MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 460 He's your brother

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   Chapter 460 He is your brother

   Xie Jun was looking forward to the Lantern Festival, but he did not expect that the plan would not keep up with the changes.

  On the 14th day of the first lunar month, Xie Yan was assassinated.

  The entire capital was under martial law, the Imperial Army patrolled the capital closely, and every household searched for the whereabouts of assassins.

   Xie Jun's flower bulb soup.

   But he was more worried about Xie Yan.

   "Brother, the third brother is a good person, he must be fine, right?" Probably because of blood, Xie Jun couldn't sit down to read and write at all, he always felt that Xie Yan was going to have an accident.

   Xie Heng did not expect that Xie Yan would use such an extreme way.

   For a while, he didn't know how to answer Xie Jun.

   "Brother, can we let my sister-in-law go to the Prince's Mansion to show the third brother? I don't want the third brother to have an accident. He is just like the older brother, and he is very good to me."

   "Junjun, we are just ordinary people, we can't get close to the Prince's Mansion, and we will be regarded as assassins. The person he cares most about is you, so don't let him worry."

   "Who wanted to kill him?"

   "His brother."


  Xie Jun felt unbelievable.

Isn't    brother just like him and brother?

  Why did Xie Yan's brother want to kill him?

   "Because they are a family of heaven, there is no brotherhood at all. Everyone wants to sit in that position. To be kind to a brother is to be cruel to oneself."

   "Why is this happening?"

   "Because of ambition."

   "But shouldn't brothers take care of each other?"

   Xie Jun's cognition collapsed.

   "Yes, but the brothers of the Third Highness will not. They will only try their best to let their brothers die."

   Xie Heng by the way told him about the pickled things related to the royal family.

   Let Xie Jun be mentally prepared.

   Xie Heng always wanted to tell Xie Jun these things, but seeing Xie Jun's carefree appearance, he remembered Xie Jun's previous life again, and he was always reluctant to let such a simple brother come into contact with those dirty struggles so quickly.

   But the day has always come.

   Xie Yan's move is to give Xie Jun a heavy dose of medicine.

  Xie Jun should recognize his ancestors and return to the clan after the Spring Festival.

  Thinking about it, Xie Heng was a little reluctant.

   After all, Xie Jun can be regarded as the one who brought him up, and the two lives depend on each other. Even if they are not brothers, in Xie Heng's view, Xie Jun is no different from his own.

  Xie Jun didn't speak for a long time.

   "Junjun, there's something I haven't told you, and now, it's time." Xie Heng held Xie Jun's shoulder, "We are not brothers, your third highness is your brother."

  Xie Jun was dumbfounded.

   His eyes were red instinctively, showing the sadness of being abandoned, "Brother, don't you want me?"

Xie Heng sighed and hugged Xie Jun, "Even if we are not brothers, you are my only younger brother. Junjun, your third brother has been looking for you all these years. He, like me, regards you as only brother."

   "Brother, are you lying to me?"

   "No, I knew for a long time that you were not ordinary, so I stayed in Lengshui Village to protect you."

   At that moment, Xie Jun suddenly felt blessed, "So brother, your eyes have always been fine, are you pretending to be blind because of me?"

  Xie Heng patted his head, "Well, because I know your true identity, I don't want you to be involved in those things, but the Third Highness came to me, and I have to face this fact."

   "Can I not go back?"

   "No, Junjun, everyone comes into the world with their own responsibilities."

   "But I grew up in Lengshui Village, and I have nothing to do with the Third Highness."

"Do you know how your biological mother died? The third highness has the same disease as you. If it hadn't met your sister-in-law, the third highness might not have survived now. Junjun, I know there are some things you don't want to choose. , but even if you give up, others will force you."

  Xie Jun lowered his head, "Is this what you and the Third Highness mean?"

"No, it's your brothers. Even if you don't want to recognize your ancestors, they will not let you go, and even Lengshui Village will be slaughtered." Xie Heng said sternly, "Of course, if you choose to go far away, I will take you with me. you go."

   At that moment, Xie Jun didn't say yes right away, he hesitated.

   (end of this chapter)