MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 131 Shi Yan was a Tianjiao girl

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From the outside, the interior of the cabin, which is very small, is actually not small at all, and Hua Rong did not appear to be crowded when so many people got into it. Instead, it was a spacious living room with neatly arranged carved wooden chairs. There are a few porcelains dotted in an orderly manner, and antique calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls.

It doesn't look like it's on a boat, but a mansion on the land of a big family.

Not to mention Hua Rong and Bai Yu, a flower and a bird, it was the flames of the fire demon and the golden demon Mo Lei that were bought later and looked around in amazement.They could even see the situation of Tianhe out of the boat through the windows and doors of the living room. But the house and the ship are obviously not the same space.

"Inlaid with a mustard space? Is this pontoon a treasured weapon?" When the golden demon Mo Lei appeared silently, the other three demon beside him looked back at him in surprise. On the one hand, he was surprised that the other party knew the secret. On the other hand, he wondered why he knew.

"Mui Lei knows a lot." The white nun who stood directly opposite them spoke at this moment, and her eyes exposed outside the veil smiled. "It seems that the status was not low before."

The other person immediately lowered his head, the copper-colored long hair hung down, and his long bangs blocked most of his face. This tall and stern young man made a gesture of avoidance.

Mei Lu's words not only made Mo Lei reluctant to say more, but also made the flames of the fire demon very uncomfortable. The fire demon's temperament was violent. Thinking of being a slave to others now, who can be happy, immediately You are kind: "Hey, even if you buy us and hold our lives, you can torture us with slave marks, but hope that we can obediently obey you and let shame be impossible!" If not all the power was blocked, This red-haired, red-eyed demon youth wants to put on a fire to show that he is not a mess!

"That's it!" When Huarong said this, Huarong responded first. The pink-haired flower devil boy stared at Meilu with his fist. "You people are selfish and cunning, so I won't help you heal anything!" When this beautiful teenager, who looks like a human being fourteen or five years old, blows a fist with round green eyes, he probably doesn't know how much he wants to make people sting his face.

Three of the four demon have already spoken. Although two of them have a bad attitude, Mei Lu is not annoyed, just turned to look at the last silent bird demon Bai Yu.

When those clear and clear eyes swept over, the light-haired blonde demon boy was immediately frightened, and he shook his hands again and again, stuttering, "I, I have nothing to say. How does the Lord and the master arrange me? can."

This traitor! !!

Huarong and Blazing Flames suddenly became angry, and glared at Bai Yu, who had sincerely acknowledged the Lord, even Mo Lei could not help but glanced at Bai Yu, but quickly turned away indifferently. Except for those who are ferocious in nature, such as hawksbills, most bird fairies are timid and docile in nature. They are caught by people as long as the host does not intentionally toss and abuse, generally they do not want to escape and resist-after all, sometimes they do The days of the free bird may not be more comfortable than being cultivated by people.

The Elysium bird is famous for its exquisite and beautiful human form, and it is bound to be easy to treat one with human nature's beauty. Mo Lei heard before that many demon slaves were repaired and bought back. It didn't take long for the status to reverse, and those who were originally masters became bird slaves, cat slaves, and dog slaves. Existence and the like, relying on the cuteness of the original will be coquettish and betrayal in Renxiu mansion to do a lot of blessings.

Therefore, some monsters are angry and resentful when they are caught on the slave seal, but some monsters are very calm and calm, and accept the arrangement of fate.

More knowledgeable Mo Lei did n’t make a fuss about this, but Huarong was furious. After all, he was a companion who had run away before. He obviously helped him break through the prohibition and fled out, indicating that he also yearned for freedom, but now he is so fast. What happened?

When I just wanted to point to Bai Yu and say something, there was a candid chuckle, and Huarong, who was ridiculed by hateful people, immediately glared, but saw this white-faced female nun who was always masked. Looking down and raising his hand, he gently took off the scarf on his face.

A smile-like jade face was exposed in front of them, and the four demon opposite them stayed at the same time. Their demon tribe has always been exceptionally good at transforming into an adult form. The four demon who are the best among the demon are also very good at their appearance. Confident, but the girl in front of the human race is not inferior to any of them, even slightly better.

"Four, good. Introduce yourself. My name is Mei Lu. I'm currently a team repairer." The other side smiled and brow at them with a soft voice.

Among the four demon standing opposite, a bird demon suddenly fainted on his cheeks and buried his face so that he could not watch more, but the warm and crisp female voice in the ear continued.

"I brought four people here from the dragon boat for a reason, and I ask you all to follow me."

The new owner bought them back without killing Liwei or verbally threatening, but instead politely and peacefully talking to them, the demon slaves, completely different from the brutal script that was expected, so that the four enchanters would Honestly followed behind.

When the door after entering the living room stepped into the corridor with rows of rooms to the left and right, she led the demon into one of them, and the four demon saw a man who was seriously injured and unconscious lying in a bedroom. inside.

"Although I brought you all, this son is your real master." The other side surprised the four demon. "For some reason, only me and the son are currently dependent on each other. The son is now He was in a bad state and I had to take him out to seek a cure. It would be inconvenient to rely on me alone, so I would ask someone to take care of him together. "

A brief explanation of the dragon's pulse, but the four demon opposite looked at Mei Lu and looked at the living dead Wei Yangjie in the bed, still unacceptable.

Huarong even pointed at Meilu with a sullen expression: "Just, that is, you also ..."

"Yes, I'm also the son-in-law's servant." The other side nodded with a smile, "Hua Rong, don't make mistakes with the host."

"Who cares to get this wrong!" The little flower demon leaped violently, then stepped back in a very reckless manner and lifted off the quilt on Wei Yangjie. "I felt a very uncomfortable breath before, I'd like to see What is it ... wow! "

When the horrible wound without the thin cover was exposed at first, he scared the healed flower demon and jumped back.

The pierced waist and abdomen just happened to be the outline of a palm, and the flesh and flesh at the edge of the outline were flashing with ominous thunder.

"Quiet Thunder Palm?" Mo Lei's expression calmed, and he shouted directly the reason for the injury. "There are still people who can use this venomous method."

"Misery, too miserable." As a healing sacred flower Xuan Luo, Hua Rong saw the wounded person's wounds at a glance, and looked horrified. "The repair was abolished, the roots and bones were completely destroyed, and the physical body was on the verge of collapse. How much better life-saving stuff did it take to fill it out? "

"It's too vicious." Bai Yu couldn't bear to show his face, and the flickering thunder on his flesh looked at the pain and knew how painful the wound was. "Why not give a happy one?"

"Oh! There are so many ways for human torture!" Chi Yan disdaind, but his steps were subconsciously away from the bed.

The name of the extinct thunder palm is too loud and true. All races in the world have heard that more than 80% of the souls in this palm are basically dead or dead, and they must endure a long period of pain and death before death. Torture, and finally died because of the physical collapse.

Thanks to the Wei family, the Dan Dao family can give him a huge amount of life-saving God Dan to give him a lot of irrigation, otherwise Wei Yangjie can't even keep the shape in front of him.

"You have also seen the situation of the son, and this is why I brought him out." The four demon silently explained the situation, Mei Lu looked at them, "So for the future arrangements for the four to stay, I There are also two options here for four to consider. "

The four monsters heard it subconsciously, and soon heard the two selection conditions given by the other party.

The first is that she spent a lot of money to buy them. If they can earn their own spiritual stones and return the cost of buying them in full, she can unlock the slave seal and return them to freedom, it is a good thing.

The four demon's faces turned green when they heard this condition. Mei Lu and the merchant ship owner were present when they paid for the transaction. The greedy and shameless ship owner not only pushed them away after receiving a picture, but also changed afterwards. I took a lot of valuable things as a package and sent them. Just looking at this attitude, you can imagine that this "self-ransom" is expensive, and you may not be able to make enough money to sell them again.

Can't do it! Next next!

"The second is that you swear to me in the heavenly way, as long as the son's body is healed and no one needs to take care of him, and you don't do anything to betray him during this period, you can ask me to unconditionally release the slave seal and return you freedom.

Huarong their faces were darker.

"Is this better than the last one?" Hua Rong pointed at the living dead on the bed and complained unhappyly, "The thunder mark on the wound was too poisonous. Whoever touched anyone is unlucky and the medicine is unmedical, even if the life is continued. In the end, it will die, and the longer it continues, the more painful it will be. Healing is impossible! "

The three demon beside him nodded strongly and agreed very much.

The female Xiu smiled slightly: "Is that so?" She motioned Huarong to look at the bed, "You take a closer look?"

What else looks good, this man is obviously not saved. Hua Rong murmured in his heart, but stepped forward to observe, and soon his eyes widened.

"Yes, there is a formation!" The boy cried out, "There is a formation that sucked the overcast thunder from above!"

His yelling drew the other three demons forward, and suddenly he was surprised. How is this possible! The most troublesome part of Silent Thunder Palm is the overcast thunder above. Unless a monk above Mahayana fights the loss of the realm to help guide away this overcast thunder, it is destined to be unlucky. Such a gloomy and tricky thing can be solved by a small matrix method?

The four demon stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered the ecstatic that the owner of the dragon boat got the map, and then contacted the major crisis before the dragon boat was attacked and even the prison guards ran up to help, but suddenly it was very strange. Quickly settle down and the ship owner insisted on giving gifts and thank you ... A few demon finally realized that the owner who bought them was actually very good.

"How?" At this moment, a gentle female voice sounded behind him. "Did you choose how to choose?"

The surface of the Tianhe River was sparkling, and a small boat was on it, seemingly aimlessly following the current. In fact, the route has been set for a long time.

"Huh, ah--" Sitting on the bow of the boat, Chi Yan yawned, and then lay down on the deck unceremoniously. "So boring, when can we go ashore?"

No one ignored him.

At this moment, the stable boat suddenly swayed. A six-meter-long shark-like animal jumped out of the water without warning, leaping towards the boat and opening to the red flame just lying on the bow. A mouth full of sharp teeth.

Facing the threat of life, the demon in question did not have any nervous response, but just looked up at the monster half-raised. In the next second, a round protective cover was propped up between him and the river beast. A circular pattern appeared above the protective cover of the entire boat like a bubble, and a beam of blades emerged from the center of the pattern. Flickering out and facing away from the river beast.

The next second, the huge river beast was neatly divided into two, and fell into the river again and again.

"How many are here?" The fire demon scratched his head, his expression drowsy and numb, "forgot ..."

It didn't take long from being scared in the beginning to spitting urine to today's calm and drowsy sleep. It didn't take long for me to be enslaved enough to kneel down and call dad.

"Chi Yan, if you have time to be lazy, you might as well go and see if there is anything I can do to help Mei Girl." Mo Lei's cold voice sounded in the cabin. As soon as Chi Yan turned around, he saw the cold Jin Yao holding a broom in his hand. Standing there preaching to him coldly.

"Will you make it all right? There is a dust removal method inside the ship, but you have to do it yourself." Chi Yan still stood up and went inside.

"It's better than you do nothing, eat and die all day long." The other side continued to whisper coldly.

Seven days have passed since the first day of boarding the ship to make a choice. After seeing the power of Nun Xi, the four demon have no doubt chosen the second one. Naturally, the career of servants also began.

Because of her healing ability, Hua Rong was sent to relieve the injury of the unconscious master. Bai Yu, a bliss bird, sometimes sang Brahman to relieve the will from the spiritual level when the other party was very distressed. Mo Lei suspected that May These two monsters were deliberately requested by the girl because of this result.

As for him and Chi Yan ...

Mo Lei looked down at his broom. After three days of inactivity, he consciously found something capable to do, and after so much leisure, he was really afraid of forgetting what he did as a slave.

On the other side, Chiyan, who was completely unconscious, didn't think there was anything wrong. The red-haired red-eyed demon youth looked at Mei Lu's room with a big grin and knocked at the door with a big grin: "Master ... Oh , Girl Mei, Mo Lei asked me to ask if you have any help for me. He said he was too busy to eat and die. "

In a sense, it is not unfair to be caught and sold.

"Come in." A mild female voice rang in the room, and Chi Yan immediately pushed in the door, and saw the girl sitting at the table, looking at a book, and nodding at him with a smile, "You came just right, I was thinking about something Please help with Mo Lei. "


Chiyan just asked casually, but did not expect that something really happened, and then she saw the girl shaking the book on his hand, and the cover was written with the words "refiner true solution".

Chi Yan, who has a bad temper and doesn't like to use his brain, has finally got his brains. It seems that they will be more busy than Hua Rong.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 black little meow;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 sjun;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

I can't read novels anymore! 40 bottles; 30 puppets; straight daughter of steel, 25 bottles without bending; 10 bottles of Qingluo, memory, Mizuki seven seven seven seven, lee; two bottles of mountains and clear water show; a bunch of pear flowers. , !! 1 bottle;

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