MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 1 She's evil, kill her

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  Chapter 1 She is evil, kill her

   "Set fire, burn!"

   "The imperial court has ordered that any village that is infected with the plague will kill more than half of the population!"

The sound of    drinking orders and crying crashed into Zhao Chuchu's ears, and the pungent smell of kerosene caused her to open her eyes suddenly.

   Surrounded by a group of ancient people who were still ill, **** with five flowers and splashed with kerosene.

   In front of the crowd was a group of indifferent officials with their mouths and noses covered, holding large knives and torches.

   They are about to set fire to themselves, the oiled people!

   Kerosene is oil, it burns instantly when it encounters fire, it is fatal.

   Zhao Chuchu stood up suddenly, her eyes were black with bursts of blackness, her feet were soft as if she could not step on the ground, and she almost fell again. She gritted her teeth to hold it, and shouted with all her strength: "Wait!"

   That hoarse voice seemed to have not spoken for a long time, and everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Chuchu.

   The young man beside her with unfocused eyes tilted his head invisibly, and an imperceptible astonishment flashed across Jun's face.

   Zhao Chuchu didn't know why he was here.

   If you don't save yourself, you'll turn into a corpse in no time.

   I was in a daze just now, as if I heard the word plague, and the people around were coughing while looking sick...

   "Can you let me try, I have a recipe." Zhao Chuchu could only take a gamble, enduring the pain in his throat like a knife cut when he spoke, "Maybe it can cure everyone."

   The boy was shocked.

   And Li Jiang, the head of the official messenger, stared sharply at Zhao Chuchu.

   At the same time, a young girl who had just woken up in the crowd looked around blankly, and after pinching herself hard, her face was full of disbelief and ecstasy.

   Zhao Chuchu said: "Two days! If everyone doesn't get better, I don't need adults to do anything, and I will apologize with death. Lord, look at us, how can we escape like this..."

"Sir, Zhao Chuchu doesn't know medical skills at all, she was the first person in the village to get the plague!" The girl who woke up stood up and interrupted her, "If it can be cured, why wait until the whole village is infected with the plague before talking? She's going to kill everyone!"

   "I'm her cousin Zhao Zhizhi. She had no breath before, and she was mute before her death. How can she still speak after she suddenly died and resurrected? She's an evil spirit!"

   Zhao Chuchu heard the sound and looked over, and met a look full of hatred.

   No matter how dull she is, she also understands that she, the unlucky ghost, has passed through, and she has no memory of the original owner, and she doesn't know that she is a mute and speaks out.

   Zhao Zhizhi continued: "If you don't believe me, you can ask other people in the village if Zhao Chuchu was already dead when she was brought here? Only when she is dead will the plague be cured."

  The villagers seemed to be awakened by something, and they all showed fear and left Zhao Chuchu a little farther: "My lord, Zhao Chuchu's resurrection must be evil!"

  Li Jiang looked at Zhao Zhizhi with heavy eyes.

   Zhao Zhizhi straightened his waist and was fearless.

  The villagers pleaded in unison: "Sir, kill her quickly, she is dead, we will be cured!"

  The official said in a low voice, "My lord, that woman did seem to have died just now. Could it be really evil?"

  Li Jiang was silent, his eyes fell on Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Zhizhi lowered her eyes to cover the coldness in her eyes. In her previous life, Zhao Chuchu died early, why did she come back to life?

   Zhao Chuchu must die, all the glory and wealth are hers.

   Zhao Zhizhi glanced at brother Xie Heng without a trace, she would also protect Xie Heng, prevent Xie Heng from dying early, and treat his brother well!

   Sweet pet Shuangwen, an overhead world, all settings are mainly based on this book, don't test it, you are right, and you can bounce back when you scold it. I hope everyone likes to add a favorite and cast a vote



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion