MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 22 identity

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Ji Fangfang was initially shocked, her clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and she turned her head to look at the person behind her.

Fang Li was touched and said: "It's lucky to have you, otherwise we would be dead."

yes, is it?

Ji Fangfang was in a daze.

But, she obviously didn't do anything, and besides, is it true that the head of the mountain frightened away the monster?

Ji Fangfang stared forward in a daze. The white-robed old man was as imposing as a mountain, and his moves were like the wind. He started to fight with the monster. Seeing that he couldn't get any better, the monster turned around and disappeared into the woods...

It turned out that at some point, the people from the other side came to the rescue.

It seems that Shan Qingyang was indeed the one who shot away the monster, but Ji Fangfang frowned. She clearly remembered that when the monster attacked her, Shan Qingyang hadn't come over yet, and... the monster didn't seem to be very afraid of Shan Qingyang? He also fought with Shan Qingyang for a while before leaving.

But apart from Shan Qingyang, there was no one who could threaten the monsters. Looking at it this way, it seemed that it was indeed Shan Qingyang...

Ji Fangfang was full of doubts in her heart. Things seemed to be as Fang Li said, but when she thought about it carefully, she always felt that something was wrong...

Although Shan Qingyang appeared in time, there were still heavy casualties at the scene.

Seeing that the people who were still alive just now turned into cold corpses, and they had no power to fight back, they could only let death come. The atmosphere at the scene was very solemn for a while, and no one spoke.

The surrounding dark woods are like **** mouths, as if they want to choose people and devour them. If the monsters hide in the darkness and attack, even if the head of Shan Qingyang is there, they may not be able to protect all of them.

Shan Qingyang saw the uneasiness of the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "The old man knows that a place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so we can hide. We can go there to repair first and then make plans."

Is there such a place?

Everyone was scared out of their wits at this moment, and they didn't dare to go down the mountain and leave alone. Now they can only listen to the arrangement of the head of the mountain to have a chance...

Everyone followed the people from Xingyue Palace to the halfway up the mountain. In the deep grass on the mountainside, there is an inconspicuous cave entrance hidden. The cave entrance is very narrow and can only accommodate two people in parallel, but the interior space is extremely wide enough to Accommodating hundreds of people, it is indeed a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, there is only one entrance here, and the head of Shan Qingyang is sitting here, presumably the monster can no longer come in to commit murder, at least it is safe for the time being.

Everyone sat down on the ground, exhausted. Although the survivors were not injured, they were shocked, frightened and tired all the way, and it was really uncomfortable at the moment.

Ji Fangfang looked at Fang Li and the others. Although the three of them were also busy, she somehow felt that they had a sense of calmness... Could it be her illusion?

Ji Fangfang was holding the sword and her heart was in a mess.

After resting for a while, everyone took some dry food and water.

Finally someone asked: "Sect Master, what should we do next?"

They were originally here to round up monsters, but who knew that monsters were so powerful, they forced them into a desperate situation. Although nothing happened for the time being, it is impossible to stay here forever...

Shan Qingyang stroked his beard and smiled, and said: "You don't have to worry, this old man has already figured out a way. As long as everyone works together, we will be able to successfully get rid of the monsters and return home safely. Qingyuan, please explain to everyone."

Xue Qingyuan took a step forward from the side, and said: "We can set up a formation here, and then introduce the monster into the formation, and everyone will work together to drive the formation to surround the monster, so that the beast will have nowhere to go. Escape... As for the matter of attracting monsters into the urn, I, Xingyue Palace, will take charge."

This is indeed a good way!

No matter how powerful the monster is, it is still a beast. As long as it falls into the trap, it is nothing to be afraid of. The only difficulty in this method is how to lure the monster into the urn. As a bait, you have to risk your life. Since Xingyue Palace is willing to take the most dangerous For the part, they only need to contribute. Naturally, everyone has no opinion and praised Xingyue Palace for its righteousness. They will definitely cooperate with each other and eliminate harm for the people.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Xue Qingyuan smiled and said: "Then let's start setting up the formation..."

Suddenly, a lazy and casual voice sounded, echoing clearly in the cave: "No rush."

Xue Qingyuan narrowed his pupils and looked over, and it was indeed Fang Li again. His heart was chilled, but his face was warm, and he asked, "Junior Brother Qiu, do you have any questions?"

Fang Li lazily stood up.

Everyone's eyes fell on him, and everyone knew him a little bit along the way, knowing that this kid has no good things to say, and he probably wants to find fault again, but you don't look at the current situation, Shan Qingyang But a master in the distraction stage can't tolerate you, a stunned young man, contradicting you! Don't die?

Moreover, Xingyue Palace is well-founded and well-understood, so you can find fault with it?

Only Ji Fangfang looked at Fang Li dumbly, without any surprise in her heart, as if she had expected it long ago...

Why did she feel that Fang Li was going to talk? what the hell...

Fang Li looked directly at the people in Xingyue Palace without any fear, smiled slightly, and said: "When I help to manipulate the formation, I can't move. If the monster is not trapped, wouldn't we be fish and meat on the case?" , at the mercy of others?"

Shan Qingyang always put on the airs of an expert, ignored Fang Li's rudeness, and stood there with his hands behind his back.

Xue Qingyuan smiled, and explained kindly: "So, Junior Brother Qiu's worry is not unreasonable, but we have already considered this point. If the monster is not trapped, the master will personally take it It will never let monsters hurt people here."

Everyone looked at Fang Li gloatingly, look, just say that you are looking for trouble when you have nothing to do! With Shan Qingyang in charge, why worry about such a trivial matter? They also saw the fight between the head of the mountain and the monster just now, and it is not a problem at all to contain the monster.

The corner of Fang Li's lips twitched slightly, and he smiled noncommittally, his tone was slow and deep: "Will the head really restrain the monster?"

This question is so heart-wrenching!

Shan Qingyang's face darkened instantly, and he flicked his sleeves in displeasure: "It's ridiculous!"

Xue Qingyuan took a step forward, his complexion also changed, and he said coldly: "We have already answered your question, why are you still making trouble here?! Just talking nonsense before, I don't bother to care about you, and return this in front of the head. If you are so rude, I will definitely inform Chongxuezong about it."

This kind of rude and ignorant junior dares to contradict the distracted senior. If Chongxuezong still wants to make a living here, Xingyue Palace will file a complaint, guarantee that this kid will go back to peel off his skin, and being expelled from the sect will be considered light...

Ji Fangfang was a little anxious, and wanted to persuade Fang Li to forget it, but seeing Fang Li calm and calm, as if he had nothing to do with him, he suddenly stopped in place.

"Oh." Fang Li smiled casually, his eyes were full of jokes: "I don't know if Xingyue Palace has heard of such a legend. It is said that the most precious thing in this cloud swallowing beast is actually not its inner alchemy."

Everyone was startled, the most precious thing is not the inner alchemy, what is it?

Xue Qingyuan's face became more and more ugly, but seeing everyone's curiosity was aroused, if he directly stopped Fang Li from speaking, it would definitely arouse everyone's suspicion...

"Although the Cloud Swallowing Beast is an auspicious beast, it doesn't hurt people, but if the Cloud Swallowing Beast is forcibly fed with blood essence, it will arouse the fierceness of the Cloud Swallowing Beast, make it lose its mind, and cause its inner alchemy to change. If you reach a limit, you can conceive a bleeding soul." Fang Li said slowly and clearly: "The monks get this blood soul, and then they can conceive a second soul..."

Everyone was shocked, and looked at Fang Li with suspicion and disbelief, why hadn't they heard of such a thing?

The second soul.

This is a great chance! Not only can it make the cultivation progress super fast, but it can also cultivate the incarnation outside the birth, which is equivalent to the second life for the monks, and it is indeed much more precious than the inner alchemy!

This time, not only Xue Qingyuan, but even Shan Qingyang's expression changed, he looked at Fang Li deeply, with a somewhat surprised and uncertain expression.

Fang Li's eyes were dark, and he curled his lips slowly: "Looking at the bloodthirsty appearance of the Cloud Swallowing Beast, it has obviously killed many people... If we add the people present, it should be enough to give birth to a bleeding fetus, right? And this cave It’s so hidden, even if we all die here today, no one will know, it’s a good place to destroy corpses and traces.”

Xue Qingyuan took a deep breath, sneered, and said: "We have never heard of the so-called blood spirit fetus you mentioned, and there is no record in the spirit beast volume. Is it possible that you know more than the Holy One? Knowing that the Holy Lord is Something you don't know?"

Seeing that Fang Li's words were so logical, everyone almost believed them, and they were a little flustered. Now when they heard Xue Qingyuan's words, they felt that they might be thinking too much.

It was written in the book of the Holy One at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so it is naturally impossible to be wrong.

They were almost fooled by this kid's few words...

Someone scolded Fang Li: "Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, it will delay the important event!"

"That's right, should you make up a story?"

"Don't look at the occasion when you talk nonsense!"

Fang Li turned a deaf ear to these, but looked at Xue Qingyuan, said with a smile: "By the way, Ding Gan should have been arranged by you too, you know that using the essence and blood of living people to nourish the devil's fetus is to kill innocent people indiscriminately and against the law of heaven." If someone finds out about the matter, Xingyue Palace will be punished by everyone from now on, so you arranged to play chess pieces in advance, intending to blame this matter on Fuqiu Mountain...

Ding Qian took your benefits and did things for you, but he was not greedy enough to blackmail you, so you killed him... But maybe you didn't intend to let him leave alive, after all, only the dead are the best for keeping secrets..."

Xue Qingyuan gritted his teeth, almost wanting to see him. He took a deep breath, and said in a cold voice: "You can't talk nonsense, and your heart can be punished. What is your intention to frame me in Xingyue Palace?"

"Planting?" Fang Li raised his eyebrows: "Since the Cloud Swallowing Beast appeared just now, it has been attacking us all the time. No Xingyue Palace disciple was injured or injured. Why? you?"

Originally, everyone was standing in the Xingyue Palace, until Fang Li said this sentence——

They turned their heads and looked around. After a while, their faces gradually turned pale.

Before fleeing in panic all the way, I didn't even have time to count, but now I see that it is really the case.

Xingyue Palace was unscathed, and all those who died were theirs.

"It is said that the fragrance powder made of irises is colorless and odorless, but it can arouse the fierceness of the cloud swallowing beast." Fang Li smiled slightly: "If you secretly leave the fragrance powder of irises on the person you want to kill On your body, you can make the Cloud Swallowing Beast choose someone to injure you, but you yourself are unscathed, it is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone..."

Everyone's faces were ugly.

Although Fang Li's words are absurd and unheard of, the fact is that the Cloud Swallowing Beast does not attack Xingyue Palace, but only attacks them... If it really uses such insidious means to lure them to die, then they will fight hard and die together with Xingyue Palace !

Seeing that the eyes of the people became more and more unfriendly, Xue Qingyuan's eyes changed rapidly, and he tightly held the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, Xue Qingyuan drew his sword and pointed at Fang Li, shouting angrily: "I see, you are that demon cultivator!"

"During the night watch before, you said that you were attacked by the demon cultivator, but no one saw the demon cultivator except you, and the demon cultivator never showed up after that..." Xue Qingyuan said word by word: "But if you are the one Moxiu, everything makes sense, you have been hiding between us, spreading rumors, scaremongering, the purpose is to lead us to kill each other, you can reap the benefits of the fisherman, you directed and acted everything before !"

Everyone looked at Xue Qingyuan, then at Fang Li, their minds were flustered, and their hearts were in a mess. What Xue Qingyuan said seemed to make sense...

Xue Qingyuan looked at Fang Li and snorted coldly, and insisted that Fang Li was a demon cultivator, and labeled him as a demon cultivator, so that Fang Li's words would no longer be credible, and then directly killed Fang Li to silence him!

Killing intent flashed across Xue Qingyuan's eyes, and he was about to strike when he saw Fang Li smiling.

The pale man lightly brushed his lips with his fingertips, and let out a lazy chuckle between his brows and eyes: "You finally see it."

Xue Qingyuan: "?"

Everyone was stunned, and their brains were completely shut down. What's going on?

Is Fang Li really a demon cultivator? But he, he, he... why did he admit it? !

Xue Qingyuan didn't have time to think about it, Fang Li admitted that it would be better, and immediately said sharply: "This person is indeed a demon cultivator, his words cannot be trusted, let's quickly join forces and kill this demon cultivator!"

But everyone doesn't trust Xue Qingyuan at this moment, and they are swaying left and right, not knowing what to do...

There was a painful murmur from the entrance of the cave, and the snow-white monster with red eyes suddenly smashed open the cave entrance and rushed in...

At some point, Fang Li gently pinched a post with his fingertips. His figure was like a shadow, much faster than the Cloud Swallowing Beast, and he stuffed the post into Xue Qingyuan's collar in an instant.

Xue Qingyuan's expression changed drastically, and before he could throw away the post, he saw the Cloud Swallowing Beast suddenly turn around and charge over, poking a hole in Xue Qingyuan with its two horns, pushing him up and throwing him out heavily!

The place was dead silent.

That, that post...

Isn't it the post that Xingyue Palace sent them when they were invited? They are still on me...

Now everyone finally turned their heads, and threw the posts far away!

In order to avoid the posts, the people from Xingyue Palace were caught off guard and hid behind them. All of a sudden, the crowd was divided into two waves, one wave from Xingyue Palace, and one wave from others. Pile up the posts... I saw that the Cloud Swallowing Beast lost its attack target, walked around and trampled on the posts, and neighed in pain, as if it was very uncomfortable.

There was only Xue Qingyuan's body on the ground. On his collar, there was still a post inserted by Fang Li.

Seeing this scene, no matter how stupid people are, they can react, they glared at Xingyue Palace!

Good guy, it turns out that everything Fang Li said is true! It turns out that from then on, you started plotting against us and wanted us to die, it's in vain that we trust you so much...

Now that the witnesses and the material evidence are conclusive, how dare you quibble!

Shan Qingyang looked at Xue Qingyuan's tragically dead body, and finally tore off the disguise completely. The monk in the distraction period was majestic, and the old man's cold eyes fell on Fang Li, and he sneered: "Even if what you said is true, then what's the matter?" how?"

Everyone heard the words like falling into an ice cave.

Yes, so what if the conspiracy of Xingyue Palace is exposed? None of them present is Shan Qingyang's opponent...

Although Fang Li knew a lot, but he looked so weak that he couldn't fight at first glance, and it was useless to say it!

At this moment, everyone regretted it in their hearts. If they had known this, they should have left with the people from Qinglin Cave. No, if they had known this, they should not have come here at all!

This time, Shengsheng sent himself to a dead end.

But it's too late to regret now...

Just when everyone showed desperate expressions, they saw an afterimage passing by, and when they saw it clearly, they saw the man with the goatee who had been following Fang Li and had no sense of presence, whipping Shan Qingyang Being drawn to the ground, he said in a sullen and hoarse voice: "If you dare to disrespect your majesty, you deserve death."

Everyone: "???"

Everyone: "!!"

Respect, respect what, what respect? Are they hallucinating?

Isn't Shan Qingyang cultivated in the distraction period? Such a formidable master, how could he be as vulnerable as a piece of paper in front of Fang Li's followers...

Shan Qingyang was also terrified. Before he had time to react, he was seriously injured by a whip. He looked up at Fang Li with difficulty on the ground, his lips trembling, "You, who are you? ..."

yeah, who the **** are you...

Everyone looked at Fang Li.

Fang Li stepped forward leisurely, looked around at the crowd, tilted his head slightly, and let out a chuckle: "You all said that the deity is coming, but the deity's kindness is hard to refuse, so this is it?"

Read The Duke's Passion