MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 26 Meat Prince

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Chapter 26—Prince of Meat

The sky is high, the flowers are fragrant.

A horse-drawn carriage wandered slowly on the mountain road, creaking.

"——I said, how about you tell me, where are we going?"

The questioner was Gu Qingqiao, a young girl with a gloomy face and a sad face.

"Well, as long as you follow me, what's the difference?"

My eyes were empty, my eyes were empty, and the answer was the legendary wickedness—do not curse and feel uncomfortable.


Qing Qiao sighed and looked around with sighs.

In this rickety carriage, there were two other beauties sitting: Lu Zizheng enjoyed himself with ease and joy, while Shao Yi exuded deep grievances, and refused to even look at her.

Strange, I didn't do anything? I have been waiting for this little prince to be delicious and delicious, for fear that he will be slightly wronged. It was just a few days ago that I accidentally said that I had eaten the Lantern Festival in the middle of the night and had no appetite for dinner.

Alas, don't guess the boy's mind, you can't understand it if you guess and guess.

"Where does Ding Ding want to go?"

Lu Zizhen suddenly turned his head, and the light and shadow that was extinguished was projected in the center of his face, which made his heart jump.

"I?" Qing Qiao said for a moment, subconsciously, "I want to go home ... No, I want to go to Shangqing Temple!"

Recently, Shao Yi has begun to eat regularly, and her complexion has improved a lot. She estimates that the imperial spirit is expected to fall, and plans to go to a meeting with Master Kongkong first.

"——Why do you want to go to the temple?" Lu Zizhen raised an eyebrow, his face faded, "Is it because there are monks there?"

"Ha ha ha ..." Qing Qiao hung three black lines on his face, and murmured, "Not just because there is a monk there ..."

"Good sister, your favorite short hair is not such a favorite method!" Lu Zizhen suddenly interrupted her abruptly, with the foreboding of rain and wind coming from the building. Every monk has a shaved head! "

Yay? When Qing Qiao stayed, Zhang Er's monk couldn't figure out why he had to say this, but he had no choice but to agree: "Yes, the heroes said absolutely yes."

But I couldn't help thinking, I rely on, is there still a monk with fluttering hair in this world?

Lu Zizhen sighed, and patted her shoulders in a magnanimous manner, passing a faint shadow in her eyes: "Be a man, take a longer look and open your eyes!"

Qing Qiao kept busy nodding, for fear of rebelling against the perverted hero.

"Come, tell Dangdang brother, who are you still thinking about?" Lu Zizhen began to follow the temptation again.

"Well, I ... I miss Dongxi very much." Qing Qiao cried with a face, suddenly remembered something, her pupils lit up, "Yes, and meow, where did you get my meow La?!"

Lu Zizheng smiled and smiled: "Do you remember? I thought you had forgotten this little meat ball."

Qing Qiao glared at him: "You haven't made it out yet for me to see? Is it possible ..." She suddenly remembered something, her face pale, and tightly squeezed Lu Zizheng's wrist: "Can it be meow meowed to death ? "

Lu Zizheng touched the nine-voice unvoiced bell on her hand, slanted Shao Yi, turned her head and whispered, "So good, as long as you bring this bracelet, Meow Meow will definitely appear again."

Qing Qiao listened to the clouds and fog, and received Shao Yi's inquiries from time to time, he had to shut his mouth.

At noon, Lu Zizhen settled them on a hillside, said that he was going to prepare some food, and instructed them not to leave the carriage.

"... Do you like him?" Shao Yi suddenly said, looking calmly, leaving Zizhen, looking calm, without seeing any waves.

"Me?" Qing Qiao turned back in surprise and delight-for so many days, His Royal Highness finally agreed to speak to her.

She waved her hand and explained carefully: "No, he is just a friend of mine, or be ... a benefactor!"

In any case, Jiuzhuan Qingyin Ling got it from him. If he can really go home, he won't have three points of credit or hard work.

"... If you don't like him, why are you willing to leave everything and be with him?" Shao Yi asked again, with a strange light on his face.

Yeah yeah?

Qing Qiao heard that his jaw was about to drop: "I didn't ... I just walked with him because I couldn't beat him, plus you weren't held hostage by him ..."

"If he died, would you be sad?" Shao Yi lowered his eyelids, and there was sharp light in his pupils that fleeted.


Qingqiao stared blankly at the teenager in front of him.

Will the demon male die? This was something she had never thought of. Although she had no special feelings for him, how could he count as a quarter of her benefactor. If one day he dies, this ...

"——You can't bear him." Shao Yi watched her for a while, and quietly concluded, with a soft tone.

"... Humans and human lives must not be neglected, His Royal Highness is better off making such jokes." Qing Qiao laughed a bit hard.

Today is too weird, she thought.

Shao Yi pursed his lips slightly, turned his head and looked out of the carriage, his eyes far away: "You don't have to have any illusions about him, it's just the last thing you see."

"What is Your Highness talking about? Is it a fever?" Qing Qiao walked to him and reached out to explore his forehead.

"Ah!" She screamed, and her wrists were pinched tightly, stinging.

Shao Yi looked into her eyes and said deeply: "... Chun Jiao, I have given you a chance, and you must blame me."

Then he took her hand, leapt forward, and reached the hillside outside.

The sun was flourishing, and the ocean was splashing towards all things, standing on the **** and looking down, Qing Qiao was already stunned.

The mountain was full of heavily armed soldiers. The hillside was crowded with people, and it was dense and dense like smoke and dust.

The dark clouds over the city are about to be destroyed, and all eyes are dark.

With so many people, everyone has a bow in their hands and an arrow on the string, ready to go.

The target of each arrow seems to be ... she.

The stormy waves hit the shore and rolled up thousands of snow. She stood on top of the cloud, only feeling like a small boat on the tip of a person's waves.

Fluttering and trivial.

"Chun Jiao, do you have anything to say?" Shao Yi released her, her face was serious, her hair was flying.

Say what? what can I say? So magnificent, do you want me to jump and shout out and greet "How are you friends over the mountain? Please wave your light stick!"

She smiled bitterly, her eyes drifting down the archers.

Then she saw him.

At the end of the group of archers, on Zuo Qing, he was raising his head and looking away.

Jin Yibo belt, Yushu near the wind, can not be more familiar figure. He was still so imposing that he could not live forever, as if sitting in the 3,000 world.

"... Duan Yuhu arrived late and was ordered by His Majesty to capture the treason Du Chunjiao!"

She heard his faint voice, but felt that her throat was tight, and she faintly saw a butterfly flying in front of her.

"... Regardless of life or death, those who seize the hand have many rewards!"

As soon as the wind blew, those words were full.

No echo was left.


Suddenly someone waved and drank the millions of troops who were about to break the bank: "--- She won't do martial arts, you don't need to move."

Qing Qiao turned his head blankly, and found that Shao Yi was speaking.

He was looking at her with complex eyes, inextricable, like pity and sorrow.

"Follow me obediently! If there is less resistance now, in the future ..." He hesitated for a moment, and said quietly, "... there will be less pain in the future."

Then he took Qing Qiao's hand straight, crossed the mountain road in front of the eyes, and came to the archer array.

It only takes a few minutes.

But for Gu Qingqiao, it has been longer than a century.

As soon as the two walked to the front of the arrow array, soldiers rushed up and pulled Qing Qiao away from Shao Yi.

Push, slap, pull, and have no pity for Hong Xiangyu.

Shao Yi stood quietly in place, a little dazed.

"His Highness is shocked!" Some soldiers knelt beside him and pleaded guilty.

However, he didn't hear anything in his ear. He just stared at the back of the young girl, watching her petite body stretched by the soldiers, and stepped forward.

He noticed that she glanced back, but never looked at him.

At that moment, her face was like fog, and she was floating so that she could not see the fine expression on the bottom.

He raised his palm—her hand just stopped here, he remembered the touch, soft, smooth, with a hint of incense.

She is so fragile that she must not suffer.

He thought silently, a sudden tightening of his heart, and a grey air field rushed from all sides, the dust was flying.

Gu Qingqiao was taken to Zuo Qing.

Duan Yu was still sitting on the horse, standing high, indifferent, and seemed to have completely ignored her.

"Du Chunjiao, are you guilty?"

This was the first sentence he asked her, without expression, except that there were two dark fires in his eyes, the gleam of cold light.

——He is completely planning to deny her.

The horror was like broken snow, smashing overwhelmingly, and the coldness cut into the bones, and the air was frozen.

Gu Qingqiao looked at the estranged man in front of him, only to feel very scared. His eyes began to become hot, hot and tingling.

"Why do you want to blame it?" With a pale face, she bit her lower lip gently.

"You have nothing to say to me?" Duan Yu raised an eyebrow, his eyes were pressing, and he went straight into her gradually enlarged pupil.

After a moment of contemplation, she finally raised her face and smiled at him reluctantly.

"... I haven't seen you for a long time, Lord, you are still so **!"

This time Duan Yu's present to Qing Qiao was a frozen prison.

Absolutely cold, absolutely ice, and absolutely empty.

In the dark and secluded space, there was only a narrow stone bed, and the bed was covered with a thin layer of straw, and a black quilt was placed on the bed. I do n’t know where the cold wind came from, she passed by beside her, huh-huh-

Dead for a long time, Qing Qiaoyu didn't know what to do.

"Grass, grass, mat ..." She stared at the "furniture" in front of her eyes, "black, black, black cotton ..."

She seemed to be able to see that there were countless Xiaoqiang and Xiaomiao rolling happily on the bed, freely flowing; she could even imagine the conversation between them greeting each other-Xiaomiao charmingly said, "Hey, brother, recently Alright? You are always a big star in our insect world! "Xiao Qiang sighed, his tone was very deep:" Well, busy! Recently, I have to go to Zhou Xingxing's home every day to make a show. Brother, don't hide from you, it is difficult to be a worm, and it is even more difficult to be a famous worm in the entertainment industry! "

——Oh, no ~~~~~~~ Don't do this, don't do this! How has she always been spoiled? With a stun in his mouth, he burst into tears on the spot: "Author, are you a pervert, is it necessary to abuse me like this?"

As soon as the voice fell, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, crackling!

A stunner, she jumped to the stone bed in a hurry and squatted up, raising her head and squeezing her head to make it extremely pleasant: "Ah, how lucky I am! Not only can I wear here to meet countless beautiful men, but I can also visit for thousands of years for free Heavenly prison before, life is like this, what's your answer! Woohoo! "

After speaking, quickly pick up a stone, and engraved a line on the stone wall-"Resolutely learn Ye Ting spirit, and swear to sit through the bottom!"

Thunder snorted twice in the sky, finally silent.

So dangerous, she exhaled secretly, wiping her sweat.

Suddenly she heard Soso's footsteps, she quickly jumped out of bed and stood neatly at the door.

The visitors were two people, an old man with white eyebrows, and a young man in Chinese clothes.

"Du Chunjiao, do you know the guilt?" The old man glared at her as soon as he entered the door, screaming eagerly, anxiously waiting for her.

Here again, annoying, why is everyone asking this sentence when they meet? When Qing Qiao rolled his eyes, he was angry: "I see! What crime do you want to cure me? Improper security? Trafficking young children? Or fleeing with the national treasure?"

The old man with white eyebrows didn't expect her to be so bold, her beard trembled and trembled, "You, you demon girl! How dare you betray the imperial collusion of the imperial court! Imagine that the valley was closely deployed that day, you can still be in us The prince was taken away from under his eyelids, and said, "What kind of hex art did you use? What is your intention?"

Yeah, the "dark girl"? What a glorious title, MS martial arts novels generally have to be super beautiful to be eligible to be so called. Qing Qiao was a little intoxicated, so he shoved his hair very cooperatively. He said, "Oh, don't you know that? We must have professional ethics when we do our business. The so-called love and deeds, how can professional secrets be easily released? Give way?"

The old man with a white eyebrow shook his body and started to learn from Xizi, and it is estimated that the blood was almost spit out.


The handsome young man in a Chinese costume suddenly spoke, calmly speaking.

"You're waiting outside. I want to say a few words with this lady alone."

"Master Wang!" The old white-browed man horrified. "This, this is not right! This demon girl is most likely a spy from the devil, in case she can witchcraft ..."

The youth waved their hands, looking slightly impatient.

The old man with white eyebrows closed his lips and turned to leave.

"Sir!" Qing Qiaosheng was afraid that the old man would not remember her position as soon as he left, and quickly called out with affection: "I, as a demon girl, solemnly predict to you that in the future, you will have a world-class hero! He Like you, you have white eyebrows, and absolutely wonderful and romantic skills. When people talk about him, they will sing praises-knives, what kind of knives? Golden ring swords! Swords, what kind of swords? Moon Shame Lightsaber! Move, what a move ... "

However, the old man with white eyebrows was gone after all, not even looking at her.

Qing Qiao slumped onto the stone bed, muttering nothing.

There was a dead silence in the dungeon.

"Xiao Qiao." Then the young man in Huafu squatted down and looked at her, smiling like a spring breeze, "Are you angry with me?"

"How dare I?" Qing Qiao raised one eye to look at him, gritted his teeth, and thundered, "Duan, Wang, Ye!"

"——It's really angry." Duan Yu couldn't express the mild expression I expected. "Xiao Qiao, I don't recognize you today, it's for your good ..."

"It's okay." Qing Qiao waved and was very generous. "I know you don't want to reveal my identity in front of the prince. You have to worry about the feelings of many people ... it doesn't matter, it's okay, you quickly find an opportunity to take me Let it go. "

"... I'm afraid, no." Duan Yu stepped back, looking at her, shaking her head gently.

"What do you mean by the surname Duan?" Qing Qiaoteng stood up and told her intuitively that something was really different.

"——You once told me that you have five red dots on your hand, which are plum blossoms that have been seen for a century."

He stared at her arm, and said lightly: "To this day, do you really think it is just an ordinary birthmark?" 2k novel reading network