MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 461 play off? Who is worse than whom?

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   Chapter 461 Provocation? Who is worse than whom?

   "Brother, am I really the younger brother of the Third Highness?" After a long time, Xie Jun looked up at Xie Heng, "Why me?"

   Xie Heng sighed, "I also hope that this person is not you, and I also hope that you are just a child of an ordinary family, but you are not."

   "Can I really not leave the capital?"


  Xie Heng nodded.

   "But people in Lengshui Village may be implicated, right?"


   "I don't really have a choice, do I?"

   "Then what do you think?" Xie Heng asked him back.

   It's not that Xie Heng wants to force Xie Heng to choose, but that Xie Jun has never retreated.

   If Xie Jun wants to live well, he can only sit in that position.

  Otherwise, he will face endless pursuit and killing all his life.

   Or live in guilt all his life, many people will die because of him!

  Xie Jun was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head, "Brother, I don't know what I should do to be the best, can you tell me?"

   Xie Heng patted his head, "What Junjun thinks in his heart, then what to do."

Xie Jun said in a low voice: "But I have no choice. If I really want to leave, I will also implicate you. You have been studying hard for so many years, and you will be in vain. You will no longer be able to realize your ambition. People will also be implicated by me.

   "Brother, why is this happening? How good would it be if I didn't know anything but your brother? I really have a hard time accepting what you said."

Xie Heng said: "His Royal Highness will be dead soon, and your mother's identity has become the original sin, so other women in the harem will do everything possible to harm you for their sons. If you all die, they will continue to fight until one of them sits down. until that position.

"Some things can't be avoided if you want to, otherwise why do they still find you after so many years? Because your existence is a threat. Junjun, people can't choose their origin, but they can choose their own life. .

   "Your mother died not long after she gave birth to you. You were in a state of exile until you were rescued by your father, and you had a peaceful life for more than ten years. But during this time, you were often poisonous, and you were not the only one suffering.

"Whether it's your mother or your brother, they definitely want you to live a better life and stay away from that place. But many times, you can't hide if you want to. I've been teaching you since childhood that you should To face it head on, running away doesn't solve anything."

  Xie Jun said: "Brother, can you let me think about it?"

   "Junjun, no matter who you are, I will always be your brother and always stand by your side."


   Xie Heng came out of Xie Jun's room and met Zhao Chuchu's disapproving gaze.

When the two returned to their room, Zhao Chuchu scolded him, "You shouldn't tell Junjun about this without warning, he is too innocent, I always thought you would start letting him know the sinister world early, But you are used to him more than anyone else.

   "Now that he suddenly finds out about his background, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to accept it, because Junjun has always only wanted to be a happy younger brother who follows you. You are like this now, alas..."

   Xie Heng said: "The assassination of the Third Highness exceeded our expectations. I know it's not good, but time is not waiting for us. Although Junjun is simple, he is very smart.

"Maybe it's because he's also a heavenly family. He's very talented in certain things, and he's not as fragile as you think. At least he did a lot of great things in the court in his previous life, even if it wasn't long. Don't worry, he will accept it."

   "But Junjun at that time is not the same age as he is now? It should have been after you and Si Kouqin got married. He saw your difficulties in Si Kou's house, so he wanted to help you, right?"

   "Well, it is true. However, if I don't say anything, it will be more difficult for him to accept when they come to the door. Now at least let him have a mental preparation."


   Zhao Chuchu sighed.

   What Xie Heng said is not without reason.

   I don't know what happened to Xie Yan.

  The capital is under martial law, I'm afraid the injury is very serious.

   Can his body stand up to such a toss?

   Zhao Chuchu didn't know what to say. I hope there is a way in the Tai Hospital to save Xie Yan.

   However, Zhao Chuchu did not expect that someone would come from the palace within half an hour of Xie Heng and Xie Jun's disclosure of their life experiences.

   "Excuse me, Mrs. Xie Zhao Chuchu lives here?" The eunuch's attitude was quite good, but the anxiety in his eyes could not be hidden.

   "Yes, I'm Zhao Chuchu, what's the matter with my father-in-law?" Zhao Chuchu stood up, Xie Yan's situation is not good?

  The **** stepped forward immediately and said anxiously, "Oh, Mrs. Xie, please go to the Third Prince's Mansion with the miscellaneous family to save the third prince."

   "What happened to the third prince?" Zhao Chuchu asked deliberately, pretending not to know.

   "Miss Xie, don't ask so many questions. It's important to save people. Hurry up and go with the miscellaneous family. Otherwise, time will be wasted. Your Majesty will blame you. I can't afford it."

   "The father-in-law wait a moment, I'll go get the medicine box."

   After Zhao Chuchu finished speaking, he immediately turned around and went back to the room, took out all the medicines used for trauma from the space and put them in the medicine box, and then came out with the medicine box.

   "Can Madam Xie ride a horse?"


   "Come down and give the horse to Mrs. Xie."

  The **** pointed to one of the guards and said.

  The guard quickly dismounted.

   After Zhao Chuchu got on the horse, the **** urged Zhao Chuchu to speed up.

   Zhao Chuchu followed him to the Third Prince's Mansion.

  The Third Prince's Mansion is already on guard, and even flies can't get out.

   When Zhao Chuchu saw Xie Yan lying on the bed, he knew how badly Xie Yan was injured, and he clearly had his last breath left.

   The emperor sitting beside the bed was furious, and a group of imperial physicians knelt there and shivered.

   "Your Majesty, Madam Xie is here." The **** hurried forward to report.

   "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Quickly bring someone over to see my Ayan!" The emperor said sternly.

   The **** hurriedly signaled Zhao Chuchu at the door to enter.

   "I have seen the emperor." Zhao Chuchu was blessed.

   "No gift, save people quickly." The emperor glanced at Zhao Chuchu and urged, "Hurry up."

   "Yes, can you ask the emperor to make a move, so that the girl can take a good look at the injury of the third highness?"

   "Presumptuous, who told you to talk to your father like this?" As soon as Zhao Chuchu's words fell, the eldest prince took the lead in attacking, "Are you guilty?"

   "This noble man, what's wrong with the people's daughter? Could it be that the doctor can clearly see the injury of the injured person? Don't treat the doctor as a god?" Zhao Chuchu asked.

   "Shut up, it's none of your business, get out." The emperor reprimanded the eldest prince impatiently, got up and gave Zhao Chuchu his position.

   Xie Yan was hit by three arrows in the chest, and the arrows were critical. As long as the arrows were pulled out, Xie Yan's life would be gone.

   Zhao Chuchu opened the medicine box, took out the silver needle, and instructed, "Bring me a lamp."

   The **** just now hurriedly asked, "What lights?"

   "Candle fire is fine too."

   "Xie Niangzi wait a moment."

  The **** hurried to get busy.

   Those imperial physicians finally dared to raise their heads to see Zhao Chuchu save Xie Yan.

Seeing Zhao Chuchu giving Xie Yan acupuncture, the court sentence was shocked: "What are you doing? Your Highness, with the body of a thousand gold, can you allow you to act indiscriminately? Your Majesty, this lady Xie doesn't know medical skills at all, even Wei Chen's master doesn't know anything about it. Don't dare to use needles, she is messing around!"

"Don't compare me to others. If you can save me, why am I standing here now? When I save people, I don't like people making noise. You'd better not criticize me with what you have learned." Zhao Chuchu said coldly road.

   "You! Ignorant woman!"

   "I'm ignorant? When the plague in Yuanjiang County, dare to ask where are you?"

  The court was so angry that he was speechless.

The    emperor had a sullen face, but he didn't say a word, obviously also suspicious of Zhao Chuchu.

   It's just that the imperial physicians said there was no way. It was the emperor who was begged by Qiao Heting, and the emperor invited Zhao Chuchu.

   "Zhao Chuchu, can you be sure? If my third prince dies, I will kill your nine clans!"

   Zhao Chuchu:  …

   What a dog emperor!

   Can you blame her? Did she get a court salary?

   "Although there is no 100% certainty, the women will do their best!" Naturally, Zhao Chuchu would not touch the emperor at this time.

The    court sentence added fuel and jealousy on the side, "Your Majesty, when you see Zhao Chuchu is messing up, please think twice, don't let such an ignorant woman spoil the body of the Third Highness!"

   Zhao Chuchu is angry, she can't cure the emperor, and can't cure this dog than the court sentence?

She slammed a pillow on the bed and said, "Shut up if you can't speak. If you have the ability to save His Highness, you don't need to ask the emperor to invite such an ignorant woman! The emperor, the women are saving lives, and he has been disturbing the women. , Does he not want to let the Third Highness survive?"

play off? Who is worse than whom?

   It seems that this court sentence must be standing in line, and naturally I hope that Xie Yan will die!

   The court was sentenced to screaming by Zhao Chuchu.

   He never thought that it was just a pillow, and it dislocated his left arm!

   "Shut up and make any more noise, and I will cut you off!" Xie Yan was the emperor's weakness. The emperor heard Zhao Chuchu's words and angered the court.

   The court sentence endured the pain and glared at Zhao Chuchu viciously.

   However, when he saw Zhao Chuchu's fast and accurate needle application, he couldn't help but get scared.

   Zhao Chuchu sealed all the acupoints around the wound with silver needles to ensure that the Third Highness could survive when the arrow was drawn.

   After preparing these, Zhao Chuchu asked someone to bring hot water.

   Now no one dares to delay.

   But Zhao Chuchu never imagined that some people thought that Xie Yan was desperate, and actually poisoned this water!

Zhao Chuchu overturned the water with one hand, "Your Majesty, someone dares to poison you in front of your face, please, Your Majesty, please check this Prince's Mansion, lest the woman rescue the man and turn his head and the Third Highness will die there. in their own hands."

"What did you say?"

   "This water is poisonous!"

  The emperor's face was extremely gloomy.

   Zhao Chuchu doesn't believe anyone anymore.

   "I also asked the emperor and everyone to move outside, and the woman promised to rescue the third highness, but on the way, in case anyone is uneasy and kind..."

   "Bullshit, where does the poison come from?" The court judge subconsciously retorted.

   "Then you might as well have a taste, if you don't die, how will the women pay for their lives?" Zhao Chuchu stared at the court sentence.

  The emperor ordered someone to bring a chicken and poured the remaining water in the basin. The chicken foamed at the mouth on the spot, twitched, and soon died of anger.

The    emperor was furious, "Get out of here!"

   Soon, she, the emperor and the **** were left in the room.

  The emperor naturally refused to go out.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't drive him away either.

   Zhao Chuchu made preparations and looked at the eunuch: "Please come to help my father-in-law, and I will ask my father-in-law to help me hold down the third highness when I draw an arrow later."

   "Okay, Mrs. Xie." The **** hurried forward.

   Just looking at Zhao Chuchu's movements, the **** still felt a little bit in his heart.

   The imperial physicians said just now that as long as the arrow is pulled out, His Highness will die. How dare Zhao Chuchu really dare to join the Nine Clan?

   But the emperor didn't say a word, and the **** also pressed the idea to his heart.

   "I pulled it out." As soon as Zhao Chuchu finished speaking, he immediately pulled out Xie Yanzhong's arrow.

   Blood sprayed the eunuch's face, and the **** was dumbfounded.

The    emperor stepped forward immediately: "Bold, what are you doing?"

   "Your Majesty, don't be impatient." Zhao Chuchu spoke very fast, while taking hemostatic medicine from the medicine box and sprinkled it on Xie Yan's wound.

  This hemostatic drug is very effective, and the bleeding stopped in a blink of an eye.

   "Father-in-law is fine, please go and fetch a basin of water yourself. Remember, don't pass through any hands." Zhao Chuchu instructed the eunuch.

   The **** glanced at the emperor, the emperor waved his hand, and he trotted out.

   Zhao Chuchu quickly cleaned up Xie Yan's wound and applied medicine to bandage him.

   Xie Yan's body really couldn't stand the toss, and the simple medicine didn't work so fast for him, so Zhao Chuchu could only use the healing power.

   After the **** Duan Shui came in, Zhao Chuchu checked the water and the eunuch's hands, and after confirming that no one had touched his hands or feet, did Zhao Chuchu move away, "Father-in-law, help the third highness wipe yourself."

   "Is it okay?" The **** couldn't believe it.

   Zhao Chuchu nodded, "Well, just wait until the Third Highness wakes up."

   "When will he wake up?" The emperor looked anxious.

   Zhao Chuchu said: "It will take a while."

   "Okay, then you stay here and wait until he wakes up. Your family has already detained him. If he has any problems, your family will bury him with him."

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   It's really a sun dog.

   However, they didn't wait too long, Xie Yan woke up leisurely.

   His face was bloodless, terribly pale.

   "Father." He called out to the emperor angrily.

The    emperor hurriedly sat down, "Ayan, how are you?"

   "The child is not filial, and the father is worried." Xie Yan struggled to get up.

  The emperor quickly held him down, "Don't move, your wound has just been bandaged, be careful that the wound will rupture for a while."

   "Thank you, Father and Emperor."

   "Are you really okay?"

   "Baby feels better."

   "Zhao Chuchu, come and have a look." The emperor was always worried.

   Zhao Chuchu respectfully said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

   "Miss Xie? You saved me?" Xie Yan looked surprised.

   Zhao Chuchu said: "It's the woman who was sent by the emperor to invite him. Don't move, Your Highness, and let the woman know."

   After a while, Zhao Chuchu checked the pulse and said to the emperor: "His Royal Highness is no longer in danger. As long as he takes good care of his injuries, he will almost recover in a month."


   "Min women dare not lie."

   "Father, Madam Xie is highly skilled in medicine. She said that if the child is fine, the child will be fine. The illness of the child was cured by Madam Xie." Xie Yan explained to Zhao Chuchu, "Father, let her family go."

   (end of this chapter)

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