MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 353 eruption

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Kyushu is the master but when the anchor was reading these manuscripts, his emotions began to fluctuate. Even if it was a manuscript in which he had experienced many important events before this, it was still not as exciting as this manuscript.

The viewers who were watching the program in front of the TV were even more confused. They thought that a photo displayed for 20 seconds without saying a word was considered a broadcast accident, but after listening to the anchor After the words, I finally understood.

A photo displayed for 20 seconds is really not outrageous. It turned out that what the anchor said was the most outrageous. They actually sent an aerospace plane to Mars from Kyushu, and successfully landed on Mars. .

This news is not like news at all, it is completely like a news that some tabloids posted to deceive people's attention. If it was not broadcast on the Kyushu News, no one would really believe it.

The audience in front of the TV, after seeing the news, all complained in their hearts. Just as they were still absorbing the news they had just heard, the anchor's broadcast came again on the TV.

"The Zhu Rong took pictures of the complete landing process of the aerospace plane, and after compressing them, they sent them back to Earth.

As for the aerospace plane that has successfully landed on Mars, the significance of this landing will be huge. Our space heroes will stay on Mars for a period of time. The station has not received definite information on how long it will be.

The main tasks of landing on Mars this time include thorough observation of the Martian environment, drawing a detailed map of Mars, detecting the specific composition of the Martian air, analyzing the structure of the Martian soil and other scientific research projects.

The ultimate goal is to complete Kyushu's own digital Mars model, which will greatly help future Mars research. "

The viewers in front of the TV, after listening to the anchor's broadcast, were powerless to complain anymore.

It's really a dislocation to say this, it's obviously a very awesome thing, but it's so insignificant when the big anchor says it at this moment.

The digital Mars model, if Kyushu can really come up with this thing, it may not be too far from Kyushu's transformation of the Martian environment.

Once the news was broadcast, both the people of Kyushu and the people of foreign countries fell into a daze. Of course, those from other countries who knew about the incident were not among the dazed ranks, and they entered a state of anxiety.

Especially Lao Miao was the most anxious. When they were still trying to catch up to return to the moon, Kyushu himself took another big step forward. With just such a step, how could they catch up?

When they landed on the moon, the launch vehicle used alone had a take-off weight of 2,930 tons. This was still used for landing on the moon. Mars is much farther away from the earth, and the previous rockets could not fully carry people to Mars.

What's more, they later dismantled the original Saturn launch vehicle production line, and now they are struggling to even land on the moon, let alone land on Mars.

What else could they do now? Increase investment in this area. Of course, they also have a strong interest in the aerospace aircraft technology that Kyushu has mastered. While becoming interested, they are trying every means to make Kyushu's their own.

Once the robber logic becomes a habit, this kind of thinking is no longer so easy to change.

"The above is the report sent back by our reporter. After the program is over, there will be a detailed report on this mission. Welcome everyone to watch the follow-up special program! Today's Kyushu News is here. Welcome to this program. See you tomorrow !"

After the anchor finished broadcasting, the piano version of Tain played on the TV, and the live room slowly dimmed.

But the viewers who watched this show couldn't calm down for a long time. It was originally suitable for an ordinary day, because the broadcast of this news was no longer ordinary.

And when the audience on Earth was accepting the information bomb, Li Zhenhua, who changed the car at his home, just smiled when he heard it, because in his opinion, Kyushu's current performance was completely within his expectations.

Because there is such a powerful aerospace plane in this way, there must be something to do, but it will happen sooner or later. Since it is inevitable, he will not have many accidents.

After hearing the news, he turned around and started working on the matter in front of him. He was still fine-tuning the details of the car he was traveling on.

Looking back to Mars, Snowy Owl and the others finally used the dagger they brought up for the engraving. Although it did a lot of damage to the dagger, but the job was done, and this dagger can also be recorded in the annals of history.

As long as the font of the stele is used, almost everyone agrees to use the teacher's calligraphy style.

Then they used the projector on the spacesuit to project the words to be engraved on the stone tablet, and the rest was to dig slowly with a dagger.

When they scratched the stone with their knives, some of the testing equipment that had been arranged in the morning had stopped working, and the data they wanted to test had already been obtained.

All kinds of testing equipment are constantly performing their tasks, and Snowy Owl and the others are not idle, they have been engraving words on the stone according to the font projection that they can see.

Just when the five of them worked together to engrave the words on the stone tablet, all the machines that were running had come to a stop, and all of them had tested all the things they should test.

The elemental structure in the soil, the content and composition of the air, etc. have all formed corresponding data, and the collection of these data means that their first-stage tasks have been successfully completed.

And their follow-up mission is a long-term mission to observe Mars activities, to observe whether there is wind on Mars, whether there is liquid water, what is the structure of the land on Mars, and whether it meets the needs of plant growth factor.

These things, etc., are what the five of them will do later. Although they may not be able to do all of them, they can do as much as they can before they come to Mars.

In the next few days, they flew back and forth in the space plane to various famous places on Mars.

Some of the specious places observed on the earth are all the destinations of their trip. Anyway, the biggest task is to collect as much data on Mars as possible.

The stone tablet since ancient times can be regarded as being erected by the five of them, and it can be regarded as an opportunity for Kyushu. Don't think that this thing is a useless thing.

No one can figure out the future development. In case Laomei's technology is again in the lead, they occupy Mars, and wait until Kyushu catches up later. The two sides are at the point of tension. Since then, we can speak again.

Who can tell what happened next? That's what they're doing now anyway.

The exploration process of Mars has always been smooth, without any accidents in the middle, but when the five of them came to a mountain that is not high on Mars, an accident happened suddenly.

Originally, the five of them got off the aerospace plane, and while admiring the ancient desolation of Mars, they felt something was wrong.

Because of the five of them, all got feedback from the space suits and made an estimate of what they were going to encounter in the future.

The location where they are will soon be turned into ruins. The reason is that the mountain under their feet is an active volcano, and it is still an active volcano.

It was really shocking to feel the vibration coming from under their feet. They didn't expect that the active volcano they had never encountered before on Earth would make them feel it on Mars.

The five people also knew the danger of a volcanic eruption, and then they all returned to the space plane, nestled inside the plane, but their eyes were still staring straight at the active volcano below the plane.

Back inside the aerospace plane, control the aerospace plane to hover not far from the volcano, and the five of them are all staring at the mountain below, what will happen after that, will it be the same as that on the earth? Volcanic eruptions are the same manifestation.

Everything here is unknown to them. After all, this is a strange planet. They only have a superficial understanding of the specific environment on the planet.

Even though technology is so advanced now, people still dare not say that they have a 100% understanding of the earth.

They also set up ultra-high-definition shooting equipment. The phenomenon they encounter now can be regarded as something that cannot be met. Taking pictures of all these things will be of great help to them in better understanding Mars in the future.

Don’t think that all the pictures taken now are useless. In fact, the effects that are happening now are still very important. Before they came, it was just an inference that there would be volcanic activity on Mars, and it has not been fully confirmed. But when After all the things they photographed are brought back to the earth, it will be an iron fact.

And the captured things, after being brought back to Earth, will be handed over to scientists, so that they can have a deeper understanding of the Martian environment.

The camera was facing the crater below, and five or six hours passed after they took this shot, during which the volcano was always active.

It is also starting to emit black smoke into the sky, and there are some gray dust, making the surrounding environment over the volcano foggy. As the volcano becomes more and more active, their visibility on the plane is also decreasing.

However, such a phenomenon also appeared. As for the large-scale eruption of the volcano, it did not appear at that time.

The crater was still emitting smoke toward the sky, and they didn't know what the composition of the smoke was. They were just above the crater, watching everything that happened below with concentration.

Time passed for several hours unknowingly while they waited, suspended in the sky, and the five people also lined up their shifts. Just as the snowy owl lay down on his bed in the living area, he was caught The team members called out.

When he came to the cockpit again and looked at the crater below, he found that it was the crater below, and finally it was the magma that started to emerge.

The crater has changed from being foggy to an orange-red glow, and the magma inside seems to be flowing out of the crater.

The height of the magma was getting higher and higher, and finally after more than ten minutes, a fiery magma was ejected from the crater to the sky.

Carrying enormous heat, the magma still exuded an orange-red light. It suddenly rushed seven or eight meters upwards, and then fell towards the ground in the air.

When the magma fell to the ground from a position of seven or eight meters in the air, it was originally a stream of magma, but due to the impact, it hit the ground, like a goddess scattering flowers, splashing towards the surrounding areas.

When the magma fell to the ground, it immediately flowed down the mountain along the iron oxide red hillside.

At this moment, the pressure in the crater is not as strong as before, and the magma inside just speeds up its rise in the crater, and quickly overflows from the crater to the surroundings.

The five people on the plane flew a little farther with the plane when the volcano was erupting. Although there was an energy shield on the plane, it was better to avoid it.

The five people were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them. They had never seen such a scene. Even on the earth, it is rare to see a volcanic eruption, let alone an active volcano on Mars. The scene of the eruption.

They simply didn't have the right words to describe that shocking scene, and they all lamented the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

And just when they saw the magma flowing out of the crater, they suddenly discovered that the land where the magma flowed was also melted by the heat of the magma, and gradually turned into a part of the magma, which flowed down.

After the magma flows for a certain distance, the color and shape of the magma also begin to change, and it is also slowly changing from liquid to solid.

Gradually, the color of the magma began to lose its orange-red color and turned to iron black. When the magma stopped flowing along the hillside, the color was also fixed at extremely black. The five people on the plane also knew it. It should be It is the state of the magma after

Seeing that the magma had stopped flowing and finally turned into a solid piece, or a large rock with unknown elements, the five of them did not act rashly.

They are waiting, waiting for when the volcano below is no longer active, and they will not get off the plane until the volcano has completely stopped.

By then, the volcano had completely stabilized, and they had filmed all the required scenes above the sky, so they could go down with peace of mind and sample around the volcano that had just erupted this time.

All the materials erupted from the volcano this time are within the collection range of the five of them, what kind of magma! Air environment, element composition, these are the things they will collect. It can be said that they will have a lot of work in the future.

The five people controlled the plane at a safe distance from the crater and finally landed after carefully confirming the environment. They got off the plane fully armed and headed towards the crater with all kinds of equipment.

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