MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 10 Be pampered

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Fang Li looked up at Xie Huai in a daze.

The man in white clothes stood quietly outside the bamboo building, the breeze brushed his sleeves, his cold face reflected the afterglow of the setting sun, such a beautiful scene... against the nightmare that had just faded, half truth and half false, it was hard to distinguish dream from reality for a while.

[The system shouted anxiously: Host, host, host, woo woo, are you okay? ! ! 】I yelled for a long time just now, but the host didn’t seem to hear it. He was so anxious to death, it’s all his fault... He should have made it clear to the host earlier, the memory of disgust is very dangerous! !

The familiar noise came to mind.

Oh, it seems to be back to reality.

Fang Li blinked.

Just now he was thrown into a nightmare by accident, if not for that loud shout, he might be trapped there and won't be able to wake up.

There is no one else here, so it can only be Xie Huai.

This was when he was weakest and defenseless. Even a toddler could kill him with a knife. Such a good opportunity... Xie Huai did not kill the people, but saved himself.


Fang Li looked at Xie Huai complicatedly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Why are you here?"

Xie Huai's eyes were cold, his expression was indifferent, and he said: "It's all about finding a quiet place to relax, isn't this a place you can't come to?"

Fang Li never restricted his actions, he easily explored the magic palace, and there was nothing hidden about it, even this so-called forbidden area was only provided with a sword.

It's not an artifact that can split the sky and split the sea, it's just an ordinary sword with mottled old scars and little aura left.

How could such a sword be so cherished and valued by the majestic Demon Venerable?

That can only mean that its meaning is more important than its value.

Xie Huai couldn't see any difference in this sword. Even when it was intact, it was not so precious and rare. After being damaged, it has no spiritual energy to nourish it. Now it is just a piece of scrap iron... But for Fang Li , this sword must be of great significance, he suddenly wanted to know the unknown real side of this person, so he quietly hid in the bamboo forest...

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as Fang Li touched the sword, he fell into a nightmare, faintly showing signs of going crazy.

If he didn't care about it, Fang Li might die.

He should have left, or, take this opportunity to kill him, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

However, when he saw Fang Li's painful expression, his eyes were bloodshot, and the veins were bulging on his pale face, he was instantly overwhelmed by the pain of the past, like a drowning person who wanted to leave desperately, but found out in despair. There is nowhere to go, he is trapped in the dream that never wakes up, sinking into the endless hell, no one can help him, even if his soul is scattered, he cannot escape and cannot leave...

This person finally took off his disguise, revealing his hidden real side, but is this scene what he wants to see?

Xie Huai closed his eyes, and before he could figure it out, he woke up Fang Li with a sound.

Why do you want to do this?

Maybe it's just because I don't want to see this person show such a helpless and desperate expression, which makes people wonder what he has gone through to become what he is now.

Why is no one allowed here? Is it because the memory here is very painful, very painful, but I can't let it go...

Xie Huai pursed his lips. He knew that it was dangerous for him to think like this. Everything in this world is suffering. No matter what the past is, it is not a reason for degeneration. Since he has chosen to become a demon, he should bear the price of the choice.

That's right, he didn't feel pity for this person, he just didn't want to take advantage of his danger.

Xie Huai told himself so.

It's a pity that I didn't get any useful information today.

Xie Huai slowly and firmly looked away, no longer looking at Fang Li, turned around and left from here.

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai's leaving back, and didn't make a sound to stop him.

If he still doesn't know what is good or bad at this moment, Xie Huai will probably regret it and come back to make up for him.

He thought about it for a long time, and felt that from his standpoint and Xie Huai's, the only reason why Xie Huai didn't do anything was that he was an honest gentleman and didn't bother to take advantage of others' dangers.

But to be honest, Fang Li was very surprised that Xie Huai didn't kill him.

Although he has read the original work, he knows that Xie Huai is an existence admired by thousands of people in the fairy world, by eliminating demons and defending the Tao all his life, punishing **** and evil, but Xie Huai is by no means a bad person. And other issues.

On the contrary, he has always been very ruthless towards demons, killing demons without blinking an eye. He is a deep-minded and decisive person, and he will not be easily swayed by the outside world.

He has never been a bodhisattva who saves all living beings, but a **** of killing who kills demons with a single sword.

Now it seems that I was wrong...

Xie Huai originally had such a side.

It is worthy of being the protagonist shou who combines truth, kindness and beauty!

Putting it in another place, if you were yourself, you would not be able to do such an act of repaying grievances with kindness.

[System: Host, host, host, are you really okay? QAQ]

Fang Li finally had the time to deal with the system, he smiled: "It's okay."

The system decided to make up for its own mistakes. He shouldn't have given the host bad memories. Even though the host was fine before, it doesn't mean he'll be fine in the future! If it happened again accidentally, without Xie Huai's help, the host might really not be able to wake up. Thinking of this possibility, the system would blame itself terribly.

[System: I can help you re-seal your tired memories. 】

Fang Li smiled and shook his head: "No need."

It was indeed my own carelessness just now, but the reason why the nightmare could trap him was simply because he was unprepared. The Green Bamboo Sword was a switch to open the memory, and the sudden surge of the nightmare rushed into his consciousness, making it impossible to break free... But This kind of thing is like a trap, the same location, the same disguise, it may catch people by surprise the first time, but once it is known, it will be useless.

Besides, this is the world of cultivating immortals with murderous intentions everywhere, it is hard to say whether the memory is more dangerous, or the world itself is more dangerous.

Fang Li bent down to pick up the green bamboo sword on the ground. When he was trapped just now, the sword was accidentally knocked off.

The system was about to persuade the host again, but when the host dared to touch the sword again, his face turned pale with fright, and almost shut down in fright!

But to his surprise, nothing happened to Fang Li this time, he just put the sword away gently and carefully wiped off the dust.


Fang Li walked out slowly, before leaving, he looked back at the lonely bamboo building.

If this world has never given you a glimmer of hope, it is better than giving you a glimmer of hope and then ruthlessly destroying it completely.

I hate the person who protects him in my memory, whether it is white clothes stained with blood, or in a desperate situation, he never gives up a step, and protects him until the last moment, as if as long as he is still standing there, you will Don't be afraid of the world...

It's like when Xie Huai was facing thousands of demon cultivators, standing in front of the disciples of Yunjian Que with a sword in one hand, his white clothes were blood-stained, and he didn't take half a step back. He would rather fall into the eternal **** than protect the people he wants to protect...

Xie Huai is very similar to that person.

It's a pity that the person Xie Huai protects behind him is not him, and he will never meet such a person again in his life.

Fang Li seemed to understand a little bit, why Yan Sui allowed himself to sink.

Because he didn't want to get away at all.

He will fall in love with Xie Huai, not the so-called "long-term love" in the article...Maybe, he is just chasing a dream that will never be realized, knowing that it is just an illusion, but he is reluctant to let go...

That was the only thing he thought of keeping in his short and sad life, but he couldn't keep it anyway.

It's a pity it's not his, after all it's not his...

If you want to stay by force, you are just drinking poison to quench your thirst and deceiving yourself and others.


The system has been worried these days. Although the host said nothing happened, is there really nothing wrong?

Fang Li felt that the system was really worrying too much.

Compared with those unimportant things, there have been more official duties recently, which made Fang Li a little bored and impatient.

Du Meng attacked another state, and the territory expanded again. The group of demons twisted into one rope, and almost no fairy gate could resist it, which led to the expansion of the territory too fast recently...

With the expansion of the territory, there was a problem of dividing the spoils. For this reason, many demon sects have been arguing in front of him recently. Although he didn't want to care about it, he could only listen patiently a few times.

This Demon Venerable is almost the same as the emperor, but the emperor's official duties are very hard, and only a faint king can live comfortably.

Fang Li decided to carry out the "Subjugated Country and Faint King" to the end.

The best way to avoid business affairs is to indulge in gentleness. Fang Li likes to go to Xie Huai's side very much recently. Because of what happened last time, Fang Li's affection for Xie Huai has increased. Wei Guangzheng's dazzling light will not do anything despicable... Before Xie Huai breaks through the seal, they will be able to coexist peacefully!

I used to measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain before.

And according to the plot progress of the original book, after experiencing several intense X-scenes, Yan Sui lost his mind first and then his heart, and finally began to fall step by step. I can't wait to pick the stars and the moon, just for the beauty to smile...

When Fang Li first read the book, he only felt that it was absurd and illogical to fall in love with someone because of his obsession with lust, and even moved his heart.

But after experiencing the nightmare of being trapped last time, Fang Li can understand the feeling of disgust, and understand why Xie Huai is the only one... because Xie Huai really resembles that person.

The world in the book has turned into reality, the characters on paper have become real people, and the places that were originally unreasonable have been automatically completed, which is quite interesting.

This day Fang Li was going to the main hall to discuss matters again, he did not hesitate to take Xie Huai together to 'go up to court', held Xie Huai's hand along the way, and led him to sit beside him.

The group of demons below couldn't help but make a noise, your lord, this is too absurd! It's not the occasion of a banquet, it's fine to bring a favorite to play with... They discuss affairs in the Demon Sect, and let an orthodox monk sit on the Demon Venerable Seat, how decent it is!

Xie Huai looked indifferent.

His hand was held tightly by Fang Li, and the fingertips of the other party felt slightly cool. Perhaps after holding it for a long time, it gradually stopped feeling cold, as if it had gained a little warmth... This person ate and lived with him, I was a little wary at the beginning, but now it doesn't matter more and more, are you starting to relax your vigilance?

Except that he never really touches himself, this person treats him with obedience and obedience to the extreme, and sometimes even gives him the illusion that this person really likes him...

But he knew it was all fake.

Xie Huai lowered his eyes, facing the inquisitive gaze...

Heh, this is Fang Li's purpose, to make Doomeng think that he is his weakness. For this reason, he did not hesitate to do this... Xie Huai twitched the corners of his mouth, and lowered his eyes to hide the coldness in his eyes.

Since you are using me, why not use each other.

Fang Li supported his chin with one hand, listening impatiently to his subordinates.

The head of the Yanmo Sect said: "This time we attacked the Twelve Sects of Wangyue Prefecture, and captured 792 orthodox monks. May I ask how you should deal with them?"

The master of the Yanmo Sect has already made up his mind. Those above the Nascent Soul stage will be used to refine souls, those above the Golden Core stage will be refined into puppets, and the rest will be treated as slaves and everyone will share. Whether it's for refining furnaces or making medicine, they are all excellent materials... Our Flame Demon Sect has put in a lot of effort this time, why should we get more points?

How to deal with it?

Fang Li frowned, feeling a little embarrassed...

Xie Huai suddenly spoke, his voice was cold and indifferent, and his expression was cold: "Killing innocent people indiscriminately is against the law of heaven."

What an indiscriminate killing of innocents, what a violation of the law of heaven, the group of demons below suddenly burst into laughter, looking at Xie Huai as if looking at a fool, I am afraid that he is not crazy to say such things here, and he does not even look here. who are they! Do you really think that you are still the respected Yuyi Jun? Here you are nothing more than a pet who is being played with! No self-awareness at all!

The lord of the Yanmo Sect also sneered, and when His Majesty spoke, it was his turn to get a pet to intervene, no matter how much His Majesty loved him, he would not allow him to be so presumptuous.

Everyone thought Xie Huai was ridiculous.

Only Fang Li's eyes lit up. It was inappropriate for him to say this, but for Xie Huai, it couldn't be more appropriate. It was as if he was dozing off and someone handed him a pillow. He must be a roundworm in his stomach.

Fang Li sat up straight and didn't even look at the people below. His eyes were full of tenderness and doting, and he said to Xie Huai, "Okay, it's all up to you."

Then he turned his head to face the suzerain of the Flame Demon Sect with a dull face, and said coldly, "Didn't you hear? Since Lord Yuyi is unhappy, these people will not be dealt with for the time being."

The head of the Yanmo Sect looked at Fang Li in a daze, he felt that he might not be hearing hallucinations.

Everyone present was in a trance for a moment, and a terrible thought appeared in their minds, could it be that it was not Xie Huai who was crazy, but His Majesty?

Because of Xie Huai's mere words, don't deal with these people? Those captives were also killed by them desperately, and they also died a lot of people! How could I let it go like this! Everyone showed expressions of dissatisfaction and indignation!

Fang Li didn't intend to give them a chance to refute, his voice was chilling, his cold gaze swept down, and he said word by word: "What? Does anyone have any objection to the deity's decision? Stand up."

The scene was completely silent.

No one stood up.

Fang Li leaned back satisfied, it's good, no one wants to be the first bird.

Because of this incident, the way everyone looked at Xie Huai changed, with less contempt and intimacy, and more hatred and fear.

After a while, the owner of the Blackwater Valley stood up hesitantly, bowed and cleared his throat, and said, "I heard that there are fewer servants in the Demon Palace, so my subordinates specially collected eighty-eight young girls and boys. I want to send you to the palace to serve Your Majesty because of her good looks..."

Xie Huai raised his eyebrows: "No need, it's enough for Your Majesty to have me by his side."

Everyone: "...!" Crazy, really too crazy! Your Majesty hasn't spoken yet!

Fang Li felt that it was absolutely amazing, and he showed a moving look to Xie Huai, they have such a tacit understanding! He immediately said impatiently to the owner of the Blackwater Valley: "Didn't you hear, let them all go, don't do such unnecessary things in the future, there is no shortage of people around me."

Everyone: "!!" Booming in a trance!

Fang Li said: "Is there any more?"

Now the hall was silent for a long time, and no one made a sound for a long while.

Just when everyone was still in shock and didn't know what to do, Du Meng suddenly took a step forward, he raised his eyes to stare at Fang Li and Xie Huai, his dark eyes carried a strong sense of oppression, and slowly said : "Recently, a few disciples of Yun Jian Que sneaked into the vicinity of Fuqiu Mountain and were captured. I don't know what His Majesty thinks is the best way to deal with it?"

Yun Jianque's disciple...

Fang Li has been doing good, and said to Xie Huai directly with a smile: "How do you think Mr. Yuyi should deal with it?"

Xie Huai's sharp eyes glanced at Du Meng, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he said lightly: "Of course I let it go."

Fang Li was just waiting for this sentence, Xie Huai really did not let him down, if he was a little bit more courageous, he would not dare to be so pretentious, maybe he would be shocked by Du Meng...

Fang Li glanced at Du Meng coldly, and said without hesitation: "Let it go, the disciples of Yun Jian Que will come again in the future, as long as they don't cause any trouble, don't worry about it, you know." These are all Xie Huai's. The natal family, not only can't move, but also have to make a good offering!

After speaking, he looked at Xie Huai again, immediately changed his gentle face, and smiled dotingly: "Do you think this arrangement is good?"

Xie Huai's expression didn't change from the beginning to the end, he always looked indifferent, he didn't even give a smile, he just hummed lightly from his throat as a reply.

But Fang Li didn't mind his indifference at all, he put his arm around Xie Huai's shoulder, as if he really loved him to the bone, and said softly: "Just be happy."

The people below have been completely dumbfounded. Is there any **** reason for this? !

Insane, insane, as a mere prostitute, it is too insane! This is to be proud of being favored!

Is it your lord who is in charge here, or you Xie Huai? !

The author has something to say:

Don't think too much, everyone, wearing books, Fang Li is not tired, not past and present.

Author: Hee hee, forced to love double literature, can't you think of it?

Xie Huai: ………… (It’s outrageous

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