MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1195 Tigers change hands (recommended)

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Chapter 1195 Tigers change hands (recommended)

Chapter 1195

boom! ! !

On the one hand, it is subject to the long-range firepower of thousands of Jinyiwei masters; on the other hand, it has been attacked by two heavenly masters. Even if there is a tiger cub in hand, it is firmly suppressed for a period of time, and then the body suffocating finally ruptures. Burst.

"good chance!"

In the unbeaten eyes of the East, there was a touch of surprise color, and the hands were subtly shivering. The embroidery needles that were shot out were not tangled with a few wires that were difficult to check with the naked eye.

Under the scorching sun, no one noticed the unbeaten change in the East...

But the heavens and the earth allies cannot be noticed!


At this moment, the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance has been smashed by countless arrows, and there are constantly fangs barb arrows and phoenix arrows stripped from the arrow rain, smashing through the suffocating air, scratching the green armor covering the outside.

The lord of the heavens and the earth, the equipment is not everything!

But the devastating damage of the magical device is not good...



The green armor creaked and suffered a round of arrow rain. The voice of the heaven and earth allies obviously involved a trace of hoarseness and anger. Obviously, it was also suffered from a minor internal injury in the previous attack.

Just at this time...

The unbeaten embroidery needle of the East is silent!

The Heaven and Earth Alliance leader was shocked!


"Haha... slaves have never been self-satisfied."

The unbeaten in the East is crisp and laughter, and the sound is getting louder and louder.

At the beginning, the people around were not aware of...

But gradually, the sky turned around, and the surrounding Jinyiwei felt that the internal force had a tendency to lose control. Under the circumstance, the blood was tumbling, the chest was tight, the feet were unstable, and even the arm of the bow was weak, and they changed. Exclaimed:

"Everyone is careful!"

"Hold your breath, keep your inner strength, and resist the magic sound!"

"The East is undefeated, what are you doing!!"

Cao Shaoqin angered and asked.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth has not yet won, and the move of the East to be unbeaten has made him feel uneasy.

"Ha ha ha ha ... command to make adults do not blame, people I will help you to win, but the tigers and soldiers, slaves have to collect!"

In the enchanting magic sounds, the unbeaten in the East, such as the same group of obscure red clouds, is intertwined in the air.


The flying needles are intertwined, avoiding the knife that the Lord of the World and the Alliance whistle through; the silk thread wraps around the arm of the latter.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance wants to break free with internal force!

However, at the moment of contact with the silk thread, his face changed greatly and he blurted out: "Silver armor!" The body seemed to be an electric shock, and the act of breaking free became a dismantling hand.

Even the tigers don’t want to come back! Directly abandoning the weapon, the man Yu Kong flew out of the ten-footer so far, it seems to encounter very difficult things...

This avoidance, the tiger cub suddenly became the owner of nothing!


The unbeaten wind of the East just happened to pass from the place where Tiandi League originally stayed!


The tiger cub firmly holds the palm of his hand.

This scene has smothered the world's allies and Cao Shaoqin!

Heaven and Earth Allies are okay...

Although he lost the tiger cub, but after all, he saved his arm. The silver armor is a refinery made by the spiders of the Western Territory, which has the special effect of avoiding water fire. The toughness of the offensive is not inferior to the silk. But the most terrible thing is the strange poison contained in the spider's silk. In the hands of the master of heaven, the blood is the killing trick of the throat, and even the Lord of the Heaven and Earth has to retreat...


At the moment of leaving the tiger cub, the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance was finally awake from the influence of the tiger cub, and the look was one of the clear, under the shackles, did not immediately cull the East unbeaten to capture the tiger cub;

On the contrary, Cao Shaoqin’s face is very unsightly. When he saw the tiger’s fall into the hands of the unbeaten in the East, his face was blue!


Thousands of people are easy to push the world's allies to the brink of defeat. The East is unbeaten, but at this time, take the lead to take the tigers...

And thousands of people have been caught off guard and have been injured, and have lost the best time to deal with the undefeated in the East!

I saw the undefeated in the East and got a string of crisp and charming smiles. The people were like arrows from the strings. They shot from the air to the ground. The speed was fast, and the average person could not keep up with her figure.

Even if Cao Shaoqin is unbeaten in the East with the 'Acupuncture Technique', it is also a bit of a headache. In addition, it is necessary to separate the mind and protect the ears and the heart. It is impossible to deal with the undefeated East by using the method of dealing with the Heaven and Earth Alliance. .

Cao Shaoqin gritted his teeth and chased the undefeated back of the East:


"Leave the tiger! This command makes you not to die!! Mixed..." Responding to him is a bright tiger-shaped knife...

Although there is no such thing as the unparalleled domineering of the world, but the sword that contains the power of heaven is under the promotion of the tiger, the momentum is not too inferior. The sharp blade is just a knife, and it is born from the desert. Peel a deep gully that is four or five meters wide!

boom! ! !

Cao Shaoqin quickly turned to dodge and escaped in the past.

The East is unbeaten. This opportunity has plunged into the crowd and rushed into the Jinyiwei army!


Tiger into the flock...

Tiger-shaped knives swayed out incessantly.

what! ! !

Many Jin Yiwei did not even see the undefeated face of the East. They saw that the front of the body suddenly split into two parts...

Then I feel my body seems to fly!

Look down.

Your body is still in place.

One by one, the head is rising!

The screams of the Jinyiwei army are one after another...

Cao Shaoqin’s Jin Yiwei, known for his ruthless killing, completely collapsed in the undefeated and tiger-shaped knives of the East.

No morale!

The rest of the Jinyiwei face was pale and fled in all directions.

Seeing this scene, in the distance, the martial arts people who stayed watching the battle were all shocked...


The phantom's face is getting more and more ugly.

Although I was so dizzy when I saw that the Lord of Heaven and Earth was suppressed, but the strength of the Alliance is still true today; the East is undefeated to master the ancient devils; Cao Shaoqin is in the best condition, and at the same time has the **** of the Jinyiwei army, the three heavenly masters and They did not kill as much as they expected, giving them the opportunity to profit.

The situation is getting more complicated now!

What makes them even more depressed is that the pedestrians are dying in the direction of the undefeated rush in the East.



Seeing that the Jinyiwei army has resisted the ability of the East to be unbeaten for a while, the front line collapsed directly, and the phantom finally turned around:

"It’s too late to withdraw!! Go separately!!"

A group of people did not dare to neglect, turned around, divided into several batches, flew in different directions to escape...

The phantom judgment is correct - continue to stay in place, until the East is unbeaten close, they even want to go, it is impossible to leave the desert safely.

This is the case, the East is undefeated after killing a piece of clothing or catching up with a group of players here, hand-cranked and smashed seven people, and more people rushed to the past.

Far away from the East, unbeaten away, a group of people in the phantom are scared of cold sweat here!

"Fortunately, the reaction is fast..."

"This tiger has fallen into the unbeaten hands of the East, and it is even more terrible than falling into the hands of the Allied Alliance!"

Hearing the sigh of escaping from his brother's death, the phantom slowly nodded: "Yes, the world's allies are good at confrontation, and the East is unbeaten and good at speed... In contrast, the East is undefeated and wins. Behind the power is more threatening!"

After a pause, the phantom pointed to the distance:

"I am afraid that the Lord of Heaven and Earth will also hesitate to take risks..."


A group of people are silent.

At this time, Wu Kui suddenly thought of the Silver Fox four who suddenly separated from the team when the Lord of Heaven and Earth was suppressed.

Wrinkled, Wu Zhi Shen said:

"The landlord, you said, it is not accidental that the silver fox people left just now!"


Around the wind, the disciples were slightly stunned, staring at Wu Kui inexplicably.

The phantom also looked at him strangely:

"You mean."

She saw doubts in her eyes.

The latter went straight to the confusion:

"Accordingly, they know that they can't profit from the masters of heaven, and they can take the initiative to retreat. It is also a wise move... but it is related to the desert palace, and it is related to the ancient devils, no matter who can't help but stay, It seems a bit unusual for Silver Fox to leave early at this time."

"Don't guess, brother, it's rare that you will be more and more brainstorming."

The phantom has deeply looked at Wu Kui and smiled with a rare praise. "In fact, from the system announcement to the present, when I was happy in a few days, I guessed that this guy should have come to the desert, here. He can't possibly happen with such a big event!"

"But... Before the announcement of the system, happy has been lost for a long time." Wu Kuiyi, greet the phantom is not a dignified expression:

"This task happened just when he disappeared. Is there no relationship?"

"You mean, happiness is already in the desert, and it is likely to be with us?"

"Although I can't be sure where I am happy, what thoughts are moving, but at least for sure, a few people in Silver Fox are likely to be left by his instructions... In addition... this guy will definitely not let the tigers rush like this dangerous thing. Jianghu." When the phantom said this, few people noticed that a white letter pinched in her hand was turned into a powder! !

"So sure?"

Wu Kui did not believe.

The phantom bitter smile:

"I am not confident, I am happy, this guy is too confident..."

In fact, half a minute ago, she did not believe that happiness would be in the desert, and it was very close to the mission of the Desert Palace. However, the letter in her hand was written by Bai Xiaosheng. The content inside was very important. According to the agreement, even Wuji was not eligible to share. .

So no one knows.

Happy now is in the desert, not far from them!

No one knows that happiness has not appeared and involved in the task for the time being, and a large part of it is because of the masters of a group of wolves from the border into the desert of the Central Plains.

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