MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 458 Knowing the existence of Junjun

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   Chapter 458 Knowing the existence of Junjun

   "What Your Highness said, just listen to it, don't you like His Highness very much? You have been reading it before you entered the capital, how come you are shy when you see it?" Xie Heng said with a smile.

  Xie Jun whispered: "I didn't know he was His Highness at that time."

   In case of offending, wouldn’t it delay my brother’s future?

   Xie Jun is not very old, in addition to worrying about when Zhao Chuchu will give him a nephew, he is also worried about Xie Heng's career.

"Then it's good that you haven't heard of this. There are only a few of us here, so it's fine as before." The third highness couldn't help laughing, "Speaking of which, my surname is Xie, my name is Xie Yan, and we are still the same. An ancestor."

   Forget about Xie Jun, even Zhao Chuchu only now knows the name of the third prince.

  Because of the illness, the third prince seemed to have no sense of existence among the people compared with the princes.

   Zhao Chuchu did not deliberately ask about it, but only knew that the royal family's surname was Xie.

   She once thought that Xie Heng was also a member of the royal family. Later, Xie Heng explained that his surname Xie had nothing to do with the royal family.

   "Then will I still call you third brother in the future?" Xie Jun cautiously.

  Xie Yan smiled lightly: "Well, still call me third brother."

   After listening to Xie Yan's words, Xie Jun finally let go of his hands and feet.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't help but smile, this brother's name is still Junyan, but the order is reversed.

   The atmosphere that followed was much more harmonious. The snack foodie Xie Jun opened his belly to eat, and he was not polite at all.

   Xie Yan didn't eat much the whole time, so he helped Xie Jun pick fish bones, peel shrimp and crab, even Xie Heng couldn't hold back and said Xie Yan, don't be so accustomed to Xie Jun, let Xie Jun eat it by himself.

   Xie Yan then restrained a little and let Xie Jun eat by himself.

   After a meal, Zhao Chuchu and Xie Jun both rounded their stomachs.

  Xie Yan returned to the palace ahead of schedule because of other things, leaving Qiao Heting to accompany them.

   Xie Heng didn't sit for too long, and went home with him on the grounds of studying.

   Zhao Chuchu asked Xie Heng after he got home: "Dalang, why is the third prince seeing Junjun now? There are many people following him secretly. They should be the emperor's people. Why did he do this?"

   "Let the emperor know of Junjun's existence."


   "Those are the emperor's personal guards and will report the details of our meeting."

   "Who does Jun Jun resemble?"

  The third prince and Xie Jun are not so similar.

   "Like a mother, the third prince is more like an emperor."

   Zhao Chuchu understood.

   No wonder Xie Jun entered Beijing in such a hurry, it turned out to be to pave the way for Xie Jun to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry.

   "Are you worried?" Xie Heng asked.

   Zhao Chuchu shook his head: "Don't worry, with you here, I don't think I have room to worry about this matter, I just need to protect you and Junjun."

   Xie Heng laughed: "I'm not that weak."

   "But if you meet a poison master, you still have to look at me." Zhao Chuchu blinked.

   "That's right, I was the one who took care of me."

   Zhao Chuchu was overjoyed.

   It's just that Xie Jun is the prince, so it's definitely not that quick to recognize the ancestors.

   From then until the year before, their life in the capital was very peaceful, and they never encountered any right or wrong.

   Zhao Chuchu rarely goes out, and occasionally goes out to buy vegetables.

   Most of the time, she will buy several days at once and put them in the space.

   Anyway, there is no one else at home, and no one from the palace has been sent to watch Xie Jun for the time being. Xie Jun doesn't care about the kitchen, so he can avoid a lot of trouble.

   (end of this chapter)

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