MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 354

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After the five people in full gear got off the plane, the space suits on their bodies began to function.

The life support system inside the space suit is running crazily at the moment, and it also gives feedback on the external situation on the personal control system.

Although there is still no calculation to understand what happened to the air structure near the volcano after the eruption, the system shows that the temperature of their environment is quite high.

The average temperature outside has reached 70 degrees Celsius. If it weren't for the power of the space suit, the internal life support system is very powerful, and the people inside can feel the temperature rise.

The five of them continued to march towards the crater, and soon approached the edge of the magma that had solidified before.

When the five people came close to the solidified magma, they all stopped. The first thing they wanted to do was to collect the magma specimens.

Snowy Owl held an iron bucket in his hand, and stood still in front of the magma that had solidified but still exuded the heat, then took the shovel in his hand, and swung the shovel towards the magma.

He thought that the shovel would shovel hard objects, but he didn't feel it. It gave him the feeling at this time, but it was like cutting into tofu with a knife, without the tactile feeling of shoveling on hard objects at all.

Snowy Owl was still puzzled by this kind of feedback, and didn't understand what was going on. The four people behind him also noticed the difference in Snowy Owl's actions at the moment.

Under the watchful eyes of the four people, Snowy Owl scooped up the magma in front of him with a shovel. When the shovel was lifted up, they all understood why they didn't feel like they had shoveled something hard just now.

This is entirely because the magma in front of them has not yet completely solidified. Don't look at them, the magma that was able to flow before, with orange red and heat, has solidified and turned into iron black, but in fact , only a layer on the epidermis is solidified.

The inside of the magma has not solidified at all, and the inside of the magma is still soft, and there is still a lot of heat inside that has not been emitted, and only the skin is solidified.

Seeing such a situation, Snow Owl was also a little confused. Before the five of them came down, they really thought that the magma had solidified!

And what about the real situation of magma? There was no solidification at all. Since there was no solidification, their idea of ​​going to the crater could not be realized.

If they stepped into the scorching magma rashly, no matter how high-tech their space suits were, they would still be damaged if they were exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

The current reality is that they can't move forward at all. Only after the semi-solidified magma is completely solidified on their way forward can they rush to the crater to collect the required specimens.

"It seems that we came down at the wrong time. The magma hasn't solidified at all. I think we should wait for the plane. Commander, look!" One of them saw that the others were stupefied, and spoke to them first. Several people reminded.

Hearing the astronaut's words, Snowy Owl came back to his senses, and threw the shovel of magma that was still in his hand into the iron bucket they brought.

"Well, it's true, wait until I shovel this iron bucket full, we can't make a trip in vain, we have to bring something back when we come down this time!"

Following Snowy Owl's answer, he swung the shovel quickly, and soon he filled the iron bucket with semi-solidified magma, and then with the cooperation of one person, he put the lid of the iron bucket on top.

And fixed the lid of the iron bucket well, fixed the air composition detector by his side and opened it, and after doing all this, he brought the other four people back to the aerospace plane.

The mission goal of the five people on this trip was not achieved at all, they just brought back a bucket of magma that hadn't solidified yet.

After returning to the aerospace plane, fearing that something unexpected would happen to them, they started the plane again and floated in the air near the volcano.

After they finished these operations to ensure their own safety, they quickly imported the video of the volcanic eruption that they had been shooting before into the computer, and edited the important clips in the video.

Then these edited videos were compressed by them, and then they turned on the communication system and sent back the volcanic eruption they were encountering now to Earth.

At this time, it happened to be the best node to communicate with the earth, so this video file, which was still very large after being compressed by them, took a long time to send before it was all sent.

On the earth, more than 30 hours have passed since Kyushu News Station broadcast the news of landing on Mars. All the people who heard the news are still immersed in the news and cannot extricate themselves.

At this time in Kyushu, the society has begun to discuss matters related to Mars immigration, as if emigrating to Mars is really a very simple matter.

The people of Kyushu are imagining a bright future, but in societies outside of Kyushu, all the people do not believe that the news released by Kyushu News is true.

Because even if they themselves have not yet achieved something, how can Kyushu achieve it? It is the typical kind of self-determination. Since I can't do it, why can you do it.

Basically, all of them are this kind of speech, and it is also the most marketable speech in other countries. In fact, it is justifiable to say that, don't think that there is no cognitive warfare among them, sometimes their masses are more ignorant than the Kyushu people.

Just like they themselves questioned their Apollo landing on the moon, and they still questioned it from the moment they appeared, always holding their own little cognition, and considering the whole world's approach.

Landing on Mars is simply nonsense, just like a considerable number of them refuse to believe that the earth is round, it is simply ignorance to the extreme.

The level of the people is limited, but some of their officials are still not much better informed, and they all think that the news of landing on Mars was deliberately released by Kyushu to drag them into the space race.

Why do they have such an idea? It’s because that’s what they did back then. They used the Cold War and various competitions between countries to drag down Soviet Russia.

It is said that a gentleman is magnanimous and a villain hides his jiji. This is such a manifestation.

As for the top leaders of some countries, after receiving the news, they were really anxious and angry. Their focus was not on the authenticity of the matter, but all of them were thinking about how they should deal with it afterwards.

This is what they should consider, and the current situation is that it is really difficult or even impossible to catch up with Kyushu's pace in space, but there are still some things to do.

I don’t want to talk about their reactions for the time being. After the Kyushu Space Administration received the document being sent back from Mars, the staff on duty in the duty room were all excited.

They are all paying attention to the movement of Mars at all times, and after this time they will unveil most of the mysteries of Mars.

They will have a detailed understanding of Mars, which is still holding the pipa, and they will no longer have the inherent cognition of Mars before.

Just as everyone in the space agency waited patiently, the files sent back by Snow Owl and the others were finally received. What followed was a video with a total of more than 300 megabytes, a total duration of more than 15 minutes, and a quality of 480p. .

After receiving them, they couldn't wait to open and play the video. Someone double-clicked the file to open it, and then the built-in fast broadcast player software in the system jumped out, and the file was quickly decoded by the software.

The video started to play, and people who didn't know the content of the video were all staring at the big screen very curiously.

After a second of darkness, the picture brightened up, and then there was the scene of the eruption of the active volcano on Mars that Snowy Owl and the others took at that time.

When seeing this scene, all the staff in the command room were stunned. They did not expect that the content of this video was so explosive.

For different people, the meaning of "best" is fundamentally different. For old color critics, black silk and long legs are "best", and for Jian Huangshi, the meaning of "best" is also different.

For everyone present, the eruption of Mars' volcano was explosive.

"What kind of **** luck is this? Our astronauts actually encountered a volcanic eruption after going up!" A certain staff member who was watching the video also complained. The luck of the astronauts was incredible.

Everyone in the command room had different expressions, but everyone's reaction was happy.

And the on-site commander here didn't finish watching the video at all. After roughly watching the beginning, he directly retreated from the command room, turned around and called to report to the higher authorities.

All the things that happened here were reported to the higher-ups. When the upper-level people received the news, a big boss immediately rushed towards them, representing their identities.

After reporting the news, the leaders of the Kyushu Space Agency also knew what happened, and the leaders of the space agency immediately contacted the experts who studied Mars.

With these experts who study the Martian environment, they went straight to the command center in Peiping.

After receiving the notice, all the experts had a general guess about finding them. In fact, when they saw the Mars exploration plan that day, they had been waiting, waiting for the call from their superiors.

The situation on their side was like flying chickens and dogs jumping around, but Li Zhenhua in Dongshan was not affected at all.

He is still remodeling his own car. After the special Iveco car came into his hands, it was inspected comprehensively, and Li Zhenhua even reassembled it in some places.

During the reassembly, he also installed the particle energy shield designed later on the car.

The portable particle energy shield, one's own particle storage treasure, has also been tested before. Since he contacted Wang Yuesheng earlier, the other party urgently transferred him a sun star energy core.

After having the particle production equipment of the sun star, all the storage treasures he had produced in his hands were recharged in the first place.

After charging, there are various tests in reality, how long can the particles in the storage treasure be stored! The charging time of particles, the release efficiency of particles, etc. have all been strictly tested.

Although he has already tested in the virtual laboratory before this, but the real test is still to be carried out.

Especially for the smallest portable particle energy shield, the test items for this gadget are the most stringent, because it cannot be said that this is the last safety measure, but it is not too far behind.

So everything is for your own safety. What kind of effect this particle energy shield can exert, still needs to be tested in reality.

The maximum expansion range of this shield is 1.44 square meters, which is 1.2 meters long and 1.2 meters wide. As for the height, it looks like his height.

And the outer shape of this shield can be adjusted, and it can be adjusted to be exactly the same as your figure, just like a thin film covering the outside of the body.

And the attack power that the energy shield can withstand is quite astonishing, UU reading www. needs to know that the full-power energy shield used in conjunction with the sun star can withstand nuclear explosions.

Although due to the limitation of portability, the particle storage of the storage treasure is still limited, and the simplification of the shield generator has these deficiencies, but the effect he can achieve is still particularly amazing.

It's a piece of cake to defend against things like firearms, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

And the 40 fire and 60 force on the Internet, even if it explodes on the shield head-on, it still can't do much harm to the people inside the shield.

To achieve such an effect, let him know that as long as there is an energy shield, he can basically go anywhere in Kyushu. There is no organization that can get more powerful than 60 forces in Kyushu. arms.

Moreover, the upper limit of the shield's protection has not been fully utilized, and there are still higher effects beyond this, but Li Zhenhua did not test it.

As for the use time of the storage treasure, it is not a problem, because in normal use, the range of the shield opening is only the head, the range is small, and the use power does not need to be too high.

When encountering danger, the shield will automatically detect the threat, and the price shield will be opened, giving the user an absolutely safe time to escape into the thick enough protective device.

As I said here, Li Zhenhua has already created the holographic camouflage projection, and his traces will become a difficult point for the enemy to explore. The final result may be that the enemy does not know where he is at all.

How can you pose a threat to him if you don't even know the location?

After the particle shield on Iveco is installed, the main vehicle he will use for travel is considered to be manufactured. Next, as long as he can finish the Qingniu bus and the spare model, he can really set off to visit Kyushu.

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