MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 2 Anti-Kill Rebirth (1)

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   Chapter 2 Anti-kill Rebirth (1)

   As I was thinking about it, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the clear sky became gloomy.

   In a short while, the sky was full of dark clouds, and there was a lot of wind and rain.

Zhao Zhizhi couldn't hold back her excitement: "God's punishment, it's a punishment from the gods, and the evil spirits must be wiped out! Lord, you can see that what I said is true, God is witnessing to me, Zhao Chuchu is evil, otherwise what would happen to a good-looking heaven? Will it change like this?"

   Yun gave the villagers hope. Even though he was so sick that he could only breathe, the screams of killing were better than one.

   Zhao Zhizhi looked at Zhao Chuchu's eyes as if looking at a dead man: You must die!

   The sky became more and more gloomy, and even the officials drew their swords and stood not far from Zhao Chuchu.

   "Zhao Chuchu is a disaster star, killing the disaster star will bring disaster to an end."

   "The plague will disappear only when Zhao Chuchu is dead!"

   "We must burn the evil spirits alive, so we can have hope!"


  The villagers are getting crazy.

   And the villagers next to her had already rushed over to bite Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu struggled to dodge.

   Zhao Zhizhi looked at Zhao Chuchu's embarrassed appearance and showed a vicious smile.

   "Sir, let Zhao Chuchu be tied up. The old man said that the evil spirit must be burned alive, otherwise she escapes and will kill more people in turn."

   And Zhao Zhizhi didn't see the killing intent flashing in Zhao Chuchu's eyes.

   "She's not evil."

   A clean and cold voice suddenly sounded.

  The boy's thin body covered Zhao Chuchu, blocking the attacks of the villagers for her.

   The perfect profile face fell into Zhao Chuchu's eyes.

   "Chuchu has been able to speak for a long time, and she was not the first to contract the plague."

   "She was drowsy after she fell ill, and she never woke up. How to treat people?"

   "Also, is she dead or not, don't I know better?"

   said three sentences in a row, which seemed to be very laborious, and the boy's breath began to be unstable.

   Zhao Chuchu raised his eyebrows slightly, he was weak but not sick.

  Why are you pretending and making excuses for her who doesn't know the situation?

   Zhao Zhizhi said sadly: "Brother Xie Heng, are you still protecting her at this time? How did she treat you after marrying you for more than a year, have you forgotten?"

   Zhao Chuchu heard the words, looked up at the gloomy sky, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

   I just suffered a bit of a loss when I didn't know the situation. As a person who has awakened the dual-type abilities of water and healing in the end of the world, there is no reason for those who want to kill her to live!

   "When the sky falls, Zhao Chuchu must die, otherwise everyone will have no way to live!" Zhao Zhizhi said, "If she is not evil, why did the sky change? That is clearly an instruction from God!"

   "Which eye of yours saw that it was going to rain in the sky? The sly words confuse the public." Zhao Chuchu sneered, the cloud is water.

   She moved her fingers slightly, the dark clouds covering the sky dissipated quickly, and the sun was shining again.

   Zhao Zhizhi, who had been smug just now, was horrified and his blood faded.

How could this be?

   Zhao Chuchu pointed at Zhao Zhizhi and said sternly, "Zhao Zhizhi, what did God instruct? I said I could cure everyone, but you came out and said I was evil."

   "In my opinion, you are the evil spirit who wants to kill the whole village!"

   The hopeful villagers fell back into the abyss of despair, and their anger was directed at Zhao Zhizhi: "Where's the rain? Why isn't it raining? A monster, you are a monster!"

   Zhao Zhizhi shook his head desperately: "I'm not, I'm not, it must be because Zhao Chuchu is here, God won't rain, kill Zhao Chuchu..."

   Invisible and colorless water droplets entered Zhao Zhizhi's mouth.

   Zhao Zhizhi was stunned for a moment.

   Zhao Chuchu squeezed his right hand.

   Water droplets exploded in Zhao Zhizhi's body.

   (end of this chapter)