MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 154|Talk

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When I saw the lion training in the first day, I immediately realized the value of this practice, and forced to ask, now these beastmasters will certainly not realize the value of this practice.

In the orc continent, the Beastmaster has always been, but it has never been passed down, basically relying on luck.

Even the big tribes who have been to the Beastmaster may have no new Beastmasters appearing for many years after the death of their Beastmasters, and eventually they will gradually fall.

But they... to tell the truth, I hope that my glory can be passed down.

When the patriarch is a person, he certainly hopes that his son is also a patriarch. As a beastmaster, he naturally hopes that his son is also a beastmaster.

Like the Rhinoceros King, you can find the Beastmaster of the Beast God, but not one of the Rhinoceros.

Now, without the beast god, you can become a beastmaster... Who does not want to practice such a practice?

If you are a family, you will have a beastmaster for generations...

Those who can become beastmasters are basically innate in condition, and they are convinced that after they get the practice, their children will inevitably become beastmasters.

The Beastmaster, who was present, was eager to express his expression, but his mind was not with the lion.

Some of them stared at the lion, and they wanted to ask the lion to know first. Some of them tried to be like the Rhinoceros, and they had to deal with the people of the Big Bear tribe. They learned this from the people of the Big Bear tribe.

But no one spoke at this time - the people of the lion and the beast temple called them to say something, and they had any plans. They should wait and see what they changed.

Sure enough, the lion said: "You, you want to get the practice, you must arrest Xiongye."

Shi Li feels that this hand is really beautiful.

With these beastmasters helping, Kumano and others will inevitably be arrested, and he can then teach the martial arts to several of the beastmasters and the beast temple, which is what he asked from Kumano...

In this way, he will certainly be able to make a beautiful turnaround and have a snuggle.

The beast **** really wants him, he will always give him a chance.

Thinking so, the lion secretly prayed.

The Rhinoceros King saw the lion like this, and he was worried. He will not be against Bear, but he knows that other Beastmasters will be moved.

If he had known in advance that the Big Bears had several Beastmasters and had a good relationship with the Big Bears, they would definitely be moved.

At this moment, he was very embarrassed. At this time, if he stood on the side of Kumano and Zhou Moe clearly, he might let himself be attacked by these beastmasters...

"Why are we going to catch Kumano? We can use other methods to get the practice." The Beastmaster suddenly said,

These words are also what many Beastmasters want to ask. They have a good impression of Kumano. It is a lack of enthusiasm for seeing it. It is the lion beast king in front of them. When they contact, they feel uncomfortable.

"That method, the big bear tribe people have been hiding and will not tell you." The lion said: "I used to be a big bear tribe, and even almost became a partner with Xiong Ye, and only got a broken version. It’s a problem to make your body.”

Before the lion did not dare to fight with Xiongye, he was indifferent to the provocation of the Rhinoceros King. The Beastmasters suspected that his strength had water. Now, listen to him to say this, to be more certain.

The most important thing is that the lion has said the things of the exercises.

If he has a complete practice, how can he tell them? Surely hide and practice!

These beastmasters are all heart-warming, that is, this time, Godmoon came in from the outside, and said to the high priest who had never said anything: "Father, that week has been arrested."

In this case, the Beastmaster here has heard it.

The high priest glanced at the beastmasters and said, "Do you want to go with me to see?"

The beastmasters on the scene met with each other, and soon some people walked over. These people also looked at the unmoving rhinoceros king and the beastmaster.

The Rhinoceros King sighed and sighed.

The people followed the high priest and went behind the beast temple. Only then did they know that there was a hole in the back of the beast temple, and the mountain was hollowed out.

This beast temple, really can not be underestimated, but fortunately, the beast temple has been the Beastmaster before, but not always has the Beastmaster.

Only in the future... I really want to have that practice, and the Beast Temple is amazing!

But they are also likely to get the practice, when their tribe...

Zhou Mou still stayed in the hidden cave behind the Beast Temple.

He was surprised to find that he was brought to the Temple of the Beast.

He thought that arresting him would be a personal act of Shi Li, but he did not expect that there would be a beast temple.

The people of the Beast Temple... Why do you want to catch him?

Zhou Leng will come over this time, mainly because of the lion.

When the lion was in the Big Bear tribe, he found out that the lion was awkward, but at that time he had no sense of belonging to the Big Bear tribe. He didn’t care about it, and he didn’t care. Then he started to get up, and the lion Was taken away by the elephant.

There are a lot of mysteries in the lion.

His attitude toward Kumano suddenly changed, and the character of the whole person suddenly changed. He never left the Big Bear tribe, and he recognized the elephant...

This time I came to the Temple of the Beast and found that after the lion became a Beastmaster, Zhou Lian felt that this person was a stunner and even prepared to kill this person.

Keeping the lion, who knows if he will go crazy and do it, affecting his and Xiongye’s stable life in the Big Bear tribe?

However, he was originally planning to wait for them to participate in the beasts of the beasts. When they left the beast temple, the sea breeze and the rhinoceros king sneaked back and killed the lion, but now the lion suddenly came to arrest him... he simply came over Have a look.

At the same time, I am more and more sure of one thing - we must kill the lion.

However, Zhou Lian really did not expect that Shi Li actually said that he moved the beast temple to help him.

What made Zhou even silent was that... Shi Li actually said that he had moved other beastmasters.

Using the spirit to discover that the lion was coming with a group of beastmasters... Zhou’s brow frowned, but the whole person was still lying on the recliner.

So, when the lion took the person in, he saw Zhou’s quietly lying on the lounge chair, but with a scorn on his face.

Kneeling... It’s pretty good.

What exactly is going on? Why aren't people **** the week? !

Read The Duke's Passion