MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 457 Township exam begins

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   Chapter 457 The Township Exam has begun

   "With the third prince coming forward, I am afraid that there are many people in Guangqing Mansion who will suffer." Zhao Chuchu said, "A lot of people are involved, right?"

   Xie Heng said: "I already know a lot, but the details will not be known until the third prince thoroughly investigates."

   "Is no one involved in the academy?"

   "No, I secretly reminded the chief of the mountain, they have already made preparations, and those people will not be able to frame the academy."

   "What about the exam questions?"

   "The exam question is on the third prince. Since the emperor knew about this and asked the third prince to come over, the chief examiner of Guangqing House this year is the third prince."

   This is something Zhao Chuchu never expected.

   But in this case, the township exam will be relatively fair.

   The exam questions given by the emperor should be known only to him and the third prince.

   "Chuchu, don't worry, we will take care of these things."

   Zhao Chuchu nodded.

   She is not worried.

  If Xie Heng couldn't even handle this kind of thing well, then how did he go from a commoner to a powerful chief in his previous life?

   Xie Heng didn't let her know about many things.

   It’s not that I don’t believe her, but I don’t want her to worry about these things.

   Xie Heng as long as Zhao Chuchu works hard for his career.


The leak of    exam questions did not spread in Guangqing Prefecture.

  The third prince did not want to affect the innocent candidates, so he secretly took away the candidates who were involved.

   Township exams are starting as scheduled.

   Zhao Chuchu sent Xie Heng to the Gongyuan.

   It is very strict to enter the examination room. In addition to the body search, all the things that the candidates are carrying have been checked one by one, and it is confirmed that there is no entrainment or the like, and then they are released.

   Zhao Chuchu saw with his own eyes that two candidates were found to be entrained, and they were taken away and imprisoned on the spot.

   One can imagine the strictness of Dawei on the imperial examinations.

   There are three rural exams, which are held on August 9th, August 12th, and August 15th respectively.

   But during this period, candidates are not allowed to leave the Gongyuan, and all food, drink and Lazarus are inside.

  Many candidates cannot support the exam due to their physical weakness.

   There are also candidates who fell seriously ill after the exam, and even died.

   So the ancient career was not so easy to advance.

  The old lady and the others were always nervous for Zhao Chuchu during the rural exam, but Zhao Chuchu didn't feel it, everything was as usual.

   On the 16th day of the eighth month, when the township examination was over, Zhao Chuchu went to the Gongyuan to pick up Xie Heng early.

   Many test takers came out with their heads down, it was obvious that they did not do well in the test, and even some test takers left the test room completely collapsed because of too much mental stress, crying and laughing, rolling all over the floor, completely lost their image.

   Xie Heng stood out among the candidates.

   He looked as usual, and seemed to be completely unaffected by these few days of exams.

   However, the blue and black under the eyelids are very obvious, which shows that the examination environment is really not good.

   Zhao Chuchu beckoned to Xie Heng, Xie Heng saw it at a glance and walked quickly.

   "Brother, don't be nervous, I believe you will do it." Before Xie Heng said anything, Xie Jun immediately cheered Xie Heng, for fear that Xie Heng would be like the collapsed candidate.

   Xie Heng chuckled and patted Xie Jun's head: "Don't worry, your brother can do it."

   "Brother, are you sure?"

   "We won't know until the list is released, let's go, let's go home."

   After not taking a bath for so many days, Xie Heng despised himself and kept a distance from Zhao Chuchu quietly, lest Zhao Chuchu be stinked by him.

  The old lady Yuan and Xia Chengxuan all came to Xie's house, and they were supplements and not delicious, for fear that Xie Heng would not be Xie Heng if he took the test.

  Xie Heng was very helpless when he saw this situation, but he couldn't refuse their kindness.

   "Lang Jun, the hot water is ready, let's take a bath first." Fortunately, Chai Le came out and rescued Xie Heng from his enthusiasm.

   Xie Heng hurried to take a bath.

   But everyone tacitly did not mention the hometown test, so as not to cause too much pressure on Xie Heng.

  After dinner, the old lady and the others went back first.

  Xia Chengxuan then found an opportunity to apologize to Xie Heng: "Dalang, I'm sorry."

   "It's all over." Xie Heng said lightly and said that this matter was turned over, "Just remember this matter."

   "Well, I will definitely remember it." Xia Chengxuan nodded again and again.

   In the future, she will never give candidates anything again, so as not to accidentally say something and hurt others.

   Fortunately, Xie Heng was vigilant this time, otherwise she didn't know how to face Zhao Chuchu, it was clear that they saved their mother and daughter, and in the end, it really became a kind of revenge.

  Xia Chengxuan didn't stay too long and went back with Kang Xiuwan.

  The Xie family finally calmed down.

   Xie Heng didn't care what to say to Zhao Chuchu. After the guest left, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

   Zhao Chuchu didn't quarrel with him, and asked him to make up for it.

   The house is just that big. With a tall figure like Xie Heng, I'm afraid he can't stretch his limbs. In addition, there are so many candidates, I'm afraid the snoring sounds like a zoo at night. How could Xie Heng sleep?

   Zhao Chuchu tucked the quilt for Xie Heng, and followed him into the quilt to sleep.

   The next day.

  The third prince only announced the leak of the township examination questions, which caused an uproar in Guangqing Prefecture.

   There is such a thing as fraud in Guangqing Prefecture!

  Many candidates finally understood why some people who took the exam together were suddenly taken away by officers and soldiers and could not take the exam. It was because of this.

   No wonder the chief examiner suddenly became the third prince!

   Amid the hotly debated leak of exam questions, it’s time to release the list in a blink of an eye.

   Xie Heng won the top spot without any accident and became Jie Yuan.

   This made the Yuan family and Xia Chengxuan so happy, they came to the Xie family as soon as possible to congratulate Xie Heng.

  The surrounding neighbors also came to congratulate Xie, and the Xie family was surrounded by water.

   Even some families who have never communicated with each other sent gifts, and the intention to win over was obvious.

   Xie Heng rejected all the gifts, none from anyone else.

  Qingyang Academy has also become a place where many students want to study because of the release of Jieyuan.

  The chief of the mountain was also very happy and came to Xie's house in person.

   But he didn't come to congratulate Xie Heng, but to warn Xie Heng not to be complacent, to prepare well for the spring, and not to relax just because he got a solution.

   Xie Heng responded one by one.

   With the release of the list, the third prince also began to try the case of fraud.

   In addition to the cognates, even the prefects were involved, and in addition, there were also ministers in the court.

  The third prince uprooted them, forcing the Si Kou family to break their arms to survive, abandoning a lot of chess pieces, and their vitality was severely damaged.

   Involved in it, in the most serious case, the whole family will be slashed, and in the lightest case, the family will be exiled, and no one can escape.

   This move also greatly deterred the scholars of Dawei, so that they would not dare to cheat again from now on.

  Because the fraud case involved so many things, the third prince needed to **** all the people from Guangqing House back to Beijing.

   Before leaving, the third prince asked Xie Heng, "Do you want Zi Zhao to come to Beijing with me now?"

   Xie Heng shook his head: "No, I'm afraid they will bite the Third Highness."

   "Just by them?" The third prince chuckled, all mocking.

   "Before the Spring Festival, it would be better to have less trouble, forcing them to the end of the road, for fear of jumping over the wall."

   "Since that's the case, then I'll go back to Beijing first, and I'll get together after you get there."

   "Okay, Your Highness, take care and be careful along the way."


  The third prince nodded and turned to leave.

   And after the third prince left, Xie Heng said to Zhao Chuchu, "Let's go back to Yuanjiang County, and then go to Beijing."

"it is good."

   Zhao Chuchu didn't ask why, Xie Heng did it because of his own arrangements.

  In Yuanjiang County, the county magistrate was overjoyed because there was a solution to Yuan.

  Xie Heng returned to Yuanjiang County and was warmly welcomed.

   Lengshui Village even invited a three-day troupe to celebrate Xie Hengzhong.

  The Xie clan, who had no sense of existence, came here now.

   Xie Heng went home mainly to worship his parents. The Xie clan wanted Xie Heng to worship their ancestors, but Xie Heng refused.

   "I will talk about the ancestor worship after the Spring Festival. I came back this time mainly to comfort my parents and let them know that their son did not live up to their expectations!"

   "Spring Festival is already a year later, it's not the same as it is now, it's just a matter of the way." The Xie clan snorted.

  Xie Heng glanced at the past so lightly, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

   Now Xie Heng is already a leader, and he is half a foot into the official career. They can't afford to offend them at all, and they even rely on Xie Heng, so naturally they dare not offend.

   When Xie Heng was "blind" in the past, they couldn't say they were bullying, but they didn't take much care of him.

   Xie Heng had no grudges against them, but they were not the same.

  Xie Heng came and went in a hurry when he returned to Yuanjiang County. After only staying for three days, he set off for Beijing.

   Mrs. Chen and the others sent a lot of home-made dishes to eat in the capital.

   "Darang, Chu Chu, the capital is no better than ours here. I'm afraid there are many things you are not used to eating. Although these things are not worth the money, they will allow you to slowly get used to eating in the capital."

   "You have to take care of yourself when you arrive in the capital, Chu Chu, you have to take care of Xie Heng, we are waiting for your good news."

   "May Dalang High School, our Lengshui Village will see you Dalang."


  Xie Heng looked at them, he knew that since he went to the capital, he would rarely have the chance to meet again.

   He has been with them for more than ten years. Before, he always thought that they were just folks in his heart, but now he found out that he was a little reluctant to give up.

   "Go back, I will do my best, you guys wait for my good news." Xie Heng got into the carriage and waved to them, "Sending you a thousand miles will be a goodbye."

   "Dalang, waiting for you to come back."


The carriage slowly left Lengshui Village, Zhao Chuchu knew that this was a more difficult road.

  The capital, that is not comparable to Yuanjiang County and Guangqing Prefecture.

   What will happen in the future, she doesn't know, but she is looking forward to it.

   This time, Xie Heng did not travel around, but rushed to the capital as quickly as possible.

  It was probably because those people in the capital were stumped by the third prince and had no chance to find fault. Their journey was considered peaceful.

   Of course, those little episodes are not worth mentioning.

   Zhao Chuchu looked at the towering and quaint city gate and felt an unprecedented majesty.

   In her time, those ancient buildings were renovated and renovated, and it was no longer the beginning.

   There were many people queuing to enter the city, and the officers and soldiers at the city gate checked carefully.

   Zhao Chuchu was about to line up, but Xie Heng took her to the other side.

   Zhao Chuchu discovered that Qiao Heting was waiting at the city gate.

  With Qiao Heting, they entered the city much faster.

  Qiao Heting was very happy when he saw them: "Zizhao knows Yuan well, and he returned to Beijing before he could congratulate him. This time Zi Zhao has to give me this opportunity to be a host."

  Xie Heng said, "Thank you, Brother Qiao."

  The capital is more prosperous and lively than Guangqingfu.

  Xie Jun kept looking out curiously, and said to Zhao Chuchu, "Sister-in-law, there are too many novelties in this capital, can we go out for a stroll in two days?"

   "No, you have to study hard at home until my spring season is over." Xie Heng, who was talking to Qiao Heting, heard the sound and immediately turned his head to cut off Xie Jun's thoughts.

   "Oh, I see." Xie Jun pouted, although he was a little disappointed, he still listened to Xie Heng.

  Being unfamiliar with the capital city, in case of any accident, it will delay his brother Chunwei. Xie Jun feels that nothing is more important than his brother Chunwei!

   "By then, I'll show you the capital city, okay?"

"it is good."

   Xie Jun immediately became happy again.

   Xie Heng patted his head, a child who is easy to satisfy.

   "Sister-in-law, did you hear that? Let's endure it for a few months, and then have enough fun."

   "I heard, let's listen to your brother."


  The Yuan family also has business in the capital. Zhao Chuchu is Mrs. Yuan's goddaughter. Naturally, the Yuan family has prepared a house for them early, and it is not far from the Gongyuan.

   In a place like the capital where every inch of land is so precious, the Yuan family has made a lot of money.

  This house has three entrances, which is very big for the three of Zhao Chuchu.

  The Yuan family wanted to help them prepare servants, but Zhao Chuchu refused.

   Xie Heng has been noticed by many people, who knows if someone will put eyeliner to stare at them.

  If Xie Jun's identity is revealed, then the two of them will be in danger.

   This is why Xie Heng did not allow Xie Jun to appear in the capital before Chunhong.

   is too easy to be noticed by people with a heart.

   Zhao Chuchu set things up, and Qiao Heting took them out to eat.

   Zhao Chuchu thought for a while, and then gave Xie Jun a little disguise, and then went out.

  Qiao Heting, as the heir of the Duke’s government, must be able to eat in the capital.

   But Zhao Chuchu did not expect that the third prince was actually there.

   "You can be considered to have entered the capital." When they came in, the third prince got up and smiled, "I thought you would delay some time, but I never thought it would be faster than I thought."

   "I have seen Your Highness, go back to Your Highness, in order to adapt to the capital earlier, so as not to be unaccustomed to the environment." Xie Heng cupped his hands.

   "There are no outsiders here, and Zi Zhao doesn't have to be polite." The third prince waved his hand, then looked at Xie Jun, "Jun Jun has been fine this way, how do you feel about the capital?"

"Third brother, are you the prince?" Xie Jun's eyes widened in shock when he heard Xie Heng's name, "Why didn't you say it before? I even said such disrespectful things to His Highness. Your Highness, it's all my fault, It has nothing to do with my brother."

   "How did Junjun have a separation with the third brother? No matter when, I will always be your third brother." The third prince said softly, "Don't imitate your brother, what are you doing so politely?"


   "Okay, you guys entered Beijing so early, I'm afraid you've been racing all the way, and haven't had a good meal. Don't say anything else, cousin, let's serve the food first." The third prince interrupted Xie Jun and looked at Qiao Heting.

   Xie Jun looked at Xie Heng for help.

   (end of this chapter)