MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 25 Meat right

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Chapter 25 The Right Envoy

The flowers are beautiful, the butterflies are dancing, and the birds are floral.

Folding through a blooming flower bush, the waves of light glanced at the blue and white clouds, and the light boat rolled down the lake, and everything was soft and quiet like old land.

The rocking boat was tired and everyone stopped to rest.

Shao Yi was asleep, his long eyelashes were lowered and he was breathing evenly. Qing Qiao supported his cheeks, holding his breath and gazing at the distant green peaks.

"——Why follow me?"

Lu Zizhen didn't know when he opened his eyes, looking at her eyes full of judgment.

Qing Qiao turned his head, and saw that the long hair in front of him was faint and silvery, and a pair of peach eyes were beautiful and dementing.

If you come to Jade Emperor Maria, I would like to complain about your eccentricity and discrimination. How can a man grow up like this? It is really evil!

"Because ..." She felt a little dry and couldn't help licking her lips. "... Although you are weird, it's human ..."

Lu Zizhen raised his eyebrows and laughed loudly: "You always like to say words that I don't understand."

Looking up at the sky with his hands on his pillows, he seemed happy and relaxed, "Whether you believe it or not, I'm glad you got on this boat."

He closed his eyes gently.

"I have never been this happy in my life."

Is n’t it a peacock man, so excited to be with you on a boat, is it possible that you have been alone since childhood?

Qing Qiao didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to say: "... be happy, just be happy."

"By the way, what do you think of the scenery here?" Lu Zizhen suddenly asked without a thought.

"... Very good." Qing Qiao looked around, the sky was clear and the grass was rippling, and the water surface was wavy with reed flowers. It was really good, and the fairyland was generally good.

"A life like this ... maybe good too." He didn't know what he was thinking, his eyes blurred to the sky, but he pulled back for a moment and became bright again.

"Unfortunately, this world is too small to tolerate me," he stood up, standing far away from the bow of his boat, his hair flying up like ink-stained garments, "rather than rely on heaven to live and live, it is better to compete with heaven for freedom!"

Qing Qiao looked at his back and somehow remembered the phrase "inheritance and independence".

Mrs. Li didn't end well, she frowned.

But the peacock man who said this could not help but make her a little bit better-it turned out that he could have such a chivalrous time.

Moving along the waterway until the evening, Qing Qiao tired could not move anymore.

"Brother Sikong, can't we just be floating so we can't go ashore?" She shoved her puppet, mourning with a mournful face, "I'm tired and hungry, I can't move."

"Let's go ashore!" Lu Zizhen turned around and smiled at her Yingying, "The chase incense worn by this young master had been ineffective for two hours, and we can go ashore long ago."

"——Why didn't you say it earlier?" Qing Qiao was furious, his teeth rattling.

"Oh, I'm not watching you shake you, can't bear to interrupt it? Who knows you won't shake the old one for a long time?" Lu Zizhen gave her a sideways glance, and if there was nothing like Jiaojiao said, "What are you kid?" All right, it's just being honest! "

Qing Qiao was speechless, and had to look up at 45 degrees to look up at the sky with a look of sorrow.

The three finally found a pier to go ashore. Lu Zizhen was surprisingly in a good mood, turning his head and beckoning to them, "Come here, my brother will take you to eat delicious food. Ding Dingmei, what do you like most?"

Qing Qiao only felt his arms sore and walked like a gibbon with his shoulders down: "... all good, all good, as long as the road is close."

I hate that Lu Zizheng was unobedient, and led them around, only to enter an inn until Mingyue empty.

"What do some guest officers want?" A fat young man came out to greet them, with a round panda face, short and ugly.

Qing Qiao's exhausted body collapsed. When he saw the younger brother, he couldn't help but be shocked—oh yeah ~~ Isn't this Master Cong Cong in "Enemies of Jianghu"? I said heroes, how did you get here?

"——Give us a table to eat and two more to go to the room." Lu Zizhen smiled at Xiao Er, and everyone else in the inn was stopped by electricity.

"... Okay, good! Immediately!" Xiao Er looked back, and ran away with a small short-leg butt.

When the meal came to the table, Lu Zizhen took the tableware by himself, Qing Qiao looked at Shao Yi first, and said in a tone of concern: "Don't you eat?"

On the way, Shao Yidu had very few words, and at this time it looked like the pain of constipation. He looked at the dish and shook his head gently.

"How much you eat, I know you blame me, but you can't get along with your body, right?" Qing Qiaorou softly begged, pulling La Shaoyi's sleeve to show sincerity.

Shao Yi's mouth was slightly narrow, and the ears were stained with a touch of pink.

"——Oops, the young master is so fragile that he can't eat wild food in the mountain village. What are you worried about?" Lu Zizhen said suddenly, yin and yang were afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Qing Qiao glared at him, and was about to refute, just listening to Shao Yi's sudden silent voice: "Chun Jiao fed me and I ate."

With an eyebrow raised, the smile on Lu Zizhen's face deepened: "Oh, do you not have a long hand or a long mouth, sir, do you have to wait for a meal?"

Shao Yi was not angry and annoyed, and repeated the words of genius with a calm face: "... Chun Jiao fed me and I ate."

Lu Zizhen's complexion was stagnant, and just about to say something, Qing Qiao quickly picked up the bowl and smiled at Shao Yi: "Okay, I'll feed you."

As he said, he took a spoonful of soup and put it to his mouth, and then glared at Lu Zizheng, motioning him to stop his mouth.

Shao Yi drank the spoonful of soup, and his intriguing expression appeared on his face.

Lu Zizhen snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Feeding the prince and drinking half a bowl of soup, Qing Qiao reached out to pinch the pearl fish **** on the table.

She had been shaking the boat for more than half a day, plus she hadn't eaten anything, her hands trembled prematurely, but the fish ball was small and slippery, and she couldn't pinch it.

Helplessly called Xiaoer: "Trouble you, give me a pair of finer chopsticks."

Fat Xiao Er replied: "Girl, we are all the same size here, there are no thinner models."

Qing Qiao looked at Shao Yi in embarrassment, and he was still expressionless; looking at Lu Zizheng again, the peacock man turned his head to the sky with no intention to help.

Sighing, I had to bite the bullet and go to the other dishes. But her hand just shook like this, and she couldn't even pinch the potato.

"This child really lacks exercise." Lu Zizhen gave her a serious comment on her face, and she hit the blood.

"You!" Qing Qiao gasped. She was originally tired, and now she is even laughed at. She simply put the chopsticks towards Shao Yi and said, "Stop eating, son, let's drink soup!"

So Shao Yi was filled with half a bowl of soup.

At last the prince quit, and his face stiffened away: "... don't eat."

"Why is it enough to eat like this?" Qing Qiao looked at him worriedly, "would you like a bowl of porridge?"

Alas, ma'am, auntie now has sour hands and will be able to feed you some liquid. You can bear it.

Shao Yi blushed for a long time, and finally pointed at the fat Xiao Er, saying: "It's mainly because he's too ugly, and I can't eat when I stand there."


Xiao Er felt like he was being drunk, and suddenly collapsed to the ground: "Small, little is wrong when standing here?"

Looking at Xiao Er's incomparable face, Qing Qiao couldn't bear to appease gently: "No, no, you are handsome. If you go to us to perform a show, how can you be a celebrity."

Xiao Er couldn't hide her heart, raised her face and looked at her resentfully: "Really?"

Ah ~~~

Qing Qiao couldn't help rolling his eyes, it was too much too much, too much like Master Cong Cong's iconic picture! If it weren't for Lu Zizheng at this time, she could not wait to rush up to hold his hand and ask, "Master Cong Cong, what about your little pony? What about your black eyeliner? And Xiao Gangge and Jiao Jiao Where are you going ?! "

After finally feeding Shao Yi to finish eating, Qing Qiao had no energy to pick and choose, and simply passed himself away with a bowl of soup and rice. Her toes fluttered back to the room, and she suddenly fell on the soft quilt and never wanted to get up again.

I'm so tired, my hands are dizzy, and my whole body skeleton is going to dissolve ... Well, it's not easy to take care of children this year ...

She felt that she was deeply aware of the essence and pain of a single mother, and couldn't help but frowned and began to choke: "In the world, only mothers are good, and there are ~~ mother's children like a treasure ..."

He hummed, and wept for his tragic fate, humming, and fell asleep.

Suddenly he noticed that the quilt was moving, opened his eyelids and saw a shadow drifting quietly from her bed.

"——Where's the monster!" She yelled, rolled her palms and pushed the shadow away. "The evil spirits retreat! Strong King Kong palm! Mummy Mimi coax!"

Heiying Leng was beaten, took a half step back to the bed, his body began to shake constantly, as if trying to hold something.

Qing Qiao buried himself in a dragon, quickly hid in the back of the bed, and pulled the quilt tightly wrapped and tightened into a ball, leaving only a pair of slippery eyes turning around.

The whole set of movements in one go without hesitation, the speed is fast, and the smooth connection is simply breathtaking.

"You, you are a man or a ghost? Police, warn you not to kill me!" Qing Qiao stared at the dark shadow in front of him, threatening his power while he was gazing, "-Don't hide from you, there is someone above ! "

The shadow trembled for a long time, and finally stopped moving, standing quietly, showing a row of Bai Sensen's teeth under the moonlight:

"——I said, Xiao Qiao, when did you learn this powerful King Kong?"

As soon as Qing Qiao's face collapsed, he almost cried out: "Heroes, please forgive me! Little ones have to sleep!"

Hei Ying lighted the lamp impatiently and sat down at the table, smiling and looking at her.

"Come, talk to your brother, who are you on?"

"Lu Zizhen!" Qing Qiao bit his teeth and pursed his mouth, ready to turn his face. "My mother didn't eat enough for dinner. Now you don't even let me sleep properly ?!"

The visitor narrowed his peach eyes and glanced at the table all at once: "I knew you, come out and see, what did your brother bring you?"

Looking at the probe, Qing Qiao couldn't help screaming excitedly: "Oh! Lantern!"

"——It's still meat." Lu Zizhen glanced at her, looking very proud, "I'm just warming out of the pot, do you want it?"

"Yes!" Qing Qiao nodded and then stared at him with infinitely affectionate eyes, "Zheng, you are really my good brother!"

"Brother?" She gave her a glance, a plausible smile on Lu Zizheng's face, "If you really consider me a brother, how much can you believe in me?"

"Here, this ... you have to believe three words in the five sentences ..." Qing Qiao wiped his sweat, his eyes fluttered inexplicably.

"Three sentences?" Lu Zizhen raised an eyebrow and sneered, "You are really good to 'brothers.'"

Qing Qiao quickly buries his head and is shy and twitches: "If you are willing to listen to falsehoods, people don't mind changing three to five ..."

The temperature in the room suddenly dropped to negative degrees Celsius, and the black crow slowly flew past in a silence—

Quack, quack, quack.

"... Open your mouth." Lu Zizhen watched her for a while and uttered quietly.

Qing Qiao looked up timidly, bit his lower lip and looked back at him poorly.

"——I told you to open your mouth wide!" He was a little impatient.

"Don't! Don't! Can I change from three to six? Or to eight?" Qing Qiao was startled, and his face was wrinkled and anxious, he almost cried, "Don't give me poison, my backstage Although it is powerful, it does not include the magic doctor, magic hand doctor Xiandu King ... "

Lu Zizheng turned a deaf ear, turned around and filled a spoonful of things and went straight to her mouth.

"Eat," he ordered abbreviatedly.

Yeah yeah? !!

Qing Qiao stunned and looked at the white fat object in front of him-the Lantern Festival, feeling that there was a long-lost stream flowing out of his head.

"... You, do you have a fever?" She asked in a plea, "Did you take the medicine on time?"

Lu Zizheng didn't bother to care for her, and put the Lantern Festival in her mouth with a brain.

"Chew," he ordered again.

Unable to give in under the obscenity, Qing Qiao silently closed his mouth and began to chew mechanically, staring as big as a copper bell while chewing.

One, another, and another.

The demon male Lu Zizheng was sitting by her bed all the time, "feeding" her to finish the whole ten Lantern Festival.


After feeding the last one, the demon boy finally remembered that he should be concerned about her reaction.

Qing Qiao shook his head and nodded again—she was blank in her mind now, totally unaware of what had just happened.

"I don't need to be so nervous." Lu Zizhen smiled gently and patted her shoulders to appease. "I just suddenly wanted to try to feel like serving others."

Ah, this is it?

"So, how are you feeling?"

Qing Qiao, with a cheeky glutinous rice, started the most inexplicable interview in history.

"I think ... there are some things in life, if you can do it occasionally, it's not too bad."

Lu Zizhen raised his chin and looked out at the bright moon outside the window, thoughtfully. 2k novel reading network

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