MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 626 White City (IV)

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Facing the little Queen Celia's questioning with a bit of panic, Rhodes did not answer her question first. Instead, he stared curiously at the little guy in front of him, shrugged his shoulders, and then asked.

"Speaking of, Her Majesty, I don't know what happened between you and her yet. Can you tell me?"

"This one………"

Hearing Rhode's question, Celia, the little queen, looked a little apprehensive. Her eyes were looking to the left and right, staring at the scenery on both sides in an unsteady manner. Both hands pointed their fingers unconsciously. At this time, anyone can see the little guy's guilty conscience. And seeing the expression of the little queen, Rhodes was also in the heart. Before the little queen wanted to destroy the giant herself, Celia was really anxious, and she said straight away. After calming down now, I think of what I said then, I'm afraid the little guy has already regretted it.

If this is the inner world of Celestina, I am afraid that Rhodes is facing the devil's sophistry. However, Celia is an angel. No matter what her inner world looks like, her essence as an angel will not change. So in the end, Celia the little queen honestly chose to confess to Rhodes. "Actually ... it's not a big deal, it's just that she came to us for the first time, but we didn't have so many sweets for her, so we refused her request. I just didn't expect her but several times Come to trouble, so we want to drive her out. But she became more and more aggressive, and actually attacked us, so I want to ... teach her and keep her away from us ... ... "

Behind the scenes, the queen Celia's voice is getting smaller and smaller. Obviously, she also knew that what she said was far from what Rod had to do before. So the little guy's heart is also a little bit weak. And hear here. Rhodes was finally relieved. It seems that the two sides have not resolved any inevitable contradictions, and there is no misunderstanding. What he fears most is misunderstanding. Sometimes misunderstanding is more trouble than anything. You think I am like this, but I think you are like that. Then even if you explain. I would also think you are like that. And if I think so, you will also think that I am like this, and if I toss and toss in this way, then it is really all over. It now seems that both sides know where the other person and their problems lie. There is no such situation that they think they are worthless but others are doing enough to destroy the world. It can also be seen from this that Celia is indeed an angel. In the words of most human beings, at this time, she will try to understate the mistakes she made, and then highlight the mistakes of others. However, Rhodes did not see the problem in both Celia, although they both complained about each other's actions. But I also know my problem. As a result, Rhodes was much easier. "So, why don't you leave her? Although her figure is huge, it is also good. For example, when she is building a house, with her, can't you easily set up a house? ".

Speaking of which, Rhodes remembered the story of the villain in Gulliver's Travels, which now seems to be another version of that story. It stands to reason. If the two sides can be as in that story, the villain will make clothes for Gulliver. Making food. Gulliver helps the villain nation to do something that he can easily do as a giant. Isn't this a win-win situation?

"Woo ......... this won't work ........."

Hearing Rhode's proposal, the little queen looked embarrassed, pondered for a moment, and then muttered to herself. Looking at her face in embarrassment, Rhodes raised his eyebrows. Could it be said that what else is unknown to me? Thinking of this, Rhode quickly asked.

"Do you have any other questions?".

"That's it, traveler."

When the Lord asked, the little queen spoke.

"Although we don't want to let her live with us. But we really don't have enough materials to make food for her every day."

"Oh? Anything like this?"

Hearing here, Rhode could not help but be interested. He originally thought that the spiritual world was what he wanted to accomplish, what he wanted, what sweets, sweets, and feasts all came to mind. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, but if you think about it, if everyone in the spiritual world can think about what they want, then there is no need for the giant Celia to commit to these desserts. The city was ruined. Facing Rhode's inquiry, the little queen nodded.

"Yes, traveller, all the ingredients we use to make desserts now come from Sugar Mountain. If we had changed, we still have enough materials to prepare her food. But now, that Sugar Mountain is occupied by a group of outsiders. Now, although we played against each other a few times, the result was not very good. In the end, we barely have only this small place ......... "said here, the little queen Celia is also 撅Opening her mouth, it seemed that she was obviously very unhappy about it. But seeing the expression of the little queen, Rhodes had a flash of light in his head, and he seemed to have grasped the core of the problem in Celia's spiritual world.

"How about this? Her Majesty, I'll talk to her. If she can help you recapture Honey Mountain, can you make her a resident here?"


Hearing Rhode's proposal, the little queen widened her eyes and stared at him excitedly. But soon, the little queen frowned again, then shook her head vigorously.

"Still not, traveler. Those who occupy the Sugar Mountain are very powerful, and we can't beat them at all. Although she is tall, she can't fight so many enemies alone ..."

"That being the case, how about working together?"

Facing the melancholy answer of the little queen, Rhode smiled again and put forward his own suggestion. This is what Rhodes does. In other people's spiritual worlds, he can do nothing, but rely on his own words to guide the residents of the spiritual world to make their own choices and actions. It's like a fight between two villains in one's head. It doesn't matter if they fight by themselves. But if there is an outside third party that affects two people, it is not good. So Rhodes decided to be only a guide, relying on his mouth to win the spiritual world. Rhodes is still very confident in this regard. Fortunately, he was considered to have been related to many women at that time. Rhodes was not a vanity dragon at that time, nor did he have any aristocratic status. It doesn't matter if he is young or old, just an ordinary college student. Even if the face is so beautiful. If you ca n’t speak kindly, which woman would be willing to go to bed with a stuffy gourd that ca n’t make a word in three sentences? That kind of dead house can't say a word in a day, I know that he smirks at the computer all day long and the beautiful girl comes to your house to clean up the miscellaneous things for you to cook for you but to warm the bed for you all day The guy who has no ten-word communication is only suitable for the protagonist of the ntr series; while he is enjoying the love box made by the girl for himself, while staring at the 2ch forum and immersed in his own world, the young girl who is young and beautiful His own cheerful and optimistic dead party opened a room in a small hotel street not far from home-this is the reality. What kind of young girl Zhu Ma will live for the sake of abandoning her house, and now the TV series will not play such a plot ......... By the way, all the TV shows are you love me, I love him, he loves you. …………

Because of the dead face, it is often mistaken for Rhodes to be a taciturn sanity. In fact, Rhodes has a lot to say, but it depends on the occasion ...

And now in the spiritual world, the sword is useless. Then Rhode had to rely on his mouth to save the world.

Regarding Rhode's proposal, the young queen Celia is also very tempted. After thinking for a moment, she finally nodded and promised Rhodes. If the giant Celia can help them repel the enemies of Sugar Mountain, let them recapture Candy Mountain Then, they are willing to accept the giant Celia as a member of their own country, and they are willing to prepare enough desserts and sweets for her. As for what Rhodes said before that he had eliminated the giant Celia-of course he deceived the little queen.

After getting the exact answer from the little queen. Rhode also quickly found the giant Celia and explained her agreement. And heard Rhodes say that Candy City is willing to accept itself. Giant Celia is also quite excited and excited, so she nodded and agreed with this proposal. As long as she can help Candy City and the Little Queen recapture Sugar Hill, then it's over.

And Rhodes can get away from this headache fairy tale ... Of course, he will never admit that he has eaten enough cakes and desserts.

There is no need to prepare anything in the spiritual world, soon after the two sides reach an agreement. The giant Celia merged with the little queen Celia, and then went to the Sugar Hill together. But after coming to the Sugar Mountain, Rhodes discovered that the mountain in front of him was a realistic "Honey" mountain.

Look around. You can see all kinds of sweets everywhere. Flowers and bush-like candies, a tree trunk made entirely of chocolate and a canopy of fluffy white marshmallows on top of it, instead of juice but cream flowing in the riverbank, a sweet smell Come, let the little queen and the giant Celia have an intoxicated expression.

But for Rhodes, the sweetness that almost came to his head, he was about to pass out.

Although there are so many sweets here, the little queen is serious.

"Be careful, those guys are terrible, we have to be careful !!!"

On the way, Rhodes has heard the little queen say that these enemies occupy the Sugar Mountain-they are very powerful, and the soldiers of the Candy City have no way to drive these invaders away. Not only that, the number of these invaders was also increasing. Eventually, the little queen had to evacuate with her men. They were only able to take some materials from around Sugar Loaf to make food, which is why they did n’t have enough food to share with the giants. After all, the giant Celia's appetite is too big, and most people can't hold it.

"Squeak !!!"

And just when the little queen's voice had just fallen, there was a squeaking noise, and then Rhodes was surprised to see that nearly a hundred huge mice suddenly ran down the Sugar Mountain, and then blocked the little queen and others road. They are like humanoid animals in fairy tales, wearing human-like clothes, and the sharp minions of the two front paws flashing cold cold light. They narrowed their eyes like this. Gaze at the person in front of me. Then a mouse who looked like a leader said it.

"Go out, go out! This is ours, ours! Everything here is ours!"

Facing the rat squeaking, the little queen also took two steps forward, raised her chest, and stared at them dissatisfied.

"Huh. You should just leave! This is ours. You have taken our place. We will not give up!" ...

As she said, the little queen raised her hand and waved forward.

"Come on! My loyal guards !! Defeat these invaders and grab our Sugar Mountain !!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

Hearing the little queen's words, the guards behind her also shouted immediately, and then they raised the candy spear in their hands and launched an attack on the mouse in front of them. quickly. The two sides fought in a round and fought fiercely. Although the two sides fought fiercely, their expressions were not realistic at all. Originally, Rhodes was still a little worried about whether the flesh and blood would be flying like in reality. Later, he found that Celia's spiritual world was still a childlike place. There was no intention of killing people. The mice's sharp claws, which seemed to tear the delicate skin, were made of rubber, without tearing the angels' bodies at all. And the angels' candy weapons will not hurt the mice naturally. And those who are defeated will not become corpses, but "Peng" will disappear ... Seeing here Rhodes finally understands. Why hasn't the little queen driven the mice out of Sugar Mountain for so long? In this way, if you can beat these mice. That's weird.

But this time, the little queen had a secret weapon. After seeing that her subordinates couldn't support her, she also yelled with her hands on hips.

"Come out!!"


With the cry of the little queen, the giant Celia walked out from behind. According to Rhodes and the Little Queen's plan, she kept secretly hiding behind her. And now. She didn't hesitate to hear the little queen wanting to play on her own, so she strode over and entered the battlefield soon. The mice were taken aback when they saw the giant Celia in front of them. They haven't seen such a giant. At this moment, after the appearance of the giant Celia, the mice are no longer as fierce as before.

The situation reversed almost instantaneously. In front of the giant Celia, those tall mice with a big man were really just mice. In the face of Celia's attack, there was no good way for them. And every time Celia lifts her hand, she will fly a large group of mice. After a short time, the mice hurriedly retreated, and there was no shadow.

"very good!!"

Seeing the rats embarrassedly leaving the Sugar Mountain, the little queen raised her hands and exclaimed excitedly. With the action of the little queen, the soldiers around her also raised her hands and began to celebrate the victory. After cheering, the little queen did not forget who was her helper for victory, so she ran to the giant Celia, stared at her with a smile, and then saluted.

"Thank you. Without you, I'm afraid we have no way to retake the Sugar Mountain. I declare that you will be a resident of our country in the future! A glorious citizen!"

"Really? Great!"

Hearing here, the giant Celia also exclaimed excitedly. And seeing this scene as if everyone was enjoying the end of the fairy tale, Rhodes was relieved.

So, it should be over, right? Quite a few words

However, just as Rhodes thought about it, suddenly, there was a dazzling light in his eyes.

"——————— !!!!"

The bright and dazzling light cut through the sky like a meteor, and then hit the giant Celia's body heavily. The giant Celia did not expect to encounter such an attack and fell to the ground in this way. And this scene also let the little queen and other people who were already excited get trapped there, do not know what to say. Just when everyone was surprised, a serious voice suddenly sounded.

"That's it! You are too bullshit!"

Along with this voice, an angel wearing golden armor, shrouded in glory and glory, holding an sword of light, slowly descended from the sky. She just sternly faced her, staring at the people in front of her, and the whole person exuded a tremendous momentum. The heavy air was so substantive that the almost pressured person could not breathe.


The moment she saw the Angel Girl in front of her, Rhodes confirmed that this Celia was really the Celia she knew.

It seems that Zhengzhuer finally appeared.

Chapter 626 White City (iv).

Chapter 626 White City (iv). ,

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