MTL - The Amber Sword-v6 Chapter 846 Warhall Battle III

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The Sazard fleet in the sky has been muted for a long time.

In addition to the purple wave on the ground, the mid-air fleet confrontation fell into a strange silence on the entire huge battlefield.

The Sasardes hovered in the air with silver lights, and the attacks stopped, as if time had stopped.

As for their opponents, the Toniguer fleet is turning around-the huge silver fleet directly exposes the entire flank to the Sasard-and their muzzle is facing the ground.

This may seem a bit weird, but it's actually happening in front of everyone at this moment.

"What exactly happened here?"

The offensive on the front of the battlefield is being dominated by the large army of crystal clusters, but the noble coalition that has not gone far has now fallen into a confused state.

Successive changes on the battlefield have caught them off guard. For a time, it was even unclear which side was the friendly and which side was the enemy?

At the moment when the noble coalition responded slowly.

Time still passes in minutes and seconds.

In the Captain's Chamber of the Sazard's flagship, the Saint-Pachel, the atmosphere at this moment is even more bizarre than on the battlefield.

Facing the young man in front of him, Gonzales suddenly realized that he might have to make such a choice-or he should have understood long ago that he suddenly appeared on the other side with his staff, "Togriffin". He should have understood all this before them.

The captain's room was silent.

It's hard to imagine that here was a long time ago. The soldiers and officers of various colors passed in and out, and the mappers constantly modified the map's markings. The sound of passwords and announcements was noisy like a vegetable market.

"You can choose to die--"

Brando looked around calmly for a week, and the thirteen senior Sazardes officers shrank involuntarily under his gaze. Only the garrison in red robes glared at him. Eye fire.

He let go of his hand and let Hollis' staff be suspended in midair.

More than a dozen eyes fell on the staff in unison.

"And let your fleet be buried with you."

"Is the great Sazard's fleet mortal like you can resist!" The red-robed wizard roared, raised his staff and pointed at Brando, and the crystal at the head of the staff radiated brightly. Light.

But before his spell was too late, Brando pointed at him lightly. The power of space seemed to be locked on the old mage, choking his lips, making him unable to move. Can't speak.

Brando looked at the man lightly: "Only the people of the sky are high, because they are born with a different honor from mortals. Even if you fall into the dust today, you still do not want to give up the superior arrogance —— "

"You can wage war and manipulate the fate of mortal kingdoms, but do you think that the Sasard can not be held responsible for all this?"

He shook his head and smiled scornfully.


"Don't be too proud, Eruin, you destroyed the fleet of the people of the sky, this thing will never be finished-!" The old wizard suddenly coughed up blood, as if freed up some space Fettered, hissing loudly to Brando.

Brando didn't look at him. His eyes fell on the others. No one in this captain's room dared to look at him except the arrogant Sazard wizard.

Even the middle-aged aristocrat, who was clearly the commander of these people, subconsciously kept his head silent and lowered his head.

"I never said that this thing would end here," his gaze fell back on the old, shameless wizard, somewhat indifferent like never before.

This should have been a useless war.

But those who should not have fallen into this war have made unnecessary sacrifices for this.


The eldest son of the king.

Yula, who was seriously injured.

Antitina, whose life and death are unknown.

There are also sister-in-law and Freya.

All of this should be attributed to this **** war, to the culprit who initiated it.

When thinking of the dramatic changes in Lantoniland and the death of the Ekos, Brando had a heartache in his heart. He even remembered that he intentionally reminded the couple to pay attention to their own schedules before leaving Eruin.

The tragedy of history should be avoided.

All of Eruin should be making progress on the bright side.

But a moment of negligence has brought about such bitter results.

Maybe he could be more careful.

Decide some more.

If the end of Eruin's chaos had ended earlier before it all happened-he had the support of the long princess, and had Lantonilan and Viero as allies, and even the Highlanders were kind to him, as a kingdom An indispensable part of the political landscape, Wang Dang is also willing to reconcile with him.

As long as he is willing.

He can then rebuild the alliance of the former nobles, end the chaos in the north and the south, and let Eruin return to prosperity and unity.

Perhaps that would not have happened.


Is it really so?

A happy, all people seem to have their own place-from the corpse of Alek to a sufficient amount of benefits, looks like a bunch of Eruin.

Is that the ultimate goal of his return to this era?

Do not.

Brando shook his head firmly in his heart.

The future of Eruin should not be just that.

Perhaps he still has ideals in his mind, maybe the princess is strong enough, or maybe the Wang Dang is still willing to keep his promise.

But neither of them was Eruin.

As the prince Eke vowed under his sword:

‘Under this sword, I take the oath of the sage—’

‘I will swear to lead my people—to lead them away from strife and killing, away from the pride and greed of the imperial nobility; I swear to stop repeating this cold-blooded mistake of history! ’

‘I will let the nobles of this new kingdom obey the spirit of the knights—just and rigorous, upright and brave, kind and generous, and I make this vow and keep it for the rest of my life. ’

The powerful voice of every word is echoing even today.

Alluin's glory is bound to belong to such an era of innovation.

She will remove all obsolescence. Her successors, fair and stern, upright and brave, kind and generous, those young people will inherit the glory of their heirs, honor enough to take over that sacred banner.

They will not be Kings.

Because the old nobles could never bear such glory.

He knew that Her Royal Highness would know all this after all.

As she finally understood in history.

Because she and them, doomed not to be all the way.

It used to come too late.

But today, perhaps with different variables from the beginning.

"That's the value I'm here for," Brando looked up, looking at the old wizard with a distorted face. As if the natural opposition between the new and old order, the two looked at each other indifferently: "I will realize all this, and anyone who stands in front of me-whoever he is, will be wiped out."

"Ha ha ... ha," the old wizard gasped heavily, looking at this self-talking young Eruin young man like a lunatic: "It's like a mortal can never understand the vastness of the sky, it looks like Fortunate moments have caused you to fall ill ... you don't understand the power of the Bugatians at all. "

"You don't understand my power."

Brando responded coldly.

He turned his head again, staring indifferently at the others in the captain's room. "The Sasars are high above you, but you should understand that it is not you who are high above you, and as slaves, you must share the last of the master Glory? Even for them to die, but God knows how important your sacrifice is in their minds? "

No one spoke.

Not far from the drawing table are clocks, and in the room where the needles can be heard, there is only a monotonous dull response of the ticking hands.

The Sazard's red-robed wizard was also arrogant, allowing Brando to inspire these subordinates before him, but he said nothing but watched this scene indifferently.

The wand suspended in the center of the cabin made him realize the failure of the trip.

But how could the Sasardes fear failure?

Not to mention mortal.

The pride of the people of the sky comes from the power that their generations have possessed. Such power, within the reach it can reach, is the eternal truth.

Everyone understands what will happen to them if they refuse.

The terrible young man in front of him killed everyone, including Hollis, and even brought back his staff 'Togriffin', which was high above them. They could only look up as if they were gods. Characters.

However, in this unknown battlefield, it turned into the dust of history.

Everyone swallowed subconsciously.

The respected officers looked at each other and looked at each other, and finally everyone's eyes fell on Gonzales.

Count Naiva coughed a bitterly, and stood up from his seat, apparently a bit shaky.

"I acknowledge the victory of the Eruin, and I hope ... my colleagues and I will at least enjoy the last decent."

This is surrender.

But Brando shook his head.

Under everyone's attention, he slowly said, "I think you have made a mistake. This is not the battlefield of human nations. Please take a good look outside the porthole and see what your enemies are. who is it."

"This is a war, it has never begun, it may never end, gentlemen, you and I have heard all the legends about it, and at this time, as Martha's people, is it not Shouldn't we stand side by side? "

"Please ask yourself, who should your enemies be, and what should you guard for? Do you want to help you in this way, destroy all hope with your own hands, and turn the world into ashes, is this all you want?"

"This is a holy war, the ultimate war of all order and civilized kingdoms and dusk, you gentlemen, you should understand-it is not the Eruin who is truly betrayed by the Sasardes, but you."

Brando grabbed his staff ‘Togriffin’ and threw it forward. The silver staff stem fell on the deck and rolled to the feet of Gonzales.

"Her commander, go ahead and order your fleet. I, Earl Toniger, here on behalf of the Eruins, ask the help of the Bancias. If you remember that sacred vow, please let Warriors turned their heads and let us fight for a common victory! "

"Your Mightiness……"

Gonzales froze for a while.

The two nagging squadron commanders had turned back subconsciously, his eyes glanced from his colleagues.

At this moment.

They may not dare not remember the vow.

Maybe I can't help remembering that vow.

But the times when the nations of the earth fought side by side and abandoned all stereotypes for a common ideal did seem to be very, very long.

Far away like a legend.

Remember the vows of yesteryear?

No matter how dark and sinking--

But those who rebelled finally won.

"I ..." Lord Earl never thought his voice would be so husky and dry: "We ... understand, thank you, sir."

Brando waved.

He finally glanced at the red-robed wizard who was fixed in midair, as if looking at a dead fish, then turned and walked out of the captain's room.


Everything is gone.

The sound of footsteps clattering in the dark, the sound of splashing water, permeated the smell of blood flowing into the river.

A distant and hissing mourning, the loud noise from the overturning of giants, the trees burning, and the crisp sound of dying when the bark peeled off.

Distant and ancient legends continue today ...

In the darkness he seemed to see such a picture scroll--

The blazing flames reddened the sky, and the golden red clouds in the night, the rain and fire were falling from the sky.

A huge round of broken moon stared at the cracked land behind the clouds, lava spreading from below the surface, and on the vast battlefield, the giants shining with the stars were performing their final death with their enemies. fight.

The father of the giant bit his ankle for the wolf Fenrir. The black shadow suddenly enveloped the pale moon. The giant's sons scattered and fled, and a tall, changing figure came to the dying with a giant spear. In front of the giant.

Countless voices screamed, as if the picture of the end.

The burning spear pierced the giant's father's chest.

"We should have won ..."

The heavy footsteps suddenly stopped.

Before that faint consciousness finally diffused.

Andrea stared silently at the body of the middle-aged human male in front of him, and Baron Darler stared blankly into the sky, as if the last despair and unwillingness remained.

He—or a creature that should no longer be called a human being—his face was not silver-grey like a human, and a nasty crystalline spine grew on the loose skin—this The terrible monster was still at the last moment of his life. The scary moment at that moment remained on his face, and his mouth opened wide, but he could not make a final sound from his throat.

Because a light spear had pierced its chest from front to back before that, fixing its deceased corpse on the ground at an angle to its body.

The girl looked down at the scene with her head down, and looked a little indifferent among the good looks under her silver face armor.

Instead of looking at the things in front of her, her gaze hovered over a longer memory.

In a loud noise, the burning trunk in the distance was falling, and the final shock of the crystal cluster's army reached Valhalla's third line of defense.

Countless roaring flames and fireworks are rising from the purple ocean.

Then a tsunami-like cheer broke out behind her.

Above the sky, both the Tonigel and Sasard fleets are slowly turning their heads, neatly lining up a battle line.

The two fleets are converging--

That was where the army of crystal clusters could finally reach.

Even without looking back, Andrea knew that the army at dusk was beginning to retreat, her cloak fluttered slightly, and the pieces of cloth seemed to sweep across the battlefield.

They are the shadows of the earth.

It is the nightmare of the gods.

But they are not without rivals.

"And we," Andrea whispered, and she looked up to look into the distance: "And they can defeat your master. What the Dusk Dragon gives you is just a dream."

"Victory, it's not far ..."

As she said, the girl slowly reached out her hand, held her spear, and pulled it back.

The baron had lost any viable corpse, a crackling sound in his chest, and the whole man slowly fell forward to the ground.

His body was slowly melting, flowing like mercury on the ground, then dried up and turned into silver powder, which was rolled up by a whirlwind and scattered in the wind.

Energy family.

The twilight ethnic group born of magical power, the energy is immortal, they are endless.

They have destroyed the kingdom of giants in the wars of yesteryear.

However, in this endless war, they also have such old enemies.
