MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 129 Shi Yan was a Tianjiao girl

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The leak-free body is one of the top physiques in the world of cultivation. The so-called leak-free refers to that the heaven and earth aura of any attribute can be absorbed into the body, without leaking, it cannot enter and exit, and it will be automatically converted into the energy required by the physique.

Once the physique is complete, even the magical consciousness, demon qi, suffocation, and even the monk ’s consciousness can be absorbed and exhausted as long as the physique is given sufficient conditions to cultivate a myth of training for thousands of miles. Not a dream.

The next second, a response sounded in his head that he could only hear.

[Currently, there are 37 pieces of mystic mirror fragments, and 9 pieces are needed to refine the physique. 】

"Nine ..." Wen Tian's face was gloomy. "Then, even if we overturned Wei's treasure house, there were only five, and we couldn't make it out at all."

[There are 13 treasures in Jing Lan's Imperial Court. If the host can get it, it can greatly enhance its strength. 】

"It's harder than stepping on the death guard's house. I haven't gained the trust of Prince Jinglan until now, and found a position in the imperial court." It was even worse for him when he mentioned this. It is the power of the imperial court, and it will be more difficult to get things from this place. "

The system no longer spoke, leaving Wen Tian thinking about the solution.

Fifty years ago, he was just an ordinary kid in a mortal city. He accidentally obtained a thing called the mysterious mirror system, only because the thing on his neck that he always thought was the ancestral treasure jade was actually a mysterious mirror fragment. He passed This system activates a part of the power of the debris and directly possesses a lower cultivation physique, which is accepted by a casual practitioner as a disciple, opening the path to cultivation.

Then I asked this system carefully, and I learned that there are a total of 308 pieces of the so-called mystic mirror fragments. During the complete period, they were broken into countless fragments by a strong existence and scattered in this world. Its task is to bind the host to all the fragments. Collect it. As a reward, every time some pieces are collected, the system will use the power of mysterious mirror to purify his cultivation constitution or directly increase his cultivation behavior, and even provide him with elixir and weapons to make his practice path extremely smooth.

Wen Tian's physique has been purified to a rare and innocent body that is rare in a thousand years. This physique is naturally free of any impurities. There is no lack of physical perfection. Every meditation practice or exercise is the most perfect state for the enemy. . This is why he was fancy by the royal court.

Wen Tian himself knew that everything came from the Xuanjing system. The more fragments he collected, the stronger and better.

However, the process of obtaining fragments is not easy. When he becomes stronger, he will become more and more powerful when encountering enemies. There are more and more guys who don't always look for trouble, and Wen Tianzhang has his own strength in a system. They are getting stronger and stronger, and they have no scruples after meeting those people. If it is said that the person in conflict with him still has fragments in his hand, it is even more burdenless to kill and win treasure.

Regardless of what caused him to deal with it, as long as it made him unhappy, he should be trampled to death!

Whoever made them want to rush over came to death.

The grievances of Wen Tian and the Mei family really should be said to be still 30 years ago. He was only on the way to the monastic path. It was just a little skilled rookie. Both in the city of Fang and a child of the Mei family fancy. With a rare material, he wanted to use it for self-defense, and the other party used it as a corner material.

Wen Tianchu was disdainful when he heard the title of the family like everyone else, and he admits to giving up. He fights with the family member of the Mei family. The other party hurts him by relying on the family's heritage. Wen Tian can only retreat, but this one The enemy is remembered.

At that time, the man who beat him was just an ordinary child of the Mei family, but the magic weapon he possessed was a good thing that he could not get from the poor Sanshou. The other party did not kill him, but it also made Wen Tian feel deep humiliation and retreat. When he left, he heard the opponent's scorn clearly: "You deserve to grab what I want to give to the young lady?"

Since then, he hated the children of these big families, and now finally has a chance to avenge it. After using the power of the imperial court to destroy the Mei family, he threw the Mei family daughter into the sinful slave cabinet with gusto. Just want her to taste the humiliation.

Those idiots thought that he was fancy of the other person's beauty and wanted to do something deceitful. In fact, where did they know they had left her intentionally, so as to lead Wei's family.

The monks have a long life span, and they have their own beauty, but you can imagine how many beautiful women there are. But what about that, when he rises to become immortal and live with heaven and earth, there is some time to find a woman who really deserves him.

As for Melo? A cannon fodder is more important than leaving her to continue to humiliate him naturally.

The hatred of annihilation and the killing of relatives once fell from the clouds into the quagmire and suffered humiliation. How could the woman not care about not being crazy? Since the Wei family still valued her, she would inevitably take the lead for her. The development behind him was as expected.

I just didn't expect to see the net, but Wei came here.

Is it worthy to say that the family of the family is really cold-hearted and cruel, the ability to meet the end of the crisis is extremely strong, devoted countless resources carefully cultivated for so many years, heirs said throw, throw, and the woman who wants to come to Melo must be forced God swears a slave seal and is cleaned out with Wei Yangjie as an outrage.

Wen Tian didn't sympathize with that woman at all. When she used her family's Tianjiao status to deceive people everywhere, she should think of the day when someone was stepping on her feet. Now the end of being forced into slavery is retribution. Without the Mei family as a backing, and now the Wei family gave her a blessing. What a arrogance, but it is a Jiechi dog.

"Huh, thought I couldn't find another excuse without Wei Yangjie?" Wen Tian narrowed his eyes coldly and began to think of a solution.

It was later discovered that Wei Yangjie ’s excuse was really difficult to attack. The Wei family is a Dan Dao family, because the Dan masters are many and deal with many forces, and they are no better than the Mei family of the Fa family. Appropriate excuses to kill, those forces that have made good contact with Wei's family will never choose to stand by and watch like Mei's family, and will definitely stop it.

In this world, Danshi, Refiner and Yixian are all the most popular, but there are too many people asking for them.

"Hateful!" I couldn't help but swept away the things on the table again. I can't find a better way for Wentian to gnash his teeth. He is still too weak. Otherwise, I still need to borrow the power of others to bring down these millennial families. , Secretly waiting for those fragments.

The granddaughter of the Wei family and the daughter of the Mei family were smashed out by the Wei family to cut off the relationship. It quickly spread to the entire mainland that everyone knew that it wasn't the people who did not have bad intentions and wanted to make an idea.

After all, the two were children of the family from the family. Even if they were driven out of the door, they were better than most people. Besides, even if the Wei family did not let them bring anything, they were already worth enough-not to mention Those first-class tactics in their brains are that the physical body of the spirit they have boiled with various elixir since childhood is an excellent material, which is a great supplement for the evil practitioners.

At that time, I grabbed a soul-finding **** to search for the soul, and then made them into blood dandelions or made them into maggots, always making money.

However, they soon discovered that no matter how they searched and searched, the pair of men and women disappeared as if they had disappeared. Even the royal court's Wen Tian sent someone to search and found nothing. Uneasy people scolded, and realized that although the Wei family really threw people out, they still helped each other secretly, and the clever ones were all dying.

This is a game between Wen Tian and Wei's family. Those with brains know that they should not be involved.

And when everyone didn't know it, floating on a beautiful Tianhe, a mile away, a flat boat dangled peacefully, flowing freely along the river.

This is a Tianhe river that flows over one third of the world of the cultivation world and covers the headspace of all continents from the extreme east to the extreme west. It is also one of the preferred ways for many higher monks to travel across the continents.

After all, the world is too big. Even if the monks in the Yuan Dynasty want to rely on their own practice to cross the two closest continents, it will take half a year, not to mention travel to other continents. Through this Tianhe with many branches, monks can greatly reduce their travel time. If there are buffs such as shuttles, the speed can be faster.

However, this Tianhe River has not always been peaceful and peaceful. The river surface sometimes has very high waves rising to overturn the ships. Under the river, there are various Tianhe monsters waiting for the opportunity to devour monks. If you do n’t have a certain strength, step on This waterway is no different from sending death.

The small ship is slender as a leaf. It is small and pitiful on the wide Tianhe River. Although small, it is very delicate. On the bow stands a plain-dressed fairy. On the back of the ship, there is an exquisite shelter from the rain and sun. The canopy was gently blown by the wind, blowing up the tulle covering the four sides, and there was a vaguely handsome man sleeping peacefully in it.

At this time, a large sail sailed behind the boat. The tall ship has a height of three or four floors. The bow's head looks like a saucy dragon's head. The dragon's eyes are inlaid with water-resistant beads. The bow is engraved with a dragon's tail. The entire hull is painted with golden blue paint lines. From time to time, the runes containing matrix formations flash, the most noticeable is the sails rising from the mast of the giant ship. The colorful radiance covers the entire hull. The canvas and the engraved matrix formation on the hull combine to protect the entire hull. It must be drip-proof.

What a Jinfan Dragon Boat!

The dragon boat soon caught up with the small boat in front, at this time the two ships were like big witches.

"Hey—" Someone on the high dragon boat deck waved towards the boat. "Where is this fairy going? Would you like to take the dragon boat of our Tianfeng firm? We stop at all continents passing from Dongzhou to Xizhou Tianhe. , Both speed and safety are much better than the fairy pontoon floater, and the price is reasonable to keep the child unharmed! "

On the bow of the boat, the woman who turned to hear the call turned her head, and the boater who took passengers on the dragon boat saw a hazy face wearing a veil. Although her face was half covered, the girl's beautiful eyes were clearer than the water of the Tianhe River. The eyes still made the viewers froze, and the other person seemed to be smiling with a gentle nod to her.

"Thank you, but don't use it."

The sound is crisp and jade, warm and pleasant.

"Fairy, boat tickets can be discounted on the Tianhe River." The boatman na na, a little unwilling, "If your boat is a long distance, it must be very dangerous. Our Tianfeng Commercial Bank is very credible in the real world of cultivation, Don't worry about being a black ship! "

However, this time the other party didn't reply, and even turned back, let alone listen to her voice. At this time, the dragon boat, which was faster than Xiaozhou, also surpassed the other party, and the boat owner could only regret going on. It's just that I regretted that I lost a little fare, or I don't know what else.

boat? Danger?

Mei Lu watched the dragon boat leave, turned around and looked at the boat under her feet, but bent her eyes and smiled, then turned into the cabin to take care of the wounded lying in it.

Leaving Wei's house with Wei Yangjie, even for his son, it is impossible for Wei's principal to make Meilu empty-handed, and the elixir of magic medicine has been brought a lot. How could the family produce be ordinary? This pontoon also has its own interior.

Mei Lu also checked all the belongings of the client. The Mei family is a family of the family. Of course, the means of treasure are also one of one. For example, although the client was captured as a slave, everything was searched. After being searched by the imperial court, everything that really pressed the bottom of the box was hidden in the client's body.

That is an array of all-encompassing universe. This array informs the viewer that everything in the world can be formed, and it is engraved in the spirit and soul of the client by a very clever means. Meijia has it. But this matter is not even known to the client himself, so the soul-searching technique does not work, only the parties themselves can be sensed by raising to the corresponding level, and then find ways to study their own good front.

Upon discovering this treasure hidden in the blood, Mei Lu researched it, and combined with the client's previous memories, quickly concluded that if the client did not encounter the storm of storms and continued to practice step by step, it would not take ten years. You will find the mystery in it, but unfortunately do not treat her, the pride and hatred of the client destroyed everything.

With such a skill, although Melo entered the world of self-cultivation with a stronger power system for the first time, she did not have the fear of lack of confidence.

The small boat still fluttered along the current, it seemed that it didn't care where the destination was, but followed where the Tianhe floated. The grievances of Wen Tian and Mei's family on the Jinglan continent are known everywhere, but it is not a big news in the entire continent's world of cultivation. It's like more than two hundred countries on the planet, who cares what conflicts and what happened between the nobles in which small country in the east. So on Tianhe, Mei Lu took Wei Yangjie, who was still in a coma, to walk unhurriedly.

If anyone in the Wei family is in the cabin now, he will be surprised to find that the wounds on Wei Yangjie's abdomen, which had no medicine or medicine, had changed. The flickering thunder light on the edge of the wound was continuously sucked away by a matrix method under him. Passing, at this time it is getting thinner.

Mei Lu gave the sleeping person another elixir, and the pale face of the other person recovered a little ruddy. Although these points of ruddy will fade quickly because the injury is not good, but life is enough.

"Xiu Wei was abolished once at the Sinuoge. Although he was helped to recover after arriving at Wei's house, it was worse." Raising his palm and looking at it, Mei Lu evaluated the body again. "The original Jin Dan Jing Xiaocheng was only returned to Jin Dan after the restoration. No wonder it would be so urgent."

In the world of self-cultivation where Jin Dan can only be used for seven or eight hundred years, the client has achieved Jin Dan in less than one hundred years, which is definitely enough to be the word Tianjiao. However, it took only fifty years to go from a mortal person to a wicked man who can kill the ancestor of Yuan Ying. It is really not enough.

The resentment caused by the abolition caused Daojie to be damaged, the anxiety that the enemy could not chase after a thousand miles, coupled with the pain and disgust of the **** killed family and the hatred of day and night, was enough to make the client, once smooth sailing, completely crazy and lost I've made a terrible mistake.

At this moment, the originally smooth water surface suddenly undulated with waves, and it became more and more violent. Suddenly, a three-meter-high wave set off towards the boat, and Mei Yang, who looked down to take care of Wei Yangjie, did not lift her head. When the big wave hit the boat, a transparent shield wrapped the boat in like a bubble. So the river overturned, the boat was safe, and even the hull did not follow.

Wei Yangjie re-taped the quilt, and then Mei Lu stepped out of the cabin and came to the bow. The purpose was the Jinfan Dragon boat, which was swinging amidst the violent waves 100 meters ahead. At this time, Tianhe had been peaceful and peaceful at this time. A turbulent, overcast river bursts of rain, and a ten-storey Tianhe monster stands in front of the dragon boat and is calling the rain to attack the giant ship. The deck is full of people.

Most of the monsters bred in Tianhe are powerful. Although monks have already figured out various countermeasures, there are always exceptions, such as the huge monster that is out of scope. At this time, the people in the dragon boat can only hope that the defense array on the ship is strong enough to support them to defeat the monster or the monster is tired and retreats on its own, but the current situation is unlikely to have two results. .

Just as the sea monster-like monster opened its mouth to spit out a beam of magical flames, a huge magic array suddenly appeared on the violently shaking water surface. All the arrays and lines were condensed by the Tianhe water. They are turned directly after they are turned on. A water beast with the same height as the monster but full of water appears on the Tianhe River. Before the monks on the dragon boat are surprised, the water leech Pounced on the real monster, biting his neck fiercely, his claws entangled him tightly, no matter how the monster struggled, he couldn't get rid of it, and finally he was forced to sink back into the river a little bit Can't float up anymore.

As the monsters retreated, the dense clouds disappeared, the sun poured in again, and the river calmed again. The people on the dragon boat stared blankly at everything in front of them, but when they couldn't react, a small boat slowly followed the waves from behind.

Someone subconsciously took a look at some of the companions who were hanging around and all the decks that had been poured by the river. Then they saw that the water was not on the small boat that even the window screen was flowing, and all of them were silent.

"Mei Xianzi, thanks to you this time!" The ship's boss re-cleaned the deck of the dragon ship, and the ship's boss was very attentive to talk to Mei Lu of the ship. "If it were not for your righteousness, my trip is really Fierce. "

"The boss is polite. The monster is in front of him, so he can't always delay it." The other party answered with a smile. Although the ship still had a gentle veil, the boatman didn't dare to underestimate the other side. "On Tianhe, monks should help each other."

It depends on what the situation is. The boss of the boat said, the monk must have seen how far the situation must be, for fear of being implicated, that is, the unrecognizable front-line woman repaired it and took it easy. The beast who was going to pack them away. If you think about it, whoever is so daring is an ordinary monk who can take a boat like this to break into the sky.

Thinking of this, the boss of the ship was even more determined to make a good relationship with each other, thinking that the other was alone and brought a young man who seemed to be seriously injured and unconscious, his eyes turned into an idea immediately.

"Mei Xianzi saved the people in our boat. Our Tianfeng Commercial Bank is definitely not a unkind merchant. In this way, the commercial bank previously received a batch of demon slaves on the Huacang mainland. Their qualifications are all top quality, and they are ready to be shipped to the western continents. Dedicated to monks above the family level. If Mei Xianzi does not hate it, she can pick up two servings at will! "

The author has something to say: The cultivation system here is ranked as follows: refining gas, building the base, dandan, Yuanying, Huashen, refining virtual, fit, Mahayana, crossing the calamity (successful) ascend to immortality, thank you for my investment The little angel who issued a tyrant ticket or irrigated nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of red blood moon; 30 bottles of Xi and Aspen; Xiying and Mu Han 噫 = _ = 20 bottles; 13 bottles of girl's paper daily; 4 bottles of beads; 3 bottles of rosenyn; 1 bottle

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