MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 3 molested

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Countless flying spirit weapons soared into the sky, led by a **** ship, shadows shrouded the place it passed, like a black curtain covering the sky, making people shudder involuntarily.

Fang Li stood at the bow of the boat, and because of the protective barrier, his clothes remained motionless, so he was not disturbed by the cold wind.

It is because of his insanity that he was harmed by the poison of Lihun, and his soul flew away, causing the internal energy of this body to be chaotic. If he acted rashly, it is very likely that he will also become insane... Soon he will return to Fuqiu Mountain, if he can't recover as soon as possible With a cultivation base, he might be very passive in the face of those wolfish and ambitious subordinates.

However, he didn't promise the system to complete the task at all... Fang Li casually thought, what does it feel like to go crazy?

Will it be like in the novel, sinking into the world of bliss, being confused by beautiful illusions, and thus losing yourself... If you can die in such a beautiful dream, it would be a blessing.

Maybe it's disgusting, he just doesn't want to wake up from such a beautiful dream, but it's a pity that he has no way of knowing what he dreamed about.

Wu Yimei stood on one side respectfully with downcast eyes, his brows furrowed slightly, he guessed a little about His Majesty's idea of ​​attacking Yun Jian Que, and it was nothing more than to give the Righteous Immortal Gate a blow, Yun Jian Que is the oldest in the world of spirits Immortal Sect is the head of the five great Immortal Sects. Its status is respected and it has always been an example of righteousness. It is very appropriate to use it to scare chickens and monkeys...

As for Yuyi Jun Xie Huai, such a young master in the distraction stage has a limitless future, not comparable to those old guys who are waiting to die, and Xie Huai is extremely powerful and can fight at a higher level, killing countless demon cultivators with a cold light , even though all those demon cultivators were brave enough to die, and the wheel battle consumed Xie Huai's cultivation level... In the end, it was the Venerable's shot that hurt him.

Xie Huai's threat was too great.

Such an opponent, given time, will become a serious problem, and must not be taken lightly, it is right to cut the grass and root out.

Wu Yimei thought that His Majesty threatened to make Xie Huai a spoiled pet, not only to slap Yun Jianque in the face, but also to kill the opponent in advance to get rid of this threat...Who would have thought that Xie Huai would really be brought back...

This is something Wu Yimei can't understand.

He has never dared to speculate on His Majesty's intentions, but thinking of restraining a person like Xie Huai by his side as a pet, it is like being with a tiger, and if he is a little careless, he doesn't know who will die.

Could it be... Your Majesty met Xie Huai himself, and was also confused by his appearance, so he really had that kind of thought?

Wu Yimei thought about it, looked solemn, and finally said: "My lord, this subordinate thinks that Xie Huai should not be taken back."

Fang Li came back to his senses, looked at the people around him, and smiled lightly: "Oh? Then what do you think?"

Wu Yimei said slowly in a hoarse voice: "Xie Huai will not be willing to be a spoiled pet, he will definitely wait for the opportunity to attack the superior, and this person should not be underestimated, the subordinates think that we should cut the grass and root out, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

What a conscientious and vicious cannon fodder, just as he was about to take the protagonist back home, he began to encourage him to kill and silence him.

Fang Li looked lazy, looked at Wu Yimei, and said coolly: "Do you think he can threaten the deity?"

Wu Yimei's complexion changed slightly, fearing that his superior would be displeased, he hurriedly said: "This subordinate absolutely has no such intentions, but since your superior has no intention of him, why should you keep him? Killing him directly, wouldn't it make those righteous Are you afraid?"

Fang Li said: "Who said the deity has no intentions of him?"

Wu Yimei: "..."

Fang Li put his hand on the railing, with a slight smile on his lips, his tone was casual, but his final word could not be questioned: "The deity said it, he is now the deity's person, so don't mention it again."

He still has to guard Xie Huai well, waiting for him to kill him.

Wu Yimei saw that Fang Li had made up his mind, at least for the time being, he would not hurt Xie Huai's life, but he was really worried about letting such a person stay with his lord, he was silent for a moment, and then said again: "If your lord really wants To accept Xie Huai, it is better to abolish his cultivation, so that he can be more obedient and obedient when he enjoys it in the future."

Fang Li finally turned his head and fixedly looked at Wu Yimei.

To be honest, he didn't expect this to happen. He had read the original book, and it was true that Xie Huaixiu was abolished, but the original book didn't say... Wu Yimei contributed to this.

Fang Li thought for a moment, then said lightly: "If such a beauty gets **** and hurts the interest of this deity, then use the Soul Locking Nail."

Wu Yimei wanted to say more, but seeing Fang Li's indifferent expression, he was clearly displeased, so he said "yes", then bowed and retreated, probably planning to carry out the execution in person, after all, dealing with Xie Huai, but There is no room for carelessness.

He has always been a conscientious and good subordinate.

Fang Li looked at the back of Wu Yimei leaving, and then shook his head and sighed softly, I know you are just loyal... But do you know that it will not end well if you go against the protagonist.

[The system said anxiously: Why did you let Wu Yimei use the soul lock nail? According to the plot, it should be you who abolished his cultivation with your own hands. 】

[Fang Li: What is the purpose of abolishing his cultivation? 】

[System: Let him have no cultivation base. 】Cough, you can be do whatever you want...

[Fang Li: What is the function of the soul lock nail? 】

[System: Let him have no cultivation for the time being. 】Momen often use this trick to deal with captives, to seal the captives’ cultivation and spiritual power, so that those captives have no resistance and can be do whatever they want...

[Fang Li: So do you have any questions now? 】

[System: ...] But these are two completely different things! Once a monk's cultivation is abolished, there is no room for him to stand up again. He is considered a complete useless person, but the soul lock nail can only temporarily seal his cultivation. If he wants to restore his cultivation, he just needs to take out the nails. One is temporary and the other is Permanent, one is reversible and one is irreversible...

However, even if the cultivation base is completely abolished, Xie Huai can still succeed in recultivation. Looking at it this way, it seems that there is really no difference...

[Fang Li: My body has just gone mad, and I can't take care of myself. If I do it myself, maybe I will die first. 】


[Fang Li: Of course, I don’t really care about death or not. After all, I just died once. If you really insist, it’s not impossible for me to go...]

[The system forced a smile: Not really. ] Forget it, they can do whatever they want anyway! It should be about the same...?

Fang Li raised the corners of his lips and smiled, then lowered his eyes, revealing a thoughtful look.

In the original book, Yan Sui not only abolished Xie Huai's cultivation level with his own hands, but also used extremely cruel methods. The scene was very bloody. Not only did he shatter Xie Huai's dantian with his palm, but he also crushed every bone of him inch by inch. The favored son of the tormented man, there is only one breath left, and treating a monk like this is more cruel than taking his life.

The dantian was destroyed, every bone was broken, even if the **** came, there was no possibility of changing his fate against the heavens, and I wanted to completely destroy him.

If ordinary monks suffer from this kind of torture, they might as well just die, that is Xie Huai... As the protagonist of destiny in this world, he can rise against the trend in such a desperate situation, and even reach the peak after breaking through...

If it were someone else, he would just be a useless person in this life, and he would have no chance of immortality.

How Xie Huai succeeded in rebuilding is not mentioned in the article, but Fang Li thinks that it must be a road full of thorns.

When Fang Li read the original book, he only felt that the plot was abusive, but now he feels that there is a reason for hating to do so.

The reason why Wu Yimei suggested killing Xie Huai, Fang Li clearly understood in his heart, such a threat is naturally the best to kill, even if he does not kill, he will have no chance to stand up again, if he thinks arrogantly that he can not give up Xie Huai Huai, to be able to play with such a person... that would be ridiculous.

Yan Sui's ability to deal such a ruthless hand can only show one thing, at this time, Yan Sui is not a love brain, but is indeed the cruel, cold-blooded big devil who dominates the way of evil.

It's just that Fang Li was too lazy to do this. He and Xie Huai had no grievances, and it was really unnecessary to torture a respectable opponent.

But if he didn't do anything, he would be the first one to die when he returned to Fuqiu Mountain. He was going to die, but it wasn't now, so he had to be wronged and thanked for the time being.

The Soul Locking Nail is only used to seal the cultivation base and not damage the foundation. When Xie Huai breaks through the seal, it is almost time for his own death.

Just right.

Although the process is slightly different, the result is the same.

A day later, Fang Li returned to Fuqiu Mountain.

Looking up, the majestic and sharp mountain peak is like a solitary broken sword, obliquely inserting into the monstrous black waves of the Meteorite Sea.

This place is extremely dangerous, and there are no resources. The monsters and beasts in the Meteor Sea are ferocious, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is uninhabited. Both immortals and demons are unwilling to approach.

After annihilating the way of demons, he erected the mountain gate on Fuqiu Mountain in the Meteor Sea, and made all the demons bow their heads, and gradually it took on the appearance of a sect.

Because the time is not long, the construction of Fuqiu Mountain is not yet complete. Along the way, there are still many low-level demon cultivators who are building fortifications, building palaces, magic circles, etc. on the mountain.

When Fang Li flew over from the sky, he happened to see a demon cultivator. One accidentally fell into the Meteorite Sea, and was swallowed up by the demon fish in an instant, and he was silent in the blink of an eye.

He shook his head and landed at the palace on the top of the mountain.

The construction of this palace is also very magical. The whole body is made of black huge stones. It is dark, cold and majestic. As soon as you step into it, you can feel an oppressive atmosphere. Most people just stand here, and they can't help but feel strange. fear.

He walked on the black jade-like ground according to his memory, and Wu Yimei followed quietly behind him. Seeing that Fang Li was about to go back to the bedroom to rest, he tentatively asked: "Mr. should I arrange it? Please show me Down."

Fang Li said casually: "You can arrange this little matter."

Wu Yimei's respectful voice should be.

The reason why Fang Li ordered this is because the original book is like this. Although Yan Sui brought Xie Huai back, he didn't take him seriously at this time. placement.

Wu Yimei has always disliked Xie Huai, upholding vicious cannon fodder ethics, in order to humiliate Xie Huai, he placed Xie Huai in his backyard and lived with other pets...

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that there are still about three months before I see Xie Huai next time.

As for Xie Huai's current situation... Fang Li is not at all curious. He is here to play the plot, not to spoil the plot.

In the original book, Xie Huai was much more miserable than now. After experiencing such inhuman torture, he walked through the gate of **** and survived tenaciously. Not only did he not seek death, but he also waited for the opportunity to take his life. He has the ability to endure humiliation...

Not to mention that he didn't suffer any injuries now, and was only temporarily banned. As for the mere humiliation, he must have been mentally prepared before coming here...

For a strong man like Xie Huai, instead of worrying about him, he might as well worry about himself.

Fang Li casually told his attendants that he would be in seclusion for a period of time, and no one should disturb him, and then he closed the door of the dormitory with a wave of his hand.

Since he woke up, he was surrounded by demons, or facing the righteous way of the immortal sect... He could only hold on, and he didn't have a chance to check his body carefully.

At this moment, there was finally no one around, Fang Li sat down, breathing in a circle with difficulty, then his throat sweetened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

[The system turns pale with shock: What's wrong with you, host? 】

Fang Li raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his lips, and smiled: "The work of your system should be quite easy, right?"

【system:…? 】

Fang Li said meaningfully: "After all, you don't have to worry about anything, you just need to find a host and wait for the task to be completed."


Fang Li closed his eyes tiredly, and looked inside his dantian. This body is really a mess. The gold and jade are rotten on the outside. It can't be seen on the surface. In fact, the inside is rotten, and the meridians are on the verge of drying up. This not just because of a fire accident Obsession is caused by accumulation over time.

It will go mad and die, but it will just break the last thread.

Yan Sui was always preparing to face death, so it was no surprise that he died.

In fact, as long as he persisted for a few more months, he could finish the plot and die, but he died a few months earlier, allowing himself to be dragged into this world.

Fang Li let out a breath slowly, he took out a black jade talisman from his bosom, the jade talisman was kept close to his body all the time.

As a great demon who dominates the evil way and is rare in ten thousand years, the ultimate villain of this article is naturally not an ordinary person, and he also has adventures.

His adventure was this black jade talisman.

Although Yan is very talented, no matter how powerful he is, he is only in his twenties, and his real cultivation is actually the peak of distraction... Even if he is an extreme genius, he is still slightly inferior to Xie Huai.

With his cultivation base, he can dominate the world of spirits and immortals, but if he wants to be invincible and unify the magic way, it is undoubtedly impossible for Master Mingyin, who has been seriously injured in the late stage of refining the virtual world and has lived for hundreds of years, to be invincible.

But unfortunately he did it, achieved the impossible - it was because of this jade talisman.

The black jade talisman is indeed a magic weapon against the sky, but it has advantages and disadvantages.

This jade talisman can absorb his own blood essence, greatly enhance his attack, make him invulnerable, and even fight at a higher level. So far, he has never been defeated, so that no one knows his true cultivation level.

But the sequelae are also very serious. This is the method of fishing in a dry lake. Because the essence and blood are seriously damaged, this body is now exhausted. If the power of the jade talisman is used two or three times at most, he will die. I won't use it even once... and it will only last for a year or a half.

This is a person who must die.

Fang Li turned his head slowly, there was a bronze mirror on the right side, a pale man was reflected in the mirror, this was the first time Fang Li saw his own face clearly.

The skin of the man in the mirror does not have a trace of blood, it is an extremely abnormal snow white, long black hair hangs loose behind him, his eyes are narrow and dark, his eyebrows are sharp and sharp, his lips are extremely pale, and the corners of his thin lips are raised, looking Weary and cool.

No matter how you look at it, they all look terminally ill.

You ask why no one has found out that he has a problem? That's because Yan Sui has always been like this, and some people have provoked him, and some people have looked down on him, but these people have all died, and their deaths are very miserable.

Besides, there are quite a few long and strangely shaped demons. The one who looks weak may be a top expert, the one who looks young and immature may be an old man, and the one who looks sick may not be really sick... Gradually, no one cares about his appearance. , strength has nothing to do with appearance, what he brings to people is only death and fear.

Fang Li raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, adding a touch of laziness to this sickly cold face.

Only he knew that this body was really very sick and was about to die.

When reading the original novel, Fang Li only felt that the plot was illogical, and that he didn't have to die, but his madness led to his death, and finally died in Xie Huai's hands.

But Fang Li now understands that this is the ending Yan Sui personally chose for himself.

All the absurd and bizarre things in the novel were predestined long ago.


Fang Li retreated for three months.

He didn't worry about the outside affairs at all. In the past, Yan Sui didn't take care of things too much, and Wu Yimei took care of general affairs, and he was very relieved when Wu Yimei took care of things.

Before, Fang Li thought that Yan Sui was a love brain demon who had no intention of career, he was unrestrained and could do whatever he wanted, except that he was willing to spend some time on Xie Huai... But now Fang Li understood.

What does it have to do with him to let him turn the world upside down after his death?

Yan Sui never planned to manage Fuqiu Mountain well, he is just a lunatic who is not afraid of death and will do his own thing.

Fang Li shook hands with the shopkeeper, acting as a peace of mind.

In the palace, there are rare treasures, panaceas and miraculous medicines offered by the Demon Sect, and spiritual stones for cultivation are inexhaustible. Fang Li used them generously, and finally recovered about 30% of his cultivation, which is probably at the early stage of distraction. .

It is rare to see masters in the distraction stage of the spirit fairy world, and there are only a handful of them in the entire spirit fairy world during the emptiness refining stage. Apart from the suzerains of the five great fairy sects, there are probably only some old monsters who have never been born. These are people that you will never encounter ...Besides, as a Demon Lord, he has many subordinates, so he doesn't have many chances to take action himself. Even if he does encounter a difficult person, he still has a jade talisman to use.

And now it's almost time to see Xie Huai.

The system has reminded him a lot these days, don't forget the days, Fang Li's ears are getting callused.

According to the plot, after Yan Sui plundered Xie Huai back, he threw it away for three months, until he accidentally went to the backyard to relax and met Xie Huai by accident, only then did he learn that Wu Yimei actually placed Xie Huai in his backyard.

But Xie Huai suffered such torture, still unyielding and indifferent, under the background of Xie Huai's peerless appearance, the whole court's pets lost their color, and they sent Xie Huai to him on a whim.

This night was the first time for Yan Sui and Xie Huai.

Fang Li stood up bored, pushed the door open and left.

As soon as the demon servant waiting outside saw Fang Li coming out, he immediately knelt down respectfully on the ground, and was about to ask his lord what to order, when Fang Li dragged his black clothes and walked past him.

Following his memory, Fang Li came to the back of the palace, where all the spoiled pets lived.

As soon as he entered the door, he was spotted by two sharp-eyed beauties, who immediately greeted him with smiles, surrounded Fang Li from left to right, and laughed coquettishly one after another.

"Why is Your Majesty here when you are free?"

"Yao'er misses you very much, and doesn't think about eating and drinking every night."

"Your Majesty, did you forget Yin'er, last time you praised Nu, saying that Nu's eyes are beautiful."

Fang Li looked to the side lightly, there was a black-haired and gray-eyed beauty named Water Demon, a little demon who was good at charm; a beauty with red lips and black eyes named Feng Yin, who was best at kung fu in bed.

Those who can guard the gate of the courtyard are all darlings with strong professionalism. They seem to be unintentional, but they are not. They are similar to employees who go out of their way to please the boss in the workplace. They all work hard and patiently.

Three hundred and sixty lines, it's not easy to do it, and it's not easy for a disciple like Israel to serve others.

Fang Li didn't underestimate the other party, he smiled lightly, and let the two of them embrace and walk in.

As they entered, everyone found that the lord came up, and all the beauties greeted him, but seeing that the position next to Fang Li was already occupied by the water demon and Fengyin, thinking about the ruthless methods of the lord, did he dare to go forward? crowded.

Many people thought bitterly that His Majesty hadn't come for several months, they were careless and didn't go to guard the door, and they were taken advantage of by these two scumbags, His Majesty tolerated their presumptuousness , didn't wave them away!

There are pavilions, terraces and waterside pavilions everywhere in the backyard, one step at a time, luxury and elegance coexist, the beauties are in various poses, full of laughter, a bit like a rich and noble village in the world, Fang Li seems to have returned to the world, and he doesn’t feel noisy here, and feels a little more popular , can't help but feel good.

Fang Li walked for a while and saw a gazebo, so he rested.

There was a rug woven with golden silk on the gazebo, as soon as Fang Li sat down, the water demon and Feng Yin immediately snuggled up to him, and sat down on both sides of him, fearing that others would occupy their seats.

The other darlings saw that they couldn't get in the slightest gap, so they had to suppress their reluctance bitterly, and surrounded Fang Li with smiles.

At a glance, Fang Li felt that they were colorful and beautiful, each with its own merits, it was really a blessing for an emperor.

The only pity is that they are all men.

And he doesn't like men.

Seeing that His Majesty seems to be in a good mood today, everyone hesitated for a while, and gradually became more courageous. They came over one after another, some rubbed Fang Li's shoulders, some beat Fang Li's legs, and some poured wine for Fang Li...

Fang Li closed his eyes slightly lazily, with an air of being intoxicated with gentleness.

[The system is in a hurry: host, host, don't forget that you are here to see Xie Huai! 】He saw that the host was already in a daze. It's been half an hour, why don't you go see Xie Huai!

Fang Li didn't even raise his eyelids, he just responded to the system in his mind.

【Fang Li: Don't worry, just wait a little longer. 】

How can the system not be in a hurry, he has never seen such a lazy host, he really thinks he is coming to the harem? Uh... It seems that if he really does this, it's not impossible...

The system is stuck.

Half an hour later in the blink of an eye, when the system hesitated, wondering if it should remind again, Fang Li suddenly stood up.

The water demon and Feng Yin were the closest to Fang Li, and they had cuddled up to him for so long. Seeing Fang Li standing up, they thought Fang Li was about to choose someone, and immediately stood up excitedly.

Fang Li thought that the time was almost up. Since he was having fun in the backyard, he ran into Xie Huai by accident, and went straight to Xie Huai as soon as he came, which didn't fit the plot.

But if you want to see Xie Huai, you can't stay here.

You have to be more proactive...

There are two kinds of beauties in the harem that the demon king hates: one is the beauties presented by the demon sect, who recommend themselves as pillows.

There is also a kind of beauty who is plundered and plundered.

And those who are willing to stay here to serve him are naturally willing to recommend themselves as pillow seats, and those who have been robbed will naturally not come near here.

Fang Li knew where those people were.

With one arm around the waist of the water demon, he walked along the water seemingly carelessly, and gradually walked to the depths of the bamboo forest in the backyard.

Both the water demon and Fengyin were a little puzzled. Those who hid in this corner were those disciples of the righteous immortal sect who were unwilling to serve the lord and were arrested. They all avoided the lord like snakes and scorpions. They hid far away, and His Majesty didn't pay much attention to them. He always regarded them as non-existent... It's all because of those ignorant demon cultivators, but if they caught someone with a bit of beauty, they would send them to His Majesty's backyard. Is Your Majesty so hungry?

If Fang Li knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say that they coincided with each other.

Of course, Yan is not so hungry, and he rarely even comes to the backyard. The only one who grabs it by himself is Xie Huai.

As for the others, they were either beauties presented by his subordinates, or captives captured by his subordinates.

Although Yan Sui is not very interested in these things, it doesn't matter how many people there are in the backyard. There is no difference between one, two, ten, or hundreds of dead or alive. In his eyes, he is like a beauty, but his subordinates will not refuse him when they see him. As a result, more and more people are flattering, and more and more people are in the backyard.

At the end of the brook is a bamboo forest, among the green and indistinct, there are people's shadows, Xie Huai should be there.

The water demon gently hugged Fang Li's arm, frowned slightly, and didn't want to go up to that side at all, so as not to be disappointed by those guys, but he didn't dare to stop him at all, so he could only follow Fang Li forward.

A few steps away, the field of vision suddenly opened up, and I saw a few people standing or standing among the bamboo forests, all of whom were plainly dressed...Compared with the colorful flowers and reds around him, it seemed to be a completely different beauty.

It's hard for Fang Li to say for a while, which one is better-looking, but what he can be sure of is—

Xie Huai is undoubtedly the best looking.

Xie Huai is probably the only one who can make this group of charming beauties stand out. Wherever he is, it is difficult for you to look away.

At this moment, Xie Huai also turned to look at him.

The cold man's black hair was tied behind his head, and he was dressed in plain white clothes. He turned his head and glanced at him lightly, his sleeves brushed over the edge of the stone table, and he was gently twisting a stone with his fingertips.

Oh? Is there still leisure and elegance playing chess?

Fang Li raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although he has read the original book, he has long known that Xie Huai is not an ordinary person, he will never cry, let alone give up on himself, this person... no matter what situation he is in, he will only deal with it calmly and will not show his fragile side to anyone .

Fang Li already knew all this, but seeing it with his own eyes now, he still felt a little emotional. After all, he was sealed in cultivation—he was in the backyard of the demon king.

You must know what you might encounter, right?

Fang Li's eyes showed a little playfulness, he stopped, looked at the other party deeply, and smiled lightly: "When you see this deity, why don't you come to pay your respects?"

Xie Huai didn't react yet, but the people around him all looked angry, as if they hated it, but there was unconcealable fear deep in their eyes.

These are the normal people, Fang Li thought, in the face of almost foreseeable torment, from the righteous heavenly arrogance to the devil's pampered... It is human nature to be afraid and unwilling to be resigned.

But Xie Huai didn't have these emotions...

Just as Fang Li was thinking.

Seeing this, the water demon suddenly became thoughtful, he was not afraid of those ignorant woods, they did not pose any threat to him at all, and His Majesty never gave them any winks, but this newcomer gave him a strong sense of crisis.

He looked at Xie Huai... Even if this person just sat there quietly, he would feel ashamed of himself, what if His Majesty fell in love with him...

The water demon's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his hand to grab Xie Huai, and said: "Bold, you actually sit still when you meet your majesty!"

These disciples of the righteous way like to carry it the most. They are obviously afraid of death but they like to put on a show. The hypocrisy is disgusting. If they are really not afraid of death, why don't they commit suicide? That is the preservation of the reputation.

The water demon couldn't wait to see it. This man, who was as handsome as a god, looked like crying and begging on his knees. Let His Majesty take a look, this person is no different... Even if he refused to kneel down, he would anger His Majesty and kill him Wouldn't he be better.

Xie Huai didn't move, he only raised his hand gently, and before the water demon could see clearly, he held his slender wrist.

next moment.

The crisp sound of broken bones was instantly drowned out by the screams, and the water demon's painful face was distorted. He knelt on the ground with his hands in his hands, and looked at him in disbelief. How dare he!

The corner of Fang Li's lips twitched slightly.

He didn't stop the water demon when he started. He just wanted to see how Xie Huai would respond, and he knew that Xie Huai would not give in, but he broke someone's wrist without saying a word... He really doesn't feel pity at all, poor This winkless cannon fodder is gone.

[Fang Li laughs: It seems that this new beauty is very hot-tempered. 】
