MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 877 Valhalla Offensive and Defense IV

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Let the time call back just a few minutes ago.

On the huge battlefield surrounding the World Tree Fortress.

Across the plains across the valley, a dramatic change is taking place above the plains.

Just before the silver goddesses of war crossed the sky, they cut straight into the 'Yanbao' army led by Baron Dale.

Looking from the entire battlefield, this assassination seems to have reached the most heated moment, the purple crystal frenzy is rushing to each section of the wall of the huge fortress. A sea of ​​sparkling purple light symbolizes that Eruin's flags of humans and elves are constantly annihilated.

But occasionally, they reappear.

That was a symbol of the unstoppable resistance of the Druids and Elves among the Tonigers and the Black Forest. The shouting and killing sounds converged into an invisible wall, blocking the advance of the Dusk Army.

Just like Monica's prior judgment, the scale of victory on the battlefield is tilting-not to the side of civilization. The situation irresistibly slipped into the worst situation, facing the endless army of crystal clusters, the defense line of this legendary fort is gradually becoming endangered.

The face of the new Valhalla's soul, the expressionless girl, is observing the situation on the battlefield through her branches, and showing the details on the huge crystal facade in the hall of the tree. He analyzed the gains and losses on the battlefield without feeling, and then told Monica:

How much time is left before the last line of defense.

"I see, I know!" Monica whispered impatiently, scratching her hair anxiously--though those were just bright beams of light, and had no substance.

She mumbled, jumped from the crystal tower, and flew through the skylight in the dome of the hall.

Through the shadow of the tree in Valhalla, there is the blue sky, Miss Guangling raised her head to the sky, and muttered to herself:

"... don't let us down!"

Such a view was reflected in her magnificent eyes.

The endless green shadow of the towering crown of the world tree shrouds almost the entire sky, and the dim green leaves are shaking. I do not know when, the huge magic formations over Valhalla are long gone.

Where did the Sazardian wizards go?

The aristocratic troops on both sides of the river valley have no time to consider this issue, because the war has gradually gotten out of their control, and those who were originally combatants have now become bystanders.

After tasting the failure of the noble knights, they took their large number of servants and waded wading back to the north shore of the Welland Ferry. At this time, no one was chasing them behind. The Tonigger army had already passed them. In the distance, The army of crystal clusters collided on the plain.

It was a fierce battle.

Everyone looked at this scene with apprehension.

They seem to have seen such scenes since childhood. In myths and legends, in stories and dreams, the prophecy about the fate of the world that the mother spoke at the bedside was described in the poem of Cang Seal engraving-the moment when Martha's people meet the ultimate enemy of this world.

The dusk of the gods--

So who is their enemy?

Here, why should everyone fight?

Is this just a civil war in this little kingdom?

Why does it look like this now?

The knights of the North who have experienced or are experiencing this war are all the first to feel confused and frightened.

The development of things goes beyond their cognition.

The beliefs and values ​​they have pursued all their lives-the question of who is the orthodoxy of the kingdom-seem to be insignificant at this moment. However, the nobles of the north have not yet recovered from the great consternation, and the ruined army on the plain has swarmed over.

When the twilight army appeared, the first to be targeted by them was not the Tonigel army, or even the World Tree Fortress with the most prominent target on the battlefield.

It was the army of the northern nobles who were closest to the portal from the beginning.

For crystal clusters and tapeworms, these humans are not friendly in their eyes—there is no such concept in their consciousness. Their choice is to follow their instincts and attack these 'order creatures' closest to themselves.

Or rather, slaughter.

The sudden attack from behind, and the huge disillusionment that was betrayed by the King and the Earl of Yanbao, instantly collapsed the noble coalition forces in the north.

The collapse triggered a wider chain reaction.

The army had just been reorganized on both sides of the Alder River, and many noble knights who braved their courage to return were wrapped around and started to flee, looking far from the entire battlefield, as if a terrible defeat had occurred.

This is indeed a defeat.

It's just that not all the Eruin escaped.

Above the battlefield, another group of Elunes is defending their glory.

"These guys fled," said Montolo, half-kneeling on the ground covered with blood, resting on the ground with the magic sword that Brando gave him, gasping.

He took a scornful look on his face: "I thought they had at least a little courage to understand who was the real enemy."

"This can't blame them all." Rawlint leaned on the huge roots of Valhalla to witness this scene. At this time, he could not help thinking of his own position. Before long, he was actually not qualified to joke about these. people.

But he also did not expect that the Wang Dang and Earl Yanbao would be like this.

And his family, his father, really know all this?

"They're just choosing the wrong one," Rollint murmured. "There's no shortage of bravery among the Eleuins."

"Like you, Rollint."

"No, I'm much luckier than them, at least for now." Having said that, however, Rollint's tone still carries a huge loss, and nothing is better than watching his efforts to fight for it. The despair of all hope is even more frustrating.

Not to mention, from the beginning, he was on a wrong path.

But the real man is not discouraged to give up because of this frustration. As one of the most outstanding figures of the young generation in the South China, Rollinte only returned to the blame in a short moment, he picked up His sword stood up against the wall of Valhalla.

"Don't feel bad, little Montoro, time is running out, you and I haven't separated the winner-I just beheaded a small crystal cluster, and our record is now even."

"What," said Montolo, surprised. "Is the situation so bad? I thought we could support it for a while."

"No, you are mistaken. I mean, your Count may soon win the decisive war."

"Are you crazy, Rollint."

Little Montolo looked up in surprise, but he couldn't see any signs of victory on the battlefield.

But Rollint shook his head: "I'm not crazy. I'm better than you with the talent of swordsmanship, but you have to be far behind when it comes to the vision on the battlefield, little Montolo."

"I don't believe it, you don't need to comfort me," replied little Montolo. "At least in this battle, I'm ready to serve my country."

"Then you can save your life later," Rollint looked up, watching the sky on the battlefield: "The 'Yanbao' side has lost its last chance to win."

In his eyes.

The silver brilliance, a symbol of the goddess of war, cuts into the army led by Baron Dale.

"That's Ms. Andrea!" Montolo missed.

But then he saw an even more incredible scene.

The little Sazardian wizards over the battlefield were falling one after another, falling into a sea of ​​amethyst, and never flying again.

How is this going? Montoro's eyes widened and his head filled with question marks.

A calm voice answered his question:

"Silver people are not real people of God. Like apprentice wizards of the Sasard, they cannot use spells to stay on the battlefield for a long time until they really touch the realm of truth and law."

Rollint and Montolo looked back, seeing when the elf sisters appeared behind them, and there was a little goblin sitting on the shoulder of her sister, but it was not the light that had received them in this fortress before spirit.

It was a fire goblin.

"The magical energy that pervaded the entire battlefield has disappeared, and the Sasard's fleet has withdrawn their support, so these poor guys are finally going to taste the bitter fruit."

The fire goblin—or rather, Ruth, the prince of the elemental goblin family, answered coldly.

"Fleet ..." Rollint answered thoughtfully.

Montolo was preparing to ask who this strange little guy was, but it was at this time that a burst of cheering from the mountain tsunami interrupted his thinking.

He turned his head subconsciously.

At this moment the two fleets standing still in the sky finally moved.

As if something was foreseen, the ocean of crystals on the battlefield began to stir. In the surprised eyes of little Montolo, they even started to recede.

At that moment, the young man seemed to realize something in his heart. The thought was like a beam of light piercing the darkness and shining directly into his heart.

The Sasard failed.

The battle in the sky, they won.

The Earl once again demonstrated his ability to create miracles.

The army at dusk lost absolute air dominance on the battlefield at this moment.

As if to prove the idea in his mind, the army of roundworms that originally surrounded the fortress of Valhalla suddenly flew up and greeted the two fleets in midair.

Above the fortress, everyone felt the pressure abruptly, and those elven shooters who were fighting to resist the enemy in the air were even at a loss for a while.

"Shoot, keep shooting!" Until the frontline commander's exhausted shout sounded again.

The army of crystal clusters is slowly retreating, and the originally flickering amethyst ocean has broken.

On the ground where the smoke was cleared, there was an unknown red and black. The black was the embers from the explosion, and the dark red was a dried blood clot. In the distance, a few long smokes fell to the horizon, and more floating warships were converging into a torrent-like a shimmering school of fish, slowly heading north.

When they entered the position one by one, exposing the side.

A dazzling flash of light flashed across the sky.

The sound of cannons roared above the clouds, and the light of destruction poured down like raindrops. The raindrops directly penetrated the thin army of maggots and projected the light of death on the plain.

A series of flashes of light shone in turn on the plains north of the Parris Valley, and even a few miles away, people above the city walls could still feel the trembling of the earth.

However, that's just the beginning.

In such an era, losing the sky is tantamount to losing victory.

Unless the Dragon of the Twilight is willing to invest more maggots here, regain the advantage over the sky by covering the offensive.

But under everyone's attention, the huge black hole in the center of the battlefield is gradually fading-apparently, even the world-destroying dragon described in Cang's poem, in the world of order created by Martha, also Not omnipotent.

It is not invincible.

At least here, the Eruins have won.

Suddenly a louder cheer broke out in this huge fortress, like the tsunami of mountains and tsunami, washing away everyone's heart.

"Ready to counterattack!"

Sitting on the sunroof, Monica almost jumped up in surprise. She flew back to the hall and yelled at the expressionless girl 'Valhalla'.

"It's time for us to take a good breath! Those **** Yankees!"


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