MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 161 Master Born Again

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"If you don't want to say, I have a way for you to take the initiative."

As the only heir to the human nation in the interstellar, how could the crown prince be without him, and the various unexpected matters he had to deal with were no less leisurely than the Marshal of the Empire.

The harsh screams that Shen Mengqiu sent out when she was severely wounded were right next to her ears. Ji Yunnuo didn't change his color from beginning to end, but only when the men really pried out the secret from her mouth. After hearing the events she said, the crown prince His complexion can no longer remain calm.

This woman had predicted so many things in advance? And it's not a mess. Some things, even the secrets that only his own talents know, have been explained one by one by her, and the credibility has been raised a lot.

If all she said was true ...

The crown prince Mori glared coldly at Shen Mengqiu, who was suffering from mental torment and dangling from his head.

This woman should have given up all the pawns for her death, so she dared to jump out of the chessboard directly, and disturbed so many things.

If it wasn't for her to return to Shen's house in advance and sell Melo, who was supposed to be a daughter of the Viscount, to be a slave, Ling Aixiu, the remaining Ling family dying would have died as early as eight years old. The follow-up to the maid's Melo rescue, she will not have her because of her life to expose the whole person's temperament has changed. She only turned around Ling Aixiu and turned into a demon. Now, the royal situation is so unfavorable.

But things haven't come to nothing until now. At least he knows what will happen in the marshal's office. Ling Aixiu will know what he will do secretly for a while. Whether it is true or not, I will send you some information to find out.

"His Royal Highness, I can sense what secret this girl still keeps but did not say, but ..." The courtier who was responsible for making people speak loudly, "Because she hates you so deeply, so ... so even if I force her to turn her into an idiot, she won't say it directly. "

In a word, the crown prince's face became extremely ugly. Why does this woman hate him? He now understands that it is really something he can do, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with his behavior. If he can bring down the Marshal's House and sacrifice a small Viscount family, Can't afford it.

As for this woman not cooperating?

"Don't continue to use abilities." A cold glanced at the woman on the wall, the Crown Prince's voice was cold. "First let her recover, and wait a few days to invite Shen Zijue and his wife here, I believe she will say. "

He was dying, and Shen Mengqiu, whose consciousness was on the verge of hearing the words, suddenly looked up and stared at the man in front of him, his bloodshot eyes full of poisonous hatred.

Only then did she realize how ridiculous she had been hostile to Ling Aixiu and even piled most of her hatred on Mei Lu. She will become a deceased. Her parents were both killed for political battles. Isn't it because of the people in front of her?

It is precisely because this person unscrupulously throws out the people who can use it as cannon fodder. This will allow Ling Aixiu, a cold-hearted person who uses the same means, to start in advance and get better. If her parents did not recognize her as a deceased and have been with the fake daughter, they could still be alive with the grand duke Ling Aixiu.

It's him, it's this man ...

"Ji Yunnuo ...! You **** it! You **** it!" The surging hatred made Shen Mengqiu use the hidden spiritual contract in her heart, and she had been dying to hide the unspoken ties with the worm eggs. The secret, she awakened the eggs early through the contract and started hatching.

Whether or not these people send her royal jelly to the eggs, Shen Mengqiu can feel that the eggs can actually hatch in advance through the contract, but the state will not be perfect. Often, Shen Mengqiu was reluctant to turn his hole cards into this, but now he can't care about anything.

Mother worm, hatch, start hatching immediately!

When the order was in his heart, the crown prince was also upset by Shen Mengqiu's overly penetrating gaze, but as soon as he frowned, the courtier immediately noticed it, a hand knife went down, and Shen Mengqiu lost consciousness.


Ling Aixiu has been uneasy these days and always feels that something is wrong.

The eyeliners hidden around him reasonably said he had been used to it, and was very confident that those people could not grasp any handles, but these days I felt irritable for some reason.

Something went wrong, and his subconscious was alerting him, but after careful inspection, he found nothing.

Out of careful consideration, believing his intuition, he immediately stopped a few secret actions, erased the slight traces, and pretended that nothing had happened.

However, some troubles happened, even the hands of the Earth Federation.

The Earth Federation sent an ambassador to the Galaxy Empire, asking the empire to return to the Earth Federation the developer of the Clehez syndrome, the reason is that Melo ’s biological parents are federal children, and of course the children of the federal children should return. To the embrace of your own country.

As soon as the remarks came out, the people of the empire exploded instantly. The two countries fought a battle every few years and several years. The civilians who fled from each other at the bottom of the two sides had gone. To go, these poor people have never thought of asking people when they were born and destroyed. Oh, now you want to go back when a great man comes out?

Think beautiful!

For a while, scolding started, and some people even requested that the Marshal's Office send troops to the Federation again, so that these shameless things would be sober.

For this unreasonable request, Ling Aixiu himself was extremely unhappy. Even if no one said that he planned to send a soldier once to squeeze the water in these high-ranking federal executives.

However, he did not wait for him to transfer his troops, and someone nominated him over again. There were still two major crimes: collusion with the federation and murder of the royal family.

The reason for the former is because Melo said that she was born into a daughter of a federal exile, and she grew up in the empire but was concerned about the confederation. Otherwise, how could she not promote it to the empire after she developed a terminally ill medicine? The Marshal's Office, which helped to advance, was the culprit, knowing how much damage these medicaments would cause to the empire, but still did so. Sure enough, it was caused by half of the Federation ’s blood. These two people, one is an authentic federal, and the other is a daughter of a federal official. It is too normal to collude with the federal government. The terminal medicine is the most obvious example.

If the first count, Ling Aixiu can still laugh at them farting coldly, if the crime is nothing to blame. The second charge accused him of showing some evidence in public that made him unable to laugh.

impossible! He was so secretly hidden that even Mei Lu didn't let him in, why did the royal family find out! Almost left him unprepared!

Although the evidence on the bright side could not convict Ling Aixiu at one time, it also restricted him. Some things became difficult to do. He had to separate his mind from the royal family and the nobles in this matter. I worked hard to extract myself from it safely.

The time dragged on a bit longer, and the people who were brainwashed by the royal family looked at Marshal's Mansion again. The high-ranking federal government, which is the enemy of the empire, issued a continuous statement this time, saying that some Ling families have had close and personal relations with the Federation, which is plausible. Just before the reputation of the potion shook.

With double persecution, Ling Aixiu became increasingly irritable.

"Master, you can hand me over to this charge ..."

"Shut up!" He didn't want to yell at the maid who was about to speak up. "I can handle this kind of thing, not to the point where you risk it!"

After shouting, he froze a bit, and looked up to the opposite side as if he was afraid of misunderstanding. The scolded maid did not show aggrieved expression, just froze, then lowered his eyelids and lowered his head: "Yes."

"Sorry, Melo." He rubbed his forehead down, his voice annoyingly annoyed and soft, "I don't mean anything else."

"I understand." The maid smiled slightly. "As long as the young master needs it, you can order me at any time."

Prince's House.

While using information squeezed from Shen Mengqiu to deal with Ling Aixiu, the Crown Prince did not relax her torture.

But it may really be because of the relationship that hates too much. The courtiers who have the ability to force others to reveal their thoughts did not try to break the deepest secret that Shen Mengqiu hid.

"Can't do anything?" The crown prince Ji Yunnuo was a little impatient.

For more than half a month, he has always been so arrogant that Ling Ai has been dressed up. He has been annoyed by the fact that this woman who should be his deceased can't get any cheaper.

He has tied the couple of Shen Zijue secretly, but no matter how they use their intimidation and lure, Shen Mengqiu's hatred against him is only getting stronger and stronger.

This hatred was so strong that when the courtier forced her to reveal her heart, all she said was how to break him to death and how to break the royal family and let them die without the corpse.

… It seems she doesn't have to press anything anymore, she can drive herself crazy.

Each time she or her parents were punished, the hatred deepened, and the curse became more vicious, covering up the secrets of the bottom of consciousness.

"Although it has long been clear that this is a woman of extreme sexual desire, it is really terrifying to be so extreme." The courtiers responsible for persecution were a little afraid of this criminal training work.

However, the Crown Prince facing the curse is firm in his heart. If he can't bear the verbal harm, what qualifications will he have to take over and rule this country in the future. Anyway, none of these words said by this woman will come true. On the contrary, he was very interested in realizing all these curses on the Shen family on the charge of offending the royal family.

Just when Ji Yunnuo was thinking so, the door of the execution room was suddenly opened and he rushed in anxiously.

"Not good! His Royal Highness is not good!" The confidant screamed loudly, "I just heard the urgent report from the frontier star! There are zerg, and millions of zerg assemble towards this side! The frontier star When the soldiers sent this news and video, the planet was completely out of control! "

"What are you talking about?" The prince's face was changing. Millions of Zerg, hasn't Zerg assembled such a huge team, let alone purposefully attacking the human settlement planet, "... No, mother insect!"

He thought of the "plot in the book" that Shen Mengqiu had said. In the plot, it was destined that the other half of the federal woman got the female worm egg, and after hatching it became her pet that could help her order all kinds of zerg. The female worm has hatched a few days ago, and is controlled and watched by a special person.

This is the case now ...

"It's your ghost!" The crown prince, who had an extraordinary mind, suddenly thought of the key and looked at Shen Mengqiu, who was still a prisoner of the order. "You have been hiding what you haven't said is the way to manipulate the mother bug! You keep the mother bug calling the zerg! "

"Hehehehehe ..." Shen Mengqiu, who had been tortured and bloodied, looked up, staring at him with eyes that didn't know when to become erect pupils, and almost wanted to engrave his appearance, "I said earlier, you will Smashing corpses, surely, definitely! "

Ji Yunnuo was instantly angry and raised his right palm to thunder and explode. Just before Shen Mengqiu died without a corpse, a large hole was suddenly opened in the wall of the prison room built by the ground. A huge Zerg A full body of mud rushed in and blocked Shen Mengqiu. The sickle-like forelimbs waved at the same time, and several unsuspecting henchmen were cut off immediately.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, whose blood and screams have permeated the entire prison room, the psychic courtier who was closest to Shen Mengqiu's head was split in half, and there was no chance of survival.

This is not the end. There were bugs in the previously opened hole, but two people were wrapped in tentacles on its back. It was also the Shen family who had suffered a lot.

"Qiuer!" When the two fell to the ground with a worm, they couldn't bear any pain, and threw themselves together to save their daughter who looked worse than them.

Behind them was a row of Zerg clad between the Prince's forces.

Shen Mengqiu used the female to control the Zerg! These zerg were probably summoned the first time after the mother worm hatched, sneaking into the Emperor Star.

"His Royal Highness, let's go!"

Immediately, a loyal courtier escorted the prince away, and a man-worm killing began instantly.

Hundreds of Zergs sneaking into the Imperial Capital, or Prince's House, each of them is elite. It was all Shen Mengqiu who ordered the female insect to call her. The cruel words she had been tortured by torture training before were not false. She really wanted the Crown Prince to die, and thought of keeping his face and mental strength firmly. Remember, and then let the mother worm pass to all its people, but any zerg will never stop dying after encountering him.

As a result, in the entire Prince's Mansion, except for this prison room, he was completely trapped in the killing field, and everyone was rummaged.

"Hahahaha, deserve it!" Shen Mengqiu was carefully caught and laid on the ground, and she didn't forget to laugh when she was released by her parents. "That's it! Kill it! Kill it! It hurts me all the time All those things are gone! "

The sharp voice and crazy words startled the Viscount couple, and at the same time thought subconsciously whether the daughter was tortured by the prince.

"Parents! We will be free later!" Shen Mengqiu grabbed the mother's hand after she called, and her eyes were radiant. "I have a spiritual contract with the mother insect, and I can use it to control all zerg!" We will never be bullied again! The royal family can't bully, the Marshal's House can't do it, no one should try to bully us again! Hahaha!

She was pleased, and suddenly her head hurt, and she screamed and rolled her head on the ground.

There was a change in the conclusion of the contract in the brain. The mental power from the mother's end was coming back crazy through the contract. It was that the feeding it received in Prince Edward House was too good, which caused the mental power to be too strong. Shen Mengqiu became a pet, obliterating her will and making it a human figure.

"Qiuer! What's wrong with you, Qiuer? Don't scare your mother!" The Viscountess panicked when she saw the condition of her daughter.

"Leave ... Leave!" Shen Mengqiu, who was so distressed, pushed away her biological mother who wanted to help her, "Dad, take mother away! I'm going to be bitten by the mother worm, and I will attack you, hurry up!" Conclusion of these years She already knew its dominance.

However, Shen Mengqiu didn't realize why the powerful female worm in the book obediently listened to the hostess's words, and she was honestly a pet.

The heroine's mental strength is very strong. It is said that she is above sss level. Many people speculate that her strength is only the legendary Dr. Mei. This is not something she can do with ss mental power at all!

The Viscountess was completely dumbfounded, and when she cried even more miserably, she was about to rush over, but was pulled by her husband.

"Let me go!" The Viscountess immediately struggling violently, her daughter was suffering, how could she leave the child alone, "I have lost one child, and I cannot lose the second one!"

Screaming like this, she tried hard to break away from her husband's pull, and when she stretched out her hand towards her daughter to hug her, her neck hurt, and the entire person lost consciousness and passed out. Holding the comatose wife, Zijue Shen gave her daughter a deep look. The face was ten years old instantly. He looked sadly and regretfully at the struggling daughter, and turned away with a heartless turn.

In his struggle, Shen Mengqiu watched his father's departure, with a smile on his face, but a happy laughter like a cry, or his father's rationality, always doing things decisively. Why didn't she inherit his mind?

"Gah ah ah!" Tearing pain came from the brain again, and Shen Mengqiu was holding his head rolling again.

Why is your child so extreme? If you can't let it go in this way, you will have a hard time in the future. What do you ask your mother to do?

Suddenly, Shen Mengqiu remembered a quarrel with his parents once again because of the Melo family, and the mother suddenly felt sobbing with grief suddenly clear. Such sadness was so helpless.

But she is extreme, she just can't let go!

As long as she remembered what happened to her, she couldn't say forgiveness at all! Obviously none of them had experienced the pain she had encountered. Why did everyone, including her biological parents, ask her to forgive her and accuse her of being wrong?

Does she forgive those who have hurt her, and did nothing when she smiled. Looking at tomorrow, is she worthy of that bruised self? Should she be unlucky if she encounters what she encounters? On what basis!

She is not willing, she is not willing!

Hatred, pain, struggle ... These emotions rolled in the eroded mental power, Shen Mengqiu's resistance became weaker and weaker, and tears rolled down at the last moment when he couldn't hold it.

Consciousness was about to dissipate, and the mental power of the mother worm was completely suppressed in her mind. Just when she was about to be wiped out into a human form with her last despair and unwillingness, a terrible mental power suddenly joined the battlefield in her mind.

What a terrible spiritual power, in an instant, took control of all the situations on both sides of the pull, not only directly cut off the spiritual power of the female worm to help her get rid of the restraint, but in turn suppressed the female worm to take over the spiritual contract The link controlled the female.

Such a destructive power did not damage her brain nerves and mental power, she took the initiative, and Shen Mengqiu quickly awakened to the outside world.

The blurred pupil gradually focused, and she saw the familiar figure in a maid's skirt approaching her, who was the person she hated the most, and realized the fact that she was least willing to accept it.

"Miss Shen, how are you doing?"

The gentle voice sounded in my ear. When the man bent down and reached out her hand, it was really confirmed that after the other party controlled the female insect to save herself, Shen Mengqiu couldn't help spit out a bite of blood and went into a coma.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 sjun;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of Unsweetened, Amoo, Momo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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