MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 14 a kiss

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Fang Li sat alone in the room, rubbing the amber beads with his fingertips, thoughtful.

Before the Sect Master of Hehuan Sect left, he told all about the usage of Love Gu. According to the Sect Master of Hehuan Sect, no one can handle this thing. As long as he takes the Love Gu Zi Gu, even if he cultivates the ruthless way, he will be pure-hearted. People with few desires and strong will also have to incarnate Kekekekekekekekekekekekeke.

In addition to a fixed outbreak once a month, whenever the master wants it, the person who has swallowed the child Gu will definitely have an attack... and only the master can relieve it.

And the owner can control the other party's life and death, etc...


It's completely a small yellow mosquito setting prop.

In the original book, Yan Sui subdued Xie Huai's love gu, and threatened to make Xie Huai cry and beg him, but of course - failed.

With his extraordinary willpower, Xie Huai restrained himself; but even if he used such a method, Xie Huai couldn't change Xie Huai's pleading for compromise. The point of this plot is to show Xie Huai's tenacity and unyielding, so that Yan Sui can further subdue him.

Fang Li wasn't surprised, although this Silk Entangling Love Gu is extremely powerful, but it doesn't matter who Xie Huai is - he is the protagonist of this article!

Even if people in the world of All Spirits and Immortals couldn't bear this love Gu, Xie Huai, who had the halo of the protagonist, could also bear it.

This person is absolutely unconvincing even if he breaks every bone of him and uses the most vicious means. He loves and hates Xie Huaizi, and then writes about forced love Festival.

In short: the all-powerful treasure of the Acacia Sect, the Silk Entangling Gu, is just an inferior medicine with little effect to Xie Huai. Lots of opportunities to eat meat…

At least once a month is indispensable.

It seems to be another useless and useless plot...but Fang Li does not intend to omit it this time.

On the contrary, it is a very important prop.

Fang Li tapped lightly on the table with his fingers. For him, the function of this love gu is not for eating meat.

During this period of time, for the sake of convenience, I omitted a lot of plots, and getting along with Xie Huai was pretty good.

Xie Huai is an upright orthodox monk. Although it is unlikely that he will give up killing himself because of this, and he will not change his stance of eliminating demons and defending Dao, even a small change may affect the plot...

The butterfly effect cannot be underestimated.

But with this love Gu, it's different.

Once Xie Huai swallows this love gu, he will inevitably have **** for himself whom he hates, and for Xie Huai, even if he has amazing willpower and can restrain himself, just having such a feeling is enough to make him sick.

What an arrogant and lonely person Xie Huai is, just think about how a person like him will be dominated by desire, fall in love with the devil who has a blood feud with his teacher, and be manipulated by others, just like a marionette cannot help himself... This is like interrupting him No, it is more intolerable than killing him, it is a hundred times more humiliating!

Life is better than death.

And as long as the master of the mother gu is not dead, he will not be able to get rid of this **** for a day, and the only way to get rid of it is to kill the master of the mother gu.

Isn't this hatred worth it?

Even if he puts water on other things, as long as Xie Huai is still under the control of love gu, he will definitely kill himself and then hurry up.

This is the back road he prepared for himself.


Xie Huai slowly opened his eyes, his brows furrowed, and the soul-locking nail had loosened slightly under his constant impact, but it had recently reached a bottleneck period, and there had been no progress for several days.

But it didn't exceed his expectations.

Haste makes waste, Xie Huai got up and got off the bed, poured himself a cup of tea, the tea was already cold, but Xie Huai didn't mind.

He lowered his eyes and took a sip of his tea.

Fang Li hasn't been here for a long time since we parted that day.

what is he doing

But with Wu Yimei?

But then he laughed at himself again, what is Fang Li doing, what does it matter if he comes or not?

Xie Huai put down his teacup and was about to continue to meditate, when suddenly he heard the wind in his ear, very lightly.

With a creak, the window opened and closed again.

Xie Huai looked at the man in black who suddenly appeared, with a clear look on his face, Dumeng will set off tomorrow, to attack Jiuxiao Mountain on behalf of the Demonic Dao...

Before leaving, it was strange that there was no movement.

Du Meng's expression was gloomy, he sighed, and said: "I'm afraid I will be away for a while, before I leave, I want to ask, how did Mr. Yuyi think about my previous proposal?"

Xie Huai looked indifferent and did not speak.

Dumeng showed helplessness when he saw this, and sighed: "Mr. Yuyi has also seen how that Zhuzi is pressing every step of the way. I am afraid that I will die if I go here. If I can't come back, then Zhuzi will be even more lawless. No one can help me." I won Yuyi-jun... Anyway, although I have good intentions, I also understand Yuyi-jun's concerns, and I don't want to be with my demonic way..."

Shaking his head, he was about to leave.

Xie Huai looked at Du Meng's back, and a sneer appeared in the depths of his eyes. He wouldn't believe even a word of Du Meng's words, let alone that Du Meng would give up easily, but...

Xie Huai said suddenly: "Wait."

Du Meng stopped in his tracks and asked doubtfully, "What else is there for Yu Yi?"

Xie Huai slowly stretched out his hand.

Du Meng seemed to be very pleasantly surprised, he took out a small white porcelain bottle, put it in Xie Huai's hands, and said in a deep voice: "Then there will be Mr. Lao Yuyi."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Xie Huai stared down at the small white porcelain bottle in his hand.

He would never bother to use such methods. Even if he wanted to kill that person, he would fight him openly. He is an opponent worthy of respect...

But he still left behind Du Meng's poison, and now Du Meng is in a state of eruption at any time, it is hard to predict his next move, he may attack Fang Li at any time... and if he takes his poison, Du Meng I will pin my hopes on myself, but will continue to choose to dormant for the time being...

In this way, Du Meng can be temporarily stabilized.

Thinking of this, Xie Huai couldn't help but startled, why did he do this? Fang Li himself doesn't care anymore, and he doesn't want to be honest. He has many precautions against himself...why should he do anything extra?

Xie Huai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, yes, he didn't do this for Fang Li.

It's just because Du Meng is an extremely unstable factor, and he cannot be trusted. If he is left alone, I am afraid that the demons will be in chaos... But Fang Li is at least superficially willing to listen to him. If one must be kept, it should be easier to control yes, isn't it?

Therefore, keeping Fang Li is the more favorable choice for him at present.

That's all.

Xie Huai put away the vial with a wave of his hand, got up and pushed the door out.

At this moment, the night was dark and Wan Lai was silent, Xie Huaiyao looked into the distance, and said lightly: "Have you seen enough?"

After a while.

Wu Yimei slowly walked out of the darkness.

On that day, Fang Li ordered Du Meng to attack Jiuxiao Mountain, Wu Yimei also had some doubts, not understanding why His Excellency wanted to scare the snake, and pressed Du Meng every step of the way. But Fang Li didn't want to explain further, Wu Yimei was worried that there would be some changes, and he would be closely watched during this time, and Xie Huai's side was always followed by the dark guards he arranged.

Knowing that Du Meng was here, Wu Yimei rushed over immediately, but he didn't dare to get too close, for fear of disturbing Du Meng, so he could only watch from a distance.

Du Meng met Xie Huai again, what did they talk about this time?

Although His Majesty has repeatedly said that he will not be tempted, but he has paid too much for Xie Huai...

Wu Yimei instinctively felt that Xie Huai would hurt His Majesty one day, and he would never allow this to happen...

Wu Yimei's voice was hoarse, and her dark red eyes were cold and cold: "Your Majesty treats you well. If I find out that you have done something wrong to Your Majesty, I will definitely kill you."

Xie Huai looked at Wu Yimei's gloomy and cold eyes, and was in a daze for a moment, but in his heart he only felt it was ridiculous. Fang Like didn't like himself at all, and it was fine for him to lie to others, but Wu Yimei, as his closest confidant, Even thought so...

Why does Wu Yimei think that Fang Li really likes him?

It's ridiculous.

Wu Yimei frowned and looked at Xie Huai, she was clearly threatening him, but he smiled instead of anger, Xie Huai's indifferent attitude angered Wu Yimei.

Wu Yimei took a step forward, eyes like poisonous snakes, and said word by word: "I will not give you a chance to hurt Your Majesty."

Xie Huai didn't want to argue with Wu Yimei, but he looked at Wu Yimei's serious appearance, as if he really believed that Fang Li liked him, that Fang Li would get hurt because of liking him...


Don't you forget, we are at odds with each other.

Xie Huai raised the corner of his lips and chuckled lightly: "Oh, how are you going to prevent me from hurting him?"

Wu Yimei was startled.

Xie Huai looked into his eyes with sarcasm, and said slowly: "Why don't you just let him kill me?"

Wu Yimei's expression turned cold, and he gritted his teeth resentfully, if His Majesty was willing to kill Xie Huai, why would he need to secretly warn him? Not only can't he touch Xie Huai, he can't even say a word about Xie Huai's bad words...

Xie Huai is so unscrupulous and confident, but he is just pampering him because of his dignity!

Wu Yimei was furious, his chest heaved and he looked at Xie Huai, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces, and his voice was cold: "Don't be too happy, I will stare at you."

Xie Huai watched Wu Yimei leave with a calm expression and indifferent eyes. To him, such a quarrel was meaningless.

Even if you win, it doesn't mean anything.

Because... that person doesn't like him at all.


[System: Host, you haven't seen Xie Huai for thirteen days, when are you going to see Xie Huai? 】

Since the suzerain of the Acacia Sect offered love Gu, the system asked the host every day when to give Xie Huai love Gu, which was more punctual than an alarm clock.

Fang Li pressed his forehead and said, "No hurry."

The system is going to be like ants on the hot pot, how can he not be in a hurry! He still remembered that the host said that he was a straight man, and would never force a man. Is he going to use this love gu? Is it appropriate to omit such an important plot?

The system is very tired.

Fang Li suddenly said: "Quiet, someone is here."

Sure enough, within a short while, a demon servant came to report, and Wu Yimei wanted to see him.

Fang Li let Wu Yimei in, waved his servants back, and said with a smile: "Has Du Meng left already?"

Wu Yimei lowered his eyes and said respectfully: "Yes, he has left together with more than 890 people from the Jitian Sect, heading towards Jiuxiao Mountain."

Dumeng's Jitian Sect has a large number of people, most of them are not in Fuqiu Mountain, but the more than 800 people who stayed in Fuqiu Mountain are all elites. This time, they took them all away. It seems that they have done a good job, but this is what Fang Li expected among.

That day in the hall, Du Meng was able to restrain himself from turning his back on him. It stands to reason that he would not turn his face again now, but this is only his guess after all, and Du Meng might not play his cards according to common sense... Now it seems that Du Meng is still following the plot of the original book Thinking of this, Fang Li felt relieved.

Wu Yimei looked at Fang Li, and after much deliberation, she couldn't understand Fang Li's intentions, but if this went on like this, she was seeking skin from a tiger... Instead of waiting to attack Du Meng, it is better to strike first, and simply take the opportunity to get rid of Du Meng.

Wu Yimei pondered for a moment, her eyes revealed a look of indifference, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, this subordinate is willing to intercept and kill Du Meng, so he will never return from this trip."

Fang Li was slightly taken aback, then smiled, and said, "No need, let him go."

Du Meng must be on guard at all times now, Wu Yimei's cultivation base is not as good as Du Meng's, it's almost like sending him to death... He can make such a proposal, obviously he has put life and death aside, he is indeed loyal, but this is his own There is no reason to let Wu Yimei die.

Seeing Fang Li's indifferent look, Wu Yimei said anxiously: "My lord..."

Seeing this, Fang Li felt a little guilty. Wu Yimei was always thinking of him, but he couldn't tell the truth. He pondered for a while, then smiled comfortingly, "You can't kill me even if you're mere mere mortals, don't worry."

I still have the black jade talisman in my hand, so I am not afraid of Du Meng, and his life has to be left to Xie Huai, so it will not be Du Meng's turn...

Wu Yimei is still uneasy...

Fang Li stood up and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Wu Yimei was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "Before Du Meng left, he went to see Lord Yuyi again."

Fang Li raised his eyebrows and nodded: "I know."


Xie Huai sat in the room with an indifferent expression, twisting the chess pieces in his hands, and there was an endgame in front of him.

Three days have passed since Du Meng left.

I was supposed to attack the seal with no distracting thoughts, but in the past few days, the words Wu Yimei said kept popping up in my mind from time to time...

Whether a person likes another person cannot be concealed, even the best at disguising, there should be clues to be found...

Fang Li seemed to be obedient to him, but he kept the rules from the beginning to the end, and when he was alone with him, he was even more cautious, as if he was afraid that he would misunderstand his intentions...

Although he keeps saying that he wants to follow him, but there is no trace of affection and desire in his eyes, Xie Huai can't even see this.

With such clumsy and perfunctory acting skills, Wu Yimei still thinks that he likes her and will be hurt by her, how ridiculous... No matter how many lies she tells, it will never become true.

Du Meng had already left and took his people with him.

Fang Li has not been here for several days...

Xie Huai lowered his eyes and smiled, he didn't care at all, it would be better if he didn't come.

He was still quiet.

Don't be disturbed by meaningless people...

The most urgent task is to break through the seal. He has been at the peak of distraction for several years. This time he was forced to be trapped here. He continuously condensed his meridians by hitting the soul lock nail. Time.

Then the devil will surely be killed—

at this moment,

Xie Huaihu's eyes changed slightly, watching Fang Li push the door and enter.

His expression froze for a rare moment, and then he returned to his usual indifference, and his tone was cold: "Why is your lord here?"

Fang Li was about to talk to Xie Huai, when he glanced away, he saw the white porcelain vial on the low table in the corner. The white porcelain vial was placed there casually, without any intention of concealing it... This is the poison brought by Du Meng ? What kind of poison is it? After all, someone who can be disgusted by poison is definitely not Fanpin! Fang Li looked a little more curiously.

And Xie Huai didn't accept it in the original book, why did he accept the poison of Du Meng this time?

The corner of Xie Huai's lips twitched, his eyes meaningless.

He put it there on purpose, and he didn't want to avoid Fang Li at all. Of course, he wasn't afraid of Fang Li's misunderstanding... It's just that at the critical moment of breaking the seal, he just didn't want to cause trouble. He hates any meaningless things.

Fang Li only glanced at it before looking back, asking Xie Huai this is definitely inappropriate, as for whether Xie Huai will poison... Just kidding, letting Xie Huai poison him is better than letting a sow climb a tree, and since he dared to put it there, obviously Just have a clear conscience.

Before Wu Yimei worriedly asked herself to be careful and thank her, she really thought too much.

Fang Li put his hands behind his back, paced forward, looked at the mess on the table, and said with a leisurely smile, "Mr. Yuyi is very interested."

Xie Huai flicked his sleeves and disrupted the Table Mountain chessboard.

This person has not been here for a long time, is it just to say this?

Xie Huai has always known the other party's intentions, and he doesn't mind acting with this person. He wants to know his true intentions...but today, at this moment, he suddenly doesn't want to continue.

I don't want to make false claims with him, I don't want to see his hypocrisy...

Du Meng has already left, who else will he act for?

In the depths of Xie Huai's dark pupils, a cold and alienated look emerged, and he slowly said: "I'm tired, if your lord is fine, please go back."

Fang Li sighed, how can that be done, he has business to do today.

The matter of love gu can't be delayed any longer, that is, the method of using love gu made Fang Li a little bit embarrassed, so it was delayed for a while...

But after thinking about it, it's actually not a big deal, but I can't let go.

Fang Li pressed his fist to his lips and coughed lightly: "I have something to do."

Xie Huai looked up at him.

Fang Li said: "I have given you a lot of time. I came here today to ask how Mr. Yuyi is thinking about it?"

Xie Huai was stunned for a while, thinking about what?

Seeing Xie Huai's expression, Fang Li thought to himself that it's okay! These days are so casual, Xie Huai can't even think of the reason why he locked him in the magic palace!

If you don't fix it, it won't work.

Fang Li said in a low tone: "Being the deity—what do you think about this matter?"

Xie Huai: "..."

Oh, so it's this incident... If you don't tell me, I thought you didn't even remember it.

It's really ridiculous, you never thought about asking me to agree, why are you saying this today? I'm afraid it's because I've been too busy recently, so I came here to have some fun?

Xie Huai's expression became more and more cold, he got up suddenly, and was about to speak to see off the guests, but Fang Li suddenly took a step forward.

The pale man approached, the sudden close made Xie Huai's whole body tense, his fingers slightly curled up, he restrained his instinct to strike, there was no killing intent, Fang Li didn't mean to kill him...

Xie Huai lowered his eyes, at such a close distance... he could almost see the cyan blood vessels under the pale skin of the other party, which seemed to be transparent and fragile, and his almost bloodless lips, like faded rose petals, seemed to be waiting for him. Moisturized by rain and dew, looking forward to the moment of re-blooming...

The man's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, his dark eyes fixed on him, his lips opened and closed, and a light voice fell into his ears: "This deity's patience is limited."


Xie Huai's eyes darkened, and his Adam's apple rolled down. I think you are very patient.

What kind of play is this again today?

Since you don't like it, don't get close to it again and again, and do things that make people misunderstand...

A trace of irritability suddenly appeared in Xie Huai's heart. He had borne it again and again, but now he didn't want to give in anymore. Didn't you pretend to like me?

Xie Huai lowered his eyes and approached, and said in a hoarse voice, as if joking: "Oh? So what?"

I disagree, what are you going to do?

Xie Huai's eyes showed a look of ridicule, he was sure that Fang Li would not do anything, it was nothing more than another pretended lie, and then left, it was like this every time before, Xie Huai had long been used to Fang Li's routine, without any Novelty...

He was calmly waiting for this person to leave, but the next moment, a cool kiss fell on his lips lightly.

Xie Huai shrank his pupils in disbelief.

Read The Duke's Passion