because, that devil was about to die.

Why should I do it?

He has been waiting for you to come and kill him.

Everything is as he wishes.

Sadness appeared in Xie Huai's eyes, and then he opened the second letter.

The letter was written in a bit of sloppy, even the handwriting was still wet, it seemed a bit urgent, there was only one line on it: just now the Demon Venerable ordered all the immortal sects to submit within ten days, and those who refuse to obey will be killed without mercy.

Xie Huai looked at this line of words...

Deadly, deadly, I watched it over and over again, as if it was about to be engraved in my eyes.

Suddenly his throat was sweet, and the smell of blood filled his mouth.

Xie Huai closed his eyes and let out a miserable laugh.

As soon as this order came out, it was the last straw that crushed the Righteous Dao Immortal Sect. It was impossible for them to submit.

Ten days.

So you can't wait so much, even if you die, do you have to set a time limit for yourself?


Fang Li was soon returned by the demon servant, and said that he was relieved after seeing Yuyi Jun drink the tea soup with his own eyes.

Ten days.

It can finally be over.

Thinking that it has only been a few months since he came to this world, but at this moment, he feels as if he has gone through so many things...

Now it's just the last step.

Fang Li has nothing to do, he took his fishing rod and went fishing in the back mountain. Before he had nothing to do, he liked to go fishing by the sea, he would feel peaceful and time flies.

This sea cliff is located behind Fuqiu Mountain, below is the dark and bottomless Meteorite Sea, with strong winds and raging waves, it is an extremely dangerous place, but even in such a dangerous place, there are fish that can survive.

It's just that the fish here are very vicious. In the past, I liked to throw those who disobeyed him down to feed the fish. Throwing a living person down for a moment, even the bones and dregs were not left. Words, many people are scared of the two wars...

Fang Li laughed and shook his head. He didn't like feeding fish to people, but the fish tasted good, the meat was delicious, and he liked it very much.

He sat there leisurely, the wind on the mountain was a bit strong, and his robes fluttered when it blew, his eyes lit up suddenly, the fish took the bait!

Fang Li flicked the fishing rod violently.

A black fierce fish was pulled up and flew up. Fang Li quickly grabbed the tail of the fish. The monster fish looked at Fang Li viciously, opened its mouth and grinned with sharp fangs, click—it was knocked to the ground by Fang Li with one hand. , crushing a hard stone.

The demon fish didn't bite this abominable person, but took a bite of the stone scum, screaming angrily, struggling in Fang Li's hands, wanting to bite this person again!

Fang Li smiled, looking up and down, wondering if it was steaming, roasting, or frying...

A figure in white clothes slowly appeared beside the edge.

Xie Huai's robes were blown by the wind, and he stood there quietly, looking at him with his dark and deep eyes.

Although Xie Huai didn't say a word, Fang Li instinctively felt that Xie Huai was very unhappy now.

With a guilty conscience, he threw the fish back to the bottom of the sea, wishing you luck, I will spare you today, then coughed lightly, and smiled at Xie Huai: "Why are you here?"

Xie Huai's chest rose and fell slightly, and he stared at the person in front of him.

Those eyes were complicated and dark.

Inside are emotions that Fang Li doesn't understand.

Fang Li's scalp became numb from Xie Huai's eyes. It seems that Xie Huai already knew his order. This is Chi Guoguo's plan to provoke a war between immortals and demons. Xie Huai must be angry now, and it must be another He came to question himself, he suddenly didn't want to face Xie Huai at this moment...

Because besides lying to him, I don't know what else to say.

And he didn't want to lie to him anymore.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's dodging eyes, and the cold current flowed through his chest, so you also know that I will be unhappy...

You know everything and yet do it.

And what can I ask myself?

Let me ask you, do you want to die that much?

These words hovered on the tip of Xie Huai's tongue, but he couldn't say it anyway.

He could no longer see this man go on like this.

After a long time, Xie Huai spoke slowly, making a hoarse voice: "Let's get out of here, okay?"