MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 19 care

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The middle-aged monk was still feeling puzzled after scolding, and was about to continue to teach this short-sighted junior, but suddenly met Xie Huai's cold black eyes, and subconsciously shuddered, as if there was a chill rising from the soles of his feet, and his voice Suddenly weakened, turned around and said cursingly: "Really, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand..."

Xie Huai lightly retracted his gaze, glanced at Fang Li, then hooked the corners of his lips, and smiled in relief.

Forget it, what does he care about with these people.

On the other hand, Fang Li, facing these rumors like a routine, is obviously used to it, and the malicious slander he has suffered is not enough for him.

People in the world are ignorant and others say what they say, but I always claim to be clear... But before I went to Fuqiu Mountain, I couldn't completely get rid of the vulgarity, and I almost committed the problem of preconceived ideas.

Fortunately, it is not too late to get to know this person again.

The murder he committed cannot be erased, but what kind of person he is should not be determined by others.

After such an interruption, everyone's discussion came to an end, and many people had already made a decision.

In the main hall, loud or clear or soft voices sounded.

"It is only right and proper to eliminate harm for the people. This time we went to Qinglin Cave."

"Of course we have to visit Feihua Valley."

"Old Ding, I have always followed the lead of Xingyue Palace."

"Everything is arranged by the head of the mountain."

Shan Qingyang watched the crowd express their opinions one after another, stroked his beard and smiled: "Everyone will work together, and we will surely be able to catch the beast and eliminate harm for the people."

Following Shan Qingyang's final decision, disciples from Xingyue Palace soon came in and led everyone to stay here, and agreed to leave for Wanxi Mountain early in the morning.

Fang Li and the others followed the crowd to the Guest House of Xingyue Palace.

The disciples of Xingyue Palace arranged people to stay in according to the list. The Chongxue Sect was the lowest sect in this area, and it was their turn until the other sects were all arranged.

"Qiu Tian, ​​Qiu Fu, Qiu Shou?" the Xingyue Palace disciple looked at the list and said.

Wu Yimei nodded and smiled: "Exactly."

The Xingyue Palace disciple looked at the three of them, and said a little embarrassedly: "There are only two guest rooms left."

Wu Yimei said: "It's okay, it's only one night, we just squeeze together."

The Xingyue Palace disciple said: "Okay." After saying that, he left.

As monks, it's okay to live in the same room. Some people don't sleep, and it's over after a night of meditation.

After the Xingyue Palace disciple left, Wu Yimei's eyes changed, and he respectfully said to Fang Li: "Your Majesty, you can live in one room, and this subordinate can live in one room with Yuyi-Jun."

Xie Huai looked at Wu Yimei coldly.

Fang Li almost blurted out his promise, but his gaze shifted between Xie Huai and Wu Yimei, and he couldn't help hesitating.

As a qualified subordinate, Wu Yimei, in order to let his master rest comfortably, it is perfectly normal for him to ask to guard the prisoners on his own initiative...

If other subordinates said so, Fang Li would agree immediately, but the problem is that this subordinate is Wu Yimei, who is at odds with Xie Huai everywhere in the text, Wu Yimei who wants to kill Xie Huai every day.

Putting Wu Yimei and Xie Huai in the same room... Fang Li was very afraid that when he got up tomorrow, one of them would die.

And as a domineering devil, how could he allow his men to share a room with other men? Still can only go up by myself.

Fang Li sighed sadly: "No need, the deity lives with him."

The corner of Xie Huai's lips twitched invisibly, and then he turned around, leaving Wu Yimei with a back view.

Wu Yimei withdrew her cold gaze from Xie Huai's back, suppressed her unwillingness, respectfully said to Fang Li: "This subordinate is right next door, if your lord has anything to do, just say it."

Fang Li nodded, he was also a little sleepy, so he turned and went into the room.

The guest room in Xingyue Palace is not bad, but it is not good either. There is only one bed, one table and two chairs in the room.

Fang Li looked away from the bed, smiled slightly, and invited Xie Huai: "It's getting late, Mr. Yuyi and this deity go to bed together."

It is impossible to ask him to sit on a chair, he promises to rest well, but as Xie Huai's admirer, how inappropriate is it to rush Xie Huai to sit on a chair? So he generously invited Xie Huai to sleep with him - anyway, Xie Huai would not agree.

Xie Huai didn't want to get close to him at first, and he experienced the love gu, let alone sitting on a chair all night, the ascetic Xie Huai sat on ice skates all night, and he wouldn't sleep with himself, a monster.

Fang Li yawned lazily, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist, he walked straight towards the bed, ready to occupy the only bed without any guilt...Suddenly he heard a voice, suspected to be an auditory hallucination, and turned his head in confusion .

Xie Huai's thin lips twitched, his tone was dull and his expression was calm, seeing that Fang Li didn't hear clearly, he repeated: "Okay."

Fang Li: "..."

Fang Li suddenly regretted not agreeing to Wu Yimei's suggestion, maybe they can live in peace because he was worrying too much? Compared with the bedroom, this guest room is too simple, even the bed is very narrow, it is really crowded for two big men to lie on it...

Crowding is not a big problem, just sleep with a good brother, the problem is... why did Xie Huai agree so readily? When things go wrong, there must be a demon. Could it be that he wants to take the opportunity to kill himself...

Finish unfinished business from last time?

The candlelight in the room was flickering, and the light and shadow danced with the candlelight, flickering, Xie Huai's eyes fell on Fang Li's face, seeing Fang Li's unprepared look, his eyes darkened slightly, even under such 'special circumstances', this People will only run away... Who is that person who is afraid?

He was obviously a young person, he was so shy about that matter, he didn't dare to touch himself, but he wanted to pretend to be strong... Xie Huai didn't even realize that there was a hint of a smile in his eyes, his tone He asked flatly: "Isn't Your Majesty going to rest?"

Fang Li gritted his teeth.

Xie Huai has already gone to bed unceremoniously. He invited him first, but now he has no choice but to withdraw.

After a while, Fang Li chuckled and said, "Yes..."

As he spoke, he lay down beside Xie Huai.

Who is afraid of whom?

Hmm, what a hard and narrow bed, Fang Li frowned and closed his eyes.

When I was in the Devil's Palace, it's not that I didn't sleep with Xie Huai, but the beds in the Devil's Palace are big enough to sleep four or five people, and it's completely safe to stay in the same place, but here...

Rao Fang Li almost leaned to one side, but the other side of his body was still tightly attached to Xie Huai. Even through several layers of clothing, the scorching temperature of the other party's body was vaguely soaked in...

This person's body is always hot, like a torrent of infinite vitality. Only when you touch or get close to it... will you know the aggressive aura like lava under this person's cold skin...

Fang Li was a little afraid of the cold, his body was exhausted and had no warmth... But he didn't dare to get too close to Xie Huai, not because he didn't like it, but because he felt it was dangerous, like a person who was about to freeze to death, he longed for warmth , but if you put him on fire or put him in boiling water, he may die faster.

That's not something he should be touching.

I do not know when the candle burned out.

In the darkness, Xie Huai opened his eyes.

The people around him were motionless, breathing evenly and long, and seemed to be asleep, but Xie Huai could clearly feel that the other person's slightly tense body was still awake... Xie Huai couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, but then his eyes He sank again, this was not the first time he approached this person, but every time, this person was extremely cold, as cold as a corpse.

But judging from the previous fights, the Yan Sui technique doesn't have any icy aura, so it shouldn't be caused by practicing magic skills, so why is it so cold?


As soon as the sky was slightly bright, there were loud noises outside. Fang Li pushed the door listlessly and walked out, only to see Wu Yimei waiting outside.

Wu Yimei glanced at Fang Li's face, frowned and said with concern: "Your Majesty didn't rest well last night?"

Fang Li's eyes were pale blue, and he didn't remember when he went to sleep. It was very late anyway, and he felt like it was dawn when he closed his eyes. He didn't really want to answer this question, and said, "Are you ready to go?" ?”

Seeing that Fang Li was unwilling to say more, Wu Yimei nodded and said, "Yes."

Fang Li said: "Then let's go."

Wanxiong Mountain is a long way from here, and the level of this group of monks is uneven. Except for a few Nascent Soul monks in Xingyue Palace, the other sects are at most in the form of Jindan, and most of the monks are only building foundations and practicing Qi... no There are so many swordsmen, so they stop and go.

In the original book, Yan Sui took Xie Huai down the mountain and headed all the way to Danshan Gate in Helan Prefecture. It took more than a month to travel around the mountains and rivers, but if you use the flying magic weapon, it will take less than a day to go to Helan Prefecture. It can be seen that this journey is really not fast. .

The book doesn't describe in detail how the road is going, Fang Li thinks it's good to just take a look at the scenery and stop and go.

The three fell behind the line.

Fang Li glanced at Xie Huai indiscriminately. Xie Huai looked calm and rested well, which made him feel a bit offended. He knew clearly that he was the one who robbed him. Why was he the one who couldn't sleep well? Will it be me?

Fang Li cleared his throat, raised his brows, and said suddenly: "You don't want to know, what is this deity following them for?"

As a famous orthodox monk, even if you don't care about yourself, you should care about the lives of hundreds of monks, right?

Xie Huai glanced sideways and said lightly: "What does Your Majesty want to do?"

Fang Li showed a sneering smile, and said the words he had thought up a long time ago: "They all said that the monster's murder was done by this deity. If this deity didn't really do something, wouldn't the infamy be in vain?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xie Huai expectantly, wanting to see how Xie Huai planned to deal with it. You see, I am ready to kill people and set fire to him. Isn't it afraid that Wan Xunshan will be **** today? But if you are willing to intercede for them, it is not impossible for this deity to keep people under the knife...

Xie Huai: "Oh."

Fang Li:?

Xie Huai looked into Fang Li's dazed eyes, as if afraid that he didn't understand, and added thoughtfully: "Your Majesty is right."

Fang Li: ...

That's all, it's my own whimsy, Xie Huai has such a soft and stubborn temperament, it's not that he hasn't done similar things in the book, such as threatening Xie Huai with other people's lives, but Xie Huai has never given in. On the contrary, the last time I was tired of admitting defeat...

There was nothing he could do about it, Fang Li didn't think he could do anything about it, so he immediately calmed down when he thought about it...

Fang Li turned his head resentfully, and suddenly heard an indifferent voice from behind: "But these people are not guilty of death, I hope your lord can forgive me."

Fang Li turned around in astonishment.

Xie Huai actually gave in? !

This, this is begging for mercy...?

After a while, Fang Li came back to his senses, pressed his fist to his lips, his eyes wandered, and coughed lightly: "Since Mr. Yuyi has begged for mercy, it's not that I can't think about it..."

As he spoke, he walked forward a few steps and left Xie Huai behind.

He has to take it easy.

Xie Huai looked at the back of Fang Li leaving in a hurry, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, he clearly didn't intend to do anything, but he was most happy to speak quickly... Do you know what a real threat is?

Fang Li seemed to be calm and calm, but in fact he was not, and he never looked back all the way.

He was a little uncertain about Xie Huai's attitude. Although it seemed that he had won once, he was inexplicably uneasy. Xie Huai seemed to be different from before, but Fang Li couldn't tell what was different. .

Because he had something on his mind, Fang Li was a little distracted.

Although Wu Yimei was in front, he listened to everything, even Fang Li's loss of soul, he saw everything in his eyes... His eyes darkened, jealous and uneasy in his heart.

Then Xie Huai just said a soft word, His Majesty lost his mind like this, if he showed some color, would His Majesty really be able to control it?

Wu Yimei clenched her hands tightly.

Can't go on like this anymore...

After walking for about three days, they finally came to the foot of Wanxi Mountain.

Apart from the elders and disciples of Xingyue Palace, there are a few Golden Core stage monks in other sects, their cultivation bases are not bad, and they are relatively well-known among this group of people.

One is Chixia Pai Dinggan, that is, the eloquent socialite. There is no one who doesn't know people and things around here, and he can chat with everyone easily.

One is Ji Fangfang from Feihua Valley, the girl who asked the question in the Xingyue Palace before. Although she is a young girl, she is already a Golden Core cultivator, and she is really talented, so everyone treats her a little politely.

The thin and thin Xiong Wei in Qinglin Cave is actually a Jindan stage monk who is good at divination. In addition, the two brothers from Jujingzhai are also well-known masters in this area.

When everyone was discussing what to do next, Xue Qingyuan, the chief disciple of Xingyue Palace, stood up and said that it was getting late today, and everyone was asked to rest at the foot of the mountain for a night, and tomorrow we will go up the mountain together to hunt for the beast.

Everyone sat on the ground, thinking that they would go up the mountain tomorrow, so they chatted one sentence at a time.

Holding the wine gourd, Ding Gan seemed a little uneasy and said, "If it is really a cloud-swallowing beast, why would it be so vicious and hurt people? This matter may not be simple, and it may have something to do with Fuqiu Mountain. Everyone must not take it lightly. .”

Although Ding Gan mentioned Fuqiu Mountain again, everyone complained about Fuqiu Mountain, but Xining County is far away from Fuqiu Mountain, and they didn't really think that the big devil would come to such an inconspicuous little place , even if they want to fight or kill, they should go to a famous sect like the Five Great Immortals. Having said doesn't prevent them from condemning the devil together.

"Brother Ding said that this matter is not easy to me, and I will definitely proceed with caution." Someone agreed.

"Even if it's Fuqiushan's conspiracy, we can't back down, otherwise what will the people of Li do?" Someone was impassioned.

"Yeah, if it's really related to that devil, we can't just ignore it!"

Fang Li couldn't help being moved when he heard the words, he is really a group of righteous people, so he said: "It is said that the Cloud Swallowing Beast is full of treasures, and it is rare to see it in a thousand years, especially its inner alchemy, which can help people overcome catastrophes, I wonder if it is really so magical? "

Everyone: "..."

The scene was awkward for a while, but Fang Li suddenly didn't know, and looked at everyone curiously.

After a while, no one came out to answer the conversation, and finally Ding Gan came out to smooth things over.

Ding Qian coughed lightly and said, "The legends are just unbelievable, and whether it is the Cloud Swallowing Beast is still unclear."

Soon someone echoed: "That's right, I don't know if it's the Cloud Swallowing Beast. I think it's the monster released by the devil, which is so bloodthirsty and cruel."

"If we weren't worried about the monster harming the people, we wouldn't have worked so hard to come here."

"As a righteous person, eliminating harm for the people is the right thing to do."

Fang Li blinked, nodded and said, "I see, but what if it's really the Cloud Swallowing Beast...the Cloud Swallowing Beast has only one inner alchemy, how can we divide it?"

Fang, Topic Stopper, Li, looked at everyone innocently after speaking, waiting for the answer.

Everyone: "..."

Why are you so ignorant, kid!

The scene was silent for a long time.

Everyone's faces are very ugly, but this question...

Ding Gan seemed to be unable to stand it any longer, he sighed helplessly, patted Fang Li on the shoulder, and persuaded in a big brother's tone: "Why should we worry about such things? With the head of the Xingyue Palace, no matter what the outcome is, Naturally, it will be distributed fairly.”

Fang Li didn't seem to trust Xingyue Palace, he hesitated and said: "Senior brother Ding is right, but these are Xingyue Palace's one-sided words, I'm just worried that if we come all the way here, if we don't get anything in the end, wouldn't it be hard work for us? Others make the wedding dress..."

This is not what a famous family should say, even if you think so in your heart, how can you say it in a high-sounding manner? !

Ding Gan taught with a straight face: "As a monk of the righteous way, it is his duty to protect the common people. Why are you so fussy about gains and losses, you small belly?"

Fang Li showed shame, and finally stopped talking.

Ding Gan heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes changed, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly got up and left.

After such an interruption, everyone couldn't continue chatting, and dispersed, meditating with their eyes closed, lying down and sleeping, unconsciously keeping away from Fang Li, lest he would speak again.

Fang Li lowered his eyes to suppress his smile, curled his lips, and leaned lazily against the tree.

Xie Huaihu said lightly: "The first one to mention Fuqiu Mountain is Ding Qian."

Fang Li narrowed his eyes and said leisurely: "Yes."


The next day when the sky was slightly bright, everyone got up. Xingyue Palace, as the organizer of this time, divided the monks into more than a dozen teams. Each team was led by two Xingyue Palace disciples, and then scattered up the mountain.

In Fang Li's team, apart from the two Xingyue Palace disciples leading the team, Feihuagu Ji Fangfang has the highest cultivation level, so she is the leader.

The reason why Wanxi Mountain is suitable for hiding is because there are many caves and the roads are rugged. Usually, hunters don't like to come. They leave secret marks every time they pass by. Others will know that they have searched when they see it, and the cloud swallowing beast If it is coming, as long as they pass by, the signal will be triggered, and everyone can come to round up.

But several days passed without any discovery. Just when everyone was getting impatient, a Xingyue Palace disciple said excitedly: "Blood!"

The ferocious beast was trapped in Wanxi Mountain, unable to go out to hunt, maybe it would attack other beasts in the mountain. There were bloodstains, but it was a rare discovery!

Everyone cheered up when they heard the words, and walked forward lightly. The Cloud Swallowing Beast was comparable to the monks of the **** stage. They were not opponents. Once they found a trace, they would send a signal to ask the head of Shan Qingyang to come and surrender.

The bloodstains were not obvious, they came and went, and became less and less... They followed the direction of the bloodstains and came to a sunken valley.

Ji Fangfang walked in the front, bent down and pushed aside the branches in front of her. There was a piece of cloth hanging on the branch, and the cloth was stained with blood... Everyone felt that something was wrong. Could it be the blood of a monk? Has someone been killed?

Everyone quickened their pace, and when they looked into the ravine, their expressions changed drastically.

A distorted corpse was stuck in the crevices of the rocks. There was only half of the corpse left, but it could still be discerned. It was Ding Gan from Chixia Sect!

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