MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1196 Yanzhen

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Chapter 1196 Yan Town

Chapter 1196

Step on the tread...

Ascension is like lightning, and yellow sand is flying.

The silver fox and his party flew for more than half an hour in the desert. Far away, they finally saw a trace of the building on the horizon of the desert.


The silver fox was calmly reclining on the dunes at the height of the dunes, and stayed tall: "The town in front is our destination, Yanzhen! When we got there, we all had a good meal and went to suffocate."

"A group of people who have been greeted by Jin Yiwei have been chasing for a long time. It is time to find a place to take a rest and get hungry and cramped."

The strip touched the belly exaggeratedly, and opened his mouth and laughed.

In the team, only the knife brows from time to time look back at the back, from time to time in the mouth muttering the words of the tiger cub, the heaven and earth allies, a pair of regrets and pity that missed the wonderful play.


Looking back at the knife, the silver fox rushed from the sand dunes.


The strips and the thunders were unwilling to squat down the horse's belly and squatted to catch the sand dunes.

"A group of people are heartless."

The knife had to catch up with the three under the sorrow.

Four hoofs screamed, the hot wind slammed on the face, the knife felt more and more hot and unbearable, and couldn’t hold back the depressed silver fox, Zhang mouth sipped:

"Silver Fox Big Brother!"


The speed of the silver fox is not reduced, just looking back.

The knife ignores the sand and hot air in the entrance, the big channel:

"Even if you don't compete for the tiger cub, stay there and see who the tiger cub will fall into, and why are you rushing to bring us here..."

"Haha... I didn't make a mistake! This kid, I know, all the way to the soul, you know that the soul has not yet come back!" The strip, Leizi looked at the fun of the smile.

In front of the brothers, the knife also knows that his mind is not too human: "That is the ancient devil, the tiger, the god, I don't believe, you don't care."

The strip shrugged his shoulders and did not talk about his face.

"What is the use of care, is not destined for you, the more you care, the greater the disappointment."

"That is, it is a waste of time, but also into the danger, you must not forget, the speed of this mount, running in the desert, a blink of an eye will be caught up, I do not want to do the plot task did not do , also lost a life." Lei Zi is more direct.

From the side of the desert palace, not only resolutely gave up the fight for tigers, but also left the plot of characters Zhou Huai'an, Mo Yan and a group, even insisted that most of the tasks of the day are given up, the sacrifice of the four is not small.

When it comes to tasks, the knife is more mad!

"A good Longmen Inn, actually got together with the Desert Palace, Zhou Huai'an, Mo Yan from the rescue of Yu Qian became the rivers and lakes to stop the tigers from re-emerging the martial arts, I spit..."

"Well, send enough grievances to continue on the road, don't waste time." The voice of the silver fox came from the front.


As soon as the silver fox opened, the knife immediately shut up.

For the decision of the silver fox, he never said anything, this time because the tiger scorpion soldier actually evoked his locusts, which made him feel uneasy.


The attention is easy to turn around from the tiger cub, and the knife suddenly found a strange problem, and the horse caught up with the silver fox:

"Silver fox, here seems to be the gateway between our Central Plains and the Western countries. Shouldn't we go east and return to the Central Plains? Going against it?"


Faced with the suspicion of the knife, the silver fox turned a blind eye with helplessness: "The tiger has indeed taken your soul away, your kid, forgot the original intention of entering the desert?"


A knife.

Staying for a few seconds, this suddenly remembered a very important thing!


It was a happy flying pigeon biography that allowed them to rush to the desert in advance, just hit the story mission of Longmen Inn, catch up with the black storm and catch up with the desert palace.

A series of big events and the emergence of various heavenly masters have brought them an unprecedented impact. A wave of strong waves has caused the knife to forget that there is still such a thing.

Thinking of this, the face of the knife changed:

"The doorkeeper let us come, but he hasn't appeared until now... Where is he?" He said, as if he had thought of something, his eyes suddenly shone and stared at the silver fox.

The strip and the thunder look at each other.

From the conversation between the silver fox and the knife, the two also thought of it. Since they knew that there would be important tasks in the desert, they would definitely arrive here earlier than them.

"The doorkeeper must have worn a human skin mask to secretly monitor the movements of the desert palace, the tigers and the squadrons... affirmative!"

After a pause, the knife revealed a puzzled color: "Weird, if the goal of happiness is tiger cub, why should we turn us away? Is he not there?"

When I was skeptical, a group of four people had already come to the city.



One of the most western towns in the Central Plains, a town with many years of history, accommodates many strangers and almost Westernized towns.

Unlike the ordinary Central Plains towns, Yan Town has high solid walls and copper nail gates...

Here, there are only a bandit that seems to be hollowed out, and it looks very bleak and rude.


"Silver Fox Big Brother, you don't want to tell me, let's come to this place to have fun and have fun?" Lei Zi picked up his eyebrows and looked at the broken town in front of the town where even the wine cellar sign could not be found. I did not turn the brow over and over several times.

"look up."

The silver fox ignored him and pointed his finger at the sand wall outside the town.

The three looked at the sound!


"How is he here?!!"

On the left side of the sand wall stood a ruined pavilion. In the pavilion, a young man in white squatting, sitting leisurely, toasting, standing next to an old servant holding a teapot, looks good. Cozy, as if to enter the world through the family of the family.

White shirt boy!

The four people recognized at a glance that this is a sword in the vicinity of the quicksand vortex that shattered the full strength of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, the mysterious white-shirt boy.

The knife that was still in the belly suddenly stared at the past with the look of the treasure, and it did not flow out of the water!

Forcing the urge to yell, three people, six hot eyes glanced back and forth on the face of the silver fox and the white-shirt boy.

"Silver Fox Big Brother, shouldn't you trigger the hidden story mission?!"

Whether it was in the Longmen Inn or the Treasures of the Desert Palace, the white-shirt boy was second only to the Heaven and Earth ally in their minds. It is no wonder that they were so surprised when they saw the white-shirt boy.

However, after a careful look at the silver fox, he suddenly sighed with a sigh:

"I thought I was happy to miss the Great Desert Palace. I didn't expect him to be closer to the Desert Palace than any of us..."


The three knives did not understand.

"Come up."

At this time, a familiar voice was introduced into the ears of four people at this moment. At this moment, Happy did not continue to keep the silver foxes secret.

In addition to the silver fox's expression of such a look, the other three people trembled:

"The doorkeeper!"

"You are the door!!?"

The three men blurted out each other.


Happy to open the voice, the silver fox four people did not dare to neglect, with a dubious and shocked attitude to close the mount, have plundered to the city, quietly look at the eyes.

"Everyone has worked hard these days."

Happy to get up from his seat.

The white shirt swept away from the stone, without the slightest fireworks, it looked very chic and elegant, completely invisible to the player.

Even the silver fox has widened his eyes and saw the role of the white-shirt boy who is happy to play. At this time, it is also deeply unbelievable and incredible.

The white-shirt boy's every move, the wind and the air, free and easy, a trace of charm and temperament carved into the bone marrow, like the foot of the martial arts famous family! Even if you know the answer at the moment, it is hard to believe that there is also an illusion of facing npc instead of facing the player.

In addition to the silver fox quickly recovered calm, the other three face swallowed.

"what happened?"

Seeing the three people cautiously restrained, smiled and smiled, and raised their fingers to the earthen pier in the pavilion:


Until this moment, a group of talents finally returned to the soul.

Under the leadership of the silver fox, the four people came to the opposite side in succession, and they were seated. Although they were all iron-blooded men, they always felt inexplicable majesty and oppression in front of their happiness.

Or because the white-shirt boy defeated the world's first richest man in the Longmen Inn, or a sword to resist the world's allies, once needed to join hands with the sword and the lack of talent to be able to compete with the evil king, the splendid rivers and mountains, It has become more unmeasurable now.

This kind of majesty and oppression did not bring discomfort. Instead, they let them forget the tigers and the ally of the world. They only have one happy person in their eyes, and they have a very secure sense of security.

In this desert, in this small pavilion, it seems to be the safest place in the world.

Four people are seated, and a figure is handed down from the side of happiness...


In front of the four people, there were a few more cups of tea that gave off the cold.

“Taste this snow lotus tea picked from the Tianshan Mountain and it tastes good.”

When I was happy, I said that I would raise the cup in front of me and enjoy it.

The four silver foxes are deeply attracted by the old servants behind them!

Just because of the change in my happy identity, I have never paid attention to the entourage around me...

Looking back now, they suddenly thought of a scene that happened in the Longmen Inn. At that time, the old man was able to easily lay down the three lamas in the three mythical places, and his strength was quite good.

Since happiness is a player, who is this master around?

When the Central Plains martial arts had such a powerful person, its strength is probably only inferior to the happy, one emperor;


Judging from the behavior of the other side, there is a respect for happiness and a deep respect from the bones.

The silver fox four people suddenly became confused.

Happy and natural, I saw the doubts and guesses in the eyes of the four silver foxes, but there was no break or explanation. In the four people, I took a cup of Xuelian tea and opened the door:

"The Four Swords of the Sword, how are you practicing?"