MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 627 White City (V)

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Unlike the innocent little queen and the primitive giant, the Celestial Angel Celia is almost exactly the same as the deity. Whether it is her serious temperament or the calm manner, there is no difference between the war angel Celia in her own hand in Rhode's memory-no, it should be said that there are differences, the war angel in front With an immensely powerful momentum, it felt like a high mountain was coming towards him, full of a sense of coercion. Rhode, aware of this, was slightly surprised, because in reality, he had never felt so powerful in Celia's body. Although she is also very old-fashioned and tough, she is still a gentle and honest girl. Unlike now, full of aggression, just looking at it can not help but want to kneel down like a presence.

Could this be the real Celia?

"It really makes me look down. Don't you have more important things to do? Arguing here over these little things all day is boring!"

While talking, Celia the battle angel flapped her wings and landed in front of the two. Compared to the naked naked giant and the little queen wearing a gorgeous dress, Celia's third appearance appeared to be more attractive to Rhodes. At this moment she was wearing a white-gold battle armor, and her entire body was wrapped in golden light. The cloak and armor facing Phnom Penh set against each other, paired with Celia's flowing blond hair, gave Rhode's sense of existence even more than Lydia. Even the archangel was not as imposing as Celia now. Moreover, Rhode also noticed that what she was holding was not the long sword used by Celia in card form, but a sharp blade formed by the condensation of light, except for some entities of the hilt. The other parts are made of light ... it looks like a weapon form of the Jedi in Star Wars. Facing the arrival of the battle angel Celia, the little queen and the giant could not help but take a few steps back, apparently very alert to this sudden appearance of Celia. But Celia didn't seem to disagree at all. She just swept across the crowd coldly, then snorted softly. Then the angel raised his head and looked at the giant in front of him.

"As a girl. You don't even wear clothes, what a system! Put me on!"

On the one hand, Celia pointed her lightsaber at the giant Celia, and saw a flash of golden light, and the giant, who was naked, was immediately put on a plain dress. After doing this, Celia looked dissatisfied at Celia, the little queen on the other side. Seeing her solemn gaze, the little queen, who was alive, seemed to be a lamb stared at by a tiger, and she made a "beep", and then hurried back. Hiding behind Rhodes, only a small head was exposed to stare at her, as if Rhodes in front of him could completely block the sharp eyes of the battle angel. But for Rhodes, the war angel Celia did not even look at it, but stared at the little queen, and then said dissatisfied.

"As the ruler of a country, you have so many things to do, and you end up wasting your time for this little thing. There is no rule! Leave here now and go back to your country to do what you should do! "" What's the little thing! "

Hear here. The young queen Celia was obviously reluctant, and she even forgot the fear of the battle angel Celia, but rushed out from behind Rhodes, hands on her hips, staring aggressively at the angel in front of her.

"But I reached an agreement with Miss Giant! This is part of our agreement! She helped us recapture Sugar Mountain and I will make her a national of our country! How can this be a trivial matter?" ...


Hear the little queen's answer. The war angel frowned, and then she turned her head and glanced at her giant Celia not far away in amazement. Then the war angel Celia turned her head, looked at the little queen, and gave a stern answer.

"You don't even manage your own country. Want to reach an agreement with others? I declare this agreement null and void! She can live in Sugar Hill, but she will not become a resident of your country!"


Hearing here, the giant Celia and the little queen Celia both screamed in unison. But Rhodes didn't respond. On the contrary, he was embracing his hands on his chest, squinting his eyes and carefully looking at the three Celias in front of him. With the interaction of the three people just now, Rhodes seems to have gradually realized that What is the relationship between these three Celias and Celia of the Ontology?

"Why? What does this have to do with you ?! Why drive her away, I think she's very nice!"

Hearing the words of the war angel, of course, the little queen could not agree to this, she immediately jumped out and pointed at the war angel and said. When she heard the little queen's inquiry, the war angel raised her eyebrows. Then she put away the sword in her hand, and then reached out to find a record book from the cloak, and then opened it.

"Because I judge you don't have enough power to control and direct her. As a giant, she is strong and doesn't know how to control. Can you guarantee that she won't make anything in your country? She used to Robbed your food more than once and destroyed your city. But you can do nothing about her, but now you want to make her a citizen of your country? Can you guarantee that you can manage her? You can guarantee your country People have no opinion of her? What if she destroys your city again? "

"This ......... this ........."

Faced with a series of cross-examinations by the war angels, the little queen was stunned, unable to speak a word. Obviously, looking at her, she didn't think about it at all. When the giant Celia, who was standing next to her, heard these words, she was very dissatisfied and raised her hands and waved vigorously in protest.

"I won't do that kind of thing! I was just too hungry before, and I will never do it in the future!"

In the face of the protest from the giant Celia, the war angel looked very indifferent. She just glanced at the giant Celia and then asked coldly.

"If you say no, you won't? What if you're hungry but you can't find food? Are you going to break the agreement?"


Faced with this question from the war angel. Giant Celia is completely speechless. She stood there poorly, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. She didn't understand much of this at first. Many of the words spoken by the war angel at this moment are almost intelligible. For a while, the atmosphere was awkward with the silence of the giant and the little queen. Seeing that there was no protest from both sides, the war angel cleared his throat. Then he said as if the judge had made the final judgment.

"Then, let me decide. The giant can live in Candy Hill, where she has enough food, don't worry about being hungry, or breaking the agreement between the two of you. If you want to come later If you look at her, you can come to Candy Hill to find her. What's your opinion on this proposal? "


Faced with this proposal from the War Angels, the two could not speak at all. After all, from any angle. This is the most reasonable choice. In fact, Rhodes acknowledged that the proposal would be good for either party. Obviously, this is not acceptable to everyone. Just then, the little queen's voice broke the original silence.

"I don't want to listen to you! I have decided that she is our honorary citizen, and I will build a tall and big house for her in the city! What do you say? This idea is good, right?"

While talking, the little queen turned her head and looked at the giant Celia. In the face of the little queen's inquiries, the giant Celia stretched out her hand and scratched her hair. Then a bit bitter smile.

"That ......... I think it can be anywhere as long as there is something to eat. And I think it's good here."


Upon hearing the answer from the giant Celia, the little queen immediately raised her cheeks, and soon, her large eyes flashed with clear and tearful light. The next moment, I saw the little guy lamely, then turned and left. Only heard her crying cry coming from far away.

"Where do you like to go! I don't care about you! Huh!"


Facing the departure of the little queen. The giant Celia seemed a little worried. She turned to look at the little queen, and opened her mouth to say something. But in the end, her forward hand fell down weakly. Seeing this, the war angel Celia just nodded. Then she looked at the giant Celia and said.

"So, that's it. This is your home from today."

"But ... she ........."

Although for the giant Celia, being able to live in this candy mountain is definitely a good thing she never dreamed of. But her expression at this moment did not seem excited at all, instead she stared blankly at the direction in which the little queen left, with a complex expression appearing on her face. Seeing her expression, Celia, the angel of war, snorted softly, then spoke.

"Why, don't you want to go back now?"

"No, no, this ........."

After hearing the question from the battle angel Celia, the giant quickly waved her hands, but even so, she still looked at the direction of the little queen's departure, but did not know what to say.

And at this moment, Rhode, who had been watching indifferently, finally figured out the existence of three people-they are more like the physical substance of Celia's internal spirit. The giant Celia is more naive and simple, full of curiosity about everything, and is also not humane, what to say. She should be the most primitive "instinct" of Celia. The little queen is relatively willful and considers herself more as a center, so she is the proof of Celia's "self". As for the last war angel, it should obviously be a symbol of Celia's "sense". Judging from the relationship and status of these three parties, "sense" is the strongest, but "self" is the weakest. This is also in line with Rhodes ’impression of Celia. In fact, Rhodes does many things that Celia dislikes. For example, he used to create the Undead Army in the Southern War to kill civilians, and later in the border cities of the Kingdom of Light. The turmoil and chaos also flattened Casablanca. These are difficult for Celia to accept, but in the end she did not openly express her opposition, at best she was unwilling to contribute.

Thinking of this, Rhodes shook his head. Whether every time Celia faces her decision. It ’s all like now. Maybe she does n’t like it herself, and her instincts are against it, but in the end reason overwhelms everything and makes her choose to be silent? Rhodes would not change his course for others, otherwise he would have changed it. But he thinks if it can. It should be possible to have better communication. If Celia fights like this every time and ends, then Rhodeco can't rest assured.

It seems that the spiritual world is not in vain ... Rhode did not think that she could find the hidden problem in the heart of Celia in a world that looks like a childish fairy tale. Perhaps this is the necessary condition for the awakening communication between the holder and the card spirit?

But this is not the time to say this. Now Rhodes has realized that how to deal with the contradiction between these three is the key. The war angels are too sane and mature. But the giant is too simple. Before she could have said nothing, but she still said it, and it annoyed the little queen. The little queen is really good for the giant. She also hopes that the giant can become her own national, but the little queen considers it from her own perspective, not from the other's point of view. Naturally, she will naturally treat the giant's choice and Dissatisfied. But this kind of contradictory war angel would not bother, because in her opinion. This is the best way, so she won't give up her decision because there are conflicts between the two parties.

A fairytale spiritual world. It's really a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, Rhodes shook his head involuntarily. This is still Celia's spiritual world, what will happen to Celestina? She has never dealt with herself. Although Rhodes then forced the transformation of Serestina using the "overlord's hard bow" method, but the inner thoughts of this devil lady, Rhodes couldn't be 100% sure that he was sure of it .

When Rhodes returned to the Candy City again. The world has completely changed.

The originally lively city was deserted, the blue sky was also covered by thick dark clouds, and the pouring rain poured down, and the entire city was shrouded in heavy rain. This scene is not surprising for Rhodes, here is Celia's spiritual world. As one of the representatives of Celia's spiritual personality, the little queen will naturally also affect the world. Now it seems that her mood is obviously bad. Not only did the torrential rain pour down, but even the lightning was roaring constantly, looking like the end of the world.

Rhode walked into the palace again, this time quietly in the palace, and even the two war angels guarding here were gone. Fortunately, with the faint sobbing sound, Rhodes found the location of the little queen smoothly. But even Rhodes had to admit that in this kind of fairy-tale castle There was no one, the lightning flashed outside, the rain poured down, and the cries of a little girl echoed in the castle ... It really made some panic.

"Dang Dang Dang."

Before coming to a gate made of apple candy, Rhode stopped, then he reached out and knocked gently. Soon, with the movement of Rhodes, the cry inside the door stopped. After a while, the little queen sounded a little crying.

"who is it?"

"It's me, Your Majesty, Rod."

"Mr. Traveler?"

After hearing Rhode's response, the little queen's voice stopped for a moment, and then only heard the sound of "ping-pong-ping-pong," and after a moment, the closed door slowly opened. Then the little queen in pajamas appeared in front of Rhodes. It can be seen that she is in a bad mood now and has just cried a lot. The whole eye circle was red, and looked listless. Seeing what the little queen looked like now, Rhode sighed deeply. Then he looked at the girl in front of him with a charming smile.

"Can I go in and sit?"

"of course can……………"

Facing Rhode's inquiries, the little queen nodded, and then she opened the door and let Rhode enter the room. Two people came to the chair by the window and sat down. Looking at the little queen in front of him, Rhodes just shook his head, then he said.

"Are you sad?"

"Of course ... Mr. Traveler, I clearly thought about her, but I didn't expect that she would say such things in the end, I was so disappointed!"

As she said, the little queen clenched her hands again. Obviously, she was really disappointed with the giant Celia's answer.

"So you give up?"

"But ... the nasty guy is right ........."

"Of course I know she was right."

Rhode interrupted the little queen with a smile. At this moment, he already knew how to deal with the relationship between the three.

"However, many times it is not necessarily true without being wrong. Your Majesty, you did consider her a lot. But these are all your thoughts. Why don't you listen to her thoughts?"


Hearing Rhode's words, the little queen could not help.

"is this OK?"

"I think you can try it, Her Majesty."

When asked about the little queen, Rhodes smiled softly again.

"I think as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something." (.)

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