MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 13 Love Gu

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Didn't you leave this time just to confuse Dumeng? It's impossible not to know that Dumeng was here, why didn't you ask?

Isn't that what you want?

Xie Huaiding looked into Fang Li's eyes, as if he wanted to see the true thoughts in his heart from those eyes.

Fang Li fell silent.

He deliberately pretended that nothing happened, just because he didn't want to go through this invalid plot of eating meat for the sake of eating meat. He never thought that Xie Huai would take the initiative to mention it without mentioning it...

You must know that in the original plot, when faced with Yan Sui's questioning, Xie Huai didn't even bother to reply. It has nothing to do with him, he has been detached from the matter and watched with cold eyes from the beginning to the end.

It stands to reason that as long as he doesn't ask, Xie Huai won't open his mouth.

But what does he mean now?

Why take the initiative to bring this up?

Fang Li had doubts in his heart, but he continued to pretend to be stupid on the surface, raising his eyebrows and chuckling: "What should I ask you?"

Xie Huai saw through Fang Li at a glance, and didn't intend to let him fool him. He said indifferently: "You all came to see me, and asked me to join hands with him and kill you together."

Fang Li: "..."

Can't be fooled...

Fang Li leaned back lazily, and smiled jokingly: "Why, are you going to kill me with Du Meng? You don't even look at me, so it's hard to see Du Meng?"

Xie Huai pursed his thin lips and looked into the other's eyes.

A man with pale complexion and narrow eyebrows, with a cynical smile on his lips, under the casual and arrogant laughter, he blurted out such words without thinking... He firmly believes that with his own personality, he will never be in the same boat as Du Meng, maybe even he He didn't even realize that he believed in himself so much.

Believe in yourself even if you don't ask or look.

Is this another kind of trust?

Xie Huai suddenly laughed in a low voice, even Fang Li was sure that he would not do something, but he had to ask more, he was not as free and easy as Fang Li.

Since everything is as you expected, then you...

Xie Huai was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Then you know, they are all covered by true thoughts."

Fang Li's whole body tensed up immediately, his brows frowned, his expression became serious, the conversation entered a stage he never expected! Everyone knows that Dumeng is ambitious, so it's fine to talk about it, but why did you tell me that Dumeng likes you?

What is our relationship?

It's not enough to talk about such a deep and personal topic, is it? !

In a daze, he actually had the illusion of drinking beer with his good brother and discussing who and who is chasing who and who...

Fang Li frowned tightly, thinking about it, he thought there was only one possibility, because of his release of water, the relationship between Xie Huai and himself was not as tense as in the original book, although it did not change the life-and-death hostile relationship between them , but on the surface it looks okay, and you can say a few words calmly, so that you won't be at odds with your enemies as soon as you meet.

With Xie Huaiqing's aloof character, knowing that Dumeng likes him, he must feel disgusted, right? So this is a vague reminder to myself... I don't want Du Meng to continue to disturb him?

And as a licking dog, a suitor of unrequited love, a domineering demon with a strong desire for possession... How should I react when I hear that the person I like has other suitors?

Fang Li suddenly stood up, and sneered: "Even if he is interested in you, so what, you can never escape from the palm of the deity, you will only be the deity's person in this life."

Xie Huai: "..."

Seeing that Xie Huai seemed to be stunned, Fang Li finally felt that he had won the conversation, raised his chin and added: "If he dares to attack you, I will definitely make his life worse than death."

Xie Huai was completely silent.

He stared blankly at the man in front of him, as if he was really angry because Dumeng was interested in him... But at this moment, Xie Huai only felt that it was ridiculous. When it arrived, it seemed that there was nothing that was not in his calculations, but he was the only one who was confused about this matter, and he couldn't see that it was him who had Du Meng's intention...

After a long time, Xie Huai lowered his eyes and gave a low laugh.

Forget it, those dirty and ugly thoughts, if you don’t know it, you don’t know it.


Fang Li slowly returned to his bedroom, everything was fine outside, but he was not used to sleeping on the bed, and the bed in the devil's palace was the most comfortable.

The system hesitated for a long time, before speaking.

[System: I think Xie Huai's performance is not right, I am worried that the plot will deviate. 】

Fang Li didn't care much, and said casually: "Don't worry, even if he doesn't have the urgency to kill me now because I treat him well, but don't forget, he was sealed by me and imprisoned. Here... the current harmony is just an appearance, the process is not important, as long as the final result remains unchanged."

Xie Huaike is by no means the kind of person who can rely on "forced" love.

[System: But how can you guarantee that the result will not change...]

Fang Li smiled: "It's hard to make someone love you, but it's easy to make someone hate you, so don't worry."

system:…? Is that so?

The system wanted to ask again, but Fang Li didn't intend to continue explaining, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed.

This time I slept until the sun was up.

The demon servant waited outside early, not daring to make a sound, until Fang Li got up, then bowed his head respectfully and said: "My lord."

Before he came back yesterday, he issued an order to convene the Demon Gate to discuss today.

The demon cultivators should have arrived by now.

But Fang Li was not in a hurry, he changed his clothes and washed his clothes under the service of two demon servants, and then he went to the side hall to invite Xie Huai to go with him.

In the main hall of the Demon Palace, all the Demon Cultivators stood below, with complicated expressions, talking in low voices.

They have been waiting for several hours, will His Majesty come today? Didn't His Majesty summon them here? Ever since Lord Yuyi came to the Demon Palace, it has been a long time since His Majesty had no intention of doing business, and he never took the initiative to summon them, and this time he didn't know what was important...

While they were discussing, they saw His Majesty coming with Mr. Yuyi.

They are familiar with such a situation now, who can imagine that they were still aggrieved a month ago? Now that someday Xie Huai is not present, they might not be used to it...

Thinking that with Xie Huai present, nothing can be done, and I don't know what His Majesty called them to do? Could it be that they have nothing to do to make them happy?

It's not impossible...

Fang Li leaned lazily on the chair, glanced at Du Meng who was standing in the front, and curled his lips.

Du Meng stood there with an indifferent expression, his body was as tall and straight as a mountain, and his sharp eyes did not avoid or flicker.

Fang Li withdrew his gaze, leaned his body slantly, and said coolly: "This time I went down the mountain, I heard that the bull-noseds of Jiuxiao Mountain are not safe, and they are lobbying other immortal sects to join forces with the righteous immortal sect to attack Fuqiu Mountain. Destroy my group of demons in Fuqiu Mountain."

All the demon cultivators below immediately showed expressions of anger or sarcasm, indicating that those bull-nosed people are tired of their jobs and must not let them go.

All of a sudden, obscenities and insults emerged in the palace.

Fang Li nodded in relief, and said: "Jiuxiaoshan is openly provoking me, Fuqiushan, if you don't give them a little color, they will think that I, Fuqiushan, are afraid of trouble."

Xie Huai frowned tightly, looked solemn, and looked at Fang Li puzzled.

Du Meng's eyes also sank.

Seeing that everyone was almost scolding, Fang Li raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, then turned his eyes, looked at Du Meng with a smile, and raised his tone slightly: "The right envoy is the person most trusted by this deity, and the matter of destroying Jiuxiao Mountain I will leave the matter to the right envoy, I think I will not disappoint the deity, right?"

As soon as Fang Li's words fell, everyone held their breath, and their fearful and complicated eyes wandered between Fang Li and Du Meng, and the quiet needle drop could be heard in the hall.

Jiuxiao Mountain is one of the five great fairy sects in the spirit world, its strength should not be underestimated, and it has been the deadly enemy of the Jitian Sect for many years... If the Lord leads a group of demons to go out in person, hundreds of demon sects gather to besiege Jiuxiao Mountain, with more victors than few The hope of defeating it is the same as the last time when I besieged Yunjian Que...

But if Du Meng is the only one to do it, it will not be a good job.

Dumeng's Jitian Sect failed to take Jiuxiao Mountain for hundreds of years, so could it be possible to take it now? Moreover, the Immortal Sect of the Righteous Path is very sensitive now, and the rumors are jittery. If they are really united, if there are more monks in the Righteous Path... whoever will be wiped out is unknown!

Reminiscent of the fact that His Majesty just suppressed the Heart-breaking Gate and seized the Lingshi Mine a few days ago, I am afraid that he really wanted to take action against Dumeng, and deliberately sent people from the Jitian Sect to die, so as to weaken Dumeng's power in Fuqiu Mountain ?

For a moment, everyone was silent, watching Du Meng cautiously.

For fear of being affected by the pond fish.

Du Meng tightly held the knife at his waist, his eyes were as cold as an abyss, his gaze passed over Fang Li's throat, and he smiled angrily, hehe...

Xie Huai's brows became tighter and tighter. He knew that Du Meng and Fang Li were not on good terms, but if Fang Li wanted to continue using Du Meng, he should use gentle tactics to win him over; Stabilize Dumeng on the surface, and then kill the weeds with a fatal blow, instead of... like now, so high-profile, pressing every step of the way, leaving no room for it.

Fang Li pretended to love him before, so Xie Huai thought that Fang Li's goal was the latter, but what Fang Li did today overturned his guess.

Provoking Dumeng repeatedly like this but not killing him is really feeding a tiger. If you are arrogant enough to think you can play with Dumeng, you will easily get burned.

Xie Huai doesn't think that Fang Li is such a stupid person. It is not beneficial to do so, and even contradicts himself. Why do you do this? Don't you know it's dangerous...

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall became more and more stagnant, Xie Huai frowned and said, "You..."

Fang Li suddenly held Xie Huai's hand, interrupted Xie Huai's words, and said in a slow but unquestionable tone: "I have made up my mind on this matter, so there is no need to say more."

This is the first time Fang Li has rejected him.

Xie Huai looked into the other's dark eyes, with a firm look inside, paused for the rest of the words, and did not say anything.

Only then did Fang Li smile at Xie Huai.

He knew what Xie Huai was worried about. Xie Huai is a merciful protagonist. He definitely doesn't want the immortals to go to war and the lives to die, but you can put your mind to it, this battle can't be won! Du Meng is not a fool who can be manipulated by others, knowing that he sent his people to die, how could he go honestly?

Before killing himself, Du Meng will definitely preserve his strength and will not easily start a war with the righteous way.

Besides, Xie Huai just hinted to himself yesterday that Du Meng is interested in him. As a jealous lunatic, if he doesn't show Du Meng a little color, wouldn't this Demon Venerable be a wimp?

Fang Li turned his head, looked straight at Du Meng without fear, ignored the murderous intent in his eyes, and waited for an answer with a smile on his lips.

Du Meng squinted his eyes and looked at Fang Li. After a long time, he slowly let go of the hand holding the knife, and laughed loudly, his eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake: "Zi, order."

Fang Li showed a satisfied smile, and then stood up: "Then wait for the good news from the right envoy."

Everyone looked at Fang Li's leaving back complicatedly. His Majesty Xin Dao didn't even listen to Xie Huai's words this time.

This Fuqiu Mountain is probably about to change!


Fang Li was in a good mood, walking briskly, and the plot went smoothly.

In the original novel, Yan Sui assigned Dumeng to attack Jiuxiao Mountain in this way. Although Dumeng agreed on the surface, he secretly hated him. His patience was about to reach its limit. At that time, he would not hesitate to collude with Zhengdao to deal with him, but he had only given him a Opportunity, I hope that I will not let down my painstaking efforts, and go through the plot well...

I'm done with business today, should I go back and catch up on sleep, or should I eat first? Fang Li was a little distracted, and suddenly felt his wrist tighten, and the scorching heat came. He turned his head in astonishment, and saw Xie Huai tightly holding his wrist, frowning and staring at him.

Xie Huai's thin lips moved slightly, and he said slowly: "Why did you do this."

Don't you know this is setting yourself on fire? Or you are so determined that you are not afraid of Du Meng's retaliation.

Fang Li showed a little surprise, Xie Huaike never took the initiative to touch himself, what happened today? Are you angry at your own decision? That's right...he is ordering everyone to destroy Jiuxiao Mountain! The evil way is going to kill innocent people indiscriminately again...but any righteous way can't bear it.

But I can't say you don't worry, Dumeng and Jiuxiaoshan can't fight for the time being, he pondered for a while, then showed a disdainful and arrogant expression: "I can do whatever I want, besides, Jiuxiaoshan dares to speak out. Know the consequences of doing so."

Oh? Is that so?

Xie Huai almost laughed angrily, he glanced at Fang Li coldly, do you believe this?

But... what kind of relationship do they have, why should Fang Li be frank?

Xie Huai took a deep breath, closed his eyes, let go of his hand suddenly, turned around and strode away.

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai's leaving back, raised his hand to caress his red wrist, Xie Huai's hand was a bit strong, um...but...

Angry is so angry!

Today really killed two birds with one stone, Fang Li was even more satisfied.


Because Xie Huai was unhappy, Fang Li simply didn't go to Xie Huai's side these few days, so as not to cause trouble for him and let him be alone.

When the system saw that the host was starting to fish again, he was worried every day. What did the host mean when he said he wanted Xie Huai to hate him? Could it be referring to the matter of Jiuxiao Mountain? But every time I asked myself, the host said wait and wait...

So is the host thinking about the plot?

Fang Li is very free these days, living a luxurious life in the magic palace, occasionally wandering around the mountain, inspecting the foundation of Fuqiu Mountain, or going fishing on the sea cliff behind the mountain...

One day, Fang Li came back with a vicious demon fish with red eyes and a mouth full of fangs. On the way, he was stopped by a handsome man with white hair...

After thinking for a while, Fang Li recognized that this was the suzerain of the Hehuan Sect. He immediately cheered up, knowing that the important plot was finally coming.

The Suzerain of Hehuan Sect smiled charmingly and bowed in salute: "This subordinate pays homage to Your Majesty."

Fang Li looked impatient, and said as he walked, "What's the matter?"

The head of the Hehuan Sect learned of Fang Li's whereabouts only after bribing the guards on the mountain. He managed to guard Fang Li here. He knew that he only had this chance, so he said without hesitation: "I have a treasure that I want Dedicated to Your Majesty!"

"Oh?" Fang Li stopped and looked at him thoughtfully.

The head of the Hehuan Sect bent down, raised his hands high above his head, and held a transparent bead in his hand. Inside the amber-like bead, there was a pair of beautiful golden worms.

The head of the Hehuan Sect said: "This is the treasure of the sect—the silk-wrapping love Gu. It is different from the ordinary love Gu. Only the past lords of the sect can breed it, and the subordinates have only bred a pair with all their painstaking efforts. It can make Those who have subdued the sub-gu are devoted to the master of the mother-gu, and obey what they say, even the hardest stubble will obediently obey and let the master do whatever they want."

The lord of Hehuan Sect paused for a moment, carefully glanced at Fang Li, saw Fang Li's expression of interest, and thought proudly in his heart, those idiots just don't understand things, and they can't see that His Majesty can't ask for Yuyi Jun Unrequited love... But even if someone sees it, there is nothing they can do about it. Before the Sect Master of Broken Blade wanted to flatter Xie Huai, didn't he also suffer?

If you want to get the point of flattering, you need to know what your majesty really wants.

No one can help His Majesty with this matter except himself.

Hehuan Zongzong thought of this, and his heart became even hotter. His eyes showed flattery, and he smiled meaningfully: "Your Majesty only needs to let Yuyi Jun obey the sub-gu, and you, as the master of the mother Gu, Yuyi-jun will definitely be the master of the mother Gu from now on." You can't, can't leave you."

As soon as Fang Li waved, he held the bead in his hand and smiled slowly: "Okay! If this thing is really useful, I will definitely reward you very much."

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