MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 62

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Mu Chen has always believed that the danger that cannot be seen is really dangerous.

I want to stop the person in front of his cold education: "Our things go out and say, you are better now!" The fireball was compressed again, and Mu Chen threw it into the air, intending to carry it with him. In short, whoever dares to be against him, he will not have the remaining slag.

Gu Yunzhen got the answer, and then he let go of Mu Chen’s waist and turned his hand. His face was soft and gentle, and he was the right-handed son.

Mu Chen saw the corner of his mouth straight, and his eyelids jumped straight. If it wasn't for the concentric ring reminder on his hand, he thought that this change of face is faster than turning the book.

In short, after a while and a beggar, hug and be hugged, both the teacher and the teacher seem to have deliberately forgotten the kiss, and they are reconciled.

As for what is more between the two, Gu Yunzhen is reading and understanding, the corner of his mouth has been hooked, the spring breeze looks like.

Although Mu Chen did not say anything, he had been cold-faced, but his apprentice did not open it again, and his attitude softened a lot.

Both the teacher and the teacher did not speak any more. Gu Yunqi took Mu Chen, and Mu Chen held the amazing fireball. The mentor and the disciples went to find the sword and the atmosphere was good.

After a long time, Mu Chen suddenly asked: "Do you think that there have been more recent fights?" I have been shouting and killing since the beginning. These monks are crazy, and they are so guilty.

Gu Yunyi listened to his ears and smiled with his eyes open. "Because they are too boring, they always want to find something to do."

Mu Chen squinted at the other side. "You messed up the Three Realms because it was too boring?"

Gu Yunqi swayed Mu Chen’s hand and looked like a child who found a fun toy with bright eyes. “Is it true that Master does not feel that watching a group of masked villains kill each other?”

Mu Chen’s face is cold, what do those people do with him? What kind of gentleman does not have anything to do with him if he doesn't know it. If this is the world, this gangster still wants...

"Of course, I have found something more interesting now. Do you say it?" Gu Yunqi took Mu Chen and stopped, holding Mu Chen's shoulders with both hands and letting the two face to face. The twilight was deep and looked at Mu Chen’s eyes, and his eyes seriously let Mu Chen forget the reaction for a time.

Gu Yunxiao felt that it was almost funny, poked Mu Chen's eyelashes and smiled: "It's so beautiful."

Mu Chen: "..."

Kill it! Kill yourself directly!

According to the memory, both the teacher and the teacher came to the place of inheritance. Gu Yunzhen looked around and slightly nodded. "In the third cave, there is a place of inheritance. If you want to get the sword, you must Accept the inheritance."

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows. "Speak clearly."

Gu Yunqi has some guilty conscience. "The refining of the magical power, I was here in the last world, I got the magical power of refining."

Mu Chen grinds his teeth, "You should interrupt your legs in your life!"

Gu Yunqi was surprised. "Isn't the teacher respected me for a lifetime?"

"I would rather raise you forever." Mu Chen turned his face and turned his head. He felt a little uncomfortable. He raised him for a lifetime, and he also ended up in the province.

"Hey, I remembered it." Gu Yunqi did not know when a memory crystal appeared, and recorded the words of Mu Chen. "The teacher said that he should raise me for a lifetime. This is evidence, and it is regrettable." I don't care for you."

Mu Chen was speechless, and he saw the pinning and twisting the facts. He admitted that he was not an opponent of the apprentice.

The guardian bell received the call of the master, and the bell came over. He did not hesitate to plunged into the cave. Gu Yunqi patted Mu Chen’s back and smiled: “The trouble teacher respects me.”

Mu Chen waved his hand and said impatiently: "Reassured, the teacher is guaranteeing that a fly can't fly in."

"That Master should not leave here, and people should not be soft, I will leave black eggs to you..."

"You go!" Mu Chen did not raise his foot in a good manner, and the disciple broke into the cave. The more he grew up, the more dry he was. He knew that he would give him a few pieces of sticky cake when he was a child. It is said that children who eat more sticky cakes have less words.

After Gu Yunqi entered, Mu Chen stood cold for a while, suddenly relieved, as if nothing could bend the backbone, a little loose, inexplicably a bit stunned.

The little apprentice is still awkward, and the embarrassment is not the same as the previous one.

I have been working hard for two generations, and the other party is bent on marrying herself.

There are not many women in the fairyland. When they are repaired, the progress of the realm is more difficult. The female repair is easy to produce distracting thoughts, and many of them stop at the late Yuan Ying. This makes many monks find a homosexuality when they are looking for a lover. After all, it is a long way to go, and it is good to be accompanied.

There is no such thing as a teacher or a person who is in love with each other, but there are only a handful of them.

Mu Chen couldn't help but secretly recall what he had done, and let the apprentices have such feelings for themselves. I always feel like a metamorphosis uncle who has tempted a pure young boy. Now, is this the legendary old cow eating young grass?

More than a hundred years old in the 20s, Mu Chen has some regrets, is it too early to accept the apprentice, others are at least five hundred years old, how lonely is it, then want to raise an apprentice?

Mu Chen touched his mouth and continued to tangled.

As a teacher, it is supposed to be the dominant party to grasp the distance between the two, but the little apprentice is inevitably too warm, and it is very grueling to kiss and kiss. Didn't you say that the good relationship mode is the same? Why is it not the case now?

Mu Chen’s face was indefinite, and he felt that his heart was licking only a small mouse, climbing up and down, tangled and scratching his lungs.

Just then, a red arrow crossed the sky and rose up to the top. When it rose to the highest point, it exploded and exploded a red cloud.

The distress signal of the disciple of Chongyunmen!

Mu Chen’s eyes instantly disappeared from the heat, and he recovered the appearance of indifference and finally calmed down.

In a short while, there is another distress signal in the same place.

Mu Chen slightly stunned his eyebrows, always feeling the atmosphere, not quite right.

In a short time, several rescue signals were fired into the air, and the time for each distress signal was almost the same. Mu Chen’s face was a little cold, and on the other hand, he was a disciple of Chongyunmen. He could not see death. On one side is his own apprentice, he is even more inseparable.

And this atmosphere is very repressive, as if deliberately attracting people to save.


Beyond Muchen Baili, more than a dozen disciples of Chongyunmen were locked in a formation, and each body was wounded.

Dozens of scattered repairs are hidden around, and only those who worship the clouds will save them, and they will be cured and closed together.

This group of scattered competition for resources is much more difficult than the disciples of these big martial art, so in the long-term tempering practiced a very sinister means, the practice of the spell is even more chaotic, Chongyunmen, this famous door is raised by the seedlings Miao, is not the opponent of this group of old rivers and lakes.

What's more, there is also an incarnation in the early days of these incarnations.

A red-bearded old man puts his blood in his hand, and his face will inevitably reveal a certain amount of smugness. "With this soul-splitting array, even if it is a monk in the fit period, it will kill Huangquan. When you seize the Mu Chen, I have to torture it and let him spit it out."

Ying Li Xing light smile, the eyes flashed through a **** | evil light, this master and the two have got a lot of baby, even so fast to come to them in front, there must be secrets that are unknown. The hatred that made him faceless has not been reported, this time must not let them live out.

To be arrested by Mu Chen, it is necessary to "make a good torture".


Gu Yunyi here, the same path of inheritance, now needs to go again.

He stood at the intersection and looked forward. There was a black stone road ahead. Every few feet was a stone pillar. He remembers that these stone pillars represent joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, hate, and the same as the previous world. There are seven.

As long as all seven stone pillars are opened, they can enter the hall and accept the inheritance.

And the sword is removed from the sword.

Gu Yunxuan's movements were not urgent or slow, and the four pillars of light and sorrow quickly lit up until the fifth stone pillar. He put his hand on it and closed his eyes. He saw a familiar picture.

Eighteen years ago, he realized his own heart, that is, Mu Chen bathed in his hand and reached out to him. The pure eyes of the man under the moonlight succeeded in inciting his nerves and let him understand that he had always wanted It is not the feeling of mentoring.

The picture quietly invaded the sea, and the people in the water walked toward him step by step. The clear scorpion was filled with Yingying smile, and the water on the outside skin was hung, and the perfect body gradually appeared in front of the eyes. It was only a slight pause, and then I took a shot and my eyes were deeply disgusting.

Although the scenery in front of you is very realistic and beautiful, it is a fake at first glance.

If the young master is bathed, he dares to be there, and he will definitely be stunned by the fireball.

The figure was broken, turned into a drop of water, and then agglomerated again, still looks like Mu Chen. The surrounding scenery has changed, it is the Yanyang Palace.

In the palace, the red color is hanging, and the clouds are surrounded by clouds. Mu Chen is dressed in a red dress. The white face is reflected in a faint pink color, the phoenix eye is slightly hooked, and with a thin anger, he is too late to meet him. "How do you still Don't change clothes? Ji Shi is coming, want to let the guests wait for you?"

Gu Yunxiao sighed and had to say that this test was very powerful. He progressed step by step and seized all the weaknesses of his mind. As long as he was not determined, hesitated, he would be confused and always immersed in this illusion. in.

When he was in the last world, he passed it at random because he didn't understand what he loved.

Unexpectedly, it has become a difficult time for him to cross.

Although I knew it was a fake, I was still stunned when I crossed the fake Muchen with a sword. Only this time, the picture suddenly changed!

Gu Yunxiao looked cold and knew that he was still fooled.

In the soul tower of the town, there is nothingness. In the sight of the ashes, a thin white figure sits cross-legged, and the slender limbs and waist are firmly locked by the black mysterious iron. The spirit of the gods was suppressed, and the fire was poisoned at the moment, and it was clearly dying. The man used the power of the chain to straighten his spine and not reveal a weak position.

It seems that he noticed his arrival, the other side opened his eyes, and the indifferent scorpion finally had a rush of emotion, and he whispered to him: "This is not the place you should come, go!"

Although he knew it was a fake, Gu Yunqi was still red, and his heart suddenly rose into a violent atmosphere that wanted to destroy the land.


When Mu Chen, who was in the hole, suddenly had no irritability, it was already a day and a night, and the little apprentice had not yet come out. It’s really slow, and I’m sure to pump him a butt!

In the distance, the distress signal has stopped for three hours. Mu Chen estimated it. It was about one hour before, and now it has already put six. The person to be led out by the other party is himself. This has already been noticed.

The more the other party wants him to go out, the more he does not go. As long as he does not show up, the disciple of Chongyunmen is safe. During this time, he was not idle. There were more than a dozen white fireballs with a diameter of more than one meter on the top of the head. Each one was hollow. It was filled with compressed spiritual power and exploded after collision. One can melt a mountain.

Mu Chen’s head was over a dozen.

His control of spiritual power has reached a point of rebellion, and he can use the power to control the dozen or so fireballs to stay still, and line the team around him. After a while, Mu Chen crushed a piece of top quality Lingshi to restore the loss of spiritual power, until the body is full of energy, and then do one.

After another dozen hours, they should be able to stand up and finally yell in the air: "Mu Chen, want to let the disciples of Chongyun live, come and see!"

At this time, Mu Chen had nearly 30 fireballs on the top of the head, and the scene was spectacular.

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