MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 53

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The two magical sorrows rushed out of the city. Not only did Gu Yunyi notice the anomaly, the monks present felt the magic of these two, Mu Chen naturally sensed, but this one wrapped around the waist The arm made him inconvenient to move.

This kind of protected posture has never been felt by him. Moreover, in his opinion, the apprentice still needs him to protect him. He does not say that he has buckled Gu Yun’s wrist. Mu Chen pulled Gu Yunqi behind him and said seriously: No matter what happens, keep up with me."

Gu Yunqi’s nod of “smartness”, “The teacher is right.”

Mu Chen looked at the sky, and the weather of the wind and the sun suddenly became cloudy, and the people with dull breaths were faintly breathless. Many monks flew to the outside of the city to find out.

Mu Chen took Gu Yunxi and didn't want to gossip about it. "Generally, it's early to die. You have to remember this. You will be less busy and less busy."

Gu Yunqi nodded again.

At this time, the white clothes flew over, and it was inconvenient to see Gu Yunqi. It was just politely nodding to Mu Chen, and he wanted to fly away without stopping.

Mu Chen explored the other side, a special smell caused his attention, he blinked his eyes, took Gu Yun's hand, and caught up with white clothes for a moment, cold voice: "Stay, there is something to ask you ""

White did not expect him to be so fast, scared a spirit, almost fell.

"The smell on your body..." Mu Chen looked up and down again in white. "Where is this medicine, where is it?"

The white heart said that it was not good. Chen Mo had a sachet on his body. When he came out, he was used by the other party to squat on his shoulder. He didn't care too much. He didn't expect Mu Chen to be so sensitive to the smell of medicine. He smelled it so far. This Chen Dagong, actually used this means for help!

Just want to explain one sentence, I received Gu Yunying's eyes, the white heart will lead the gods, and the legs will run.

Mu Chen snorted and chased Gu Yunyu, which was related to Chen Mo'an, he could not ignore it. "If Chen Mo accidents, I will dismantle the Wangchen Pavilion!" Mu Chenyi pinched the wrist of Gu Yunyi. "By the way, you will also have a meal!"

"The teacher respects the eccentricity and even beats me for an outsider." Gu Yunyi was wronged and was dragged by Mu Chen, and did not rush to clear his relationship with Wang Chene.

This is not clear, Mu Chen just wants to ask, I feel that the pressure of the two combined periods is like a flood of water, the shocking spirit of the slap, the powerful airflow shocked the air. ring.

Mu Chen subconsciously held Gu Yunqi in his arms and waved a spirit to block the blow for them.

Mu Chen’s cultivation is no big deal, others will not be able to do it. People who have been busy together have been shocked, some are directly shocked, some are vomiting blood after falling to the ground, and more are falling to the ground. No resistance.

The confrontation between the two combined periods of power can make people unable to intervene at all.

Several elders in Dancheng have been standing in the air, and they have seen two magical repairs together, all of which are waiting to see.

Gu Yunjin's almost vomiting blood, eyes reddishly in the air, holding his fist tightly, "Why did the nebula lord shoot me? He is crazy?"

No one answered him, because only half of the men he had brought out this time were killed. When the calculated Fu 阮 赶 came back, several of his confidants had been killed. No one knows why the nebula will suddenly point the finger at him, and he does not know how the other party knows how much power he has. In short, it is difficult to recover. Today, I will not kill the Nebula, and when the other party returns to the Devil, I will be more unfavorable to him.

The two played hard to understand, Dancheng has opened a three-layer enchantment to offset the impact.

Bo Yuntian looked cold and cold, no matter why there were two demons, since he dared to go to Dancheng to make trouble, he left. He has nothing to do with thin clouds, just have money! "Come on, set up a shooting gun!"

The so-called spirit gun is a weapon that can transform the energy in Lingshi into spiritual power and then launch it. It is powerful and destructive. As long as there is enough supply of Lingshi, one city can destroy a city. In order to protect the alchemy division that Dancheng is not good at fighting, Bo Yuntian has been prepared for it.

At the other end of each of the stun guns, a spirit mine is connected. When necessary, Bo Yuntian does not mind killing the enemy and raising the sound of Dan.

Mu Chen lost his white clothes, and smacked Gu Yunying with a sigh of relief. He wanted to leave when he was under the arm. He just moved, and a blast hit him. A voice suddenly said: "You are the most. Don't move, I will follow me later."

Mu Chen listened to this voice and was familiar with it. When he looked up, he saw that the person who was fighting was the neurological repair of that night. The indifferent nephew calmly looked at the enchantment in front of him, Mu Chen put down Gu Yunqi, pulled behind and blocked, lifted his legs, hehe!

The white flame picked up from the side, and Mu Chen split with the whole enchantment of Mu Chen's movement.

"Want to catch me, I also want to see your ability." Mu Chen looked cold and proud, and the long sword shook hands, and the murderous people who were forced by the cockroaches could not get close.

The nephew of the nebula was shocked and suddenly laughed. "It’s very interesting. When I solve them, I will come back to you."

I did not expect that the most beloved son of Devil's Master has established such a large force. Seeing that Gu Yunjin is not well controlled, how can he let it develop, this time he must chop his wings.

Devils and adults want to be jealous, not smart sons, so they have the heart to die early!

As for the immortal body, the nebula of the nebula looked at the eyes of Yun Yun, not very carelessly passing by, the blood is impure, the devil is not seen.

Fu Yukao naturally does not let the nebula of the nebula kill one's own people, that is Gu Yunjin's efforts to raise and raise the light in the past 100 years. Today, I have to fight for the old man, and also to kill the nebula, let Gu Yunjin save the strength.

The nephew of the nebula sees the fierce attack of the other side, and temporarily turns his mind back. It is easy to find Muchen, and the people in front of him are crazy, but it is not easy to deal with.

Fu Yan’s test was not over, and the resentful scorpion flashed a decisive decision. He looked down at Gu Yunjin and looked at it. This eye contained thousands of people. At the same time, Gu Yunjin’s heart trembled and realized what the other party wanted to do.

Gu Yunjin opened his mouth, but did not say the words of retention, non-toxic, not husband, when necessary, will give up some people, this hatred, he wrote down!

A sudden pressure from the destruction of the earth suddenly came, and Mu Chen surprised and raised his eyebrows. He took Gu Yunyu and fell to the ground. At the same time, Gu Yunxi released the shell and buckled the two in a moment.

There is only one bed inside the shell!

Mu Chen was pressed against the bed with his waist and looked at the person who smiled at him and looked at him. He reached out and grabbed Gu Yun’s neck. "Get up!"

"No!" The person who was detained was not afraid at all. When the mind was moved, the shell became smaller, and the space suddenly compressed into two people. The two of them were tightly tied together, their noses licked their noses, and their mouths seemed to need only a little touch. You can pick it up. Such an awkward breath made Mu Chen blink, and subconsciously stepped back. Gu Yunxiao smiled and went over. He kissed his mouth in the inevitable situation of Mu Chen. This kiss was full of pity. There is no trace of frivolity. "Master, I like you."

Mu Chen felt his heart slowed down half a beat.

suddenly! The implements of the mentoring and the sects were shaken up by a strong force. All the cockroaches were shaken, and Mu Chen’s head swayed, followed by Gu Yun’s hands with his hands, as if he was worried that he was stunned. He is tight.

"Gangster! Control the instrument, don't let it fly!" Mu Chen wants to look up, but he is held by Gu Yunxiao, wants to push open the shoulder that can only refer to Yunxiao, this action looks like a desire Refused to welcome. Gu Yun blinked and smiled. "No, I won't be distracted!"

Mu Chen listened to this lie and wanted to kill him.

Feeling to be shocked to fly out to stop, the master and the two climbed up from the big bed of the shell, has been hundreds of miles away from Dancheng. There are already fine lines on the shell, which shows the power.

"The self-exposure of the monk during the fit period has such a great power." Mu Chen looked at the direction of Dancheng, faintly worried.

"If the Master does not trust Dancheng people, let's go back and see." Gu Yunqi proposed.

Mu Chen hesitated for a moment, and he seemed to have nothing to worry about, but he did not know why, but he was a little worried. And Chen Mo may still be in Dancheng, he can't leave him alone, find a reason for himself, Mu Chen nodded.

The two men and the teacher just wanted to go back, and they saw a golden light from far and near. All the places that were passed were destroyed by the destruction of the ruin. "Ming shotgun!" Mu Chen's face changed, pulling Gu Yunqi's figure flashed. Far away from this golden light and set the enchantment in front of you. However, in front of this golden light, a black figure fled to the side, the body was full of blood marks, the right arm has been broken, and it can be seen that it is also the end of the strong.

Mu Chen was puzzled and recognized that the other party was the neuropathy.

Far from discovering Mu Chen’s breath, the nebula’s eyebrows picked up and flew in the direction of Mu Chen.

Mu Chen avoided inevitable, his face was cold, and he pulled Gu Yunqi behind him and sacrificed his sword. White-haired black hair, thin and handsome people's handsome face is cold and indifferent, the red-colored sword in the hand is murderous, and the sleeves are automatically driven by the wind. Mu Chen takes this spiritual power forward and takes a step forward. A sword accompanied by the nine yang fire from top to bottom smashed down, the sky cracked, the air swayed, the golden light was directly opened by this sword!

The nebula, who was covered by Mu Chen’s sword, spit out a blood, and his body was poked with countless blood holes, and the veins were almost destroyed.

Looking at Mu Chen again, a pair of ruthless scorpions are firmly locked on the other side, just like watching a dead object, without a trace of anger being exploited. A long sword stunned, sensing the owner's mind, the ancient killing sword made a scream, the blood of the whole body was thicker, reflecting the silence of Mu Chen's eyes, murderous.

The nephew of the nebula looks at him like this. He is interested in the two laughs, but he can't stop the blood of his mouth. "You, this person, is really interesting."

"Why do you want to catch me?" Mu Chen asked coldly.

"I know that I have raised a wolf that will bite people. I also like a baby. You are such a rare person." The other side leaned against the chest and asked.

Mu Chen flashed a killing in his eyes, his disciples are not wolves!

"Oh, angry, it’s interesting." When the nephew of the nebula disappeared, he saw that Mu Chen had already swayed his sword directly. As for why he wanted to catch himself, Mu Chen was too lazy to know, and then slaughtered.

At this moment, the space was shocked, the gray sky seemed to distort the fault, and the powerful pressure came down instantly. Mu Chen was surprised and wide-eyed, and did not ignore the surprise of the nebula.

Gu Yunxuan looked cold and couldn't hide his strength after he was surprised. He looked at Mu Chen deeply and saw a black bow in his hand.

When the bow came out, the air was faintly carrying a **** suffocation, the black dyed black and the red lines, and a **** ghost face on one end, which was arrogant.

The black flame was dyed with the bow, and the three arrows appeared in the hands of Gu Yunqi. Mu Chen’s face instantly became pale and like paper, and even forgot his own movements. He murmured: “...Magic.”

"Master, kill him!" Gu Yunhao had no time to explain, the black flame arrow feathers shot into the cracks in the space, with a bang, the whole sky seemed to be broken.

The air was finally torn open with a crack, and a middle-aged man with black and white hair appeared. He waved his hand to block Gu Yun’s arrow, a pair of ink-like scorpions, and fixed his eyes on Mu Chen. "You dare!" It’s a thunder!

The author has something to say: Irresponsible small theater - divorce version!

Gu Yunwei: "Master, even if I practice magic, I can't deny that I love you too. I will listen to you from now on. Don't divorce?" (Holding the legs)

Mu Chen: "Love can't be deceived, we are finished." (Deep melancholy face)

Gu Yunwei: "Have you forgotten the happiness we used to have? Those sweet kindness and love are bitterly dying. You want to give up on me?" (Don't want to live, nose swells into the river)

Mu Chen: "In order not to start to abandon... or take away the used things!" (Looking for scissors!)

————The dividing line that wants to spoof the blackout of the small attack ——

Forgot to put the burglar last night, send it directly today~~~~

I always feel that this chapter is very poorly written. I can't do it when I write to fight. I am still suitable for writing sweet everyday. After this transition is finished, I really need to write less this later, or else you will abandon QAQ in both chapters.

Thanks to the mines thrown by the little angels, I hugged me and I spent a lot of money~~

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