MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 584 The siege begins, the red wave!

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The next day, Xu Xin woke up very early.

Today's random boost is the hearing boost, which is also his favorite boost.

If the increase in vision allows him to grasp the situation in the distance, then the increase in hearing allows him to perfectly grasp the situation around him.

Even the changes below the ground.

For today's battle, hearing is definitely the most suitable boost.

Outside the tree house, various sounds entered his ears.

There are already many people outside.

It seems that everyone is more excited because of the upcoming battle.

"I haven't recovered from this Crystal City and World Tree yet! This city is too beautiful!"

"Will we win? Will we win!"

"I was about to participate in the battle when I first arrived, but why do I feel so excited!"

"Last night, Mr. Ma Hong came over to help us install a new type of tree house heavy crossbow. It feels like the door to a new world has been opened!",

A lot of survivors from District 1 came, and they discussed excitedly one by one.

"Of course I will win. You newcomers don't know that the explorers have already killed two giant beasts!"

"Giant beast? What is a giant beast?" The survivors from District 1 asked with some doubts.

Everyone in District 188 knew about Xu Xin's repelling of the blood-streaked troll and giant worm, but the people in District 1 didn't know it yet.

Although he only repelled the two giant beasts with serious injuries, under false rumors, it was they who killed the two giant beasts.

However, it's almost done, the troll's body was blown to pieces, and the giant worm's head was also blown up.

These two big guys probably won't come here again.

"Ah? You don't even know about giant beasts? Ah, brothers from District 1, uh... You know the monsters that Ultraman fights, right? The monsters are about the same size!"

"Fuck, is it real or not? There's still that kind of monster?!" The man was startled.

"Of course it's true! I'm the person involved, and I was there. I was in Mr. Xu Xin's tree house at the time! The power of that giant cannon is simply invincible! Now that we have this Crystal City as our base, we are already invincible. So take it easy!"

"Grass, I suddenly feel myself swell!"

"It's so unreal!"

The words outside came into his ears, making him smile slightly.

In fact, he was still a little worried. Hundreds of people had arrived yesterday, and if they were to participate in the battle today, it would cause dissatisfaction among the people.

But now it seems that it is much safer for them to fight in this crystal city and under this world tree, compared to their solitary and cautious survival one by one.

Not to mention that the explorer gave each of them equipment and installed a tree house heavy crossbow.

Their personal strength has increased exponentially, and in this case, they will naturally not be dissatisfied.


The enemies they have to face today are not comparable to them before.

After Xu Xin washed up casually, she took Ke Ke down from the tree house.

Ke Ke also just woke up, and was gnawing half an apple on his shoulder.

*** was also brought down, and left like an afterimage the moment it got down.

The commander of the outermost and first line of defense, the boss of the mutated herd, is about to go to the front line.

"It's Mr. Xu Xin!"

Before Xu Xin took two steps, he was discovered by other survivors.

"Don't call me Big Brother, but Brother Xin!"

"Oh, Brother Xin! Brother Xin is so handsome!"

"This is Xu Xinda...ah no, is this Brother Xin! As expected, he is the one who has been ranked number one before!"

"Haha, even that mysterious voice that dominates everything is now furious at Brother Xin and the others."

"Brother Xin is so handsome...does he still lack women?"

a girl asked in a low voice.

"Don't even think about it, there are quite a few women around Brother Xin, and all of them are beauties." A survivor from District 188 whispered.

Xu Xin was slightly speechless.

Suo Ran had quite a few women in his team, but Li Wenxi was the only one who actually had that relationship with him.

Xu Xin's tree house was inside the ravine, and the group of people were outside the ravine, the distance was not too close. The people there thought Xu Xin couldn't hear them, so they were all whispering.

On the ravine, an iron plate was paved as a bridge, allowing Xu Xin to easily walk through the five-meter-wide ravine. Of course, this iron plate will be retracted after the battle begins.

Walking through the ravine, he walked to the depths of the crowd, and these people stopped talking.

Facing Xu Xin at such a close distance, they were still a little cautious. At the same time, they looked at Xu Xin with eyes full of respect.

"How is it? Are you used to living here?" Xu Xin stepped forward and said with a smile, "The conditions here should be pretty good."

"I'm used to it, of course I'm used to it!" Seeing Xu Xin's friendly attitude, the others stopped being restrained and gathered around one after another.

"I'm so used to it! I've never felt so safe!" A strong man said immediately, "This is heaven!"

Xu Xin smiled and said, "Just get used to it. Since you have chosen this side, we won't let you suffer. However, don't be too confident. Today's battle is not as simple as you imagined."

Xu Xin's words made everyone look at each other in blank dismay.

The strongest survivors said so, and they began to get serious and tense.

"Remember, in today's battle, the treehouse should not be destroyed, and don't come out of the treehouse. The crossbow bolts assigned to each of you must be used in a planned way, and don't use them too fast, and don't be reluctant to use them. If your If the tree house is in danger of being destroyed..."

Xu Xin pointed to the crystal house next to her: "The crystal house is indestructible, you can hide in the crystal house."

Everyone nodded very seriously.

"Understood Brother Xin!"

"Understood, I'll tell them the rest!"

Xu Xin nodded, turned around and walked back.

The line of defense of their group of survivors is in the form of tree house crossbows covering the herd with firepower.

Enough to make the herd fall apart.

As for the exploding crossbow bolts, their own combat strength is not strong, so there is no need to come out to take risks.

Behind them, there were discussions among the survivors.

"The crystal house is indestructible!"

"That's right, it is said that the purple-grade steel weapons of the bosses have all been hacked, and they haven't hurt the crystal house at all."

"So strong?! Then let's just use the Crystal House as a fortress..."

"No way, the tree house heavy crossbow needs to be installed on the tree house."

"That's right, hey, it would be great if there were weapons that can be placed in the crystal house."

"There will definitely be. Isn't this because the siege is too urgent, and the bosses haven't had time to do it yet."

"It's true, haha, I feel that the big explorers really know everything!"

"In short, let's just complete our own tasks. Listen to brother Xin and don't go out of the tree house."

"I'm not afraid, my fighting power is very strong, I want to protect the World Tree with the bosses!"

"Haha, I have also killed a few mutant creatures. Even if the crossbow bolts are exhausted, I think I am still very powerful!"

"Didn't you say that Crystal City will make mutant creatures submit? There shouldn't be too much danger in the city, right?"

Back under her tree house, Xu Xin was about to go back into the tree house, when Lou Feier poked her head out from her tree house: "Xu Xin, come and have breakfast!"

Xu Xin was pulled into the tree house by her, and Zeng Tao and Jin Yue were also there.

"Where's Shi Wanyun?"

Xu Xin didn't see Shi Wanyun, so she asked.

"She, she went back to sleep in her tree last night

house. Lou Feier put the breakfast on the table, "What did she say that her own tree house has a random boost, and she might as well go back to sleep in her own tree house if she sleeps with me, so she sent it back directly."

That's okay.

But yes.

The last time Shi Wanyun told her that her tree house decoration degree has also reached 500 points, that is to say, she can also get a random boost and choose a historical boost at the same time.

The benefits of sleeping in your own tree house are indeed the greatest.

However, it was easy for her in the past, and if she wanted to come back, it would not be a matter of teleporting.

There is no teleportation device on Xu Xin's side. She needs to go from the large teleportation array on her side to the teleportation array on the edge of Crystal City here, and then walk back.

It's a little troublesome.

It seems that when Wen Xi comes back, he needs to make a few more coordinates.

Forget it now, after all, the coordinates need to consume a lot of materials.

"So is there still time for her to come?" Zeng Tao stuffed her mouth full and asked with some inarticulate speech.

While eating breakfast, Xu Xin sent Shi Wanyun a call request.

The connection was immediately made over there, and before Xu Xin could speak, she explained: "I'm already in Crystal City, and I'll be there soon."

A map appeared in Xu Xin's mind, and sure enough, a few hundred meters away from the teleportation array, there was a green spot of light heading towards Xu Xin, it should be Shi Wanyun.

"I see."

After hanging up the call, Xu Xin finished his breakfast.

"It's already seven o'clock." Lou Fei'er raised her hand to look at the time, "Within an hour... the enemy will attack."

"Yeah." Xu Xin stood up and picked up Coco, who was still gnawing on an apple, "I'll go back first, and you all go back to your own tree houses and wait for orders."

Back in his tree house, Xu Xin raised his watch and found that he had been pulled into a group.

It is a group called [Crystal City Survivors].

There are 248 people in the group. It seems that all survivors in Crystal City have been drawn into this group.

This kind of thing is usually done by Ji Chaoyang.

Ji Zhaoyang also posted some precautions in the group, which are similar to what Xu Xin said just now.

Qi Xuefei: "Everyone should have received two pills. The latest results of this pill can be taken in advance and last for about two hours. All injuries within these two hours can be recovered.

However, the effect of the pill has an upper limit. Multiple minor injuries within two hours can quickly recover, but a dying serious injury will exhaust the effect of the pill. no side effects. "

Qi Xuefei has a new research result.

The watch vibrated, and Qi Xuefei also initiated a deal with Xu Xin.

However, she gave Xu Xin a whole bottle with ten pills in it.

This thing is a good thing.

Take it in advance, it will take effect automatically, no need to consider whether you still have the consciousness and ability to take the pill after the serious injury.

This is just like Lou Feier and the others' near-death outbreak, they really have an extra life!

"You can only take one pill a day. Everyone, you must consider when you take the pill. You can also take it after injury. The effect of taking it after injury is basically the same as the previous pill, so try to take ordinary pills after injury."

Qi Xuefei explained again in the group.

Xu Xin was holding the medicine bottle, her eyes were slightly bright.

It should only be taken once a day and the effect lasts for two hours.

Not as reliable as Dying Outburst, but still strong.

Best of all, no side effects, no debilitation.

But at this moment, Xu Xin's expression changed.

On the map in his mind, several red dots suddenly appeared around Crystal City.

Immediately afterwards, countless red dots frantically sprang up around Crystal City!

In just three or four seconds, the entire Crystal City was surrounded by very dense red light spots!


Some red dots appear suddenly.

Another teleportation!

"Attention, the beast tide is coming!"

Xu Xin immediately warned everyone in the [Crystal City Survivors] group, "Crystal City has been surrounded!"

On the periphery of Crystal City, those green light spots also began to move.

Those mutated creatures who were instigated by the crystal city began to come out of the crystal house, planning to defend the crystal city!

"I see, we are surrounded in all directions!" Ji Zhaoyang also said in the group, "I'm afraid the first line of defense won't last long, everyone, get ready, we're going to fight soon!"

In Ji Chaoyang's increase today, there should be an increase in vision.

Everyone immediately echoed in the group.

Xu Xin saw that on the surrounding tree houses, those heavy crossbows adjusted their direction one by one, facing the outside of the Crystal City in unison.

All the heavy crossbows are adjusted together, neatly, it really feels like an army.

As long as the enemy comes in, these heavy crossbows will shoot death arrows!

Xu Xin immediately contacted Qin Fu: "Are you in your tree house now?"

"It's in the tree house," Qin Fu said immediately, "My perception distance is limited, and I can't perceive the situation outside the Crystal City."

"That's good, you don't need to go outside. If there is any situation below the ground near the World Tree, please let us know immediately."


Qin Fu's task is not to sense the surrounding herd of beasts, so he doesn't need to sense it at all.

They rely on his ability to sense the movement of the enemy digging holes from the ground.

Because, the underground situation, only he can clearly control it!

Therefore, a circle of ordinary trees was planted around the World Tree, making it easier for Qin Fu to explore the surroundings.

Beside him, Yin Wang and Ah Fu also came over.

"Ah Fu, if there are enemies in the air later, you can knock them down with your voice."

Ah Fu, with a wingspan of more than two meters, flapped his wings twice and let out a shrill cry.

"Silver King, follow me."

With the Silver King around, he has superb mobility.


"Hey!" Coco climbed onto the windowsill and looked outside.

And at this moment, the red dots around Crystal City moved.

They are like tides, surging towards Crystal City crazily!

In an instant, the periphery of Crystal City was wrapped!

After entering the Crystal City, the speed of the red dot did not slow down, and it was still pouring into the city!

"Sure enough, the herd of beasts this time will not be affected by the Crystal City." Xu Xin narrowed her eyes, "Mutated creatures without the blood of giant beasts!"

At the same time, the dense green dots on the periphery of Crystal City instantly matched the red tide!

The brightness of these red light spots is slightly lighter than that of the green light spots.

After all, after the baptism of the Crystal City in the past two days, the overall strength of the mutant creatures on the periphery has also been improved. According to Wen Guixin, their size has grown a lot.

With the double blessing of the bloodline mutation and the bloodline of the giant beast, they should be stronger.

But... the intensity of the beast horde this time is even higher than last time! Even more!

The green light spot was instantly submerged by the red light spot!

Of course, these green light spots did not disappear, but fought in the red tide!

It can be seen that around each green light spot, the red light spots are constantly decreasing.

The advance of the red wave was instantly blocked!

"Good work ***." Xu Xin whispered.

However, just this first line of defense cannot always stop the overall progress of the beast tide.

The red light spots have indeed decreased, but they are still dense!

Although the green light spots are brighter, and the countless red light spots quickly dim, but...

The difference in numbers between the two sides is really too big


Enemies continued to pour in, and the number of green light spots began to slowly decrease.

At this time, on the battlefield in the north, a large area of ​​red light spots was dyed green, and at the same time, the green was like a virus, rapidly expanding towards the red group!

It was Wen Guixin who made the move!

The enemy mutated creatures over there were infected by her!

Her ability is still the most effective way to deal with the herd!

But...the battle line is too long.

The length of the entire edge of the city is nearly twenty kilometers.

Although the north is dominated by Wen Guixin's ability, other locations simply cannot be infected so quickly!

And at this moment, the other party seemed to have discovered the problem.

Ever since, the actions of the red dots have changed!

They no longer fight against the green light spots, but frantically rush towards the World Tree!

It seems that there is only one purpose left, which is to approach the World Tree at the fastest speed!

Friendly mutants are less stressed and can kill enemies faster, but...

The speed of the influx of the red wave accelerated instantly!

Countless red light spots directly crossed the green line of defense and rushed towards the world tree!

"Everyone, it's time for you to show your talents!" Xu Xin immediately said to the crowd, "In a minute, a wave of mutant beasts will come, make good use of the control panels and heavy crossbows in your treehouse!"

" They run too fast!" In the group, Wen Guixin scolded.

"Come back quickly, the closer you are to the World Tree, the more concentrated the herd of beasts will be, and the stronger your ability will be!" Xu Xin said to Wen Guixin immediately.

"Okay! I'll go back now!"

Wen Guixin stepped onto an infected leopard and hurried back.

Xu Xin watched the front line nervously.

He could already clearly see that countless mutated creatures were walking through Crystal City.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that in the eastern sky, there appeared a dense patch of darkness...

"Everyone, pay attention to the sky! Flying mutants are coming!"

In the group, Ji Zhaoyang issued a warning at the same time.

Flying mutated creatures are indeed here!

(end of this chapter)