MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 371 untitled

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"Long time no see!" Li Xu got into the car and said hello.

"Well, long time no see, I thought you were missing." Zeng Qian smiled and looked at Li Xu, her eyes bright and clear.

"There are some things in the company. After being busy for a while, I went abroad with my daughter for a walk." Li Xu told the truth.

"Daughter?" Zeng Qian's eyes widened instantly, with a look of surprise.

"The daughter of a friend's house, recognized a goddess." Li Xu chuckled lightly.

"Oh!" Zeng Qian responded, put away her surprised expression, and continued: "You are quite caring!"

Li Xu smiled, but instead of talking to her, he said, "Let's go, let's go eat."

Zeng Qian nodded, then the two found a restaurant near their home, parked the car and walked in.

I found an empty seat and sat down, ordered a few dishes, and the two chatted while eating. Li Xu asked, "My postgraduate tutor, do you know me? I've been thinking about asking him for a meal for a while."

Zeng Qian smiled and said, "I want to go through the back door!"

Um, which backdoor are you talking about? Serious?

Ahem, Li Xu was a little cranky.

"Contact in advance and ask for leave in the future!"

"At first glance, you are not a good student. Before school starts, you should think about taking a leave of absence!" Zeng Qian giggled.

After laughing for a while, she added, "I really know him. I'll ask later, he's not at school now."

"It's such a coincidence, it's great, it's easy to have acquaintances! Haha." Li Xu was in a good mood.

He definitely wants a graduate degree. This thing is a real good thing. Without a system, he would definitely not be able to pass the exam.

However, graduate students must have it, and freedom of life cannot be lost.

I can't really be like other postgraduates, working for the "boss" for free, without being busy day and night.

That's nonsense!

The two ate for about an hour, and after eating, they strolled around the nearby square, and then drove home.

Of course they go home.

When getting off the car, Zeng Qian returned the car key to Li Xu.

Li Xu was not hypocritical, and took it directly. After all, he also has to use a car.

Just when he was about to go upstairs, Qin Shiyun called.

Li Xu glanced at Zeng Qian, but turned on the phone to talk.

"Brother Li, I came out for a drink. I brought several sisters, they are all beautiful."

Li Xu frowned: "I'm that kind of person.

Where is the address? "

Qin Shiyun giggled, and then said the address.

Li Xu said, "Wait for me!" and hung up the phone.

"Is something wrong?" Zeng Qian heard a woman's voice, but still asked with a smile.

"A friend, I heard that I'm here and want to get together." Li Xu said without changing his face.

"Oh! Then you go! I'll go up first." A faint smile appeared on Zeng Qian's face.

Li Xu nodded, turned back to the parking lot, and drove out of the community.

In a newly opened Qing bar in Pudong, Shangdu, three women are holding wine glasses, listening to music and drinking lightly.

One of the women with an airy appearance and curly hair is Qin Shiyun.

"I called someone, but I can't guarantee that he will promise you."

"Well, what kind of man can escape my sister's palm." A smartly dressed woman with short hair and red lips stretched out her hand and made a grasping motion.

"Don't fool around, if he gets angry, I'll stop with you." Qin Shiyun said with a sullen face.

"Oh, Xiao Shishi is distressed. If you care so much, why don't you just take it down." Another thin-faced girl in purple said with a smile.

"People don't look down on me!" Qin Shiyun said a little lonely, and at the same time, her fingers couldn't stop rubbing the watch on her wrist, her movements were gentle and slow.

"You're wrong!" The short-haired, red-lipped girl stared at Qin Shiyun's face, looked up and down, then focused her eyes and said in a deep voice, "You're infatuated with him."

"What nonsense, let's get down to business. You can ask him, but don't talk nonsense." Qin Shiyun emphasized again.

"Understood, you think we are the idiots of Lina and Xinrui!" The short-haired girl sneered.

As soon as Qin Shiyun heard the names of the two sisters, she remembered the scene when she met Li Xu, and it was still vivid in her mind, as if it were yesterday.

At this moment, a figure of a man appeared at the door, Qin Shiyun looked up, and it was Li Xu who came.

She waved at Li Xu, indicating her position.

Li Xu saw Qin Shiyun at a glance, and walked over with a small leather bag.

As soon as they met and said hello, Li Xu handed over the small leather bag in his hand.

"I bought it on the road, for you."

Qin Shiyun took it over with a smile, seeing that it was a new bag from Gucci, which cost tens of thousands of dollars.


Li Xu replied, "You're welcome!"

"Brother Li, these are my two best friends, Lele and Yani." Qin Shiyun put down the bag and introduced the two best friends to Li Xu.

These two girlfriends were still discussing how to win Li Xu with a relaxed look, but as soon as the other party came in, they gave Qin Shiyun a brand-name bag.

Immediately let the two put away those little thoughts.

"Hello brother Li!" The two hurriedly got up and said.

"Hello!" Li Xu replied with a smile: "Go ahead, what do you drink? Beer or cocktail?"

"Let's have some beer."

Li Xu raised his hand to greet the waiter, ordered some wine, a fruit plate, and snacks.

Soon the wine was served, and the four of them chatted while drinking.

With Qin Shiyun pulling the strings, a few people quickly became acquainted.

I originally thought it was here to tease the beauty, but I didn't expect the beauty to have a mission.

It turned out that the two girls also wanted to switch to the live broadcast route. I heard that Li Xu knew some people in the entertainment industry, so they wanted to ask Li Xu to help find a reliable platform or recommend a good shooting team.

Where does Li Xu have such a relationship? It's just a fox and a tiger, and he borrowed the name of Han and English.

Of course, as the second largest shareholder, he can definitely solve it, but why should Li Xu help them?

Last time, those two girlfriends helped the air, and it was nothing.

Seeing Li Xu looking at her, Qin Shiyun hurriedly said, "I'll take a line, they heard from my two former girlfriends."

Li Xu snorted, and turned to the two girls: "I can't help you, I'm just an industrialist, and I don't have any acquaintances in live broadcasting."

The expressions on the two girls' faces darkened when they heard this, but this was a fleeting event, and soon the two of them showed a smile.

Listening to music and drinking wine is quite relaxed and comfortable.

After drinking for a while, Qin Shiyun was a little overwhelmed by alcohol, and her body had begun to slowly lean towards Li Xu.

The two girlfriends glanced at each other and got up to drink to Li Xu.

Li Xu didn't crave the cup, just took a simple sip, meaning.

"Just drink the wine here, I think Shi Yun is a little drunk, let's go back first." Li Xu said.

"All right."

After the two women finished speaking, they stood up and walked away with their bags.

"Oh, wait, take her with me too! I'll drive you!"

After speaking, Li Xu helped Qin Shiyun out of the bar.

After sending Qin Shiyun back to the rental house she rented, Li Xu drove straight away.

As soon as Li Xu left, Qin Shiyun opened her big bright eyes.

"Let's just say it, I guess even if I'm naked, he won't touch me." Qin Shiyun said helplessly.

"That's not necessarily, maybe it's almost taken off." The short-haired woman said softly.

Qin Shiyun was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, you can't grab it if you don't grab it yourself. By the way, I can't help you two."

"Understood, the big deal is to go to those big companies and work part-time."

The two women sighed.

Here, Li Xu asked Chen Xiaojie and Zeng Wenjing to call Chen Xiaojie and Zeng Wenjing respectively after letting the driver come home, reporting that they were safe, and chatting for a while.

It was a long time, the two girls probably just left him, and they were still thinking about it, and Li Xu had just had a drink, and it was when he was slightly drunk, so an hour had passed since the chat.

While he was chatting with Zeng Wenjing, Zeng Qian's phone suddenly called.

Both have the surname Zeng, so I don't know if it's related.

Li Xu found a reason, hung up the phone, and connected Zeng Qian's mobile phone.

When it was so late at night, the other party called, there must be something wrong.

"Li Xu, didn't you sleep!" Zeng Qian asked.

"No, what's wrong?" Li Xu replied.

"I just asked you about it. Professor Xu has returned to his hometown. It is estimated that he will not be back until next week." Zeng Qian explained what she had learned on the phone just now.

"Today is only Wednesday, so there will be at least five or six days to come back. It's too unfortunate." Li Xu thought to himself.

"Well, thank you, it's so late for you to worry about me." Li Xu said politely, although he didn't understand why the other party wanted to talk about it in the middle of the night, he was still very grateful.

He hasn't seen each other for so long. After all, he has some strangeness in his heart, so he should be polite to everyone in his tone.

"It's a small matter, then I'll hang up." Zeng Qian smiled and hung up the phone.

The night wind was slightly hot, and the curtains on the windowsill swayed gently with the wind, creating smooth waves.

Li Xu got up and turned on the air conditioner. Before the person left, a peculiar smell of dust hit his face.

Apparently there was a lot of dust inside.

"Air purification equipment is very promising!" Li Xu waved his hand and said to himself with a smile.

After the filter element of the air conditioner is filtered, it will still blow out the air with dust and odor.

From this to the other, the same problems exist in the air conditioners of automobiles, the ventilation devices in factories, etc.

With the new filter device produced by him, foreign objects such as dust can be blocked behind the ventilation port and stored in a centralized manner, which can minimize the secondary pollution of the air.

Thinking of this, Li Xu's interest increased greatly. He turned around and picked up his mobile phone to search for information about air purification equipment.

It took more than an hour to see this, Li Xu felt that his eyelids were a little heavy, so he got up and went to the bedroom to prepare for sleep.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, the phone rang suddenly.

Li Xu was a little puzzled, who was calling so late, when he looked down and saw that it was Yu Xinxin.

"What's the matter?" Li Xu asked after connecting.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry to disturb your rest. It's like this. For some reason, our company's new game suddenly entered the hot search."

"Entering the hot search? Isn't that great?" Li Xu was confused. It's a good thing to be able to enter the hot search without spending money. Wouldn't it be the same tomorrow?

"It's on the hot search, but it's the opposite, we are the opposite."

Yu Xinxin explained the reason for the incident.

It turned out that this afternoon, a big Internet celebrity complained that a domestic manufacturer would only make these bottles and cans / tinkering games, and the accompanying picture is this infrastructure life game produced by Li Xu Company.

A big Internet celebrity is a big Internet celebrity, and any video will cause an uproar.

The people who commented below are divided into two factions, one is supporters, who ridicule domestic games, only follow the trend and plagiarize, without their own creativity.

The other faction is against his point of view, believing that he is biased, that he has never played the game, and has no idea how interesting it is. Pure foreign adoration.

As a result, this infrastructure game, which was originally only a niche well-known, has gloriously entered the field of vision of the general public.

The name Li Xu gave to this game is: Universal Infrastructure. A particularly cheesy name that points directly to the core of the game.

Only a small number of people play this kind of infrastructure casual game.

Most students still like fighting games.

So seeing the name, many people shook their heads and were too lazy to download.

But the point is not here, the point is that what everyone criticizes is that the domestic game has a poor sense of innovation, the game world view is narrow, and the scene design is not majestic enough.

Especially when compared to the final battle of StarCraft produced by Goryeo.

After listening to Li Xu, hehehe directly, this group of people is really idle, the two games are his, you guys are going back and forth, there is a gross meaning.

"Good thing, don't worry about him, let the network continue to ferment and we don't have to worry about anything. You tell Han Ying to prepare a few more servers, I will hang up and explode soon." Li Xu told Yu Xinxin directly.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I won't disturb your rest." Yu Xinxin hung up the phone very well aware of current affairs.

Han Ying asked Yu Xinxin to call, probably because he was afraid that things would ferment too much, and if he didn't follow up in time, he might be caught off guard.

It's a pity that she didn't know that both games were Li Xu, otherwise she wouldn't be so nervous.

Li Xu hung up the phone, directly said that the phone was on mute, then lay down on the bed and whispered.

When he woke up the next day, it was only after six o'clock, Li Xu changed into a light shoe, went downstairs, and started to run.

It was not until more than seven o'clock that I bought two breakfasts and returned home.

When passing by Zeng Qian's house, he put a copy outside her door.

Then I sent a text message and said.

After he finished eating, changed his clothes and went out, when he got to the door, he saw that the breakfast was gone.

Li Xu smiled and walked straight to the elevator.

Today, he made an appointment with Cheng Miduo. He hadn't seen each other for two months. Li Xu still misses him very much.

We should have met yesterday, but Cheng Miduo went home yesterday and didn't come out well.

So early this morning, the two made an appointment to meet at the school gate.

After getting off the underground parking lot, Li Xu got into the BMW, started the car, and rushed to Shangdu Opera Academy.

For two days in a row, there was nothing else to do. Li Xu himself felt a little bored just dating the girl.

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