MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 37 bright heart

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How could Wu Yimei be willing to hand Fang Li over to Xie Huai, and when he was about to rob him—

He saw Xie Huai's black eyes dark as deep as an abyss, and said word by word: "It's important to save people, do you want to fight me now?"

Wu Yimei glanced at Fang Li's pale and weak face, and then met Xie Huai's unyielding cold eyes. He immediately realized that this person would not let go.

But now the honor matters.

It's not the time to get angry with Xie Huai.

Wu Yimei gritted her teeth and reluctantly let go.

Wu Yimei left his men to clean up the battlefield, and the three of them returned to the Demon Palace soon.

Xie Huai hugged Fang Li tightly, hurried back to the bedroom, and gently placed Fang Li on the bed.

There was a slight blush on the man's pale face, his expression was peaceful and quiet, and he seemed to be just asleep, but Xie Huai knew that Du Meng's poison was not easy, so he carefully untied Fang Li's black robe, and healed the wound on the side of his waist. It was exposed, the blood at the wound was gray-purple, and the edge seemed to have been burned by fire...

Xie Huai frowned tightly.

At this moment, he heard Wu Yimei coldly say: "It's Shimengsan."

Wu Yimei recognized Fang Li's wound when she saw Fang Li's wound. Although Shimengsan will not kill the poisoned person immediately, it will make the poisoned person fall into a deep sleep. If the antidote cannot be taken, the poisoned person will die in sleep. The tricky thing is that its medicines are all kinds of strange things. If you can't find the right medicines, you will never be able to make an antidote.

Du Meng knew that Wu Yimei was a master of poisons, so he deliberately chose Shimengsan. Even if Wu Yimei knew the antidote, he couldn't find the right medicine in a short time. There is no cure for this poison.

After Xie Huaiwei thought about it, he also understood, and his expression sank.

He held Fang Li's hand very hard, and there was a look of pain in his eyes. He said earlier that staying here would be a danger to a tiger, and you insisted on going your own way...

After a long time, Xie Huai said slowly: "Can you do it?"

Wu Yimei looked at Xie Huai bitterly, if it wasn't for Xie Huai, how could His Majesty be poisoned? He knew that His Majesty would be killed by Xie Huai sooner or later.

But it is useless to resent Xie Huai at this moment, Wu Yimei said coldly: "I can use Wannian Snow Grass as medicine to make an antidote to temporarily suppress the toxicity, but this method will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If you can't find the right medicine Drug introduction can only delay it for a while."

Xie Huai said without hesitation: "Use this method to suppress toxicity first."

Wu Yimei also thought the same way, no matter what, first temporarily control the poison and let the lord wake up, but why Xie Huailai ordered him, he snorted coldly: "You don't need to talk about the matter of the lord, since you have already returned After leaving the Demon Palace, Lord Yuyi please go back."

He was still worried about Xie Huai being here, and...he also didn't want Xie Huai to stay by Zunshang's side.

Xie Huai seemed to have regained his composure. He raised his eyes and said in a slow but firm voice, "Since he was injured to protect me, I won't leave until he wakes up."

Wu Yimei's eyes turned cold, and her fingers moved slightly.

Xie Huai said lightly, "Don't tell me you want your majesty to wake up and know that you have done something to me?"

Wu Yimei: "..."

Wu Yimei's chest heaved and heaved, for a long time, took a deep breath, looked at Xie Huai sullenly, and said coldly: "If you dare to hurt Your Majesty even the slightest bit, I will definitely not let you walk out of Fuqiu Mountain alive!"

After finishing speaking, he flung his sleeves and left. It is important to make the antidote first.

Xie Huai saw that the door was closed, and only he and Fang Li were left in the room, but he was not as proud as Wu Yimei, but closed his eyes tiredly.

The man's hands were cold, without the slightest warmth. If it wasn't for his weak breathing, people would think that he was dead... And this kind of knowledge made Xie Huai's heart extremely heavy. If there was a huge boulder, he would tighten his hands He shook his hand, trying to warm the other's fingertips, but with little success.

Xie Huai looked sad.

I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you will protect yourself, I don't need you to protect...

do you know?

Xie Huai sat motionless by the bed, like a stone statue.

until midnight.

Wu Yimei came back with the antidote, and he fed the antidote to Fang Li.

Xie Huai said hoarsely, "How long will it take to wake up?"

Wu Yimei said: "You should be able to wake up in a day or two."

As he spoke, he gave Xie Huai a hard look. Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Xie Huai was indeed a gentleman and would not take advantage of others' dangers to hurt His Majesty...

If I forcibly expel Xie Huai, I'm afraid I'll be angry with myself again when my lord wakes up.

Forget it, let Xie Huai stay here.

Wu Yimei also wanted to stay by Fang Li's side, but he couldn't help himself now, his lord was plotted by Du Meng, and he had suppressed the matter, because if it leaked out, it would definitely cause turmoil in Fuqiu Mountain, and by then He might not be able to protect His Majesty, the only thing he can do now is to help His Majesty conceal the news and stabilize the overall situation, and make other plans when His Majesty wakes up.

In order not to be suspected by others, he can't and does not show up, and he has to pretend to be normal, there are countless clues waiting for him to deal with, Wu Yimei can't stay.

Xie Huai saw his struggle and hesitation, and said slowly: "You go, I will watch here, nothing will happen."

Wu Yimei took a deep breath, looked at Xie Huai with dark red eyes, turned and left for a long time.

Xie Huai looked back at Fang Li again.

The man's pale and delicate sleeping face, with a slight blush due to poisoning, was no longer arrogant and wanton at this moment, and looked quiet and beautiful. The light-colored lips looked like flowers that were about to dry up and wither. For some reason, he really wanted to Touch the other person...but raised his hand in mid-air, but stopped again.

After a while, Wei Wei clenched her fingers tightly.

Hanging on the side.

one day one Night.

Xie Huai didn't close his eyes and didn't sleep, and he didn't even look away from this person's face.

I will never let anything happen to you.

Du Meng must pay the price for his actions.

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Perhaps the antidote worked, and the person on the bed frowned slightly, with a painful expression, as if trapped in a dream, trying to wake up, but couldn't...

A nervous look appeared in Xie Huai's eyes, he held Fang Li's hand tightly, and looked at Fang Li for a moment.

Fang Li frowned somewhat uneasy, his lips moved slightly, as if he was muttering to himself, subconsciously held Xie Huai's hand, his fingertips were in Xie Huai's palm, subconsciously hooked gently, Like a feather flitting across his heart.

Xie Huai even slowed down his breathing instantly. He pursed his lips, lowered his head and approached Fang Li, trying to hear what he was saying...

"I'm sorry, during this time... I have wronged you..."

"Soon, it will be over..."

"I will definitely not let anything happen to you..."

Xie Huai's eyes suddenly became slightly hot.

So, even in the dream, are you all worried about me?

It turns out that this is your true intention that you never said.

I finally heard it.

Why do you always have to be so brave, why do you always have to cover up yourself, why do you refuse to speak out...

If you don't tell me, how do you know I won't believe it?

Xie Huai tensed his jaw tightly, as long as he thought that this person might die, his heart would be so dull that he could hardly breathe. This is, do you care about a person's emotions...

Xie Huai gently raised his right hand, hesitated for a moment, and finally landed on Fang Li's brow, as if to soothe his sorrow.

His eyes were gentle, and he said in a low voice: "I'm fine, I'm, you must wake up."


Early the next morning, Wu Yimei came over again.

Xie Huai asked him hoarsely: "You said you would wake up in a day or two, today is the second day."

Wu Yimei was also a little surprised, hesitant, and said: "Wait a little longer."

Xie Huai said: "Okay."

He paused, his eyes darkened, and asked again: "Is there any trace of Du Meng?"

Wu Yimei heard a cold look in Yan Yan's eyes, and said bitterly: "I don't know where he is hiding. At this time, he will definitely not come back."

Du Meng is very scheming and cautious. He is not sure whether Fang Li is poisoned or not, and he is not sure about the current situation of Fuqiu Mountain. Now he must be hiding in a place where others can't find him. probably very little...

Xie Huai's heart sank.

Wu Yimei stayed here for a while, then left in a hurry.

Xie Huai stayed by Fang Li's side alone.

He has never felt that time passes so slowly, every minute and every second is a kind of torture...

It was getting late.

The sun was setting.

Another day passed.

But Fang Li was still in a nightmare and showed no sign of waking up.

It shouldn't be like this...

Since Wu Yimei said that, she must be somewhat sure. It stands to reason that she should be awake now, so... what went wrong?

Xie Huai was inexplicably uneasy.

The person on the bed was still in a deep sleep, sometimes frowning, sometimes dreaming, sometimes moving his fingertips slightly, but he never woke up...

Xie Huai pondered for a moment, put his finger on Fang Li's wrist, closed his eyes and listened to the pulse.

After a while, Xie Huai frowned, Fang Li's pulse was normal, there was nothing wrong with it, and there was no hidden disease, so why...

Xie Huai's eyes changed.

After a long while, he seemed to have finally made up his mind. With a move of his mind, he sent spiritual power into Fang Li's body and examined it carefully.

The reason why Xie Huai didn't do this at the beginning was because this kind of behavior was really a bit abrupt. Normally, unless someone is absolutely close and trustworthy, he would not allow others to use spiritual power to probe his body. It's a secret.

If Fang Li was still awake, he would not have been allowed to do this.

Feel sorry…

Xie Huai pursed his lips tightly.

He couldn't go on like this, he didn't know anything, he couldn't do anything, worry and anxiety tormented him...

The warm spiritual power is like a trickle, seeping into the opponent's meridians little by little, and flowing through the whole body.

In a quarter of an hour.

Xie Huai suddenly opened his eyes.

He fixedly looked at the person on the bed, his face pale... He knew, he finally knew.

It turned out that this person was about to die.

Everything that I couldn't understand before, all the doubts and puzzles, now have all the answers.

He finally understood why Fang Li didn't want to kill people, but he uttered wild words to destroy the Danshan Gate in public, because he was deliberately angering the Righteous Immortal Gate, and he didn't want to live anymore, so he wanted to be an enemy of the world.

He finally understood why Fang Li knew that Du Meng would not be a minister, but still refused to eradicate Du Meng. He knew that Du Meng would betray him, but he didn't want to live anymore, so he deliberately indulged Du Meng everywhere, regardless of him.

All the unreasonable crazy things this guy did before, just because he didn't want to live anymore...

You know that your crime is unforgivable, and you cannot forgive yourself. Now that you have avenged your revenge, you have nothing to love... This is the way you choose to die for yourself.

Even if it is an enemy of the world, why?

Because even if you are going to die, you have to die vigorously.

You don't want to explain to me, and you don't bother to let the world know.

Even until the last moment.

And also to scare the world.

This is your most indestructible shell.

But why does it have to be like this?

Xie Huai let out a very low miserable laugh, he stared blankly at this person, his eyes were sad and powerless, and there was a sense of hopelessness.

This body is exhausted, its meridians are all damaged, and its lifespan is approaching.

Xie Huai couldn't help but think of the dream in the illusion...

In order to save himself, this person did not hesitate to exchange his lifespan and demons for mana. He thought it was just a dream, and he even rejoiced at that time. Fortunately, the reality is not like this...

But he was wrong.

Holy treasure.

It gives you unrivaled power, making you invincible in all directions, but it also takes away your lifespan and burns your soul...

What kind of treasure... Such an evil thing should not exist in this world!

Xie Huai's chest kept rising and falling. He took a deep breath, his eyes were red, and he stared at the person on the bed...

But you know that such an evil thing will kill you, but you still use it without hesitation, just for revenge... for revenge, let yourself become like this...

Why are you so stupid.

There is more than one method of revenge, so why choose the method of killing each other?

Why don't you love yourself so much?

Is there nothing in this world that can make you nostalgic?

Xie Huai held Fang Li's hand, exerting so much force that his veins bulged, as if he wanted to do this, he grabbed Fang Li's hand tightly and asked him why he had to do this...

But, even if you ask, what's the use?

Everything is a foregone conclusion.

After a long time, Xie Huai closed his eyes dejectedly, and pulled the corner of his lower lip in self-deprecating manner.

At first he came to Fuqiu Mountain.

He had made up his mind to kill this demon at all costs, and restore peace to the world of spirits and immortals.

Now there is no need to do it yourself, this person is going to die, but in his heart, there is no joyful emotion, only pain and reluctance...

I wish I could replace it with myself.

Is this emotion really just guilt?


It turned out that at some point, when he didn't even know it - he had fallen in love with this person.

This love is like a trickle, or like a gentle breeze, silently, unconsciously... but it has already made him indulge in it, unable to extricate himself, but because of his position and grudges, he ignored his own feelings and denied himself. all the heartbeats...

But... even if he keeps saying that he can't respond to his feelings, even if he keeps telling himself that they are not fellow travelers, it is impossible...

At this moment, he could no longer deceive himself and others after all.

All his life, he had slain demons and defended the Tao. He once vowed to kill all demons in the world with a single sword, but in the end he fell in love with a demon and couldn't help himself.

Xie Huai slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of determination.

He took Fang Li's hand, cut a hole in his palm and his own, and then joined hands and clasped fingers.

He was born with a natural invulnerability to all poisons, and ordinary poisons could not hurt him at all. Even if it was a strange poison like Shimengsan, he was 50% sure that he could suppress it. Only by introducing the poison to himself could Fang Li wake up.

There must be another way...

Don't just give up...

So, wake up.


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