MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 11 Disaster

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When he left, Fang Li was in a very happy mood, and made up his mind to bring Xie Huai to all discussions in the future. He was simply a good teammate!

As for whether today's behavior will be too much, Fang Li is not worried at all, because Yan Sui is like this in the original book, as a lunatic whose life is not long, he doesn't care about anything, and only wants to take revenge on society... For the only person like his senior brother, it is not uncommon to do anything.

Thinking that Xie Huai had saved him a few days ago regardless of past suspicions, and helped him out today, Fang Li looked at Xie Huai with friendly eyes, and almost wanted to pat him on the shoulder, saying that he did a good job and keep going.

But that's out of character.

Fang Li restrained his cough, put his hands behind his back, raised his chin and smiled at Xie Huai: "As long as you agree to be the person of the deity, don't talk about these trivial matters, there is nothing the deity can't answer you."

Xie Huaiding looked at the person in front of him, maybe the sun was good today, the other person's cold white skin glowed softly, when he was talking, there was a slight smile in his eyes, he looked in a good mood...

Although Fang Li kept saying that he did all this only for himself, Xie Huai subconsciously felt was not the case.

It's more like he wanted to do this himself, but he couldn't because of his status, because not only did he not annoy him at all, but he was a good mood?

This kind of heartfelt happiness is hard to hide, and it is definitely not a fake much so that Xie Huai was in a trance for a moment.

Xie Huai was sure that Fang Li pretended to love him for the sake of designing Dumeng, so he deliberately pretended to be doted on and arrogant. To protect some people... But at this moment, this idea suddenly became less firm.


Ever since he had Xie Huai as his little partner, Fang Li felt that he was in a good mood at work. As expected, he was right. When he saw Xie Huai for the first time, he knew that this pleasing colleague should be easy and pleasant to get along with... not now Thinking that there is still such a tacit understanding and seamless cooperation.

A colleague who is pleasing to the eye and full of tacit understanding, to be honest, if Xie Huai is a woman, he may really be tempted.

During this period of time, whenever Fang Li had business to deal with, he would bring Xie Huai with him, and whenever anyone came to see him, he would let Xie Huai come and listen in. In short, except for Wu Yimei...everyone else came to him, he did not care at all. Don't shy away from Xie Huai.

Anyway, it's not just the matter of the Demon Sect, there is nothing wrong with burning, killing, looting, and nothing that Xie Huai can't know.

Because of Fang Li's behavior, gradually fewer people came to find Fang Li, because - they couldn't get around Xie Huai at all! And as long as Xie Huai is present, he will definitely not be able to do any bad things.

There were complaints and discussions from all over Fuqiu Mountain, what kind of ecstasy soup did Xie Huai pour into His Majesty to make His Majesty obey him! In the past, I only thanked Xie Huai for his aloof personality, high-mindedness and self-control, but I didn't see that he had the ability to make trouble. I really underestimated him!

Fang Li was very happy, his life was quiet again.

Although he can't be honest with each other due to the plot and characters, Fang Li still likes to be with Xie Huai very much. After all, there is only such a person who suits his heart in this huge Fuqiu Mountain.

Life was leisurely and boring, and this day he got tribute food again, Fang Li got up late, and lazily ordered to be sent to the side hall, he wanted to have lunch with Mr Yuyi.

Sitting in the room, Xie Huai suddenly saw the demon servants coming in like flowing water, filling the table with delicious food, so he knew that Fang Li would come over later.

This person usually does not come at a fixed time, whenever he wakes up, he will come whenever he wakes up. He is in the position of the Demon Lord, but he rarely does what the Demon Lord should do. Get used to him acting like this.

When Fang Li came over, he saw that Xie Huai was already sitting on the edge of the table, but he hadn't moved his chopsticks yet, so he should be waiting for him.

Although Xie Huai is still taciturn and indifferent, and seems to disdain to talk to him, Fang Li can feel that the relationship between them is no longer as tense as it was at the beginning, and they get along more like friends... Presumably Xie Huai should believe it now , I will not take him for the time being.

Xie Huai didn't like to talk, and Fang Li didn't mean to have an awkward chat. He sat down to eat comfortably. In fact, he could eat alone, but he always felt a little deserted. Food needs to be shared to be more delicious.

Halfway through the meal, a demon servant hurried in and whispered in Fang Li's ear, "Sect Master of Broken Blade Sect, please see me."

Fang Li raised his eyebrows in surprise, there are still people who dare to come to the door ignorantly, isn't it enough to eat before... Although he thought so, Fang Li still ordered: "Let him come to the side hall."

Xie Huai lifted his eyelashes slightly.

Not long after, the head of the Broken Blade Sect came. He bowed and walked in with a nod, and bowed to Fang Li on the ground: "My subordinates pay homage to Your Majesty."

"En." Fang Li said casually, raised his hand, and signaled the other party to stand up and speak.

The Sect Master of Broken Blade Sect took a careful look at Xie Huai, then bowed to Fang Li and said kindly: "Mr. Yuyi has also been in the Demon Palace for a long time, and my subordinates are worried that Mr. Yuyi misses his hometown and is not used to this floating situation. Qiushan is cold and desolate, why not build a palace with the style of Linxianzhou on this mountain, so that Lord Yuyi can live in a happy mood."


Fang Li raised his eyebrows and smiled, these demon cultivators have really improved, and they all know the devious tactics.

Now that I dote on Xie Huai so much, it seems reasonable to build a palace for him to please him, but the Sect Master of Duanren Sect is obviously not really kind. Ah, there are so many places where you can get rich...

Seeing that Fang Li didn't refuse, the Patriarch of the Broken Blade Sect seemed a little moved. He was overjoyed and felt that he might have guessed what His Majesty was thinking. Hmph... those people would come to their senses sooner or later. It's better to please Xie Huai than to please Your Majesty. People still can't save face now, but I don't care about these things. As long as the benefits are obtained, what does it matter if I please Xie Huai?

The Patriarch of the Broken Blade Sect smiled charmingly: "If Your Majesty thinks it's okay, and this subordinate is willing to preside over the construction of the palace, I will definitely make Mr. Yuyi feel at home here."

"I think this is a good idea..." Fang Li looked at the Patriarch of the Broken Blade Sect with a smile that was not a smile. Seeing that he was looking happy, he suddenly changed the subject and asked Xie Huai, "By the way, what do you think of this suggestion?"

The Patriarch of the Broken Blade Sect thumped in his heart.

Xie Huai had a clear look in the depths of his eyes, and said slowly: "It's a waste of money, it's unnecessary."

Only then did Fang Li prop his chin and look at the Sect Master of Broken Blade, showing a sneering look, he was really smart, even if the deity is willing to pamper Xie Huai, Xie Huai has to be willing, can't you see such an obvious 'single arrow'? Do you really think Xie Huai is a flattering thing?

Xie Huai can't wait to kill himself, but also build a palace to make him feel at home... It's no wonder he likes it.

He waved his hand and said coldly: "Get lost, don't mention this again."

The Patriarch of the Broken Blade Sect turned pale, dripping with cold sweat, and left in a hurry.

It was quiet again.

An insignificant episode did not affect Fang Li's continuation of eating. Fortunately, the delay was not long and the dishes were not cold yet.

Thinking of Xie Huai helping him out of the siege just now, Fang Li thoughtfully picked up a piece of fish for him, his smiling eyes curled up, and said: "Don't argue with those people, if you don't like it, this deity doesn't like it either."

Heh, started pretending again, Xie Huai kept a cold face.

If he still had doubts and wasn't sure for the first time, during this time he was 100% sure that Fang Li was just using himself and refusing to do things he didn't want to do.

He clearly planned to use this person too, but he was used instead.

He was testing Fang Li's bottom line step by step, but Fang Li's bottom line just had no bottom line.

He never rejected himself once.


Since he chose this path in the first place and wanted to be a cold-blooded and ruthless devil, why should he feel pity?

Xie Huai pursed his lips tightly, although he told himself again and again not to be shaken and not to be confused... But the scene in the Forbidden Ground could not help reappearing in front of his eyes, Fang Li showed such a painful expression, such helplessness and despair, like a drowning person dying Struggling... What kind of memory is that...

Maybe, all this is not what you want.

If at that time, someone could give you a hand, would everything be different?

Even if it becomes like this in the end, whether there is still a trace of kindness in your heart, you just don't want to admit it...

Xie Huai suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, and his eyes fell on the fish in the bowl. The devil became more and more out of control, and he started to pick up vegetables for himself under the complacency. How close were they before?

Xie Huai glanced coldly, and was about to pick out the piece of fish.

But facing Li Hanxiao's eyes above, they were gentle and bright, as if there was a stream of light, the joy naturally revealed softened the cold edges and corners, he looked at himself happily...

This person just sent another demon cultivator, although it was not for himself, he did a good deed for the common people...

Xie Huai clenched his chopsticks, hesitated for a moment, and put the fish piece into his mouth, it was smooth and greasy, and the taste was excellent.

As a dedicated cook, Fang Li didn't look at Xie Huai after cooking, but happily enjoyed the food in front of him. The benefits of wearing a book are excellent.

When he was about to finish eating, Wu Yimei suddenly came over.

As Fang Li's most capable confidant, Wu Yimei didn't need to inform when he came in. He glanced at Xie Huai with his dark red vertical pupils, his expression was cold, and his brows were frowned. Acting for Du Meng to watch, how could he do this? Thinking that His Majesty might have moved his heart, Wu Yimei was worried, and was full of hostility towards Xie Huai.

Xie Huai also looked up at Wu Yimei, his pale eyes seemed to be covered with ice, Fang Li saw that everyone did not shy away from himself - only Wu Yimei was an exception.


Fang Li didn't want Wu Yimei to come over suddenly. Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was not right, he immediately stood up and smiled at Wu Yimei: "Do you have something to do with me? Let's go back and talk about it."

In the original book, Wu Yimei and Xie Huai were at odds. Now that I have managed to ease the conflict between them, I don't want Wu Yimei to go back to the old way.

Then he got up and walked out.

Wu Yimei replied "Yes" respectfully, stopped looking at Xie Huai, turned around and quickly followed Fang Li.

Xie Huai sat there motionless, and there was no one in the courtyard in the blink of an eye... Whenever and wherever, as long as Wu Yimei appeared, Fang Li would leave without hesitation, and what they said between them, never Let yourself know the slightest.

I don't know what kind of shady things I did.

Xie Huai looked down at the dishes in front of him, suddenly lost his appetite, and put the chopsticks on the table with a cold expression.

Fang Li took Wu Yimei back to his dormitory, closed the door, and said, "What are you looking for?"

Wu Yimei won't listen to outsiders who say that Xie Huai is so troublesome and Fang Li is so obsessed with ghosts, but he believes what he has seen with his own eyes. Unfortunate... Wu Yimei is unavoidably worried, not wanting his lord to be hurt by Xie Huai, but he said that other lords would listen to him, but only on Xie Huai's matter, he acted arbitrarily and did not allow him to say anything.

Sometimes, Wu Yimei couldn't help but doubt whether Xie Huai really fed His Majesty the ecstasy soup, which made His Majesty treat him so differently.

Wu Yimei pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Recently, my subordinates have found out that a large number of spiritual stone mines have been secretly withheld, and less than half of them have been sent to Fuqiu Mountain. They have secretly raised a large number of demon cultivators. Suspicion of raising the bandit’s self-esteem, and the heart-breaking sect is under the command of the Jitian Sect... This is a big matter, and the subordinates dare not make decisions without authorization, please make it clear."

This matter... the book mentions it briefly, it only said that the heart-breaking gate secretly confiscated the spirit stone, and Wen Sui went down the mountain to suppress it in person, and left Fuqiu Mountain for a few days.

The process of Yan Sui's handling of this matter has not been described in detail. The main function of this plot is to let Yan Sui leave temporarily and give Du Meng a chance to get close to Xie Huai. How to get Du Meng and Xie Huai to meet up?

The plot has already come to this point, Fang Li suddenly realized that time flies.

Looking at Wu Yimei's expression again, it is obvious that he is very worried about getting along with Xie Huai, afraid that he will fall, maybe he is deliberately looking for an opportunity to distract himself... One is to get the plot, and the other is to make Wu Yimei feel at ease. One trip is all about going.

Fang Li raised his lips and smiled: "Oh? There is such a thing, I want to see how the heart-breaking door is going to explain this time."


Three days later, Fang Li and Wu Yimei were walking on the streets of Quqing Town. There were sparse pedestrians on the streets, a little desolate and depressing, and from time to time, Moxiu rode past on horses.

Fang Li was dressed in a simple and elegant brocade jacket with dark patterns, with jade ornaments on his waist and a folding fan in his hand, like a handsome young man from a rich family.

Quqing Town was originally just an inconspicuous small town under the jurisdiction of Wangyue Prefecture, with mediocre resources and no paradise. There was only a small sect called Huayuezong in the town, and life was ordinary, neither good nor bad. Zong accidentally discovered that there is a high-grade spirit stone mine here.

Spiritual stone mines are resources that cultivators must contend for, especially high-grade spiritual stone mines are extremely rare, and the news will definitely make people jealous. Huayuezong knew the crime of Huaibi, and dared not monopolize this spiritual stone mine. Xuanxinglou, one of the five great immortal sects, was invited to jointly manage it. When Xuanxinglou learned of this, he immediately sent three elders and dozens of disciples to take over... However, he was unlucky and was a step late. All the demons of the Heaven Sect were beheaded outside Quqing Town, and Huayuezong was also killed.

At this time, everyone has already surrendered, and this spirit stone mine also belongs to Fuqiu Mountain as a matter of course.

Ruixinmen is one of the many demon sects affiliated to Jitianjiao. He has followed Dumeng for a long time and has always been trusted by Dumeng. That's why Dumeng gave this important job to Ruixinmen. The door is responsible for managing the mining of this spirit stone mine.

Withholding the Lingshi Mine, if you didn't get the instruction from everyone, you wouldn't dare to do it if you gave the heart-breaking gate a hundred courage.

All of them are obedient to others, secretly enriching their own pockets... Not only is Fang Li not surprised by this, but he has always known about it.

It's just that he didn't bother to take care of it before, he never cared about what his subordinates usually do, and usually whoever laid down the territory would be handed over to him for management. Things like those reported by the demon cultivators in the temple before are usually just a formality. If it weren't for Xie Huai's intervention, as long as they handed in enough benefits on time and respected him, the rest would never interfere too much...

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and even the orthodox immortal sect cannot be absolutely fair and open. Is it possible that these selfish demon cultivators are expected to be honest and obedient?

That being the case, why did Yan Sui go down the mountain in the original book?

Of course, the reason for being disgusted is different from his own. He had always turned a blind eye to it before, but he happened to take action on this matter. Could it be that he suddenly didn't want to continue to tolerate it? Fang Li was thoughtful.

As the number one spy chief under Yan Sui, Wu Yimei has excellent professional ability. This time, the matter was investigated clearly and the evidence was conclusive. He followed Fang Li respectfully, and whispered: " My lord, you have to go directly to destroy the heart gate."

What's the rush, this is the first time he went down the mountain after wearing a book, he finally took a vacation, watching the long-lost fireworks in the world, Fang Li planned to relax.

As for tidying up the heart-destroying door, it's just a matter of convenience, and it's not worth paying attention to.

Several children ran past his feet, accidentally bumped into him, and apologized again and again in shock. Fang Li helped a fallen child up, and smiled slowly at Wu Yimei: "I'm hungry, let's eat first."

Wu Yimei: "?"

Fang Li ignored Wu Yimei and went to a restaurant by the side of the road.

Wu Yimei couldn't get back to her senses for a while, would you still be hungry with such a cultivation level...? He followed Fang Li into the restaurant in a daze, and when he didn't know what to do, he was pulled by Fang Li and sat down directly beside him.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yimei heard a chuckle: "Don't be too restrained outside."

Wu Yimei's wrist was held by Fang Li, the other's breath almost fell on his ear, and the laughter was like a spring breeze blowing on his face. He had been with this person for more than ten years, but he had never been so close... subconsciously tensed up The body didn't relax a little bit until the cool touch on the wrist left.

A few heart-breaking disciples just passed by outside.

Perhaps, His Majesty just didn't want to startle the snake, so he deliberately pretended to eat, and he needed to cooperate well so as not to ruin His Majesty's plan...

Wu Yimei's mind was full of thoughts, until he heard Fang Li sigh softly: "I don't know what you like to eat yet."

Wu Yimei raised her eyes in a daze, looking at the man in front of her.

Is it necessary to know this kind of thing?

Fang Li searched through the exhausting memories in his head. He knew how Wu Yimei was cultivated, he knew Wu Yimei's strengths, he also knew Wu Yimei's weaknesses, and he knew how many times Wu Yimei had been fatally injured. It has been so many years... He seemed to know everything about this person, but he didn't even know what Wu Yimei liked to eat.

Perhaps in the eyes of Yan Sui, this is a trivial matter that does not need to be known.

But Fang Li didn't think so.

People live in this world, most of the time there is not so much grandeur, it is nothing more than one small thing after another, ups and downs, love, hate, joy and sorrow constitute life. In the book, Wu Yimei is a vicious cannon fodder like a tool man, but in What Fang Li saw in front of him was a living person.

Although I saved him at the beginning, it was only half saved, because he didn't teach Wu Yimei how to live like a human being, and he couldn't teach others what he couldn't do himself...

Fang Li just glanced at Wu Yimei's expression, and knew that he was thinking too much, he was worthy of being a conscientious tool... Be a human being, don't always think about work in your mind, and occasionally look at the roadside scenery, Wu Yi Sleep This work intensity is more than 996, it is simply 007, it's just that the magic cultivator in the spirit fairy world does not have a humanized work system.

He is not the kind of unscrupulous boss who occasionally gives employees a vacation.

Your job these days is to eat and play with you.

Fang Li beckoned and asked the shopkeeper to serve all the dishes. They were completely inferior to the delicacies of the Demon Palace, but they had a special light flavor. Fang Li swept his eyes and pushed a bowl of crystal clear sweet soup to Wuyi. In front of Mei, she smiled: "You try."

Wu Yimei looked at the sweet soup in front of him, and his expression was in a daze for a moment. In fact, he himself didn't know what he liked to eat.

When I was young, I ate leftovers and even rotten water. I ate whatever could fill my stomach. Later, I entered the magic way with Yan Sui, and I never became hungry because of eating. But at that time, my life was often hanging by a thread, and I only wanted to become stronger. What to eat has never been important, and later on... high-level monks only need aura to survive, and ordinary food is completely unnecessary.

Now that I think about it, I really didn't like anything.

So that I can't answer for a while...

Wu Yimei raised his eyes and fell into a pair of smiling eyes. There seemed to be some anticipation inside. He took a sip carefully, and the sweet taste permeated the tip of his tongue. His Adam's apple twitched, and his voice was hoarse: "I like it very much."

Because that's what you gave me.

Wu Yimei has a dull temperament and doesn't say anything. Fang Li was a little worried that he would not like him, so he put down his mind, picked up his chopsticks and smiled: "Eat it."

Wu Yimei drooped his eyes to get rid of the complicated look. Ever since Xie Huai was captured, His Majesty seemed to be a different person. He started to smile more, and his eyes became much gentler. As long as he is with Xie Huai , will always show a side that he never had before, as if he loves that person very much... although he keeps saying that he doesn't love him.

This person he had never been close to in the past ten years, because Xie Huai began to allow others to approach his heart, like a puppet who only knew how to kill, suddenly had seven emotions and six desires, but now, he even cared about what he liked to eat what…

Wu Yimei couldn't deny that he was a little confused at first, but when he came back to his senses, he found that he didn't hate this at all, and even dared not break the scene in front of him.

When he was on the verge of death, it was this person who gave him a hand and gave him a place to go. Like a walking corpse, he followed this person all the way to kill... At that time, he never thought that one day, they could still be like this , Eating and talking and laughing like an ordinary person, as if the collapse of the world outside has nothing to do with him, only the moment of greed in front of him.

Wu Yimei clenched his hands slightly, he had to admit that he was actually jealous of Xie Huai, jealous that Xie Huai could get all the love from this person, and could be by this person's side all the time...

Even if it's fake, it's something he can't even dream of.

The author has something to say:

This chapter continues to drop small red envelopes~~

Xie Huai: Wu Yimei is the one he trusts.

Wu Yimei: Xie Huai is his favorite person.

Author Bacteria: Envious of each other√

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