MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 52

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Noon after one day.

Mu Chen waved his sleeves, opened the lid of the alchemy furnace, took out nine medicinal herbs from the inside, and threw them into the jade plate. These nine medicinal herbs are different in color, and even the effects are not equal, but they are all covered with a faint glow, so that he can see their grades at a glance.

He took the alchemy furnace, dragged the plate out of the door, and handed the plate to the waiter on the side. After the other party took over, he took a shock and glanced at it and rushed to the jury.

The people on the jury looked at each other and looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. These three medicinal materials, Mu Chen actually refining nine medicinal herbs, counting the dose of various medicinal herbs, Mu Chen did not even waste a trace. The people only recognized the four kinds of remedies that are not easy to refine, such as Hu Xin Dan, Long Yu Dan, Wu Xing Xue Ning Dan, Qing Yang Dan. The other five only feel the aura of the inside, but do not know what effect.

And these nine, the grades have reached the best!

At this time, other alchemists are still trying to control their mental strength, dare not have a distraction, a little careless medicine will be abolished, or there is a danger of frying. Looking at the people standing under the stage, there is no challenging expression on the face of lack of interest. Everyone sees Mu Chen’s eyes suddenly change, how old is he?

Just a hundred years old!

The ability to refine the medicinal herbs into such a standard can be seen in their amazing talent. In their budget, the top three products are already the limit, and the result is that Mu Chen has nine!

"The best medicine, nine!" The appraisers gave the correct evaluation, and the onlookers also took a breath, as can be seen from the spar screen, the second place is Yingli, he only made Two top quality Ling Dan. The third place is Bo Xiyu, which is also two, but the color of one is slightly lighter, and it is said that it is slightly far-fetched. And the two, like everyone else, have no medicine.

Mu Chen was too lazy to look at their discussions. The cold voice was filled with a touch of spiritual power, and the coolness of the wire interrupted everyone’s discussion. "This prize, is it?"

The thin mouth of Tianyun was pumping, and my heart hurts. This child is too pitiful. I still think about the prizes now. How hard it is this day.

"Give, I will give it!" Bo Yuntian said, "When the end of the noon meeting tomorrow, you can naturally receive the prize."

Mu Chen missed Gu Yunqi, who was alone in healing, and didn't want to stay any longer. He looked at Bo Yiyu on the screen and turned and left.

The street is very lively, because this game, Dancheng recruited a large number of guests, the street selling things Lin Liang full, several children holding different colors of candy, was led by the elders, laughing than the arms The candy is sweeter.

Mu Chen went to the store subconsciously and bought two bags of candy.

After the purchase, he stood at the door, watching the sugar in his hand annoyed and grinning. The **** apprentice was full of bullying and annihilating the ancestors. It was the evil that was not clearly defined. He even wanted to buy him sugar! This is the habit of pickpockets!

Just when he hesitated to throw away the sugar, a white figure flashed, causing his attention, turned out to be the white scholar!

Mu Chen licked his eyebrows and lifted his heels. I didn't expect to take a few steps, and I was poked with my fingers on my waist.

Mu Chen's cold face turned back, and he saw Gu Yunqi also holding two packs of snacks, and he was laughing at him innocently.

"The teacher is not coming back to look for me, it is really worrying." The smile on the boy's face was clean and gentle. As usual, he reached out and grabbed the sugar in Mu Chen's hand. Gu Yunxiao smiled: "I like it." The taste, the teacher respects me."

Mu Chen explored the question: "You are not aware of me behind me, how do you do it?"

Gu Yunxiao opened the candy box in his hand and took out two pieces. He handed it to Mu Chen’s mouth and smiled and said: “When the conference is over, we are looking for a place that nobody is disturbing. I have a lot of words. Said to you." Seeing Mu Chen cold eyes to see him, very dissatisfied, Gu Yunqi quickly changed his mouth, smiled and said: "There are many things I want to explain, Master gives me some time."

Mu Chen was cold-faced. "If the explanation is not clear, definitely hit your ass!"

Gu Yunqi's mouth was slightly ticked, stuffed the sugar into Muchen's mouth, and looked at his delicate eyebrows and picked it up slightly. He smiled and said: "I want to play according to you, how do you want to fight, I am stripped off for you." ”

Mu Chen suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Gu Yun's face. He did not pity the twisted one, this stinky little bastard, dare to tell him this kind of sloppy words, beating!

The mentor and the buddy walked around the street and bought a lot of things, but Mu Chen had been cold-faced, and Gu Yunqi’s swearing was useless. Gu Yunqi also knows that Mu Chen has already had a flaw in his heart. If the explanation is unclear, he will always be awkward with him.

Mu Chen is too understanding and too good to guess. He likes to stay out of things, but he is not stupid. He must have guessed his identity, so he just showed that expression and he will have the kind after seeing white. reaction.

Looking at the person in front of me, Gu Yun's mouth screamed, and there was a bit of bitter taste.

Mu Chen just turned around and saw Gu Yunxuan’s expression paused. He finally couldn’t keep his heart and reached out to Gu Yunxiao. The baby who raised himself has been trying to give him the best things in the world until now, even if he has something to do with himself, he still can't bear to let him suffer.

When I came, I was so thin that I couldn’t deceive the old wounds. It’s also a fact that I can’t change it. It’s not a lie to yourself, it’s hard for him to find medicine, which can’t fool people. What other tangles does he have? When you are free, let the little **** explain it to him.

Gu Yunqi quickly reached out and his eyes lit up, clutching Mu Chen's palm, and his fingertips trembled slightly. His young master will not give up at any time, and he will be the same.

Mu Chen did not say anything, took the apprentice and took it away.

"If the explanation is unclear, I will drive you out of the division and kill yourself!" Mu Chen's face was cold, apparently moving the real thing, without a joke.

Gu Yunxiao laughed instead. "The teacher said that he listened to the teacher."

Back to the inn, Mu Chen meditated and rested, Gu Yunyi sat next to him, as if guarding his baby, and did not dare to leave.


"On the Lord, Mu Chen has already left the venue. If there is no accident, it must be the first place in the conference. There is no comparability between him and others." Gu Yunjin is next to him, a young waiter respectful.

Gu Yunjin smiled lightly, and the murder in his eyes did not hide. "Wait, when Mu Chen wins tomorrow, the nebula will definitely shoot."

"The master said it."

"Fu Fu test?" Gu Yunjin sees the old man in black who has been with him, not asking.

"Back to the Lord, Elder Fu has not returned since he went out last night."

“Not coming back?” Gu Yunjin frowned. “Send someone to look for it.”

Fu Yukao followed him for many years. He was the only monk who was repaired in the Mahayana period. It was also the last barrier left by his mother. He has been used to this powerful assistant for so many years. He did not believe that the other party’s repairs would have an accident, but the other party did not return overnight, leaving some of his inexplicable incompetence.

Unfortunately, the next day, Fu Yikao still has no news.

Gu Yunjin had to look at the soul jade, and found that it was as good as ever, but he did not dare to relax. He was still alive, but he never returned. There must be hidden feelings.

At this moment, the young waiter suddenly reported: "The souls of several elders are broken!"

Gu Yunjin’s face changed, “Send someone to check! What happened?”


The next morning, the wind was beautiful.

When Mu Chen lifted his foot, he was caught by Gu Yunqi. "The teacher can not walk away today. There are so many people outside, and I lost it. Do you still have to find me?"

Mu Chen hesitated for a moment, grabbed Gu Yun's wrist and decided to carry it with him.

The people waiting for the results of the alchemy conference are very popular. Mu Chen, this highly recognizable face, is already familiar with everyone. When he saw him, he gave up a road. Mu Chen took Gu Yunxi and entered the hall under the guidance of the attendants. The other alchemists are obviously here.

When Bo Yiyu saw Mu Chen, he ran over Dada and excitedly said to Mu Chen: "My second, second!"

Mu Chen was puzzled and looked at the man named Ying Lixun. This man actually lost to him so much that he was so low. It is necessary to know that Bo Yuyu is still not fifty years old. In the Jindan period, he can only be considered a cub in the monks, and the other party has to say that he has four or five hundred years of age.

Ying Lixun had a white dress, and the saying goes well. If you want to be a filial piety, you are dressed in white, handsome, handsome, plus his long, sweet and rich, or alchemy, beckoning Can attract countless beautiful people.

However, now, he is a wolverine, the white clothes are dusty, the blood on his face, the skin on the outside is pale, and the wrist is also hurt, and the physical condition is not very good. The most ridiculous thing is that the hair is curled up by the fire, which highlights his two eyeballs because he is not willing to be big.

Obviously it is the second place, but in the last step, it is defeated, how can he be willing?

Bo Xiyu snickered and told Mu Chen with his mouth: "Fryer! It’s all fried..."

Mu Chen inexplicably thought of a large broccoli, his mouth slightly provoked a trace, cold face for two days, finally got a bit of joy. This is typical of impermanence, and who knows what will happen in the final step.

Gu Yunxiao blinked his eyes and always felt that he was not doing enough, or he was coming to Japan.

Mu Chenlai is the one who receives the prize. The first thing is that the egg that does not know the species, Gu Yunhao touched and felt the life of the inside. It was determined that it was not a dead egg, and he took it to Gu Yunwei and said: Let the black egg hatch it."

Gu Yunqi quickly rushed to ensure that the black eggs hatch.

Mu Chen took the herb again and saw the coveted eyes of the people. He handed it directly to Gu Yun’s mouth. "The strong medicine that strengthens the bones and bones, eat it."

"A violent thing!" An old man is heartbroken. "How many people can save this life, how can you eat it casually?!"

Mu Chen blinked and took the medicine from Gu Yun's body. After confirming the cleanliness, he said seriously: "I really can't eat it casually, it's not clean."

Gu Yunqi opened his mouth and smashed it. By the way, he licked Mu Chen’s finger, a serious saying: “It tastes good.”

Mu Chen did not respond, nodded.

The onlookers look at the green light and ruin things! It’s really awful! What kind of treasure is your apprentice, a subliminal elixir will be smashed! The old man was holding his chest, and the pain was almost gone.

Mu Chen saw the apprentice finish eating, habitually pulled out a parch to wipe the mouth of the apprentice, wiped the reaction, this kid still wants to bully the ancestors, cold face, handcuffed the other side of the arms, turned and picked up the alchemy furnace In the arms of Bo Xiyu, cold channel: "Lost you!"

After I finished speaking, I didn’t look at everyone’s face, and turned and left.

Gu Yunqi quickly hung up from behind, by the way, licking his mouth and feeling the warmth of the body, feeling that he might enter another level.

Bian Yuyu hung his eyes with his stove, and he waited for Mu Chen to move away. He reacted with surprise: "I can choose two differently? What is the difference between this and the first place? Oh, my genius!"

When he heard the words of Bo Yuyu, Mu Chen’s mouth was subconsciously hooked.

Walking out of the hall, I touched the egg in the arms of Gu Yunwei. Mu Chen took out a spiritual pet bag from the space ring. He did not recognize the spirit of the Lord and could be put in, saving trouble. Gu Yunqi just put it in, and he felt the magic of two scorpions, rising from the outside of the city.

Gu Yunqi hooked his mouth, and the darkness of the sly flashed a smile, as if it had been dyed with a layer of phantom, this moment is a bit horrible. He grabbed Mu Chen’s waist and held people tightly around him. He said nothing, looked up at the sky, and the show began!

The author has something to say: Irresponsible small theater:

Gu Yunqi: "I don't think I can explain it. Master is still playing my ass!" He said that he would undress.

Mu Chen: "Someone sent a scissors for the teacher yesterday. I just tried it today." Serious face.

Black Skull: "Cut off! Cut it! Cut it! Cut it!" Fortunately, I’m afraid that the world’s claws will not rush.~~~~


Thanks to the mines sent by the little angels, let you spend a lot of money, what? What?~~~~

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The blank small transparent throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1012:02:02

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