MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 160 Master Born Again

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The energy shown by Marshal's Mansion and the party feathers behind him surprised many people, and many nobles suddenly discovered that the orphan children they hadn't looked at so much had mastered power and power beyond imagination before they reached adulthood. prestige.

The popularization of the "terminally ill" civilian medicine has raised the influence of Marshal's Mansion to a peak again.

Not to mention the Xinghe Empire, even the always hostile Earth Federation has always highly appreciated this action of the Marshal of the Empire, and the Empire itself is full of goodwill for its Marshal.

"Master Marshal! Lord Marshal!"

Ling Aixiu was walking on the road, and on both sides were good-will eyes that worshiped him and were close to him. These came from the civilians on the star of Emperor. With the flowers in his hand, he ran towards the team with short legs.

However, the two children were stopped in advance by the guards before they approached the Marshal himself. Residents living in Diduxing have long known that this is an ordinary security measure for the key members, and they are not disappointed, but red fluttering his face more vigorously waving flowers and shouting at him.

"Thank you, Lord Marshal! Thank you for making my house affordable, and thank you for saving us and our mother!"

It turned out that all three adults and children in a family had terminal illness. If the civilian medicine was not born, the tragedy of this family can be imagined. In this case, it is not only the Emperor Capital Star, but also the entire Xinghe Empire. Some people even knelt down on the street when they saw him passing by, and the whole family expressed their gratitude to him.

This follow-up effect that has saved countless human lives is by no means the only one. The more the time goes on, the more beneficial the fermentation will be.

Ling Aixiu's gratitude to these people didn't touch him very much at first. The person who proposed the open formula was not him. At most, he supported it behind his back. The whole mentality was out of the way. But when it wasn't just the ordinary civilians who thanked him, he took the initiative to help others in the next few battles to help the army fight better. The soldiers and generals in the army who also came from the civilian class looked at him. He was more close and worshipped, and he rushed to help him to resist him several times when he was in crisis. Although he had no regrets, he could no longer sneer at them like before.

"Master Marshal, I will also be a soldier when I grow up! I want to join your guard team to protect you every day!" The little boy in the twins shouted, "Mom said that you can protect your country and protect your country and love the people, It's the best marshal in the world, and I must repay you when I grow up! "

"Me too! Me too!" The little girl immediately agreed, "I will work harder to protect you than my brother!"

The immature children's words and arouse caused a series of good laughs on the roadside, and even the children are still like this, which shows how the Marshal's House wins the hearts of the people.

Ling Aixiu looked at the two children, her innocent eyes were full of sincerity, and even the young marshal's cold face could not stop the children from admiring the happy smile.

So he nodded gently: "Yeah." Just like that, he stepped forward, and the guard soldiers who stopped the twins received a signal, and accepted the children's flowers with a gentle smile, and immediately immediately Join the advancing team.

No matter what they will become, at least for the moment, their intentions are real and pure.

Ling Aixiu, who did not believe in the human heart, thought in his mind that the wolverines encountered by the people in the last life after being regarded as traitors by himself were vividly remembered. The attitudes of these people in this life were completely opposite, and they made him feel more stupid and pathetic.

The blockade and inequality of information has caused them to be fooled and manipulated by the ruling class for generations, but whoever treats them better will be able to thank Dade for his heart.

"Today is another fruitful trip, Master."

Back at Marshal's Mansion, the guards took out a series of flowers, pennants, greeting cards and other things from the space button and piled up another hill, which attracted the maid's good fun.

Ling Aixiu glanced at her slightly, ignoring her words and proceeded forward: "Give me a teapot of Qimen and send it to the study."

When the maid took the lead and pushed the refreshment cart into the study, the teenager was leaning on the study chair and stretched out his legs. The little boy who was sitting on top of him was really grown up now. His tall and tall figure was trapped in a gorgeous and wide chair, and his indifferent and handsome face exuded a lazy charm.

"Are you annoyed by the enthusiasm of the people?" The maid had already served him with tea, and the faint orchid fragrance that came with Qimen Black Tea spread in the room. "They are indeed a very cute group of people Then. "

"It's just a stupid person who is so cute. Seeing the wind is the rain." Ling Aixiu was subconsciously sarcastic, but quickly converged. "But until now I have some understanding. Why did my father always strive for peace for those people? "

The so-called "prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer", the benefits of the war will never be on the people, on the contrary, no matter whether they win or lose the most, it is them. The ruling classes, such as the royal family and the nobles, are the gainers, and they continue to incite and brainwash the people's hatred for the federation so that they can more easily wage war and consolidate their positions to seek benefits.

Under such circumstances, the father's "anti-bones" who seek peace for his own people are naturally not allowed to live, and his death has become inevitable.

Are those who pay for everyone must be frozen in the snow first?

Also ... stupid.

Looking down, Ling Aixiu took a sip of black tea, elegant and careless: "Anyway, don't expect me to be like him."

It is not just high-ranking empires who hold such an idea of ​​fooling the people to instigate the war to take advantage of the benefits, as are the legislators and men who are facing the Earth Federation.

peace? Totally impossible.

It wasn't just Ling Aixiu, the reborn marshal who had this idea, but Shen Mengqiu, another prophet who was on an unmanned planet tens of thousands of light years old, thought the same way.

Having just seen Skynet News through Light Brain, she suddenly sneered. As a person familiar with the beginning to the end of the book, she also knew what the hidden background of the world was. Both the Empire and the Commonwealth have been rotten. The two sides have long been killed and killed not for hatred, but for the benefit, and the miserable are only the civilians.

Just as her cannon fodder was just a victim of the battle between the royal family and the marshal's house, so was the civilian population at the lower and middle levels. Like leeks, they were cut and stubborn and unknowingly dead.

But this time it won't.

Looking at a jar of giant grape royal jelly just harvested in his hand, Shen Mengqiu's smile appeared on his face.

Almost, before the story begins in the book, she has collected all the materials for the female eggs to hatch. As long as she goes back to breed the female eggs and hatch them, she will officially recognize the female host before the official appearance of the female host. It is said that no one dared to mess with the royal family and the marshal's house, even the next federal government or the entire human society.

Perhaps with the last hatching material, Shen Mengqiu's tense heart could not help but relax, and at this time, the royal jelly in her hand was suddenly snatched away. Shen Mengqiu was furious immediately, and her ss-level mental strength was about to burst. She had a pain in her neck, and something was injected into her body.

"It's you !?" Until then, the people around me didn't know when they were hidden. The group of dead men's clothes made Shen Mengqiu's eyes suddenly widen.

"Shen Mengqiu, you are suspected of murdering the prince, come back with us for investigation."

You fart, she hasn't done anything! Shen Mengqiu wanted to protest loudly, but could only uncontrollably quadriplegic and lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Marshal House.

Even though Mei Lu ’s popularity is as high as the sun, the Marshal ’s Palace did not mean to let her go out. On the contrary, the security around the mansion has been strengthened, and the dense surroundings are surrounded by layers, let alone foreign humans, which are microorganisms. Can't escape detection.

"You can go out if you want, but you must tell me the schedule and the guards." The host told his maid like this.

In response, the maid herself promised very easily: "Okay, master."

Even if the house has been living in this big house for many years, the maid has no place for maladjustment. Apart from the daily affairs in the marshal's house, the servants in the house can always see that their housemaid has time to take care of the garden alone.

Same thing today.

[Host, you have developed a civilian medicine for the Star Wars Syndrome, which has won a lot of popularity. Is it possible to fulfill the peace mission between the two countries as stated by the client? 】

When the maid trimmed the rose branches in the garden, a007 jumped out and asked a little excitedly. If the prestige of the host reaches this pre-apocalyptic standard, maybe it may be said that many people will give up the war to achieve the goal!

After hearing the system ’s statement, Melo smiled suddenly: "Peace? How easy can it be? On the contrary, because of the existence of this medicine, some people who have no fear of terminal illness will have a greater probability of outbreaks in the future. Terrible war. "

The system suddenly jammed, think about it, it is very likely. So what is the purpose of the host?

Its question was not asked, and the other party has continued to work with the gardener's scissors: "a007, do you know why the feudal system is the longest-held political structure in human history, because it best meets the needs of human nature. There is slavery in human nature. All creatures, including the same kind, serve themselves, bullying and bullying are small, and this kind of biologicality is not limited to human beings. This kind of regime is in a big world where all people are equal. No one has died, there is still a country in the implementation, not to mention the development of the interstellar world of royal power and noble privileges again? "

On the fence, a beautiful red rose that exceeded its predetermined height was cut lightly and dropped directly to the ground.

"To put it bluntly, it's actually greedy instinct."

As long as this instinct persists, disputes will not disappear and war will not stop.

"A007, human beings are greedy, much more terrible than you think."

Prince's House, secret basement.

Shen Mengqiu woke up with open eyes. At this time, her entire body was removed, her neck, limbs and waist steps were tied to a cold wall, and even her combat uniform was replaced with a special prisoner who could not commit suicide. clothes.

The mental power was completely sealed by the drug, and the power naturally could not be exerted. She subconsciously wanted to move her body and found that she was tied to the wall in a large font.

This is the secret torture chamber under Prince Edward!

Seeing a series of tortures on the wall and table opposite the room with his eyes, Shen Mengqiu suddenly recognized where this was. The plot in the book specifically mentioned it here. The prince who was the male lead once captured the female lead alive. , Just brought here tortured. But before he had time to go to jail, he was rescued by Ling Aixiu, who was tempted by the heroine first.

Shen Mengqiu's eyes overflowed with cold light, but her eyes did not make her look extraordinary, but attracted another group of people who had carefully observed her outside.

The door of the torture chamber, which had been tightly closed before, suddenly opened, revealing several figures, including the Crown Prince.

"You really know where this is." Ji Yunnuo, the prince who walked in front of him, at this moment had a cold face on his face. "This chamber is not something that people of your level should know. Shen Mengqiu, you better tell everything you know. "

"His Royal Highness, what are you talking about? I don't understand." Of course Shen Mengqiu would not answer such questions. "Although I am only a small Viscount child, I am also aristocratic and protected by noble law. You are illegally imprisoned in private Me, my family and I will not forget this. "When it came to this, her eyes cast on the Crown Prince did not hide her anger and hatred.

When Ji Yunnuo heard her say this, she even showed a look of laughter. He stepped forward and reached out and clasped her chin, staring at her condescendingly: "Unfortunately there is no mirror here, otherwise you should really look at you The look now. I noticed from the first time I met you. You look at me with hatred, and it is still devastating. "

Shen Mengqiu froze all over.

"The daughter of a distant distant planet Viscount, who has nothing to do with the royal family, has such a large amount of murder and resentment against me. How could you not let me be interested?" The crown prince looked at Shen Mengqiu with ridicule "You should be grateful to you for looking at Marshal's Ling Aixiu with the same eyes, otherwise you would never live to this day."

Shen Mengqiu braced his face, but couldn't say a word. Unlike Ling Aixiu, who has seen her life cycle in her mind and identified herself as a rebirth, Shen Mengqiu simply knows the story of a book. It is impossible to add experience without a teacher. She escaped from an orphanage at the age of nine. It is not easy for a little girl to grow up to this point, but unfortunately this behavior is not enough to look at a generation of future emperors.

"But I'm really interested in the worm eggs you brought back, and I've been sending people to observe you, and I find that you are very lucky ... No, it should be said that you always seem to know in advance where there are good things, and the ability to pick up leaks Very powerful. "Let go of Shen Mengqiu, the crown prince Ji Yunnuo stepped back," Now you have all the hatching materials of the eggs, and your role is here too. If you know the point, where are you from? Why do spies always find the secrets of the treasures, and maybe suffer less. If you do n’t want to ... "

When he said that, he opened his body, a courtier stepped forward, and Shen Mengqiu's pupils shrank. She also knew that she had the special ability to control the consciousness of others and force others to confide her voice in the plot of the book.

"I also have a way." When his men began to activate Shen Mengqiu, the crown prince's voice was still impatient, "However, you have suffered a lot of sins."

The author has something to say: Prince Huang: Anyway, I am the protagonist in the original book, why is it a villain now?

Author: Wake up, Shen Meng Qiu from the point of view you've always been the villain okay.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Tang Wuxiao, 玖 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

20 bead pills; 15 bottles; 10 bottles of Zhengtai Control; 2 bottles if everything is safe; 1 bottle without wind and rain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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