MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 370 glutinous rice bran, sweet spring

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The Mercedes-Benz stopped by the side of the road near the company, and Li Yijing walked to the company alone with the high imitation donkey bag specially bought by her brother.

Along the way, she and Li Xu reached a consensus, that is, to work in the company for more than 20 days in a down-to-earth manner.

Listen more, see more, and use your brain more.

Li Yijing knew that her brother was well-intentioned, so she put down her rebellious mentality and went to work in the company with peace of mind.

After she left, Li Xucai drove into the construction site of the factory next to Xurisheng.

At this time, there are many workers and construction machinery working in full swing. The whole land is in a mess.

Li Xu invited a well-known construction company in the province to do the construction. This company is very strong, and many high-quality real estates are constructed by them.

The main building of the new company is not high, only equivalent to an ordinary seven-story house. Although it is not a high-rise building, Li Xu still intends to make the main building look a little more like, not to mention tall and majestic, at least it should look like a big company.

Not far away, an excavator waving a shovel, made a rumbling sound, and dug neat ravines on the ground.

From Li Xu's point of view, where was the soil dug, it was clear that the money was dug, and it was money that was rushing out.

This time, the construction of the new factory should be the most money Li Xu has spent in his life. The budget alone will cost 30 million yuan, which is just the basic budget.

Li Xu felt very distressed.

He used to pluck other people's wool before, but I didn't expect the construction company and equipment manufacturing company to pluck his wool this time.

Thinking of this, Li Xu suddenly remembered that he seemed to have signed up for a reward for a construction company before, but he couldn't remember the specific details.

I don't know if I can use it at this time!

So he turned on the system and checked it. It was a card called Infrastructure Maniac, which said: Establish a construction company, and the work efficiency of the company's employees will increase by 10% within half a year.

A somewhat tasteless reward.

It's only ten percent. I'm sorry for the name of this "infrastructure madman".

Since the money is flowing out, Li Xu naturally has to use the system to make a reverse wave.

So when he inspected the construction site, he decisively activated the system check-in.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for passing a large excavator produced by Yizhou Construction Machinery Factory, please pay attention to the host."


Li Xu was stunned for a moment, what's the use of this thing, is it a big toy? He doesn't even drive!

Before he made a fortune, with such a big guy, he could rent it out and earn a little rent every day, which would be considered an income, but now it's very tasteless.

After a brief look, Li Xu put it on the shelf.

The current company is no longer the same as it was when it was founded, which can be seen from Li Xu's inspection of the construction site.

Behind him were five or six little leaders wearing hard hats.

There are construction site supervisors and middle-level companies like Xu Yan, who are doing the same thing as some party and government leaders come to inspect the work.

Of course, in terms of one-third of this acre of land, he, Li Xu, is the biggest leader.

There were a lot of people, so Li Xu did not continue to sign in, but took a serious turn around the factory area and asked some questions about construction.

After walking around for about 20 minutes and turning around, Li Xu handed the helmet to Xu Yan and left the company.

There's nothing fancy about this stuff.

You spend your own money, and others do things, you just need to have a supervisor.

After leaving the company, he did not go to Zeng Wenjing, but returned directly to Jeju.

Prepare to pack up and rush to Shangdu.

It's about to start school, so I don't have to invite the tutor to have a meal, get to know each other?

It was almost mid-August, and many students rushed to school early.

He doesn't need to rush to the school, but he has a lot of things to do in school. It's time to go back after he's been away for so long.

After having his secretary Yu Xinxin book a ticket for the afternoon, Li Xu went straight home.

Because Chen Xiaojie knew about Li Xu's departure, she had already packed his clothes for him.

They are all clothes that are easy to change in summer.

As for bedding or autumn and winter clothes, there is no need to think about it at all. Not to mention buying it with money, even if you use it at home, you only need a phone call, and the driver will deliver it.

"Have you found a nanny?" Li Xu changed into casual clothes, looked at Chen Xiaojie, and asked with a smile.

"I have contacted the housekeeping company. I will come two in the afternoon. Let me see how the cooking is going." Chen Xiaojie helped him straighten his clothes and replied.

"Well, find someone who is honest and has better cooking skills," Li Xu said.

Chen Xiaojie nodded in response.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the company's newly recruited bus driver drove over in a Fengtai commercial vehicle.

The driver and the bus were all equipped recently.

Li Xu finally no longer has to drive in and out of the airport by himself.

An hour later, the blue sky was full of white clouds, and Li Xu had already boarded the plane to Shangdu.

As usual, Li Xu habitually signed one.

After all, if you sign up for an airplane, you will really earn money.

But this time, it was obviously not enough luck. The reward was still not a plane, but a high-intensity high-altitude parachute.

This thing is still useful.

After all, taking a plane is a good way to travel without incident, but it is not a good way to travel.

After the routine signing, Li Xu did not continue to sign in, but picked up a magazine and read it.

As for watching flight attendants without reading magazines?

Forget it, if you watch too much, you will get bored. These flight attendants are not as good-looking as Yu Xinchang.

If you want to see it, just buy a plane ticket and walk around the sky with Yuxin, and see how you want to see it.

He took this magazine as a new literary and art magazine, and some of the stories in it are still very interesting.

Just as he was watching with gusto, he suddenly twitched as a fat man who was separated by an aisle.

The passenger next to the fat man hurriedly called the flight attendant.

In just a few seconds, two flight attendants rushed over and helped Fatty unfasten his seat belt, trying to make him lie down on the seat.

But the fat man was not light, he was estimated to weigh more than 200 kilograms. At this time, his body was trembling uncontrollably, and the two flight attendants couldn't control it at all.

The radio on the plane also sounded at the right time.

Soon, four people who claimed to be doctors rushed over, one of them was a blond old foreigner.

A middle-aged doctor leaned up and gave the fat man a simple diagnosis and rescue.

Several other people also helped.

The whole plane was a mess all of a sudden, and many people tried to stand up to see what happened.

However, the process of treatment was not easy. The middle-aged doctor's treatment did not relieve the patient's condition, but instead made the other person's trembling more and more severe.

"I need a defibrillator, I need an intravenous injection of dolcamine." The middle-aged doctor looked up at the medical kit handed over by the flight attendant, and shook his head helplessly.

The medical equipment on the plane is very simple, generally only a simple medical box, some airlines will be equipped with high-end equipment such as defibrillators, but most do not.

Without equipment, the middle-aged doctor looked at the rest of the group. He had no choice at all. A doctor had no tools, just like a soldier without guns.

Seeing that the doctors were like this, the flight attendants and the passengers onlookers were also very anxious.

"I need to return to the flight immediately or make an emergency landing nearby." The flight attendant made a decisive decision and was ready to speak to the captain.

At this moment, the blond old man shook his head and said, "Let me try it."

He speaks Chinese, emphasizing that it is a little weird.

When the three Chinese doctors saw it, they all consciously stepped aside.

The blond old man stepped forward, opened the patient's eyes, looked at it, touched the other's pulse again, and pressed on the neck a few times.

Then he asked the middle-aged doctor to help him, turned the patient over, rubbed and pressed several places on the other's back, but after a while, the patient's tremors slowed down.

The blond old man turned the man over and continued to press. Finally, the patient no longer trembled and his breathing became smoother.

"He needs to rest, and he needs to be rushed to the hospital after getting off the plane. This may be a kind of acute neurotoxicity." The blond old man said to the flight attendant in awkward Chinese.

Several flight attendants nodded in response.

Then contact the captain, contact the captain, take care of the patient, take care of the patient.

When the three Huaguo doctors saw that this foreigner was so powerful, they couldn't help but admire him.

In their opinion, this designation is a medical expert in a large foreign hospital, otherwise it would not have such a level.

"Thank you for opening our eyes. Western modern medicine is so fascinating. You must be a senior neuroscientist. I don't know what to call you?" A bald male doctor asked with some emotion.

"My English name is Smith, you can call my Chinese name Bian Que!" The blond old man replied gently.

"Mr. Smith, is this technique newly invented by the emergency department? I haven't noticed it before." The middle-aged doctor also came over curiously and asked.

The blond old man looked at the three with a bit of doubt. Seeing that their expressions did not seem to be fake, he spread his hands and said with a strange expression: "Oh, this is not a new technology, on the contrary, it has been around for a long time."

"For a long time?" The bald male doctor said in surprise: "Could it be an ancient method in the West in the Middle Ages, it's really astounding."

"No, it is the first aid method of Chinese medicine in your country." The words of the blond old man made the three Chinese male doctors look at each other in disbelief.

"It turns out that you really haven't learned it. I'm still wondering why you didn't use it when you started!"

The blond old man shook his head and smiled helplessly.

As soon as these words came out, the three of them suddenly showed embarrassed expressions on their faces. They knew that the first aid method just now could not be faked.

However, an old foreign man used Chinese traditional Chinese medicine to treat emergency patients, while the three Chinese people only used Western equipment to treat patients.

This is so ironic.

Li Xu was also very embarrassed when he was on the sidelines. The traditional Chinese medicine that we hate has become the object of active study and study in the Western world.

However, we are still carrying out various criticisms and ridicules for the scientific nature of Chinese medicine.

Li Xu shook his head, trying to express something, but found that the words came to his lips but he didn't know how to express it.

This incident was just a small episode on the plane. An hour later, the plane landed safely at Pudong Airport.

Li Xu took a taxi and went directly to the house he rented in Shangdu.

Doing the math, Li Xu has been missing for two months.

Turning the key to open the door, Li Xu walked in with a suitcase.

When he entered, Li Xu suddenly felt a little surprised. He saw that the windows in the room were bright and clean, not the kind of clean that no one lives in, but the clean that someone often wipes.

There are also two more pots of green plants in the living room, which are growing luxuriantly.

The window on the balcony of the living room was open, and the gentle breeze of Juanjuan drifted into the room from the outside, bringing a touch of summer warmth.

Before he got to the door, he began to think about taking out the bed for a while to dry in the sun, so as to ventilate.

In the end, looking at it, where do you still have to clean up yourself.

Apparently someone cleans themselves a lot.

who is it?

landlord? Not so.

Then it can only be Zeng Qian, Teacher Zeng.

Li Xu gave her the key before leaving, and asked her to help take care of the house in case there was any water leakage or something.

Unexpectedly, she was quite attentive.

Li Xu smiled, then opened the closet, took out the sheets and quilts, and a faint fragrance emanated from the sheets and quilts, looking fresh and elegant.

Apparently it was just washed.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as near neighbors. This is indeed true.

After he finished packing, he called Zeng Qian.

As soon as Zeng Qian heard that Li Xu was back, her tone became obviously cheerful.

"I'll drive to pick you up after work!"

Li Xu responded, and when he left, he left the car to Zeng Qian and let her drive normally.

If the car stops in one place for a long time, it will still cause great damage to the car.

If I knew it would drive her, I wouldn't be in a hurry to rent a car. It was a waste of money.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xu closed the door and wandered in the community, looking at the flowers and plants/Looking at the uncles and aunts in Liuwan, it was a unique experience.

A city has the style of a city, and a place has its customs.

Li Xu is now starting to enjoy the feeling of changing his While strolling around, he is also thinking about going back to the capital for two days before school starts, and the house over there is only a few days before he left , I didn't even look at it, it is estimated that it has long been a smell.

After turning around, his footsteps gradually slipped to the outside of the community. Looking at the city with many high-rise buildings, Li Xu stretched and felt extremely comfortable.

After a casual walk, Li Xu sent another message to Cheng Miduo, telling him about his return.

But the girl didn't respond, she was probably in class.

Then he sent another message to Yu Xin/Qin Shiyun, saying that he had already arrived in Shangdu, and that he had time to have a meal together these two days.

Qin Shiyun usually gets his messages back in seconds, and this time was no exception.

Seeing Li Xu's WeChat message, she came back.

The two chatted for a while and made an appointment to get together in two days.

As for Yuxin, why didn't she reply, she was probably still on the plane.

Thinking of the plane, Li Xu remembered the scene that happened on the plane today, and couldn't help sighing.

He knew nothing about medicine and could not express his opinion.

However, the technology that I regard as rotten chaff on my side is secretly drinking as a source of sweetness in the West. There must be a problem in it.

Just when Li Xu was thinking about something that had nothing to do with him, a red BMW three-series parked beside him.

The car window was lowered, revealing Zeng Qian's fair and tender face.

"Looks like you, what are you doing here?"

"Shopping!" After Li Xu finished speaking, he walked around to the co-pilot, opened the door, and sat in.

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