MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 18 rumor

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The man with the goatee looked horrified, looking at Fang Li who could barely breathe, this person, this person, this person...

To make Yuyi Jun silently follow beside him, and to say what he said just now, the identity of this person is ready to be revealed.

But the man with the goatee didn't dare to say those two words, as if once he said it, there would be no room for change. He gritted his teeth and trembled all over.

The two fellow disciples behind him also looked at Xie Huai dumbfounded, they didn't recognize Xie Huai, they just thought this man was so good-looking, I'm afraid the legendary Lord Yuyi was nothing more than that... But why did the senior brother suddenly stop talking and his face was pale Still sweating, brother, what's wrong?

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother, are you alright?"

"These people are too arrogant, we must show them some color!"

The man with the goatee was awakened by this sentence, and suddenly said sharply: "Shut up!"

The two classmates were frightened and stood there at a loss.

Fang Li turned his head and asked Wu Yimei, "I just said that if you are in Fuqiu Mountain, what should such a person do?"

Wu Yimei repeated in a calm tone: "Cut off the tongue and throw it into the Meteor Sea to feed the fish."

Fang Li seemed a little distressed: "This place is too far away from Meteor Sea."

Wu Yimei said respectfully: "It's not a problem, this subordinate can let someone send them there now."

The man with the goatee finally collapsed, knelt down with a plop, and slapped himself desperately: "Mozun, spare my life, Mozun, spare my life, it's all my nonsense, I deserve to die, I deserve to die, I deserve to die..."


The two classmates of the goatee man looked at Fang Li blankly, as if they were still in a dream and looked in a trance.

Fang Li took a step forward.

The goatee man rolled his eyes, and immediately fainted from fright, with a fishy smell coming from his body.

The fellow behind him finally realized that something was wrong, turned around and fled, but as soon as Wu Yimei made a move, the two of them fell to the ground with a plop and passed out.

The alley was quiet again.

Tsk, it's really boring.

Fang Li frowned in disgust, and was about to cover his nose, but as soon as he raised his hand, someone grabbed his wrist. Fang Li turned his head suddenly, and met Xie Huairumo's eyes.

Xie Huai pursed his thin lips slightly, his expression a bit complicated.

In fact, from the time he decided to enter Fuqiu Mountain alone, he knew that today was inevitable, but as a practitioner, he should stick to his heart, so why should he care about these rumors? So even if he heard this, it was just as he expected, it was something that he didn't care about, but Fang Li... cared more than himself.

Did he deliberately design to attract those people just to vent his anger?

What a childish guy...

People's words are terrible, but how can killing solve the problem? Besides, he didn't want Fang Li to kill for himself.

Xie Huai's indifferent gaze swept across the three people on the ground, without disgust, pity, or even any emotion, as if looking at an inanimate object.

He spent his whole life fighting demons and defending Dao, and his sword was not fair, but it didn't mean that he was going to save everyone in front of him, and not everyone was worth saving.

This person is slanderous and narrow-minded, he is bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, and everything is his own fault. Even if he didn't meet Fang Li today, he will get into trouble sooner or later...

Heaven has its own way, and people have their own destiny, which cannot be forced.

But what about you, do you really want to dirty your hands for this kind of person?

I am afraid that anyone will find it ridiculous to say this. A demon who kills countless evils and treats ordinary people like ants, killing people should be as normal as breathing... But Xie Huai only believed what he saw with his own eyes. What he saw on Fuqiu Mountain Humans, though reckless and arrogant, do not like to kill people.

So don't do what you don't want to do for me.

Not necessary...not worth it.

Xie Huai's thin lips parted slightly, his voice was low, and he said slowly: "Enough."

Fang Li was slightly taken aback, and then showed a suddenly realized expression, Xie Huai was afraid that he would mess with the sharks! Even this kind of guy who speaks ill of him behind his back, Xie Huai is willing to protect... He really deserves to be the protagonist of the Light of Righteousness who saves lives and heals the wounded with justice in his heart, repays grievances with kindness, and heals the wounded!

But you misunderstood me, I wouldn't be a fool for such a trivial matter, besides, how can gossip be solved by killing? If this requires shark people, I am afraid that the entire spirit fairy world must be sharked!

It's just that this person was unlucky enough to bump into him, but today's lesson is enough, I guarantee that these guys will not dare to talk nonsense in the future.

Actually, I just felt the smell was bad and wanted to cover my nose...

In order to avoid Xie Huai's misunderstanding, Fang Li withdrew his hand kindly and looked at him innocently, as if to say, don't worry, don't worry, I don't want sharks!

Those smiling eyes, bright as stars, gentle and sincere, make people's heart skip a beat for a moment...

It turned out that he misunderstood, Xie Huai's Adam's apple rolled down, he knew he shouldn't, but every time he faced this person, he always lost his sense of proportion.

Xie Huai let go of his hand in a little embarrassment...

At this moment, Fang Li turned his head to Wu Yimei and said, "Take off their clothes."

Xie Huai: "..."


Half an hour later, three men in gray robes stood in the alley.

Fang Li touched his face, Wu Yimei is really good at decathlon, even the disguise technique is excellent, it is really a must for going out at home!

Wu Yimei disguised himself as a man with a goatee, and he and Xie Huai respectively disguised themselves as two fellow students of the man with a goatee. Even if they returned to the restaurant at this moment, no one would be able to tell that they were no longer themselves. .

As for those three guys... they were stripped naked and thrown in a corner, and Wu Yimei made a move, enough for them to sleep well for a few days.

Fang Li looked at the wooden token hanging on his waist, the small seal engraved with the three words "Xue Zong", he had never heard of it, there are thousands of such sects in the world of spirits and immortals, and he would never have looked at it even if he hated it before.

Wu Yimei tidied up her clothes, took out a post with a white background and silver border from her sleeve, the paper was as delicate as silk and satin, with the half-moon imprint of Xingyue Palace on the lower right corner, and handed it to Fang Li respectfully.

Fang Li opened it and took a look. In the post, Xingyue Palace said that they had important matters to discuss, and they invited the Chongxue Sect of Luanshan Peak to discuss it, and the time was tonight.

The man with the goatee was named Qiu Tian, ​​and he was the deputy suzerain of Chongxue Sect. He brought two disciples to the meeting as promised.

And looking at so many monks on the streets of Xining County, Xingyue Palace obviously invited not only the Chongxue Sect.

Fang Li pinched the post, the corners of his lips slightly raised: "It seems that there is a place to stay tonight, and it doesn't cost money."

Xie Huai has been silent again since just now, without saying a word.

Just when he thought that Fang Li planned these people out of anger for him, Fang Li ordered Wu Yimei to pick up those three people, and then pretended to be a disciple of Chongxue Sect, preparing to go to Xingyue Palace to fight the autumn wind.

Of course, Fang Li is not short of this little money, could it be... the Xingyue Palace is his goal?

But this is really illogical.

The mere Xingyue Palace can be flattened easily, so it is not worthwhile for the majestic Demon Venerable to disguise himself to explore. Back then, he was a man with a large army, so arrogant and arrogant. If he really wanted to do something, there was no need to do this trouble.

So, what are you thinking...

When the three of them arrived at Xingyue Palace, it was already nightfall. There were crowds of people in front of the gate of Xingyue Palace, and the lights were brightly lit. Disciples of Xingyue Palace in white robes with silver borders were waiting at the gate, leading monks from other sects to enter.

Fang Li and Xie Huai were two steps behind, letting Wu Yimei walk ahead.

Wu Yimei took out the post, but the Xingyue Palace disciples didn't take it, they just glanced at it casually, and ordered someone to take them in.

The main hall of Xingyue Palace is very spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of people. The gilded pillars prop up the roof of the hall. It looks like a luxurious sect. The majesty and solemnity of the Fuqiu Mountain Demon Palace, but looking at the main hall of the Xingyue Palace, one feels ordinary and unbearably vulgar.

The Chongxue Sect is just a small sect around here, and their arrival did not attract others' attention, and Fang Li and the others easily blended into the crowd.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Qiu from the Chongxue Sect? I saw you rushing away at the restaurant before, but you caught up with those three guys?" A rough and casual middle-aged monk in commoner clothes with wooden hair tied took a picture Patting Wu Yimei on the shoulder was none other than the Chixia Sect monk in the restaurant before, named Ding Gan.

Wu Yimei was impeccable in his work, he even kept the wound on the corner of the goatee man's mouth, he moved his hands and gestures well, shook his head with a look of displeasure, and said, "Those three guys slipped faster than mice, and they didn't catch up. This stuffiness can only be eaten."

Ding Gan comforted him with a smile: "Don't be angry, if I meet them next time, brother, I will help you discuss an explanation with them. If you have something to say, why bother?"

Wu Yimei said gratefully: "Thank you, Big Brother Ding, I'll take care of it then."

Ding Gan waved his hand: "We are all from the border of Xining County. It's not that the same family is better than the same family. It is necessary to help each other."

Wu Yimei smiled.

Ding Gan chatted with Wu Yimei for a few words, then turned around and chatted with other monks. No matter who he saw, they were very friendly and familiar, as if there was no one he didn't know here, and he was really a charming master... Fang Li saw My admiration is endless, this is a social expert!

He listened to chat for a while, then looked back at Xie Huai.

There are so many people here, do you know Xie Huai?

But Xie Huai just stood there indifferently, that kind of energy that has nothing to do with him, similar to when he was in Fuqiu Mountain.

Fang Li pondered for a moment, and felt that Xie Huai's city, as long as he didn't want to, he couldn't see anything...Anyway, as long as the love gu was there, he couldn't do without him, so he simply left him alone.

It didn't take long for the hall to be full of people, and following a loud communication in front, an old man with a white beard and a fairy-like appearance came out.

It was Shan Qingyang, the head of Xingyue Palace. Shan Qingyang was highly respected in Xining County. Although it was only the lowest level of distraction, it was different from a genius like Xie Huai, but it was the only one in a hundred miles. In Shenqi, Xingyue Palace is regarded as the head of all the nearby sects precisely because of his existence.

Standing beside Shan Qingyang was a handsome young man. The young man was wearing the standard white robe of Xingyue Palace, but the sleeves were trimmed with gold.

Fang Liduo glanced twice, he was a low-profile version of Xie Huai, but he still stood out from the crowd here.

All the people present were summoned by Xingyue Palace, but the post from Xingyue Palace was mysterious, they only said that they had important matters to discuss but did not say anything, everyone was very curious.

The old man stroked his beard and smiled, and his voice resounded in the hall: "The reason why you are called here this time is because a fierce beast was born in Xining County, which injured many villagers a while ago. I hid in Wanyan Mountain and refused to come out, so I had no choice but to invite you all to go to Wanyan Mountain to hunt down the beasts and eliminate harm for the people."

As he spoke, he motioned Xue Qingyuan beside him to step forward.

The handsome young man took a step forward, held the file in his hand, and said in a loud voice: "On December 3, twelve villagers in Wangyue Town, Xining County were killed. Some people saw the assailant monster covered in snow, with antlers, and hoofs like auspicious clouds. roll.

On December 20, seven people were killed in Wujia Village outside the city of Xining County. The assailant was the same monster as Wangyue Town. Xingyue Palace sent disciples to search for it, but they were one step too late, allowing the beast to escape into Wanxi Mountain.

On January 12, the village at the foot of Wanxi Mountain was attacked. Twenty-seven villagers were killed.

On January 30th, the fierce beast went down the mountain again to fight against the disciples of Xingyue Palace who stayed behind. Seven disciples of Xingyue Palace were injured, and the beast fled into Wanxi Mountain. It has not reappeared until now. "

Everyone listened quietly, everyone's minds were changing, and they didn't speak.

Eliminating harm for the people is a matter of course, and they are also righteous sects. If they can't protect the people of one side and let the beasts make trouble, it's no different from those demon cultivators, but this matter... If there is no benefit, let them do it I'm afraid it's not appropriate to contribute, right?

After all, they are not from Xingyue Palace. Although they are willing to give Xingyue Palace some face, they have no obligation to listen to orders.

Hunting fierce beasts is a troublesome thing. The incident happened in the territory of Xingyue Palace. If you want to eliminate harm for the people, you should also go to Xingyue Palace.

Shan Qingyang saw everyone's hesitation, and said slowly in a deep voice: "This monster is ferocious and cunning, and its mana is powerful. It has hurt many disciples of my Xingyue Palace, but it has not been captured. The old man checked the classics and found the appearance of this monster. It looks exactly like the Cloud Swallowing Beast described in the Spiritual Beast Scroll written by the Holy Venerable, and this old man suspects that this monster is probably the Cloud Swallowing Beast..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions finally changed.

Cloud Swallowing Beast!

The Spiritual Beast Volume was written by the Yuanchu Saint, who was the only true immortal who has been in the same way for thousands of years. It is said that the natural disaster in the spirit fairy world four thousand years ago was caused by the fall of the Yuanchu Saint. It is far away...

The Spiritual Beast Volume compiled by the Holy One at the beginning recorded many rare spirit beasts, which were widely circulated in the world of spirits and immortals. Many of them have become legends, and now it is suspected that the Cloud Swallowing Beast was born. This is not a trivial matter!

Legend has it that the Cloud Swallowing Beast has antlers, its whole body is snow-white, and its hooves are like auspicious clouds... It is full of treasures, its horns, skins, and bones are all good things, and the most important thing is the inner alchemy of the Cloud Swallowing Beast, which is extremely rare and can allow monks to jump directly to a realm , if the Nascent Soul Stage is obtained, it is not a problem to achieve the distraction stage, and the distraction stage is expected to break through the refining void...

If ordinary people get it, even if they are reluctant to use it for themselves, they can sell it for a sky-high price. Presumably those ancestors in the Nascent Soul stage and the distracted stage will be very interested...

If the Cloud Swallowing Beast was really born, even if Xingyue Palace didn't say anything, they wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity!

Although many people were moved, some people had doubts. A girl in a neat outfit with a golden bell on her ponytail said doubtfully, "Master of the mountain, but I remember that what was recorded in the spirit beast volume The Cloud Swallowing Beast is an auspicious beast, so it shouldn't hurt people, are you making a mistake?"

The one who spoke was Ji Fangfang, a cultivator from Feihua Valley, and she asked the doubts in many people's hearts.

Shan Qingyang nodded and said: "Although the fierce beast is exactly the same as the Cloud Swallowing Beast recorded in the Spiritual Beast Scroll, it is very aggressive and has wounded countless people, which is different from the description in the Spiritual Beast Scroll. That's why we can't be sure whether it is a cloud-swallowing beast."

I see.

If it weren't for Xingyue Palace not being able to confirm whether it is a cloud-swallowing beast, and Wanxi Mountain is too big to search, they probably wouldn't have invited them to come... Moreover, it is said that the cultivation level of the cloud-swallowing beast is comparable to that of a monk of the **** period, and it hurt Xingyue Palace before. Quite a few disciples are afraid that Xingyue Palace is really incapable, otherwise they would not have spread the matter to the outside world.

No wonder I refused to go into details in the post before, it was very secretive, because I was afraid that the news would leak out in advance.

Everyone whispered to each other, and some people couldn't wait.

Although Ding Gan was also a little moved, he frowned and thought for a moment, then said hesitantly: "As an auspicious beast, why does it hurt people? Could it be related to Fuqiu Mountain?"

The word "Fuqiu Mountain" suddenly appeared, and the hall was silent for a moment, and then everyone suddenly realized.

"I just said that something was wrong. It turned out to be related to the devil in Fuqiu Mountain, so that made sense."

"That's right, that demon in Fuqiu Mountain is doing all sorts of evil. It must be the demon who used demonic magic to make the auspicious beast hurt people and the common people! It's what a demon would do!"

"I'm not sure if it's a cloud-swallowing beast, maybe it's a beast released by the devil..."

Fang Li didn't expect that the melon would suddenly eat his own head, so he immediately became interested and listened with his ears up, hoping to see what else they could say.

"I heard that the devil has young and young girls to serve him every day. I don't know how many innocent young and young girls have been raided and refined into a furnace to absorb people's energy."

"The devil even turned the captives into puppets, medicine man, it's extremely cruel!"

"It's more than that! For those who don't obey his orders, they will lose their souls and practice for seventy-seven forty-nine days. Life is worse than death!"

"Under the Sea of ​​Meteors are all innocent souls who can't rest in peace!"

Fang Li thought in his heart that he is actually not so boring. As the biggest villain boss in this article, a domineering Demon Lord with a strong personality, how can he be so boring to do these things...

He will kill those who oppose him and disobey him, but that's all, and the purpose is clear, just to unify the demonic way, and the demonic cultivators killed are much more than the righteous ones, otherwise how can those demonic cultivators be obedient? He has never had a hobby of torturing people, let alone seeking people's fat, and he has no interest in killing innocent people indiscriminately, because he doesn't care about anything foreign or gossip...

Um, but these are all things Yan Sui's subordinates do, and Yan Sui doesn't control them very much, so he can just take the blame.

But what happened next started to get more outrageous.

"I heard that the devil's magic skills are so evil that he eats the hearts of ten virgins every day! And he eats them raw!"

"It is said that the devil is extremely bloodthirsty. He feels uncomfortable if he doesn't kill people for a day. He can't sleep if he doesn't listen to the miserable howl. So he has people peeled the skin of the person every day and night. In this way, day and night, the miserable howl on Fuqiu Mountain doesn't stop for a moment. ..."

"I heard that the devil is extremely ugly, and he can't get used to good-looking people, so the devils under his command are getting uglier than the other, and the uglier they are, the more important they are."

"You have all heard that I have reliable news that the devil is an old monster who has practiced for thousands of years. He lives by absorbing human energy. He needs to use living people to practice magic skills, so he slaughtered and arrested monks wantonly!"

Fang Li: ...

Well, as long as you are happy.

Fang Li admired the imagination of everyone present, listened with relish, and even wanted to personally participate in the discussion, adding to his own legend, when someone suddenly changed the subject and talked about Xie Huai again.

"I heard that since Mr. Yuyi went to Fuqiu Mountain, he was brutally tortured by that devil. He was so miserable that he was covered in injuries and couldn't even get out of bed..."

"How can Mr. Yuyi give in to the devil? The devil's methods of tormenting people will definitely be used on him. I'm afraid life would be worse than death."

"Mr. Yuyi is so good-looking, with the appearance of a celestial being, and the devil is ugly, but he is not very jealous, so he deliberately kidnaps him so that he can be humiliated every night! Satisfy his twisted and despicable taste."

"It's a pity that Yuyi-jun has to commit himself to the devil for the sake of his master. It's a pity, a pity..."

Fang Li was a little nervous at first, but when he saw that no one was slandering Xie Huai and they were all focused on scolding himself, he immediately felt relieved.

It seems that there are only a few people like goatee men, and even if there are people with dark minds, it’s hard to talk about this kind of occasion. After all, the mice in the gutter are not easy to see. If you meet Xie Huai’s fans, you have to fight them on the spot stand up? You still have to be careful in public.

As the top streamer with the most black fans in the fairy world, Xie Huai is the top streamer with the most fans in the fairy world.

The power of the double-top collision is overwhelming. Mozun kidnapped Xie Huai to be his pet. If this kind of explosive news is enough to paralyze Weibo for three days and three nights on the earth, it will be strange if these people don't talk about them.

Now when it comes to hate, there must be Xie Huai, and when it comes to Xie Huai, there must be hate... those who don't know think they are a couple.

Fang Li couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

He just thought it was very interesting, so he moved his ears forward...

Suddenly a cold voice sounded: "It won't happen."

Fang Li was startled and turned around.

Xie Huai's black eyes were deep, his brows were furrowed, and the corners of his lips were drawn into a line of displeasure... He wasn't trying to excuse the devil, he was just stating the facts as they mattered.

Besides, if you don't want to hear people slander me, am I willing to hear people slander you? No matter what kind of person you are, there is no reason to be vilified.

Maybe Fang Li himself didn't care about these things, but he didn't want to listen anymore.

Fang Li was in a daze for a moment, and then he was deeply moved. Isn't it normal for a big devil to have such rumors? If there are no black fans, it means that he is not popular enough. The guy who would open his mouth to clarify for himself...

How upright this is! Seeking truth from facts does not follow what others say, until the sand can't be rubbed in his eyes!

As expected of the protagonist Shou, fresh and refined, different from these people!

Those people were chatting in full swing, and suddenly someone expressed a different opinion. Although the voice was not loud, it was as loud as a spring of ice hitting the ground, making it impossible to ignore. It attracted everyone to look over, who is so ignorant.

Xie Huai only looked at Fang Li fixedly. Although the other party was just an ordinary face at the moment, his eyes were sparkling, as if there were thousands of words, and he looked at him with emotion... A moment later, Xie Huai said goodbye uncomfortably. pass the eye.

Don't get me wrong, I...

Suddenly an angry voice sounded, it was a middle-aged cultivator who participated in the discussion just now, and he gave Xie Huai a scolding: "What do you know? I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. If you say you can't do it, you won't do it." ? Could it be that you have seen that monster?!"

Read The Duke's Passion