MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 23 maintain

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There was deathly silence.

Everyone's breathing slowed down, Shan Qingyang fell on the ground and trembled, he never dreamed that he was so cautious, but he still attracted the devil...

Ji Fangfang stared at the lazy young man in front of her in a daze. Although she seemed gentle and easy-going, harmless to others, she also had a hidden sense of aloofness that regarded everything like ants and dust and ignored all living beings...

"The killing of living people to refine the devil's fetus has always been done by us demon cultivators. Not only did you do it, but you also wanted to blame this deity. Have you ever asked this deity for his opinion..." Fang Li chuckled.

Everyone was trembling, no one spoke, only Fang Li's laughter echoed clearly in the cave.

Fang Li lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on Shan Qingyang, and raised his brows: "As for this blood spirit fetus, since it is said that this deity made it, then this deity is disrespectful, so I can only accept it with a smile."

Shan Qingyang knelt on the ground, his old face was full of wrinkles, showing an extremely flattering smile: "This, this blood spirit fetus, can, can be favored by the lord, it is an old honor, and I should dedicate it to the lord..."

"Okay, for the sake of the blood spirit fetus, I will let you—" Fang Li smiled slightly: "Die quickly."

Shan Qingyang's smile instantly froze on his face, and before he could speak the rest of the words, the whip in Wu Yimei's hand twisted, and a head rolled down, the old man still kept his mouth open, but the words in his mouth never I can't speak.

While talking and laughing while raising their hands, the dignified monk at the distraction stage was crushed to death like an ant, and the rest of the people were all ashamed. They thought they were already desperate enough before, but now they realized they were wrong.

It could have been even more desperate.

Shan Qingyang is already the highest cultivation level present, and he also donated a blood spirit embryo to the devil, so he failed to save his life, so how can they save their lives? Thinking of Fang Li's cynicism before I waited for someone...

It is said that the devil is the most cold-blooded and cruel, and will take revenge. I don't know how to torture them? Peeling cramps is probably basic...

Falling into the hands of Xingyue Palace is death, falling into the hands of this devil, life would be worse than death, even if it is in the hands of Xingyue Palace, at least you can die more quickly...

Fang Li turned his head to look at the group of people, seeing their desperate and fearful faces, the corners of his lips slightly curled up.

It turns out that this is the feeling of being feared like a ghost...

This taste is actually a bit good.

He seemed to understand a little bit why Yan Sui was addicted to it.

Everything in this world is false, only power is true, he does not need other people's understanding, pity, affirmation, sympathy... What he wants is to subvert this world, only fear is his nutrient, so that he can move forward indomitably, never look back.

The so-called 'truth and justice' should only be held in his hands. What he says is right is right, and what he says is wrong is wrong. Those who disobey him and those who doubt him should all be killed...

A sneer appeared in Fang Li's eyes, and he slowly raised his hand...Suddenly, a scorching hand landed on his wrist, powerful and steady.

Fang Li turned his head slowly.

Falling into a pair of secluded and cold black eyes, Xie Huai's voice entered his ears like a spring of ice: "Your Majesty, don't forget what you promised me."

Be firm and guard your heart, and don't act impulsively and do things you regret.

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai in a daze for a moment, and suddenly, the overwhelming hostility faded away like a tide, and his eyes gradually became clear...

Just now, I was probably affected by the atmosphere, and I instantly recalled the past memories of Yan Sui, and I was almost affected by Yan Sui's hostility, and did something I shouldn't have done. Fortunately, Xie Huai woke him up in time, and I didn't expect Xie Huai to bring him There are such benefits around me, Qingxin Pill is not as useful as Xie Huai...

Thinking that this was the second time Xie Huai had helped him.

Fang Li bent his eyes, held Xie Huai's hand behind his back, and the affectionate Demon Lord immediately possessed him, with a tender and gentle tone: "Since I have promised Mr. Yuyi, I will definitely do what I say..."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the crowd, parted his thin lips slightly, and uttered a word: "Get lost."

Everyone thought that they were doomed, that they could not escape the torment that life would be worse than death, and they were miserable... Who knew that the people around the devil actually dissuaded the devil, and the devil really listened to the dissuasion... Wait, the devil just called this What's the matter?

Yu, Mr. Yuyi?

Everyone looked like they had seen a ghost, but this time they were not surprised. The word 'roll' made them feel like they were being pardoned, and they ran away from here without a trace.

Ji Fangfang was relatively calm, she gave Fang Li a complicated look, and then left quickly.

The rest of the Xingyue Palace disciples on the other side also wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away when they saw this... Who would have thought that just after taking a step, they were whipped back by Wu Yimei. Wu Yimei glanced coldly and said in a hoarse voice: " Who made you go too?"

The faces of Xingyue Palace disciples were pale, and all of them looked desperate.

Fang Li didn't care about these things anymore, Wu Yimei would take care of them anyway.

He turned his gaze and landed on the Cloud Swallowing Beast.

The Cloud Swallowing Beast was repeatedly stimulated by the Xingyue Palace before, and swallowed too much blood. The existence of the blood spirit fetus made it extremely painful. At this moment, it curled up on the ground and trembled lightly, making a painful and piercing neigh...

It saw Fang Li approaching, and its instinctive fear made it want to run away, but a slightly cold hand gently touched its forehead, and the coldness penetrated from the forehead, instantly soothing its pain, It stopped struggling immediately and let Fang Li stroke it.

Fang Li put his hand on the forehead of the Cloud Swallowing Beast, looked at its red eyes from pain, and slowly closed them.

A gentle man in white clothes came from the depths of the bamboo forest, his black eyes swept away, and he let out a chuckle: "Ah Yan is reading the spirit beast scroll?"

The boy nodded and said in surprise, "Brother."

The man in white stroked his head, glanced at the book in his hand, and said with a smile: "Cloud-swallowing beast... Ah Yan knows that the most precious thing about this cloud-swallowing beast is not its inner alchemy."

The young man was a little puzzled and said: "But it's said in the book that the inner alchemy is the most precious in the Cloud Swallowing Beast."

The man in white took the scroll from his hand, with a gentle smile in his downcast eyes, and his tone was as gentle as a breeze in his ears: "What is written in the book may not be complete. Although the inner alchemy of the cloud-swallowing beast is precious, if you use blood to arouse its ferocity, Feed the blood of thousands of people, and you can give birth to a bleeding soul, and a monk who gets a blood soul can be used as a second soul, whether it is cultivation or life-saving, it is more precious than the inner alchemy."

The young man thought about it seriously, and after a while, he couldn't bear it and said, "It's too cruel to feed the blood of thousands of people."

The man in white closed the book and smiled approvingly: "Ah Yan is really kind. The first thing I thought of was not the preciousness of the blood spirit fetus, but that this move is too cruel and against the law of heaven."

The young man blushed slightly, and Nuonuo said: "The cloud-swallowing beast will surely die if it has a blood embryo. I read in the book that the cloud-swallowing beast is an auspicious beast. It is very good. Not only will it never hurt people, but it will also save Man, if something like this really happens, is there no way to save it..."

The man in white was silent for a moment, and said: "There is no way to save the cloud-swallowing beast. We just need to take away the blood spirit power in its body before the blood spirit fetus is formed. The blood spirit fetus loses the nourishment of the blood spirit power. The stillborn will disappear automatically, and the cloud-swallowing beast will survive.

But... Uncontrolled blood spirit power is not a good thing. Ordinary people can't control such a ferocious aura. If it hurts the body, it is a way of exchanging life for life. Who would want to save a mere spirit? Beasts, at the cost of their lives? "

The young man was a little sad when he heard the words, and said: "Fortunately, senior brother, no one knows what you said, and it is not written in the book, so no one will hurt the cloud-swallowing beast."

"Yeah..." The man in white smiled, looked at him dotingly, and said, "Maybe the Holy One just didn't want people to know, that's why he didn't record it in the spirit beast scroll... Ah Yan, you need to remember that after practicing The journey needs to stay true to one’s heart and follow the right path, in order to last for a long time, otherwise, it will eventually bite back on one’s body.”

The young man looked at his senior with admiration and nostalgia, and nodded solemnly.

The man in white turned around and walked away.

The scene in front of me was like the wind blowing away the clouds.

But the regret and guilt in my heart still seem to linger for a long time, I'm sorry...after all, I still failed your expectations.


Fang Li closed his eyes, his gaze fell on the Cloud Swallowing Beast, and he stretched out his hand to brush its snow-white fur.

The power of the blood spirit poured into his body like a torrent, Fang Li felt his throat sweet, but he swallowed the mouthful of blood until the red light in the eyes of the swallowing cloud beast completely dissipated.

The Cloud Swallowing Beast's eyes became dark and clear again, it gently and gratefully rubbed Fang Li's palm, stood up and wandered beside him.

Fang Li patted the Cloud Swallowing Beast and smiled: "I have already received the reward, you can go."

The Cloud Swallowing Beast seemed to be able to understand people's words, and it was a little bit reluctant. After a while, it turned around and disappeared into the mountains.

Fang Li shook his head, stood up and looked up, and met Xie Huai's worried face...

He smiled.

Yan Sui's brother is right, if you go the wrong way, you will eventually eat your body back, Yan Sui's sword is slanted and unscrupulous, this body will not live long, I don't care if a little more blood and spirit power can save the swallowing cloud beast, It can be regarded as a wish fulfilled.

Seeing Fang Li's paler face than before, Xie Huai couldn't help frowning, and wanted to step forward to support Fang Li's crumbling body, but just as he hesitated... Wu Yimei stepped forward and supported Fang Li.

Fang Li shook his head and chuckled, raised his eyebrows and said, "It doesn't matter, I had too much tonic just now, just digest it a little bit."

Xie Huai frowned tightly, is that really the case?

The blood spirit fetus is indeed a treasure as Fang Li said, but since Fang Li has let go of those people, then the blood spirit fetus should not be formed at this moment, so taking it now is considered a good thing? He looked at Fang Li's paler and weaker face. It really didn't look like he had benefited from it, but rather like he was injured in order to save the cloud-swallowing beast...

This person has never said a few truths, could it be that he is trying to hide something?

Xie Huai drooped his eyes to get rid of the complicated look, wanted to ask but didn't ask, what position does he have to care about him?

And... This person looks gentle and easy-going on the surface, but in fact he is the most guarded in his heart. He doesn't allow anyone to get close to him, and doesn't allow anyone to pry into his heart.

Why... is it because of fear of being hurt?

Fang Li supported Wu Yimei's hand, thought for a moment, and said, "Go down the mountain."

He needs to hurry up and adjust his breath.

Although Xie Huai is an upright gentleman... But after all, they have different positions, and they have such a hostile relationship. At this time, Fang Li dare not order Xie Huai to protect the law, so he can only rely on Wu Yimei.

[The system is anxious: host, host! What were you doing just now, why are you meddling in your own business! 】

[Fang Li smiled: Don't worry, I will live until the end of the plot. 】

[System: ...] Can't I be worried about you?

However, Fang Li raised the corners of his lips and smiled, since he came to this world and got a chance to start over, he should take care of him and live through the last few months...

If the hatred is still there, probably he will make the same choice, right?


At the door of the upper room of the inn in Xining County, Wu Yimei stood there motionless with his hands hanging down.

Seeing Xie Huai approaching, Wu Yimei raised her eyes, her eyes were cold, and said: "Your Majesty has not left the customs, please leave, Mr. Yuyi."

Xie Huai's eyes darkened slightly. Since the incident on the mountain was over, Fang Li retreated directly when he went down the mountain, and asked Wu Yimei to guard at the door...and never gave him a chance to get close.

For a long time, he twitched the corners of his mouth in self-deprecating manner, yes, Fang Li should be on guard against himself...

At this time of weakness, it is naturally his most trusted Wu Yimei who is qualified to be by his side.

And himself, who is he?

What's more, he shouldn't have such thoughts at all, and shouldn't care about worrying about this person...

Xie Huai's eyes darkened, and he turned and left abruptly.

Xie Huai came downstairs, Xiao Er served a pot of tea, he sat there alone, looking out the window, people coming and going.

A quarter of an hour later, a boy of fifteen or sixteen, who seemed to be a farmer in the village, walked into the inn, wearing a rough linen robe and carrying a bamboo basket.

The boy has a round face, dimples when he smiles, and a pair of cute little canine teeth. He sat down on the table behind Xie Huai, looked around vigilantly, and made sure there was no suspicious person here. Suddenly, he slipped to Xie Huai's side.

With tears in his eyes, the boy said worriedly, "Senior brother, are you alright!"

The boy is Xie Huai's younger brother, named Tao Lu.

That day when the devil besieged Yun Jian Que, Xie Huai gave himself up to the devil for them. All of them were very worried about Xie Huai. When they thought of the torture that Xie Huai might suffer, they suffered day and night and had trouble sleeping and eating...

During this period, they tried to get close to Fuqiu Mountain again and again, and were caught several times. Somehow, the devil let them go again, but they couldn't get close to Fuqiu Mountain, and they couldn't save the senior brother at all...

Moreover, many rumors spread on Fuqiu Mountain, saying that Yuyi Lord Xie Huai was a disaster, who made the demon king's fascination upside down, and turned Xie Huai into a shameless person every night.

Tao Lu was angry and aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do. Suddenly one day someone sent a message from the mountain, saying that Mr. Yuyi was fine for the time being, so they don't have to worry too much, let alone gossip.

Ten days ago, that person sent someone to send news again, saying that Lord Yuyi and Mozun had gone down the mountain.

But no one knows the whereabouts of the demon king.

Until two days ago, rumors from Xining County spread to Yunjian Que, saying that the devil took Lord Yuyi to Wanxi Mountain, destroyed the Xingyue Palace, and took away the blood spirit fetus, and Lord Yuyi returned to him The devil kisses sweetly, loves and loves, and does not look like he is being forced. He knows the identity of the devil but does not warn everyone. devil...

Nowadays, the private rumors outside are as ugly as they are.

Tao Lu and the others didn't believe this, they finally found a trace of Xie Huai, and hurried to Xining County just to see Xie Huai.

Seeing that the senior brother is not missing any arms or legs, and is still alive, Tao Lu was moved to tears, and choked up, saying: "Senior brother, now people outside say that you are helping the devil to do evil, and destroying the Xingyue Palace together with the devil , but don't worry, we will never believe those words, it must be the devil who coerced you, brother!"

Xie Huai lowered his eyes and looked indifferent. He had already expected how the outside world would spread it, but this time it was not only Fang Li who was slandered, but also himself...

In fact, Fang Li discovered the strangeness of this matter from the very beginning, and also guessed the conspiracy of Xingyue Palace. One way to live... The rest are mostly greedy people who know their way to death but still move forward.

But Fang Li still gave them a chance. Even in the end, he let them go regardless of past suspicions. He was doing his best. Fang Li was using his way to save people. To him, it was not worth saving those people. people…

If it wasn't for Fang Li, they would have died in the hands of Xingyue Palace long ago.

As for Xingyue Gongshan Qingyang and others, although they seem to be righteous, they practice evil ways, plot and plot, and they deserve to die.

Even if Fang Li didn't make a move, he would still uphold justice.

It's a pity that people in the world are ignorant, they only see the surface, and they don't want to think about the reasons.

When Tao Lu thought of the rumors outside, his heart ached. Those people just didn’t know how to repay them, but they still smeared so much. He widened his eyes and said: "Brother, I will always believe in you! It must be them Slandering you! I've heard that if you didn't stop it, the devil would kill someone. It's clearly the devil's fault and has nothing to do with you..."

Xie Huai looked into the young man's angry eyes and listened to his angry words, but what he was thinking in his heart was...

The only difference between myself and Fang Li is that there are still people who are willing to firmly believe in their innocence when facing the same reputation from the world...

But no one is willing to believe Fang Li.

They all took it for granted that Fang Li should be as rumored.

He thinks Fang Li forced himself.

Xie Huai closed his eyes.

"Hearsay, don't be credulous." He said slowly, his voice was cold, and he said every word: "People who cultivate the Tao need to have clear eyes and a righteous heart, and don't let emotional hatred affect your judgment. Since you know those rumors are slander to me, don't you?" As far as Yan Sui is concerned, can't it also be slander?"

Tao Lu was stunned for a while, and finally realized after a while, what the brother said meant that those rumors were slandering the devil?

Brother, are you speaking for that devil? !

Tao Lu sat there in a trance, at a loss for what to do. After a while, a ridiculous thought popped up in his mind: Brother, he must be, he is really confused by that monster!