MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 63

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It was awkward to be named, and Mu Chen’s mouth picked it up. This feeling is still very memorable.

Looking back at the dark-painted cave, Gu Yunqi did not come out for a moment, the black egg is now on the rock, looking down at Mu Chen stood up and took care of his clothes, reaching out to apply a hidden array in the hole, stretching Asked the neck: "Miyato, are you going to see?"

Mu Chen felt that he should have no problem when he left for a little while. He nodded and said: "I will go back when I go." Put this pile of fireballs into a ship type and step on the sole of the foot. Mu Chen sensed the direction. The figure swayed and flew into the air, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

Seeing this thin white figure from afar, a few people hiding in the dark have a look at each other, and should raise their hands and start the formation!

Mu Chen suddenly felt a crisis, almost in an instant, he stopped in the air, looked down at the bottom, doubts sighed.

He looked around for a while, and he had already seen the dozens of disciples of Chongyun, and then looked at this method. Mu Chen chose to pick the corner of his mouth, sneer: a big squad!

When everyone saw that Mu Chen was not fooled, he couldn’t help but swear, this person is really alert!

An old man in black stood up, and his voice was filled with spiritual power. He asked: "Small friends, can you talk down?"

Mu Chen looked at the other side with a sly look, and sarcastically said: "If you are older, your brain will not be good. How many people will come out, don't hide."

The cold sound sounds like it sounds in everyone's ear, and the good-looking one makes people feel good and happy. When the spiritual power fluctuates at this time, Mu Chen roughly understands the location of the hidden person. The hiding place that should be searched for was naturally felt by him. When Mu Chen snorted, he knew that the man was not a good thing. This time he directly slaughtered it, saving him from harming others.

"A big breath!" The sound of a cool silk suddenly said, listening to the meaning of Mu Chen some disdain.

"All the friends have come to this secret place. Mu Daoyou has taken all the treasures he has for himself. Is this a bad idea? This seat advises you to hand over the baby on you, lest you be in trouble. "This has already been said very clearly. The things here are everyone's. You have taken them all and left them for everyone. This is too much. If you know each other, you will hand it over, otherwise don't blame everyone.

If it is not the pressure of Mu Chendan's identity, plus the cultivation of the deep, it is not easy to deal with, this group of people will not say so much nonsense, it is normal to directly kill and collect the treasure.

Mu Chen listened to a sneer, grabbed so many disciples of Chongyunmen, and laid down this big array to lead him to come, why bother to say so many high-profile nonsense? Sure enough, no matter when, shameless or shameless. "If you want to grab something, just say, where is so much nonsense?"

"Yellow mouth children! It is simply stubborn! I don't know what to do with this ruthlessness." By the nature of Mu Chen, the face has been hanged, and I want to start flying in the air.

Mu Chen did not look at the other side, but his eyes fell on the formation, as if he was studying how to break. This unattended attitude is even more irritating to the other side. Seeing that the cold sword is arrogant, a big battle is just around the corner, a very magnetic voice laughs and swears: "Hey~ you are too shameless, so many people bully one, it really is The fairyland is made."

Suddenly, the sound made everyone watched, and there was a man wearing a red robes in the distance. At this time, they looked at them with a smile, and they squinted into the eyes, and they looked like a cold star, and they were arrogant and arrogant. It is with a bad spirit.

"Beauty, do you help?" Seeing Mu Chen looking at himself, the man raised his eyebrows and asked contemptuously.


Mu Chen’s twilight sinks. When this person appeared, he didn’t even notice it. His skill was unfathomable. He already noticed the dangerous atmosphere in the other side.

It is the enemy and the friend can not tell, Mu Chen twisted back and no longer look at each other, and now can not be provoked, if there is a chance in the future, must fly this pheasant, let him say that eight hundred times he is the beauty!

"Hey, little temper is very hot." The man was swept away, not annoyed, standing in the air holding his chin to watch the excitement, he was very interested in the fireboat at the foot of Mu Chen, a closer look to know, the original The **** are arranged side by side, and each one is actually separated by spiritual power. The bottom of my eyes couldn't help but flash a moment of surprise. This little beauty is not only a temper, but also a bit of a skill.

Mu Chen did not want to take care of the other side, raising his hand, a group of white butterflies condensed in the air, huddled together into a white tiger, one for two, two for four, four white tigers pounced on the hidden crowd, the place was a scorched earth.

At this moment, Mu Chen stepped on the fireball at the sole of his foot and kicked it toward the front of the circle.

The white finger is hooked, the spiritual power inside the fireball is instantly distorted, and the whole fireball slams into a blast, and the eye is instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. What is his base, all burned.

A top-level killing, directly destroyed by an explosive fireball from the outside, is a direct crush without opportunistic!

Jiuyang Minghuo has adhesiveness and can burn the soul of the people. The old man who presided over the fascination felt the horror of this flame and had to take back his own knowledge so as not to be seriously injured.

At this moment, Mu Chen has already explored the position of the disciple of Chongyunmen. He burned a big hole in the enchantment, grabbed the palm of his hand, and arrested a dozen disciples in the palm of his hand like a peanut. Throw more than a hundred miles without pity.

As for where they fell, then Mu Chen did not care. Being caught by people, it is definitely not that they are not good at learning, and a group of rice buckets are also under training!

Mu Chen’s movements were too fast, and people did not respond at all. He had already rescued the hostages. And the action is not ordinary rudeness. Throwing a little disciple in your own door is like throwing a bean, throwing it out too far, and people want to catch it.

Clap your hands, Mu Chen cold and faintly swept the people below, the voice is not high but murderous, "Okay, so you can talk."

Everyone changed their face and saw that Mu Chen’s eyes had long been scorned. I did not expect that Mu Chen’s young age was so bad to deal with, and the low-level repairs made a retreat.

Look at Mu Chen, Junmei’s face is already full of impatience, no war, no retreat, one by one, still want to be cheap?

Gently stepping on the bottom of the fireboat, all the fireballs spread out and floated beside him. Each one is not smaller than the one just now, the fire is beating, the surrounding air is distorted, and then seeing Mu Chen standing in the flame, standing in the wind against the wind, indifferent eyes in addition to the cold killing, There is no trace of heat.

Everyone saw the bitterness of this white flame, and then looked at the current situation, and instantly escaped a lot of people. The rest are all scattered in the late Yuan Ying.

"Let's get together, take him!" I don't know who shouted. "He is Dan Xiu, there should be no other means." This sentence instantly stirred the atmosphere, and everyone offered a magic weapon. Several of them have already taken the lead. Come up.

Mu Chen stood in the same place, his hands spread out, held up, all the fireballs came to him, ready to go. Seeing his hands push, all the fireballs flew out without leaving, facing the people who rushed up, colliding, exploding, burning, blinking, and all the sights turned into fly ash.

The first few monks didn't even scream, and the spirits are gone!

The monks in the back were also inevitable, and they could only resist it. Then the soul was attached by the flames. When they fled, they were turned into fly ash. Only a few sly characters abandoned the flesh, which saved the soul.

Looking at their wolverine look, Mu Chen snorted in disgust, raised his hand in the void, grabbed the soul that wanted to escape, and directly killed him.

Since he had moved his hand, there was no reason for the other party to run.

At this time, a black gas was turned into tens of thousands of black fine needles, and the surrounding forces flew over. Mu Chen perceives the poisonous gas above, slightly smashed his eyebrows, and the means of this work is really familiar.

Offering a long sword, a sword smashes into a black rock in the distance, and Mu Chen’s eyes are not devastating.

Invisible to the black rock, Ying Chen was shocked to see Mu Chen, as if he could not believe that Mu Chen could find out where he was.

Mu Chen waved a wall of fire to block the poisonous needle. Seeing that it should be like a dead object, I thought that this is the fate of the ten-day tense. It must die in his hands, or else he will always be a heavenly land, and he will not stop.

After another sword smashed, Ying Li Xun had to fly out of the invisible place, and the damaging weapon had hurriedly blocked Mu Chen’s sword. Then the poison medicine was spread out like money.

He has regretted that he should not provoke this person. This is a demon that kills people without blinking. After a famous name, the decent style, this person may not care about his identity at all.

Seeing that Mu Chen did not respond to these poisons and medicines, he should be stunned and stunned again.

Mu Chen snorted and looked at a sneaky ghost not far away.

Ying Li Xun had to remove the hidden, desperate eyes wide open. "How do you know where I am?"

"Because you are stupid."


When I heard the answer from Mu Chen, the man with a bad look was directly teased, and looked at Mu Chen with a little interest. His eyes were full of playfulness.

Mu Chen is cold face, this person, how to see the excitement is endless?

Ying Li Xun looked at the man, but he blinked his eyes and bite his teeth and took out a few top-quality spirits from the space ring. He looked sincerely to Mu Chen: "Small caution is not a tribute, this is a misunderstanding. ,misunderstanding!"

Mu Chen was disgusted by his attitude. He hated the eyebrows with a disgusting look. The hand holding the sword tightened tightly. At this time, several top-quality spirits in the hands of the hand should be found, but suddenly the monks who had been onlookers failed. avoid.

Mu Chen and the man's almost the same movement, lifting the palm to block, the spirit suddenly burst into self-explosion at the moment of contact, Mu Chen sacrificed a spiritual shield to block the impact of this energy, however, a sweet taste of the silk, still with Mu Chen's aura broke into the body.


After Mu Chen noticed what poison was under the other party, the annoyed sword slammed into the waist of Ying Li, and only smashed the other side to hate.

At the same time, the red-colored figure appeared in the side of Yingli, and the palm of his hand hit the head of Yingli, and both of them hit the target at the same time. The four eyes were opposite and the atmosphere was condensed.

"I didn't expect to see a lively innocent disaster. You don't seem to have any influence." The other party threw the half body in his hand and crushed the other's soul. He looked at Mu Chen's eyes and saw his sharp eyes. The tail was a little bit ruddy, and suddenly smiled. "It doesn't matter at all, I thought you were poisonous."

Mu Chen coldly glared at the other side, his body is indeed poisonous, the ordinary poison | medicine does not work for him. This kind of poison should be a kind of fierce kinkyness. It is also familiar with the medicinal materials used in it. Among them, the one that claims to be unsolvable is from a kind of sinister | chaotic dragon.

If it is an ordinary person, it must be combined with others to detoxify, otherwise it will explode and die. But this poison is not necessary for him.

Jiuyang Minghuo has begun to burn toxicity, and now it is not impossible to suppress it. As long as he is given two hours, the toxicity can be fully solved, and there is no need to care.

But the person in front of him obviously does not have the ability to do so. You should look for both of them at the same time, and you can imagine how good it is.

The author has something to say: I read the comment I want to say: This medicine is not fake, it will happen tomorrow, believe me QAQ


Gu Yunqi: "Say good spring|medicine stalks? Why didn't I have something to worry about? I didn't even have a show!"

Blackbird: "I have spring | medicine stem, this is not spring | medicine stems come, and did not say that it has something to do with you."

Gu Yunqi was black and suffocated to vomiting blood, dog belt.

Blackbird: "Death is too fast, I want to explain that the day makes you play."

Gu Yunxiao died, the dog belt and dog belt.

Black Skull: "Take the opportunity tomorrow, the child, although it is adopted, but my father still loves you, how to say that he has also smashed more than sixty chapters."


The lower part of the "opening the terminally ill is saved by me", I added a description of the attack on the copy: as a man who controls the lifeliness of the entire federation and the surrounding emperors, he does not think that he will There was love, until one day, he had a demon "Xiaojiao wife" dressed in an angel coat.

Now I have watched it again and again, hahahahaha, my wife, I am shocked and shocked, I am very worried that this will run the thunder!


Thanks to the little angel who threw the thunder yesterday, a lot of it, I am very embarrassed, let you break the cost, hug, and make you feel hard~~~~

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