MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Gu Yunqi felt Mu Chen's murderousness, and put the tea on the table with a smile, squinting his head and blinking his eyes. "Master, what are you thinking?"

Mu Chen's eyes wide open, all the anger was repelled by this crisp master, and the soul sensed it, and it really was Gu Yunwei.

"How did you become this look?" Mu Chen stunned and walked over, sticking his fingers to poke Gu Yunxiao's little face, and actually missed this feeling. When I was a child, my little apprentice was really soft and cute. I didn’t find him in the Three Realms.

When the mind moved, Mu Chen hugged Gu Yunqi, and in the moment of his arms, the feeling of incitement was suddenly smoothed out.

Gu Yunxiao smiled and licked Mu Chen’s face. “The teacher seems to miss me very much like this time. Do you like it?”

Mu Chen shook his head, just like it.

Gu Yun snorted, holding Mu Chen's face, first kissed the face on the face that had not yet returned to the blood, then kissed him on the thin lips, and asked gently: "What did you think? Feeling You all want to kill me."

Mu Chen sat down and put Gu Yunxi on his lap, faintly saying: "I thought you were stunned by the wolf."

"What wolf? Is it a stupid wolf?"


"Why am I being caught by a wolf and killing me?"


After the silence, Mu Chen picked up the man in his arms and slaps his slap in the face of his ass. No matter what face of Gu Yunzhen, he is angry and angry: "Dare to talk back! You are!"

Without giving Gu Yunqi the opportunity to open, Mu Chen pinched Gu Yunqi’s face and said seriously: “Just keep this look and don’t change back. These days, the teacher should teach you well, what is the respect of the teacher! ”

Gu Yunwei: "..." Why didn't he take the initiative to hug him and kiss him to give him a surprise?


The next day, Feng Jiuli saw Mu Chen holding a child outside and swaying. After seeing Gu Yun’s appearance, he exclaimed and jokingly asked: "Who are you born?"

Mu Chen's face was unchanged, his ear tip suddenly turned red, and his eyes looked strangely at Feng Jiuli. He was a bit embarrassed: "How do two men live? You guys, it's weird."

Feng Jiuli was stunned and asked: "Where is it strange?"

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows. "Is it a strange boy?"

Feng Jiuli’s mouth was pumped and he didn’t want to discuss this kind of egg laying with Mu Chen, because there is only one phoenix in the world, and the real sacred place will give birth to another egg. As for how it was born, he did not know. Looking closely at the child who looked particularly soft and cute in Mu Chen’s arms, Feng Jiu Li suddenly found it wrong. He couldn’t help but scream, and the twilight flashed. He suddenly understood, “The human taste is also very strange.”

I don't blame him for not seeing it at first. Gu Yunyi has a jade that can hide his own breath. If it wasn't for Mu Chen and his signing of the Taoist contract, he didn't expect Gu Yunxi to become like this.

The black egg that was forced to chat with the natural enemies for a night flew out and looked at Gu Yunxiao. He silently extended his wings and licked his face. In order to take advantage of it, the master was quite hard.

Gu Yunxiao did not explain it. He stretched his hand and touched Mu Chen’s face. It was not enough to take advantage of it.

Sure enough, Mu Chen’s thoughts were pulled back, holding Gu Yunwei to continue to bend, and I plan to go back and give some food to the little apprentice. Smaller apprentices can't be hooligans, they can't make bad, they are still soft, and they are divided, outside, can, love!

Half a month later, the group finally arrived at the legendary lost place in the East, Feng Jiuli's Phoenix Valley.

The so-called lost land is not as deadly as imagined. The entire valley is covered with towering trees. The iron-gray trunks are covered with scales. The leaves are golden and the sun shines. The golden veins can be shaded on the ground. If you look closely, you can see the aura flowing inside, forming a place to see. Great view.

Feng Jiuli stood in front of the valley, waving a sleeve, like a wave of water floating, uncovering a passage from the void, taking the lead.

Mu Chen followed, and he saw the valley, there is no hole in the sky.

Wild flowers are everywhere, purple and red, with a touch of fragrance in the wind. The rich fire power is filled in the integrated valley, which is suitable for the growth of fire-producing plants. Under the numerous trees that cannot be named, the colorful flower vines hang down and wrap together, as if the swing is shaking.

When Mu Chen came here, he suddenly felt that the spiritual power in the body was instantly active. A cluster of nine yang fires jumped from the fingertips a few times, fluttering, and the white butterfly fell to the crown of Mu Chen, the fan Wings absorb the fire power around.

When Gu Yunxi saw it, he smiled at Mu Chen: "It is a phoenix nest."

Mu Chen looked at him and felt that the buns were cute.

Gu Yunxiao leaned over and whispered: "I will show you again at night."

Mu Chen quickly grasped the hand that was wrapped up, and said seriously: "Be honest, stand up yourself."

Gu Yunxiao’s white light flashed again and turned into a four-and-five-year-old look. He raised his hand and smiled sweetly: “Master, leg hurts.”

Although knowing that this gangster was deliberate, Mu Chen couldn't help but hold the person up and gently patted Gu Yun's ass. Mu Chen dismissed: "Lazy!"

Since they are here, they are not in a hurry. They plan to take a break and go to find the bell tomorrow.

Mirror held his own booklet and waved his hand to Mu Chen. The sensible said: "Master, I want to continue reading. You and the big, the teacher, and the brothers are finished coming back soon." Jing Ming looked at Gu Yun with indignation. Glance at it, then silently clawed, this time must go back to the mirror to see him, the medicinal herbs must be allowed to eat and scream.

So Mu Chen held the apprentice little priest who deliberately swayed and strolled around the beauty of the Phoenix Valley.

There is a lake in the Phoenix Valley, famous for its Fengqi Lake. There are many flaming phytoplankton in the water, so the place near the lake is red. The closer to the lake, the deeper the water, the lighter the red color, standing on the shore and looking up, the water is like a ribbon around the water.

Mu Chen looked at the gods, but he did not know that the people in his arms were watching him.

The sun is just right, the blue sky and the blue sky reflect the face of the people around me. It seems that there is him, and time can be still. Gu Yunqi stretched out his fingers and touched the white skin in front of him. It was smooth and smooth, as if it was a good jade, with a warmth.

Mu Chen coveted, looking at the hands and feet of Gu Yunqi, the long eyelashes twitching, like a small fan, the sun shines, playing a small shadow under the delicate phoenix.

Gu Yunxiao was hot with this focused look. My heart seemed to be filled with all the gullies by this one. He couldn’t help but sneak in and gently kissed Mu Chen’s eyes and smiled: "Master, Let me down."

Mu Chen should let him down, and he saw a flash of magic. The little apprentice suddenly changed back to adulthood, looking at himself with tenderness.

Mu Chen was a bit incapable of being looked at by this hot look. He turned his head indifferently and looked at the lake again.

Gu Yunqi reached out and grabbed Mu Chen’s hand, interlocking with each other, and no other words.

The two of them quieted down in an instant, as if they could only hear each other's breath, and Mu Chen turned red and turned to a flat grass and sat down. Gu Yunhao naturally went with him, so he sat on the lake and blew the wind, smelling the faint moisture and the fragrance of the vegetation, and the unforgettable taste of each other.

For a long time, Mu Chen looked at Gu Yunsui and saw that the other side was also turning his head to look at him. The corner of his mouth was subconsciously hooked up and took Gu Yun’s leg.

Gu Yun squatted, subconsciously stretched his long legs, Mu Chen fell down with satisfaction, pillowed on Gu Yun's thigh, feeling the solid side of each other, closing his eyes and falsehood.

I felt a big hand touching my hair. Mu Chen was dissatisfied with the hand and patted it, but the person who listened to the blame was deeply affectionate: "Master, I am happy with you."

Mu Chen did not blink, a faint sigh, his face burned a bit.

Gu Yunyi still wants to speak, Mu Chen turned over and left Gu Yunqi a side face, cold way: "Shut up!"



Resting for a day and night, everyone is ready to go. Because of the misfortunes of this trip, Mu Chen left the mirror and the black egg, waiting in the valley.

Gu Yunhao sacrificed the dry bell and threw it into the air. It was not far from Kunling. The dry bell was like a chicken blood. It turned around in the air, and the dragonfly flew out, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

Mu Chen once again looked at Feng Jiuli, "Why are you following us?"

Feng Jiuli smiled and said: "You also saw it. I am only one person in this Phoenix Valley. I am not interested in it. It is better to follow you to see the fun."

Mu Chen grinned. "You can go out and find a few birds and come back to accompany you."

Feng Jiuli snorted, and the look in his eyes could not see whether it was ridicule or something. "Isn't that dirty my pure land?"

Mu Chen silently twisted his face, this person is sick, no medicine can be doctor.

There are dry bells leading the way, the three don't stop, all the way gallop. Until the sacred place of the Phoenix family, Fuling has not stopped.

Yuanwang, a giant red tree that seems to reach the sky, can not see the top, the surrounding temperature is pressing, far away, and even the temperature of the soul can be felt. The dry bell wants to fly over the holy tree. When it was close, it was bounced back. It was only anxious to circle around Gu Yunyi, trying to get help from the owner.

Gu Yunyi waved his hand and waved the dry bell that was in front of him. He teased his mouth and said: "Kunling knows that after you came to the demon world, he only slightly exposed his position, and then no response, you look at you. Why are you so anxious?"

Mu Chen coldly reminded him: "Maybe it's a partner cold."

Gu Yunzhen suddenly realized that he felt the same way: "The teacher said that it makes sense. If it doesn't catch up, the partner who is in the hand may fly, and it is infatuated."

Mu Chen nodded, probably this is the meaning, but it seems that there is another meaning in this sentence, he did not understand.

Feng Jiuli looked up at the holy tree and interrupted Mu Chen’s contemplation. "The phoenix family is born on this tree. I have forgotten what I have, or do you go up and see?"

When Mu Chen blurted out, he asked, "Why don't you go up?"

Feng Jiuli was also teased by Mu Chen's straightforward smile. "This tree can absorb the soul of the phoenix and re-grow it. If I go up, it will take me as a dead person."

Mu Chen stared at Feng Jiuli’s eyes for a while and asked seriously: “You will not give us trouble?”

Feng Jiuli shook his head with a smile. "I just want to see how you come back."

"I believe in you." Mu Chen hooked his mouth and pointed the way.

Feng Jiuli’s pupils shrank slightly, and some could not believe that Mu Chen was very vigilant on the road. After reading his eyes for a while, he believed his words. Why?

"Go." Gu Yunqi has already investigated the path to go up. Seeing that Mu Chen is still talking to Feng Jiuli, his face suddenly gloomy. He came over and pulled Mu Chen, and used the magic to isolate the heat. Jump, fly up.

Mu Chen felt the repressed atmosphere around him, looked at the people around him, and some helplessness, this person overthrew the vinegar jar. Feeling that the hand on the waist is getting tighter and tighter, Mu Chen grabs Gu Yun’s wrist and gently points it with his fingertips. He asks: “Do you want to strangle me?”

Gu Yunxiao loosened a little bit of strength, cold face dissatisfaction: "No smile to others!"

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows and took the handsome face of the people around him. He twisted it and kissed him.

Gu Yunxi looked at him with surprise, so active?

Mu Chen proudly asked: "Is still angry?"

Gu Yunqi shook his head subconsciously.

Mu Chen snorted and touched the head of a disciple, "Hey."

Gu Yun screamed and retaliated like a kiss back.

The more you go up, the higher the temperature, and the two don't know how high they are flying. It is a circle of law.

Gu Yunwei confirmed: "Kun Ling should be after the legal array, the map is only marked here, and we don't know what is behind."

Mu Chen took Gu Yun's hand and wanted to hide people behind him. As a result, Gu Yunqi took the lead and was pulled behind him. Looking at the wide shoulders in front of me, Mu Chen’s mouth moved, and eventually there was no objection. The feeling of being guarded behind him was actually good. Besides, this guy is now much thicker than his own skin. Later, he can consider using it as a shield, raising up so many treasures, no waste.

Thinking of this, Mu Chen immediately and calmly followed Gu Yun's body, and pulled the other's sleeves by the way, and the province was forced to separate for a while.

Gu Yunzhen took a breath, and the heart seemed to be injected with a hot blood. I felt that I could fight at the moment.

Mu Chen saw each other and watched that he had no movements. He impatiently pushed Gu Yunqi to advance the law. This gangster really used himself as a shield, and he did not push it!

The white light flashed, and the conversion of the array was a little dazzling and dizzy. When the foot was turned to the ground, the two smelled a pungent smell of sulfur. The sky is gray and covered with dust, and the suppressed air makes people feel suffocated. Even at the foot, there are large red flame flowers, like the burning fire, at a glance.

Not far from a volcano, it seems to have just erupted, but also braved the smoke.

"Would you really be here?" Mu Chen looked at the reaction of the dry bell. Some doubts were not as hot as before.

Gu Yunxiao is also somewhat puzzled. "It is not too sure."

"Look for it." Mu Chen took the lead and flew forward. There is only one volcano here. If it is, it must be there.

Standing in the crater, watching the rolling lava underneath, tumbling with the demon, watching the ordinary volcano.

Mu Chen snorted, and the cold face showed some curiosity. "The phoenix family is really amazing. It can be resurrected after taking a bath inside. It is not afraid of a magma."

Gu Yunqi is very nice and smirked: "See if you can find the Phoenix egg and take it back to make the omelet."

Mu Chen touched the head of the stupid apprentice and reminded: "The temperature here is so high that it is not cooked. If there is an egg, it is not good to go back."

Gu Yunzhen thought about it and said seriously: "The teacher said that it makes sense."

"Stupid." Mu Chen raised his chin and glared at the head of Gu Yunxiao. He couldn't even think of it. He was stupid.

Gu Yunxiao was teased and provoked his mouth. He suddenly felt itchy in his heart. He just wanted to get together, and suddenly he felt a sudden, a feeling of extreme danger. He came from behind without warning, murderous, how many times from life and death. The rapid reaction of the edge smashed out, so that Gu Yun did not return, and the sword was suddenly held in the hand, from the back of the cross sword, the fierce sword gas blocked the other side of the fatal blow, the opposite powerful demon force let him The body fell uncontrollably towards the crater.

The whole process was too fast, almost between the electric and light fires. When Mu Chen turned back, he saw that Gu Yunqi was photographed by the palm of his hand. The magma below rolled and the demon was boiling, even if the copper and iron bones would be melted.

Life or death, only between one thought.

Mu Chen’s brain had not reacted yet, and the body had already rushed over. He did not look at the sneak attacker and flew over and hugged Gu Yun’s body. The two fell together in the magma.

The moment when the two men were together, Mu Chen was a little embarrassed and felt like a mental retardation. What kind of gesture is this lyric? The face brushed and it was cold, and he took a slap in the face of Gu Yunhao. The cold voice screamed angrily: "You gangster! Idiot!"

Gu Yunxiao holds the person in his arms, smiles and smiles, but the color is deep and deep. "It’s good, even if I die, the Master is willing to accompany me."

When I fell, I realized that the spiritual power could not work at all. Mu Chen was angrily stunned by Gu Yunyi, and then hugged each other tightly. The only one in the world who loved him was this one. Reborn for the first time, it is for him. If you don’t have this person, it’s boring to live alone.

The speed of falling is too fast, there is no chance to give more thoughts to the two people. The sighs fall into the magma, and the imaginary pain does not come. The two people feel that they are losing weight, and a burst of flowers scented and could not work. The spiritual power suddenly recovered.

Gu Yunqi hugged Mu Chen, and found that they had reached another space after landing. There are no volcanoes and magma, and there is no dust that covers the sky. Instead, the blue sky and the blue sky, the wild flowers everywhere, like the retreat of another world.

Look at Mu Chen, biting his lip tightly, his face is still bloodless, and the rest of his life did not give him much joy, but his eyes were filled with murderousness.

Blame him, should not believe that Feng Jiuli that dead bird! Almost once hurt his own self-harming child!

Gu Yunqi sat down and held Mu Chen in his arms and took a long breath. Later, he licked the corner of Mu Chen and smiled.

"Gangster! Still laughing!" Mu Chen did not suffocate to hold Gu Yunqi, Zhang mouth bite on the other neck, this gangster, there is still a heart to laugh!

"Hey!" Gu Yunqi took a breath of cold breath, looked at Mu Chen's anger and looked like an angry man, and leaned over the other side of the neck, and smiled and said: "Is it deflated? I don't know how to get another breath."

"Gangster!" Mu Chen loosened him, trying to remove from Gu Yun's leg. He did not expect to be held tighter. The warm breath fell between his neck, Mu Chen blinked, how? Still want to bite back?

Gu Yunxiao bowed his head and kissed Mu Chen's mouth. He held Mu Chen's head in one hand. There was no excessive movement. It was only gentle relatives, and the feeling of pity made Mu Chen feel soft.

After a long time, Mu Chen sighed. "This blames me, I have read the wrong Feng Jiuli."

Gu Yunxi gave him a smooth hair. "No, the teacher's eyes can never be wrong. That person is not really Feng Jiuli."

Mu Chen doubted the gimmick, how to say?

"This should be a illusion. It has already been made since we stepped into the formation. Now what we have seen is all we have fantasized." Gu Yunyu sees Mu Chen, the heart is happy. The snarl of the mouth, "Before Master said, Phoenix will not live in the volcano, so there is a volcano here. Later, I was worried that Feng Jiuli would come to attack, must beware of one or two, the result We met Feng Jiuli. When I fell back, I thought about the reaction of the bell at the beginning, and I knew that there was something wrong here, so if the magma is fake, where will we go? As a result, we came here. Master respects you, this lake is not familiar with it?"

Mu Chen looked at him with amazement, and he saw a very familiar feeling in front of the scenery. "This is the Lingquan of the back of the Yangyang Palace!"

"Yes, the place where the Master often bathes." Gu Yunxiao smiled and licked Mu Chen's nose. "This is the place I am most familiar with." Seeing Mu Chenyi himself, Gu Yunhao quickly changed the topic, "All Now we just have to think about how to get out."

"After going out, I still want to smash a phoenix." Mu Chen squinted and felt that this anger was still difficult to swallow.

Gu Yunxiao smiled and stroked the thin back of the man in his arms. A serious echo: "I help you!"

Now that I know that this is a magical array, it is easy to break it. Gu Yunhao himself likes to arrange the array method, especially the hugely defensive array. Mu Chen also has a lot of arrays, and the magic array has naturally broken. less. The two looked at each other and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, holding on to the original, and Lingtai clear.

In a short while, the environment in which the two were located gradually collapsed, and the prototype gradually revealed that it was actually a cliff.

There is a peach tree on the cliff, which is so leafy that I don't know how many years have passed. At this time, the peach blossoms are blooming, and the petals of the rice color are dropped on the ground. On the bottom of the branch, a gray bell is hung. When someone comes, shake it gently and make a few jingles. sound.

At this time, the dry bell suddenly came alive and flew in surprise, but was pulled away by a peach tree.

Mu Chen glanced at Gu Yunyi, and the two secretly guarded. This turned out to be a tree demon.

This thought just fell, a red light flashed, a white monk showed his figure, holding the bell in his hand, it seems to be remembered, it seems to be free to look at it, this looked up to see Mu Chen: "You are it selected People."

Mu Chen picked up his eyebrows and asked: "Why is it me? The bell is not in my hand."

The white man said indifferently: "The people who can not hesitate to accompany the beloved are living together. This is what the former owner expected most but could not achieve. There are many people who have come to the test for thousands of years, but there is no One person can do as much as you do, it is yours."

Mu Chen looked at the bell that flew into his own hands, his face was red, what is the person who loves to die, he didn't even think about love or love!

Look at Gu Yunxi, looking at him with a smile, the hot emotions in his eyes made him unable to bear to look straight, did not raise his legs, and squatted at Gu Yun’s waist, and he was always reluctant to say At the point of recognition, Mu Chen was already angry and angry, and he gave Gu Yunxiao a slap, "Gangster! Idiot! Stupid!"

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