MTL - Super God Gene-Chapter 3388 Repression

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The elders of Futu looked for a moment and found that Hansen’s movement was magical, but his movement distance was not very far. Every time he was able to avoid the attack of the broken beast, so he had a care in his heart.

Equal to a moment, the elders of Futu looked at the opportunity, and suddenly they played the Tongtian Pagoda. The treasure tower was huge, as if it covered the world, and enveloped this clock area.

Hansen’s position is limited. If he wants to avoid the suppression of the pagoda, he can only rush into an adjacent stone clock area.

But the stone clock next to it was faster than the propeller of the plane. If Hansen rushed in, I was afraid that it would take tens of thousands of years to go.

If you can resist it, if you can't resist it, you are afraid that you will die inside.

Hansen is also not sure whether his body can resist, and simply no longer dodge, let the Tongtian Pagoda suppress it.

Because the pagoda shrouded the entire area, the five-headed beasts were also shrouded in them, and all fled in horror, trying to escape the suppression of the pagoda.

However, the speed of the suppression of the pagoda was too fast. They simply couldn’t escape. Just listening to the bang, they were suppressed in the pagoda like Hansen.

Hansen only felt that the golden light was in front of him, and the man had entered the pagoda with the five-headed beast.

The interior of the pagoda is magnificent, just like gold casting, but this pagoda is somewhat different from the ordinary pagoda. The general pagoda is layered, and the pagoda looks like it is divided into 18 layers, but the interior is not layered. You can see it at a glance. Go to the dome at the top of the tower.

Above the inner wall of the tower, there are rows of gold charms, like a statue of mysterious, always arranged above the dome.

The five beasts have just entered the tower, and the many golden mantras are bright and bright, and the golden light of the tower is shining, as if there are countless rounds of sun, the stabbing people can't open their eyes.

Hansen’s eyes are not feeling at all, and they can clearly see everything in Jinguang.

Originally, Hansen thought that the golden light only looked awkward and did not have any substantial effect, because his body did not feel a little.

But the gaze fell on the five broken beasts, but it was a slight glimpse.

The five-headed beasts have just entered the pagoda, all of them are horrified, struggling to rush out, but the golden light that was radiated by the golden curse, the body suddenly settled, turned into a gold statue, the body still keeps thinking The action to escape, the expression on his face is very embarrassing.

Hansen’s heart was moved: “There are more than sixty break-up ratios in the five-headed beasts. Although they are not the strongest, they are also powerful in the universe. They are turned into golden statues by the golden light. It can be seen that the golden **** is really powerful. But I was also illuminated by the golden god, and the elders of Futu are certainly not likely to be merciful to me. So my body is really different."

When Hansen thought about it, he saw that the five gold statues began to melt and turned into a liquid of gold blood.

"Good vicious power!" Hansen frowned slightly, and the golden light not only turned the creature into a golden statue, but also melted the golden statue into blood, which was indeed vicious and did not leave a living path.

Beyond the pagoda, the elders of Futu are a happy face. They reached out and narrowed down the tower of the Tongtian Pagoda. They held the pagoda in the palm of their hand and watched the golden pagoda saying to himself: "I can use it." Even if you have an immortal body, you can't resist the power of Tongtian Futu, then Hansen will only be a **** water in a day or two. So, I have made great contributions to the president. Later, the president will overthrow the genetic temple to reorganize the court, and I will be able to become a core executive.

Although the elders of Futuo are proud of their hearts, they dare not be too careless. The constant operation of the power makes the golden curse in Tongtianfutu become more and more ambiguous, and wants to speed up the transformation of Hansen into blood.

As for the five broken beasts, the elders of Futu are not at all concerned. As long as they can kill Hansen, they will be able to sacrifice what they have.

The five heads of the broken beasts, together with the refining, is the means of Qin Xiu, wanting to create the ultimate in breaking the beasts, the elders of Buddhism do not want Hansen to have a chance to release the five-headed beasts.

Hansen is a person who can let Qin Xiu care. The elders of Futu are not afraid to support them. Generally, even if they are more than 95% of the creatures with a broken rate, they will be transformed into Kate.

The elders of Futu are going to refine in half a month. It is necessary to put Hansen to death. He must not give Hansen any chance.

Suddenly, the elders of Buddhism turned their minds and looked at a stone clock on the side.

The stone clock turned fast, like a fan, the time flow rate was accelerated many times.

"If you put Tongtian float in the area of ​​the stone clock, the past ten and a half months have passed, and for a while, you are not afraid that he can't die." The elders of the buzzer thought about it and cast out the Tongtian Futu.

Under the control of the elders of the Buddhism, Tongtian Futu flew over the area and soon fell on the stone clock that was rotated like a small fan.

The Tongtian Futu was affected by the acceleration of time, and it took several hours in a blink of an eye.

At this time, it was the time when the five golden statues began to melt, and Hansen was just watching the five gold statues melt, but the body did not feel the slightest discomfort.

For a moment, a golden statue was completely melted into gold-like blood, and only one tear-like gene was not melted and fell into the blood.

Hansen reached out and smashed the broken-breaking gene, and the other four-headed beasts were almost completely melted.

"Although I am not afraid of the power of this pagoda, how can I go out?" Hansen's body is strong and strong, and now there is no opponent. He does not know whether he can break this Tongtian Buddhism only by his current physical strength.

Hansen did not rush to try to penetrate the Tongtian Futu, waited for a while, and the other only the broken beasts, also turned into gold blood, he gave them a broken gene.

"Let's try it now." Hansen collected the broken-break gene, looked around and saw nothing like the portal or the window, and just walked to the side of the tower.

Hansen reached out and touched the gold-like wall. The golden curse on it also exudes a horrible light, but Hansen does not feel a little energy fluctuation. It seems that the golden light is just a general light.

When he raised a fist, Hansen looked at it and then punched it toward the golden wall.

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