MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 85

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Six hours~~~

Jing Ming escaped a white hair band from his arms and shook it. "Come, I will give you a good-looking hairstyle. The palace owner praises me for being good-looking."

After a sip of tea...

Gu Yunxiao looked at himself in the mirror, and it was difficult to make a famous saying. The demon of the three worlds was so beautiful that it was a man and a woman. Is it true that the teacher respects such a good look?

Suspected to see the mirror, the latter coughed and looked up at the sky, Gu Yunyi silently opened the cockroaches on his head, combed his own hands, and used the hair band to put the two hairs behind his head, behind The hair is directly draped, relaxed and comfortable. After finishing the profit, he turned back and asked Jing Ming: "Why did the Master still not come back?"

Jing Ming learned that Mu Chen was incomprehensible, and Shantou thought about it and said: "The palace will not go to the trial conference? Would you like to accept another apprentice to accompany you?"

Gu Yun’s hand slammed his eyes, and there was a slight disappointment in his eyes. As long as he had one of his disciples, it would suffice. If he dares to accept another one, he will give him one death and dare to accept a pair. He will kill him. A pair!

Jing Ming did not see Gu Yunxi’s dissatisfaction at all. At this moment, Gu Yun’s curiosity was extremely inflated. “Are you really a boy? Are you a demon? Where did you get it? How did you start to swear when your hobby changed? Your hair is not very good..."

Gu Yunxiao looked at the mirror and smiled. He picked up the eyebrows that had been slightly ambiguous. He suddenly became serious. He hooked his fingers and the mirror quickly bowed his head, listening to it as seriously. I listened to Gu Yun’s hand and whispered, “In fact, I was a teacher who accidentally ate the drug and accidentally gave birth.”

The mirror was shocked and sucked cold.

Gu Yun slammed his head, and the long index finger gently touched the tears in his eyes and smiled.

Jing Ming also knows that Gu Yunxiao teased him at this time, and his dissatisfied grin. "You are a child, not honest!"


The main peak is above the main hall of Chongyang Palace.

Different from the gorgeous decoration style of Yanyang Palace, Chongyang Palace is entirely blue-gray, high-rise Qiongyu, and the atmosphere is steady, showing the majesty of the main peak everywhere.

A huge water mirror in the temple relayed the pictures that were being tested on the mountain, and the heads of the various temples headed by Yue Mingze, the head of the temple, were almost here. Fresh blood is added every ten years in the door, and everyone wants to pick a few good seeds.

The new disciples are desperately climbing, and the coarse sand hits the face, but they have no time to wipe. The rain drenched the mountain roads, and in some places they used almost both hands and feet. The person who cultivates the fairy, the most feared is the three-hearted and half-hearted, half-way, no perseverance, the empty talent will instead go astray, Chongyunmen attaches great importance to this perseverance test.

Mu Chen stepped into the hall, and the vestment that did not dye the dust with his movements took out a beautiful arc, swaying the eyes of the elders, and then seeing his stunning face seemed to be dyed with frost, a pair of narrow and long The phoenixes swept away in the faces of everyone, and the people he had seen suddenly felt like a man on his back, and all stood up in shock.

Fortunately, Mu Chen just looked at them and looked at them. They didn’t look for their troubles. The people who were seen were relieved. Of course, some people even scorned, and Mu Chen only had a good face. This was picked up by Danyangzi. When he was young, he was alone in the Yanyang Palace. If someone else had such a condition, he would not know it. Look at him a few realms.

Mu Chen didn't care how others looked at him. He looked at the teenagers on the water mirror and rolled them like mud monkeys. I was glad that I had taken the little apprentice away in advance. The injury of the little apprentice could never climb. mountain.

On the elders, a female practitioner saw Mu Chen also snorted.

Mu Chen heard the voice and looked up to see her row of four people, slightly stunned the gods, except for a guy who stumbled into a ball and slept, the other three were watching him, but I still could see Sit with them four without missing.

"I have seen the uncle!" The three stood up, together with Yue Mingze, and politely said.

Mu Chen nodded and said hello.

He only remembered this time. At this time, Yue Mingze just took over the Chongyun Gate. Several forces in the door were very dissatisfied, not only arguing but not obeying discipline. As the six main peaks of Chongyunmen's power, in addition to Mu Chen, the Lord of the Four Palaces all appeared as Yue Mingze. I think that there is something wrong with Mu Chen here. He cares too little about it. He didn’t show up at the conference. I also know how people look, they may think that he is not normal.

Yue Mingze’s good temper asked: “I don’t know what the uncle’s is here?”

Yue Mingze seems to be in his early twenties. He has asked the Chongyun door to be a chaotic and unreasonable blessing. He is the youngest in the next year and has taken the seat of his generation of masters. Perhaps it is to make himself look more majestic, he is very rigorously dressed, a white gown, a blue robes, and a jade-colored ruler. It’s really serious if you don’t look at your face. Bully face, there is a pair of lovable dimples. It doesn't seem to be very reliable, and his experience is still low. He is not as good as some elders in the door. He looks like a few paragraphs with other sects calling for help. This also makes the door somewhat People are dissatisfied with him and often cause trouble.

Seeing such a young Yue Mingze, Mu Chen sighed in his heart. If it was not for the previous generation to rush to close the bottleneck, it would not let Yue Mingze get up early. This burden is too heavy for this child.

Before the rebirth, Gu Yunzhen feared the people in the fairyland. This group of sorrowful monks pushed half of the blame on Mu Chen’s head, claiming that he would teach the gangsters to die and thank the world. Protecting him, Chongyun Gate will be an enemy of the entire fairyland.

At that time, Yue Mingze had been working hard for a hundred years, and finally he was in power. The foundation was firm. The people in the fairyland wanted to kill Mu Chen but they were venting their anger. They handed Mu Chen out, and Yue Mingze still leisurely made him the master of the party. However, the other party actually Mu Chen, the uncle, changed the weakness of the weekdays and toughly confronted the entire fairyland.

Thinking of this, Mu Chen felt that he was really alive too much in the last life, as if he really did not do anything for the martial art. Since I have given myself a chance to be born again, I will solve all the regrets. From now on, help the teacher to guard the Chongyun Gate, and dare to do the right thing with Chongyunmen, kill them all the time!

Yue Yunze saw Mu Chen watching himself not talking, subconsciously quite a waist, silently swallowing, he was not afraid of anyone, but he was afraid of this uncle, his face could not help but be a little red, Yue Mingze nervously called: " Uncle Shi?"

Mu Chen looked at him helplessly, his tone was plain: "I want to discuss something with you." He said that he took out two jade bottles from the space ring. "Two fits, you can add more to the door." The power of the two fits. Now I want to use them to change the same thing in the door." This fit is for him to refine himself, and now he has the ability to refine the better quality of the drug, these two Just give the child a change of body care.

All the monks present were monks, and Mu Chen’s words were clear to them. For a time, the entire hall was quietly audible.

The masters of the fit period are also rare in the entire fairyland. The entire Chongyun Gate is now only three, and it is a reciprocal person who does not ask the world. With them sitting in the town, Chongyun Gate can stand firm in the whole fairyland and become one of the four major sects in the mainland. If you add two more, the impact on the sect is self-evident. Moreover, everyone in the room has already reached a certain level, and the desire for cultivation is even stronger. The body Dan can let a power of the gods reach the fit period without any bottleneck. A magical medicine, nothing more.

Yue Mingze exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to refine this level of medicinal herbs. It is not impossible to change something." He coughed and straightened his waist and put the style of the lord again. "No. Know what the uncle wants to change?"

Mu Chen: "Qun Kun protects the soul bell."

Qiankun Guardian Soul is an artifact left by the ancients. Unlike other magical functions, Qiankun Guardian Soul has the ability to attack, protect and protect the soul. As long as the spirit is injected, it can also hurt people. The guardian bell is originally a pair, and it is divided into a dry bell and a bell. It is said that the second generation head and his priests hold it together. The combination of the two can destroy the land and the power is endless. It is the town of Chongyunmen. Piece of treasure. Later, in a fairy war, the monk holding the Kunling was unknown, and Kunling was unfortunately left behind. The rest of the bells until now no one can let it recognize the Lord, just like a dead object.

Yue Mingze looked at Mu Chen inexplicably. "What do you want to do to protect the soul bell?"

"Give me a new collection of people, do a teacher's ceremony." Before the rebirth, the guardian soul bell is one of the magic weapons that Gu Yunzhen used to use, is the forbidden land that the other party opened the Chongyun door. Mu Chen thought that if he now prepares what the apprentice wants, he will break the introduction of the long-haired, and make the Chongyun door safe and stable.

Mu Chen said that his face was meaningless, but the people he heard were full of three views. Even Yue Mingze’s serious face had signs of twitching. The disciples of the same batch are still trying hard to complete the trial. How good is Gu Yunqi’s life, and he was taken by Mu Chen before the trial. He was directly accepted as a pro-disciple, and he did not say with his peers. The combination of Dan and the town of the treasure of the town for his self-defense.

Think about it, Mu Chen, how much is this for Gu Yunqi? Looking at Mu Chen’s expressionless expression, Yue Mingze couldn’t guess that Mu Chen was deliberately trying to sharpen his disciples, or he was unintentional.

The elders of the crowd looked at each other. First of all, they were amazed that Mu Chen had received an apprentice. Then he thought of taking the medicinal bell of the medicinal herbs, and his face was somewhat unsightly.

Two fit-time monks, for a bell that is not normally used, is very cost-effective for anyone to look at. But these two drugs are likely to break the balance between the various forces.

When Mu Chen looked at the faces of the public and colded his face, he even opposed it. Hey, with the experience of his last life, this group of guys is owed! No matter who is not convinced, as long as you are honest, you will not be able to speak.

On the left side of the woman's repair is a man with a look of truth, seeing the old man around him looking at her dissatisfied, dare to say that he is arrogant, he kindly reminded the sentence: "Sister, you are the master of the first house, hold Something." This sounds right. If you think carefully, you will have other tastes. This is to remind everyone not to forget their identity, have opinions? Kneeling!

Bai Rongrong was quite proud of the crisp chest. The beautiful eyes swept the hall and sneered: "Holding? The soul of the palace never knows what is reserved." This sentence succeeded in making the thirty-six peaks and seventy-two holes The elders of each of them shrank their necks and did not dare to have any more opinions. Obviously, they all knew that Bai Rongrong was not good at it.

Only a few of the temple's lords were a little angry, and this woman was really not arrogant.

The seat on the right side of Bai Rongrong is empty. Everyone knows that it is the seat reserved for the Yanyang Palace.

The sixth place was a cold-faced blue monk. When he saw the expressions of several of the lords, he was dissatisfied with a cold cry. With a single tone, several of the lords took back their eyes and listened to his cold voice: "That Unbreakable bells, Mu’s elders want to take the children and give them.”

The main body of the Hanyang Palace, Liu Hanzhi, was repaired as a sword repair in the middle of the **** of the gods, and together with Mu Chen into the Chongyunmen, it is a hot character that slashes the sword and slashes people to kill and kill. Ruthless, but there is no heart, showing the firmness of his will.

Comparing the treasure of the town to a broken bell, no one in the scene dared to refute, the sword in the other hand was full of frost, and the body was arrogant, thinking of his fierce name, no one wants to find trouble.

An old man quickly stood up and smiled and said: "We have to exchange the soul guard bell with the elder Mu, we can't agree, but there is a condition. When there is a need in the Chongyun Gate, the guardian bell must be handed in."

Mu Chen saw their vacillation, and his heart was even more uncomfortable. No one dared to speak out of his own teachers. He said that everyone dared to question. Think of him as a lonely alchemy teacher who is not happy with people?

Very good, very boring! It seems that I haven’t passed them so far, so that they all feel that they are bullying.

The white figure flashed and the person had fallen into his seat. Sitting here, the bottom of the person's face is completely overlooked, Mu Chen snorted coldly, compared to the hypocrite, this group of old things that really look like it will not hide. When is there a need for this martial art? When he has no brain?

Mu Chen looked at the other side, and he said: "You are not qualified to talk to this seat, let your ancestors come."

"You...the disciple is rude." The cave master was also ruined by Mu Chen, and he did not say a word when he bit his teeth. As soon as he sat on his seat, his face turned red. This generation of Chen, the real hateful itching.

With the lessons of the past, everyone has to think about what to say.

After the silence, a temple master Shi Shiran stood up and arched his hand, and asked politely: "If you can't change, what is the plan for Elder Mu?"

Mu Chen looked at the other side to hide the greed of the eyes, a faint saying: "I heard that the mixed Yuan Zong has a piano, the sound is good." This slow tone with a full carelessness, the meaning is already obvious, he does not have to protect The soul bell can't be used, but you can also take the medicine to other things to change your mind. This kind of thing he has not done, as long as the heart is comfortable, Mu Chen never cares about the rules.

Mu Chen’s sentence undoubtedly gave an excuse for those dissatisfied elders to fight back. The cave owner who had been swept away was whispered: “Is this betray the mountain gate?”

The presence of the audience is not low. Even if the voice is small, it can be heard clearly. Everyone looks at Mu Chen, but it is somewhat optimistic about the play.

The faces of the five people in the first seat are not good-looking, and the tiny grunts seem to have disappeared. Liu Hanzhi had already put his hand on the hilt, and Yue Mingze also pulled down his face. However, it was Mu Chen who was moving faster than them.

A hand raised, the white wide sleeves directly to the other's face, this action is very fierce, completely wants the other person's life.

Kill chickens and monkeys!

I dare not rush to the white, but dare to attack him. Is this that he is better bullied than a woman? Mu Chen snorted, his eyes were raging, and if his prestige could not stand up today, someone would think that he would be weak and deceived, and his disciples would be despised.

When I thought of Gu Yunqi’s sensitive temper, it made the appearance of twisting and killing in the last life. Mu Chen couldn’t stand it. In this world he will protect the little apprentice and never let him be wronged.

I noticed this familiar spiritual fluctuation, sitting on the window and shaking my calf and trying to make a pure face, Gu Yun looked at the direction of the main peak. The twilight was as dark as the ink stain, and the young master and the human hand started. Who is it? Dirty teacher's white hand?

Mu Chen turned his face suddenly, and no one had time to react. The other side was directly swept by Mu Chen, and his face was smashed in the middle of the main hall, and a spurt of blood was spurted. He has been completely blind, as if he did not expect Mu Chen to dare to do it here.

However, this is not over yet. Ying Run's long fingers swayed, and there were countless white flames around Mu Chen. They couldn't see any temperature, but their appearance made the space twist. With Mu Chen's movements, these flames condensed in groups like a butterfly, and they turned into thousands. Each one is like a life, and the monk pounces on the ground. In a moment, a monk in the Yuan Ying period is burned and burned. A little man looks exactly the same as the other person. Yue Mingze sees the meaning that the flame does not stop. Hurry up. Stop: "Ray him a life!"

Mu Chen raised his hand and snapped a finger, and received the flame, giving Yue Mingze a face.

The people present were shocked and watched the scene of the beautiful dream. Then the eyes of Mu Chen changed completely. This white flame legend is one of the three ancient fires, Jiuyang Minghuo! Burned by this kind of flame, even the soul of the soul can not stay, Mu Chen actually let this kind of gods recognize the Lord! Rumors are true!

Moreover, Mu Chen’s control of spiritual power has been reduced to the point of metamorphosis. Even if the flame is shaped, it is like life. This is not a genius capable of describing.

How old is he now? Just a hundred years old, seeing the spiritual power just turned to the gods!

Yue Mingze’s hand hidden in his sleeve also trembled. After the uncle’s exit, it seemed even more terrible. If he didn’t agree with anything, he would never do it.

Mu Chen's indifferent nephew ruthlessly smacked on the faces of the crowd, coldly whispered: "Who else doesn't understand the four words of respecting the teacher, stand up."

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Mu Chen snorted and gave them a label on their heads. Sure enough, as long as they didn’t obey, they slammed the meal. This method tried Bailing.

He saved the life of the cave master, and Yue Mingze also breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Mu Chen's temper. When he didn't provoke him, he was cold and noble. He didn't care about anything. He was so anxious that he would report it and everything could be done. Someone at the scene wanted to test Mu Chen’s attitude, which annoyed Mu Chen. Seeing that Mu Chen’s meaning was that he really wanted to kill the other party. It’s not a trivial matter to kill a hole. He can stop it for the first time. Can stop the second time, if there is another conflict, he guarantees that Mu Chen will dare to kill even these few peaks, and it will not end well.

Read The Duke's Passion