MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 2 beautiful woman

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The last time Yun Jian Que's guardian formation was opened was four thousand years ago, in order to deal with natural disasters and fires, and the mountains and rivers were in turmoil.

The core of the guardian array is located in the Hall of Immortals at the top of Lingyun Peak. It is presided over by elders who have reached the stage of distraction in turn. The array needs millions of spiritual stones every day. Rao Yunjianque has a long history and rich heritage. By the seventy-seventh and forty-ninth day, it will soon fall into an unsustainable situation.

Nearly a thousand disciples above the Foundation Establishment Stage sat cross-legged silently outside the Hall of Immortals, with solemn expressions. Their cultivation was not enough to manipulate the formation, but at the last moment, they could burn their own cultivation to replace the spirit stones and continue to serve the formation. Array provides spiritual power.

Suddenly, the light curtain in the air flickered, indicating that it was attacked again.

The demon cultivators took turns attacking the big formation, which would cause the big formation to consume more energy. Now the light of the big formation is getting weaker and weaker, I'm will not be able to hold it today.

Xie Huai walked out of Wenxian Palace slowly, looked up, and saw that the light in the sky was getting weaker, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Those disciples who were waiting outside all showed admiration when they saw him come out, and respectfully said: "Thank you, senior brother."

Xie Huainai is the big disciple of Yun Jianque's generation. Although the senior brothers of all of them are young, they have the cultivation base of the distraction stage, so they are qualified to enter the Hall of Immortals and assist the elders in manipulating the formation. Waiting for others but can only stay outside...

However, although they don't have Xie Huai's talent and cultivation base, they can't help much, but they will not be greedy for life and fear death.

Xie Huai looked at the young faces in front of him, all of them had a look of resoluteness, even the most naughty little juniors and juniors were sitting upright at this moment, holding the sword in their hands tightly, facing the life and death In danger, no one fled the battle, and no one...thought of handing him over in order to survive.

Yes, on the day when Yun Jianque was trapped, Mozun sent someone to spread the word that if he offered his thanks to Mozun, Yun Jianque would be given a way out.

These rampant remarks are undoubtedly a humiliation to the entire Yun Jian Que. If the righteous immortal sect survives by donating their disciples, it will only become the laughing stock of the entire spirit immortal world, and there will be no place for them to gain a foothold. At that time, everyone was very indignant , a **** battle is inevitable.

Now seventy-seven forty-nine days have passed.

Getting closer to death day by day, more desperate day by day...but still no one compromised.

This is Yunjianque's strength of character, he would rather perish here than bow to the devil.

Xie Huai walked down the steps step by step with heavy steps.

When he was about to pass here, a hand held onto the hem of his clothes. It was Tao Lu, the younger brother. The boy winked at him and said, "Brother, you must live."

This child is usually the most naughty, and he often cheats and cheats in cultivation. He is often reprimanded by his master, but now he is sitting here obediently... Xie Huai said slowly: "Why?"

Seeing that no one noticed, the young man showed a familiar sly look, grinned and showed his cute little canine teeth, and whispered, "Senior brother, you are the youngest distraction in the spirit world. You are different from us as a genius who hopes to become a true immortal of you must live, so that you can avenge us."

When he said this, his eyes lit up, and he almost danced with his hands and feet, as if he was killing all directions: "When the time comes, those demon cultivators who will be killed will cry for their father and mother, let's see if they dare to behave like this!"

Xie Huai's throat choked slightly.

Afraid of delaying his business, Tao Lu hurriedly let go of his hand after speaking, scratching his head embarrassedly: "Usually you are the senior brother who stands in front, this time we will protect you again!"

Xie Huai slowly stretched out his hand, rubbed the boy's head, and said hoarsely: "You are still young, don't think so much."

He turned his head, didn't stay any longer, and went down to the top of the mountain.


Master Mingyin is the suzerain of Ren Yunjianque, one of the few great masters in the Void Refining Stage in the entire Spirit Immortal Realm, and is highly respected in the Spirit Immortal Realm, but now that this year is approaching, he is still at the peak of the Void Refining Stage He couldn't break through, so he couldn't stay out of seclusion all year round. If he hadn't encountered such a crisis...he wouldn't have left the seclusion to deal with the evil disaster.


The white-haired old man sat cross-legged, his face was like gold paper, his expression was weak, and he was obviously seriously injured.

He slowly opened his eyes, and said in an old voice, "Huai'er, you are here."

Xie Huai respectfully stepped forward and said, "Master."

Xie Huai looked at the weak breath of the old man, and his heart became more and more heavy. Master has been out of the customs to face the battle, but he is still not the opponent of the devil... and the master has been stagnant in the refining stage for more than a hundred years, and there is little hope of breaking through. Gengu, I'm afraid there is no hope to go further.

Xie Huai's eyes were heavy, and he said word by word: "Master, is that devil already in the stage of joining the Dao?"

Above refining the emptiness is He Dao, a monk who has reached the Dao Harmony stage, his body and spirit are united, his lifespan is almost endless, he can attract the power of heaven and earth, and he can shatter the void, so he is also called the True Immortal of He Dao, and the world of spirits... since After the last Hedao True Immortal fell at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there has been no Hedao True Immortal for thousands of years.

If the devil had really reached such a state, I am afraid that today not only the danger of Yun Jian Que, but also the danger of the entire spirit fairy world.

Master Mingyin shook his head: "It shouldn't be. If he is really at the stage of joining the Dao, the grand array of guardians will not be able to stop him..." But Master Mingyin can't tell exactly what kind of realm it is.

Xie Huai's expression was serious, as long as he was not in the Dao stage, he had the hope of resisting... Besides, so what if it was in the Dao stage? As long as he lives for a day, he will definitely kill this devil and restore peace to the world of spirits and immortals.

Master Mingyin sighed softly.

Five years ago, that demon was born out of nowhere, and he ruled the way of demons with cruel and tyrannical means, making the demons bow their heads and dare not disobey... At that time, the world of spirits and immortals did not realize that this was the beginning of a disaster.

No one knows his origin, no one knows his cultivation, only know that he is very strong, so far he has never been defeated, and all those who resist him will be brutally killed.

After Mozun was tired of dominating the demon way, he soon began to expand, wantonly killing and plundering resources, and his subordinates were group of demons and common people... A few days ago, the disciples of Yun Jianque went down the mountain to travel, in order to protect the local people, and some demon cultivators caused There was a conflict, and I didn't want to lead to this disaster.

Just because of trivial conflicts, he did not hesitate to go to war to exterminate the sect... This demon has no common sense in his actions, and is extremely unscrupulous, and he is afraid that he wants to kill chickens to scare monkeys.

But all the immortal sects are still in a state of disunity, unable to resist at all.

After Yun Jianque fought hard, he had to retreat to the sect, and opened the grand array of guarding the sect. On the day he was trapped, Master Mingyin sent letters to all sects, but he has only received a few replies so far. Although several sects that had made friends with each other said they would come to help, a whole seventy-seven and forty-nine days passed without waiting for a sect's assistance.

Master Mingyin gave a wry smile, yes, now that thousands of demons are gathering, which sect would dare to come over? I'm afraid that before I can save them, I will be wiped out by the group of demons...

Even a person who cultivates immortals is still an individual, and a person will care about gains and losses... But although it is understandable, I am still a little disappointed in the end. If all the immortal sects cannot unite—what happened to Yun Jianque today, it will be them tomorrow.

Master Mingyin looked at the young man in front of him with loving eyes and never let go... Now that the situation is at an end, it is time to make a decision.

Xie Huai is his most hopeful disciple. He was born with a strong sense of Taoism and a very high level of comprehension. He is a genius who is rarely seen in a millennium when he is only 20 years old. He will stop here in this life, but Xie Huai's future is limitless , it is not impossible to become a true immortal of Hedao. Only when Xie Huai is alive can the inheritance of Yun Jianque have hope to continue...

Master Mingyin spoke slowly: "The moment the formation is broken, the Master will personally fight—"

Xie Huai frowned, and said: "Master, your injury is still unhealed..."

Master Mingyin smiled lightly and interrupted his words: "As a teacher, if you explode your primordial spirit, you will definitely be able to stop that demon, and you—you can take this opportunity to leave."

Xie Huai's face changed slightly: "Master—"

Master Mingyin looked dignified, and said earnestly: "You are Yun Jianque's last hope, as a teacher, I don't hope, Yun Jianque's inheritance ends today, do you understand?"

Xie Huai clenched his hands tightly and his jaw tensed. How could he not understand the thoughts of his master and fellow disciples? They all pinned their hopes on him and wanted to sacrifice themselves to find a way out for him. The inheritance continues, and one day they will avenge them...

However, he couldn't accept this ending.

Xie Huai seems to have finally made up his mind, he suddenly laughed softly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and said: "It's not yet this point, we still have a way, have you forgotten?"

Master Mingyin was startled for a moment, then understood what Xie Huai meant, and angrily said: "Nonsense, no!"

Xie Huai said calmly: "The Demon Lord said that as long as I am alone, he can let Yun Jianque go."

Master Mingyin raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "The words of the devil have no credibility at all! He said that kind of thing just to humiliate us. If you really go, you will only die!"

It's not that Xie Huai didn't think of this, but...he said slowly: "But there is a 30% possibility that he will really retreat and leave...First, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he will backfire, which may damage his prestige. Secondly, his purpose is to scare others To let the immortal sects in the world know the fate of disobeying him, as long as he is given a step, Yun Jianque has no enmity with him, and there is no need to kill him.

Now there are also heavy casualties at the Demon Gate, and many people are dissatisfied, but dare not speak out... Now that he has become the Demon Lord, even if he is cruel and innocent, he still has to consider the thoughts of his subordinates. We agreed to his request... There is a great possibility of retreating. "

Xie Huai spoke eloquently, reasoning calmly and rationally about the possibility of the Demon Sect retreating, as if what he was talking about was not at all the matter of dedicating himself as a prostitute.

Master Mingyin's eyes are sad. This is his most proud disciple. He has the root of talent, excellent understanding, firm Taoist heart, and the most calm and rational mind... He should have gone forward on the road of seeking immortality, but he had to face Such a choice.

He watched Xie Huai grow up, Master Mingyin couldn't bear it, and said: "Do you know what will happen to you if you go to the devil's place?"

The devil's cruelty is well known in the world, and I'm afraid that even death will be an extravagant hope when the time comes.

Xie Huai said lightly: "The inheritance of Yun Jianque should not be tied to me alone, master and uncle, brothers and are the inheritance of Yun Jianque, and the future of Yun Jianque... If there is still Other possibilities, but you have to sacrifice your lives in exchange for me to live alone, which will hinder my Dao heart, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to break through in this life, and I will live up to Master's expectations."

Xie Huai's words left Venerable Ming Yin speechless. Immortal cultivators value Dao heart the most. Xie Huai's heart is arrogant, and his Dao heart cannot be flawed... Obviously he has made up his mind not to let his fellow disciples die for him in vain.

"Only alive can there be hope. There are thousands of disciples in Yun Jian Que, so they shouldn't die here." Xie Huai said in a single word: "Besides, I went to the devil's side, and I have a chance to kill him. Generally speaking, it is the best choice now.”

By sacrificing him alone, the entire sect can be preserved.

As long as there is a slight possibility, he has to try.

Master Mingyin was silent for a long time, and said: "What if the devil refuses to keep the agreement..."

Xie Huai smiled, raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes were sharp: "Then thank you Master, you can help me block it, I will definitely kill a **** path, and come back to avenge you in the future."

Master Mingyin could no longer say anything against him, his eyes were full of tears, his expression was sad and moved, this was his most proud and favorite disciple, he watched him grow up like his own child, and had high hopes for him, but Yun Jian After all, Xie Huai is not the only one, there are many, many people, he has no way to refuse Xie Huai's proposal...

Only by enduring a moment of humiliation can there be hope.

Master Mingyin took a deep breath, and slowly uttered a word: "Okay."

Xie Huai smiled in relief, he lifted the hem of his clothes, bowed deeply to Master Mingyin, raised his head and said: "I have one last request."

Master Mingyin said with tears in his eyes, "You say, I will promise you as a teacher."

Xie Huai said slowly: "If I go to the Demon Sect, I hope Master will drive me out of the Sect. From now on, my actions, all honors and disgraces will have nothing to do with Yun Jianque."


In front of the gate of Yunjian Que Mountain, a group of demon cultivators were attacking the guardian formation. The leader of the demon cultivators was wearing black armor. He was tall, with skin like bronze, and his muscles were knotted. He held a knife in both hands. Formation, concentrating all the cultivation bases on one person, he slashed down with one knife after another, and the light of the large formation couldn't stop flickering!

The demon cultivator sneered as he slashed, and said loudly: "As long as you hand over Lord Yuyi, His Majesty will let you live if you are happy, why are you so stubborn!"

There were a few disciples of Yun Jian Que sitting guard in the formation, their expressions remained motionless, and they looked coldly at the Demon Cultivator outside.

Moxiu smiled, his tone became more ambiguous, with a hint of intimacy, and said: "Look at your dead faces, you are really ignorant, you should be happy! Fortunately, you Yun Jianque has such a famous person all over the world." The number one beauty, if she is a casual person, our lord would not like it, this is your luck, she is really shameless..."

Rao, those few disciples have heard countless provocative and foul language in the past few decades, but every time they hear this, they still feel outraged.

Senior brother Xie Huai is the object of admiration for all of them, he is Yunjianque... no, he is the number one pride in the world of spirits, not only in terms of cultivation, but also the leader of the younger generation, and even his appearance is unmatched, so glamorous The existence of Yun Jian Que is the pride of everyone in Yunjian Que... But the demon said that he was a servant of Israel, they just wanted to step forward and risk their lives!

Today is the 7749th day, and it is obvious that the formation cannot last long. Several disciples who were filled with indignation took a deep breath and clenched the swords in their hands.

No one will come.

Even if he died here today, it would be nothing more than that.

They've had enough of being a coward!

They stood up one by one, and were about to fight to the death, when they suddenly heard the movement, looked back, and asked in a daze, "Senior Xie, why did you come out?"


In the Soul Refining Pagoda, Fang Li said with a smile, "I believe it."

Then he stretched out his hand and waved in the air, helping Wu Yimei up.

Wu Yimei glanced at the pale man in front of him, then lowered his gaze respectfully, and suppressed the strange emotion that appeared in his heart at that moment.

Your Majesty has always been cold and reticent, no one knows what he thinks, even though he has given him the right envoy, he doesn't trust him much.

Sometimes Wu Yimei even feels that this person will not trust anyone, that he is alone in his world, even if he has been with him for ten years, and walks with him through mountains of corpses and seas of blood...but this person has never treated him There has been any difference, and he will not reveal half of his true self to him.

But today, His Majesty not only explained his behavior to himself, but even smiled at him, saying that he believed him.

It was rare for Wu Yi to sleep, and he was a little at a loss.

Fang Li lightly ordered: "Let's clean this place."

Looking across the **** carpet, Fang Li thought, this carpet might not be available anymore.

At this time, I heard a message from outside that Xie Huai had come out.

Fang Li raised his eyebrows slightly, stood up slowly, and said with a smile, "Go out with me and have a look."

Wu Yimei immediately said: "Yes."

With a thought, Fang Li and Wu Yimei appeared outside the tower. As soon as he appeared, the outside immediately became quiet. In the silence, the dark magic cultivators parted like a tide, and made way for them.

This scene is extremely spectacular.

Fang Li walked slowly, his black robe dragging on the ground...He thought absently, he just picked up a mess, and now he is weak, if any magic cultivator suddenly explodes, the possibility of killing him is very high …

He casually glanced at the two sides, and the magicians on both sides bowed their heads and retreated one after another...

What a pity, it seems that no magic cultivator has the courage to miss this good opportunity to kill him.

Fang Li hooked the corner of his mouth, and finally passed the group of demons and came to the mountain gate of Yun Jian Que. He raised his head and saw the man in white with a sword in one hand in front of him.

The coats of immortal cultivators are mostly magical artifacts, with built-in dust-proof functions, so it is normal to be spotless... But at this moment, the man's white clothes are stained with blood. Only when the magical artifacts are damaged, and there is no time to replace them, will they be stained with blood...

It was supposed to be a very embarrassing scene, but on the opponent's body, it was like a picture as white as snow, with heavy ink splashed on it, which made the high-ranking fairy have a tragic yet seductive beauty.

Even though his white clothes were stained with blood and he was surrounded by demons, he still remained unhurried. Even those demon cultivators who were originally extremely arrogant all looked awe-inspiring at this moment, surrounding him firmly, not daring to be careless.

It seemed that he was the dangerous existence.

In a desperate situation, but still make the enemy fearful, only killing and blood can do this.

After Fang Li woke up, he was busy absorbing the plot, dealing with his traitors, interviewing Wu Yimei... I didn't have time to think about Xie Huai, I just planned to walk through the plot casually, get him back first, and then talk...

From now on, it seems that there is something extraordinary about this person who is admired by everyone and admired by countless people.

Lord Yuyi, Xue Qingjian.

One person, one sword, independent from the world.

At this moment, Fang Li thought, it would not be wrong for Yan Sui to fall in love with him.

After all, judging people by their appearance is a common problem of mortals, and it is understandable to be disgusted with mortals.

Fang Li responded to the system with a perfunctory mentality. In fact, he didn't have any interest in doing this task, but if he was accompanied by such stunning... colleagues who are so pleasing to the eye, it seems that this work will not be boring, and it is not impossible to do it.

"I came here today, and I only have one question, does what your lord said before still count?" Xie Huai's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, his expression was cold and indifferent, and he looked at Fang Li calmly.

Fang Li came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Naturally."

Don't say that I don't know **** innocent people indiscriminately, just say that I hate myself, and I don't mean to kill them all. Although the group of sword cultivators in Yunjianque are pedantic, they are still honest, upright and upright, they are a group of demons and guardians who help the world Saving people is an ideal repair idiot...not those sanctimonious double-faced and hypocrites, killing such people is really no fun at all.

To ask for Xie Huai is to slap the Righteous Immortal Sect in the face, and the goal of Liwei has been achieved.

Xie Huai did not dodge, looked straight into Fang Li's eyes... After a while, he suddenly withdrew his sword with his backhand, and said in a clear voice, "Okay, I believe in Your Majesty."

After saying that, he stepped forward.

The Yunjianque disciples behind him all looked sad, and they all advised: "Brother, think twice!"

Xie Huai looked back at them, smiled faintly, and said, "Go back."

Although his tone was not harsh, all the disciples didn't dare to speak any more after just one glance at him. Although their eyes were flushed, they gritted their teeth and didn't move forward...

Xie Huai's words shocked everyone, then he turned his wrist, put the long sword behind his back, and walked towards Fang Li step by step.

The cold man's posture is calm and unhurried, walking among the group of demons, his expression is as indifferent as strolling in a courtyard, as if he is not going to be a pamper, but a guest at a banquet.

Fang Li narrowed his eyes, Xie Huaineng calmed down his fellow disciples, which saved himself trouble, after all, at this point, there is no need to see more blood, but...

Seeing that Xie Huai was about to come to him, Wu Yimei suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Xie Huai, her red eyes were sharp and expressionless, and she said word by word: "Hand over the spirit sword."

Fang Li glanced at Wu Yimei approvingly, no wonder Yan Sui wanted to keep him by his side.

He is currently unable to use his cultivation base for the time being. If Xie Huai lifts the sword close to him, he has no doubt that Xie Huai will try it first to see if he can kill him with a single sword. Opening his mouth to order, doesn't it seem that he is not as strong as the demon king? It will also make people wonder if something is wrong with him now, otherwise why should he care about a prisoner...

At this time, the importance of caring subordinates is reflected.

Xie Huai glanced at the cold red-eyed man in front of him, he must be Wu Yimei, Mozun's confidant.

As a sword cultivator, handing over the spirit sword is equivalent to handing over one's own lifeline to be slaughtered by others... But these are all within Xie Huai's expectations, and it seems that he can only find another opportunity.

Xie Huai remained expressionless, and handed the spirit sword to Wu Yimei, then calmly withdrew his gaze, looked at Fang Li, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

What a kindness.

Fang Li felt a little emotional, if he changed his position, he might not be able to be as calm as Xie Huai, after all, if he fell into the hands of a 'devil' like him, it would be hard to die.

Some people are not afraid of death, some people are not afraid of trouble, but life is better than death...but very few people can face it calmly.

Fang Li sincerely admires a person like Xie Huai. For his faith and to protect the weak behind him, he can go to **** alone. If it weren't for this kind of encounter, he must be a friend...

It's just that now he has to go through the plot.

Fang Li stepped forward, the two were about the same height, just looking at each other.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a playful look on purpose, looked into the cold black pupils of the other party, and chuckled lightly: "From today on, you are the person of this deity."

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