MTL - Stone Age Husband Raising Journal-~ 153|Digging

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"That Kumano is inseparable from his partner. I am finally gone today."

"We are quick and quick."

"Be sure to take people away as soon as possible!"

"Wait we slowly walk around..."


Zhou Mou used his mental power to hear the opinions of those who came over, and was somewhat surprised.

These people are coming to arrest him.

He knows that the beast temple has a small movement, but the beast temple... there is no reason to arrest him.

They want to win over Kumano, but if they take him away, they can not only win the bear wild, but should also offend Kumano?

Could it be that people who are not the beast temple?

But if it is not the beast temple, there should not be so many strong people... There are a total of ten senior beast warriors in these people.

These people are hiding in a distant house, assigning tasks, deciding who will attack the pigs, and who will deal with pig salt and the like.

Zhou Sili stood up from the lounge chair and wondered if he would leave with someone.

He does not want to get into trouble.

But this time, he suddenly heard one of those people ask: "Why are we going to catch that week?"

"I don't know, it should be related to the Lion King." That humanity.

Zhou suddenly suddenly did not want to go - in fact, he was taken away, nothing.

With his current strength, he wants to escape at any time, and he is not afraid of the lion.

The only thing to be careful about is that you can't suddenly go crazy.

But this thing... Zhou is not too worried.

With his current spiritual power, even the Beastmaster can control, and you don't need to do it at all.

Zhou Lian sat back again and wanted to see who wanted to catch him.

However, if the pig war and other people stay, it is likely to be in trouble... Kumano warned the pig: "Pig war, you bring people to call Kumano back."

"Good." The pigs got up and left.

Zhou Silent said: "I will let you bring people to call."

The pig war was a bit embarrassing, but soon after the silence of Zhou, with his own hands left - Zhou Silence... What should be?

As a result, the place where the Big Bear tribe lived was only the silence of the week, as well as the pig salt and the priests of the giant pig tribe.

These days, Zhou Lian has never communicated with these two people. But this time, he suddenly looked at the two people: "I didn't expect your impression of the Big Bear tribe to be so good, I am very pleased."

The animal priest of the giant pig tribe is a horse named Ma Shan. When he heard the silence of the week, he and the pig salt were both confused.

Zhou Silent said: "The people of the Beast Temple came to you yesterday, and you have rejected it very well."

Pig salt and Mashan were shocked.

When the people of the Beast Temple contacted them yesterday, they were careful. There were no other people around them. They always thought that this thing was unknown, and they did not intend to say it. They did not expect to be directly smashed by Zhou Sil.

Although they dare not betray the Big Bear tribe and do something, they used to secretly think about it. They want the people of the Beast Temple to find the troubles of the Big Bear Tribe. Even if the Big Bear tribes don’t suffer big losses, they can watch the fun. what!

The result... they didn’t see it as lively, they did what they did, and the people of the Big Bear tribe knew it!

The first reaction of pig salt and Mashan was to be grateful. Fortunately, he did not betray the Big Bear tribe, or else... they will definitely be killed by the people of the Big Bear tribe.

Ma Shandao: "Adult, we really like the Big Bear tribe."

"Yes, we are absolutely loyal to the Big Bear tribe!" Pig salt also immediately said something contrary to the heart.

"You are not the people of the Big Bear tribe, what loyalty?" Zhou Zhidao.

Mashan and pig salt suddenly felt a little scared.

Zhou said quietly: "There will be people coming soon. You don't have to resist, but you should know what to say and what not to say."

"We know!" Mashan and the pig salt should be down together, and a bit puzzled - someone wants to come? who?

Mashan and pig salt waited for a while, no one came, only to see a person who was eating there.

Before the week, what I did, I didn’t eat much. Most of them were eaten by Kumano. At that time, they still felt that Zhou’s beastmaster’s appetite was very small. I didn’t expect this, I saw Zhou’s silence. A full pot of yellow bean stew, and a pot of rice, some cold dishes are eaten all at once.

Still eating very fast!

Really worthy of the Beastmaster, not only the speed of eating, but also does not affect the temperament!

The two looked at Zhou’s silence with respectful eyes, and followed, someone came in.

These people saw only three people in the house, it was a surprise, and then they rushed to the pig salt and Mashan - the pig salt is a high-level beast warrior, and the Mashan priest is also a primary beast warrior, which is a threat to them.

As a result, they haven't started yet. Pig Salt and Mashan raised their hands and made a position of no resistance: "Don't fight!"

These people stopped their hands - pig salt and Mashan, a patriarch and a priest. These days, they have been humiliated by the people of the Big Bear tribe. They have been arranged to do a lot of things. It is normal to not want to protect the week.

But in this way, they don't need to do it.

After all, this week is silent, but a waste person who can't even change the shape of the animal.

These senior beast warriors are ready to come here, and now, in the face of this situation, there is some reaction in the past.

But it saves a few things, it is also very good!

"Take people together and take them away!" The headed person looked at the seemingly scared Zhou Mo, and looked at the pig salt and Ma Shan, and told the people.

The people under him immediately untied the rope from the waist and intended to tie people, but they still didn't do it. Zhou Mou said: "Wait."

"How?" The man frowned.

"I am not in good health. You are tied to me like this. Maybe I will be dead. Even if I am fine, if I am injured, Xiongye will not let you go." Zhou Qiandao said. If these people really want to tie him, he will leave without thinking.

"What should I do?" The senior beast warrior looked impatiently. He came to arrest people, but he thought that Kumano was the Beastmaster... He didn't really want to offend the Big Bear tribe.

Zhou Silent said: "You can carry me away."

"Think beautiful!" These humanities.

Zhou Silent said: "You must catch me, you should want to let Xiongye do something. If I am good, Xiong Ye will definitely be willing. If I am injured, even if he finally did what you want him to do, he will not let Have you."

These words are believed by Zhou, although the people of the Big Bear tribe came to the vicinity of the Beast Temple for only three or four days, but the beloved king of the Beastmaster has no one to know.

The headed person thought about it and finally looked at Pig Salt and Mashan: "You two are carrying him and going with us!"

Pig salt and Mashan quickly lifted Zhou’s silence and followed these people.

At this time, the pig war has found Kumano.

Kumano is not full of twenty. He has never seen the market before, and he is very interested in this beast offering.

At first, he planned to look at it with Zhou Mou, but later... The Beast Temple told him that he had prepared a chair for him to watch the Beasts at close range. They also got from the people who participated in the Beasts. Knowing that if you are far away, in fact, what the beast **** sacrifice is like, you can't see it at all.

Then Zhou is not willing to come over, let him participate alone, sit in front and look.

Sitting in front, I really see it clearly, and I can feel the atmosphere more. I want people to worship the great beasts, but Zhou is always absent. Xiong Ye always feels a little boring.

However, it is normal for Zhou to not want to come.

Except for these beastmasters, the others basically went down to the priests of the Beast Temple... Zhou Lian really wants to do this, he still reluctant!

Zhou Silence is the messenger of the Beast Temple. It is more noble than these priests. How can you kneel down?

The priests of the Beast Temple sang and danced, made a lot of prayers, and prayed to the beasts with all the people.

The collective blessing ceremony under the leadership of the high priest soon ended, but other small blessing rituals of different sorts were still going on, and the people of the beast temple gave people water.

Kumano is quite serious.

He was trained as a priest heir for a period of time, and the priests danced and danced. They all learned, and he could feel it. The dance of the priests of their tribes was the dance of the priests of the beast temple. A simplified version of the words.

The priest who came to the Big Bear tribe to help the Big Bear tribe at the beginning should be the priest of the Beast Temple.

Kumano learned almost subconsciously and planned to learn more. After going back, he taught the priest.

The priest should be very happy, but Xionghe should be unhappy - as a result, the things he has to learn will be much more.

When Kumano looked at the "performance", the people of the Beast Temple called out the eight beasts except him.

There should have been nine, but like the Beastmaster until the ceremony began, they did not come...

Ever since I saw the animal shape of Zhou’s silence, Kumano has almost confirmed that the elephant king who took the lion is a father of Zhou’s silence.

For this reason, when he saw that the Beastmaster did not come, he paid special attention to the pictographic tribe, and then saw the strong figures of several pictographic tribes in front of him. They were all worried and worried. Looking at the lion, you should know the lion.

After the lion was brought into the beast temple made of square stones by the people of the beast temple, the people of the pictographic tribe were even more absent-minded and whispered.

Kuman looked at it and went to see other things, then saw a very high pig fight, standing in the crowd waving at him.

Didn’t the pig stay in the market during the war to accompany Zhou’s silence? How come suddenly?

Kumano jumped from the high platform and walked toward the pig war.

At this time, in the hall of the Beast Temple, the lion told the beastmasters: "The big bear tribe controls a method of cultivation. If you practice in this way, you can become a beastmaster without eating the beast."

"This is impossible!" The beastmaster.

The Rhinoceros King also said: "How could there be such a good thing? You don't talk nonsense!" Although the Rhinoceros King did not want to reprimand, he was shocked.

This lion beastmaster said that the beastmaster of the Big Bear tribe is too much. Is this true?

But even if this is true, he has to help the Big Bear tribe to deny it.

"This is true, otherwise you think how I became the Beastmaster, how did Xiongye become the Beastmaster?" The lion asked: "If you eat the beast, you can indeed become the Beastmaster, but if you don't have the strength of a high-ranking warrior, you can eat it. The beast and the fruit, there is only one dead road... What age is Xiongye and me? Can you become a senior beast warrior at our age?"

The beastmasters have listened to them, and only the rhinoceros king said: "In this world, there is genius."

"The Rhinoceros King, I heard that you joined the Big Bear Tribe? Is it for the practice?" The lion asked. He knows that there is no such thing as Kumano, and that Kumano can become a Beastmaster. It should be irrelevant to his efforts.

It is easy for a low-powered person to eat a beast god, but if he can persist, he may survive.

It happens that Kumano is a very tolerable person who can persist.

However, he intends to plant this method to Kumano. After all, he can only say that these beastmasters will deal with Kumano.

"Lion, according to your statement, you will also do the exercises. So, I want to learn how to join this big bear tribe, can't you catch you to ask?"

Other Beastmasters have already thought of this, and they have looked at the lion: "The Lion King, you have such a practice, how can you hide it?"

"The Lion King, open our eyes to us."

"Lion Beastmaster, can you not be kind?"


The lion felt that these people were not very friendly in their expressions. They immediately said: "You, the exercises I got, are problematic."

"How do you say?" asked the beastmaster.

"The Big Bear tribe has a practice that has been handed down, but only the patriarch can cultivate, and will not cultivate for others. I can know that because Xiongye had seen me before." The lion was sharp.

Is there such a thing? The beastmasters looked at the lion with surprise, and the expression was hard to say - this lion beast king, even had emotional entanglement with the bear beast king?

The lion said: "It is a pity that the practice I know is problematic, so although I have a good cultivation, but my strength is problematic... I didn't want to fight with Xiongye before because of this problem."

"These are just the words of your side!" The rhinoceros king, but there is some faith in my heart. The case of Kumano and the lion, he mentioned the people of the Big Bear tribe in the past two days. At that time, the people of the Big Bear tribe felt that the lion had a serious problem. Fortunately, Xiongye and the lion were separated, and Zhou Mou was chosen.

However, although he believed, he still stood on the side of Kumano and Zhoumo.

The sea breeze likes his son very much. If there is such a practice, should he be taught to his son? Then his son’s life will not be worried about him at all!

But he is against the big bear tribe... his son is with the big bear tribe!

"I have evidence." The lion said sharply: "I can cultivate for you."

When the lion said it, he would run the practice.

The Beastmaster is very sensitive to the changes in energy around them. They can clearly feel that the lion is absorbing the energy around.

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