MTL - Super God Gene-Chapter 3389 Punch

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The elders of Futu looked at Tongtian Futu in the area, and the time passed quickly. It has passed nearly 20 minutes and is converted into actual time. It is afraid that it has already passed two or three months. Fiction.

"Even if Hansen's body is comparable to the 99% of the strong rate of breaking the boundary, I am afraid that it should be refining." The elders of the Buddhism thought so, but for insurance, they still did not take back the Tongtian float. , stay in that area, and wait until the hour of the time rotation has passed, then take back the float.

At this time, suddenly, the golden light trembled above the Tongtian Futu, and the next second, the whole Tongtian floating squad exploded and turned into a fine splash of fine sand.

Hansen’s body fell out of it, and it looked like it was not damaged. Don’t say that it turned into blood, and there was no trace of damage.

"Hey!" At the moment when the Tongtian Float was broken, the elders of Futu also squirted a blood, widened their eyes, and looked at Hansen unbelievably.

Hansen also looked at his fists and was a little worried. He just punched it casually and felt that there was no powerful force. The seemingly magical and sturdy Tongtian Futu was actually broken into sand by his punch.

After the elders of Buddhism reacted, they immediately turned around and wanted to escape. At this time, his back was already cold, but his heart was colder.

Tongtian Futu coupled with the acceleration of time, could not hurt Hansen, what a terrible body, except for Qin Xiu, the elders of Futu have never seen such terrible existence.

Knowing that it is far from Hansen’s opponent, where the Elder Buddhism dared to stay here and fight with Hansen, he only hated that he ran fast enough and could not immediately rush out of the day.

Now that Shi Zhong is still circulating, where is it easy to escape, the elders of Buddhism can only escape in the area of ​​stone clocks one after another.

However, because the speed of the stone clock is different, the elders of the buoys have also been affected. The area with fast time and velocity is still good. In the area where the time is slow, even the actions of the elders of the buoys are slow.

Hansen has been chasing the elders of Futu, and his speed is not very fast, but he has not been affected no matter what kind of stone clock area he entered.

"This body really does not suffer from the time flow rate." Han Sen had a bit of joy in his heart, speeding up his footsteps and trying to catch up with the elders of Futu.

However, he took the initiative to use his own power, but found that the body did not respond to his mind, and the speed did not improve.

"What is going on with this body?" Hansen’s heart was slightly depressed, and he could only slowly catch up in the back.

The elders of the Buddhism had been desperately trying to escape, but they suddenly stopped. There were two areas in front of him. The stone clock hands in one area were rotating at the speed of light, while the stone clock hands in the other area were barely moving.

Although the elders of Futuo are extremely high, they dare not enter the area where the time flow rate is so fast. That speed may be a thousand years, even if he can't bear it.

In another area, the time is almost static, and he rushes into it, fearing that it will be difficult to move and be frozen in the still time.

Seeing that Hansen had been chasing it, it was because Hansen couldn’t get up, but it fell into the eyes of the elders of Futu, but it made Hansen’s face extremely horrible. It seemed to be a mouse. Cats are average.

"Damn bastard." The elders of Futuo were very angry, but seeing Hansen playing such a careless play, but the fear of Hansen became deeper, and even the courage to return to Hansen was gone.

If he knows that Hansen simply can't catch up with him, he will be so unhurried, and he won't know what it will be.

Elder Buddhism gritted his teeth and rushed toward the almost stationary stone clock area, and took out one thing at the same time.

Hansen saw the blue light flashing from the elders of Futu, as the blue water of the same group wrapped his body and then rushed into the almost static time zone.

Originally, in the area where time is still, there should be no way to move. However, after the elders of Buddhism rushed in, they were not frozen in time and still rushing forward, but his speed was much slower, like a turtle crawling. general.

As the elders of Futu rushed forward, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the blue crystal beads in their hands. They could not help but feel a lot better.

"Fortunately, before the day of entering, the president gave me this space cracked bead, otherwise I am afraid that I will die in the hands of Hansen today. With this bead shelter, you can force through the time zone, even if it is Absolutely still time zone can't trap me, then Hansen should not be able to catch up." The elder Buddhism thought, turning his head and glanced back.

From this point of view, the elders of Futu suddenly changed their face. I saw that Hansen not only rushed into the static area of ​​time, but the speed did not slow down at all. He still rushed at the normal speed and his face suddenly became pale.

Hansen saw that the elders of Futu actually rushed into the still area, and said: "The elders of Futu are really looking for a dead end. If he flees elsewhere, I will not be able to catch up with him. So, he is not dead."

Hansen has already rushed in between the minds. As before, the time power here has no effect on his body. Hansen has already caught up with the elders of Futu.

"I am desperate with you." The elders of Futuo were worried, distorted, forced to gather strength, and once again condensed the Tongtian Futu, and went to Hansen to suppress.

It was only in the area where the time was almost static, his movements became extremely slow, and even the Tianfu Buddhism was slowly descending a little.

Hansen did not give in, but directly swayed a fist and greeted the Tongtian Futu.


Tongtian Futu was beaten by a punch and turned into a golden powder of the sky, and Hansen’s fist continued to rush to the chest of the elders of Futu.

The elders of Futu have no chance to dodge. They bite their teeth and inject their strength into the cracks of time and space. The blue water ripples on the body become more and more obvious. I want to use the power of time-space crack beads to block Hansen’s fist.

However, when Hansen’s fist fell on the blue water pattern, the blue water pattern was instantly broken, and there was no such thing as a one-stop that could block Hansen’s fist, and it was broken directly. Even the time-space cracked beads in the hands of the elders Broken together.

Seeing Hansen’s fist broke into his chest, the elders of Buddhism’s eyes were wide and their eyes were frightened. In the end, they had a thought: “Han Sen may be more horrible than the president...”


The thoughts are not over yet, but the body of the elders of Futu has been blown up by Hansen and turned into a **** fog.

The rate of break-off is very close to the perfect elders of Futuan, and even Hansen’s fist is not blocked.

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